Down in the depths of the Zoldyck mansion are two locked away corridors one full of coloured paintings leading to the young Alluka's room. The other is dark and is dressed in such a black that sends a chill down anybodies spine, the one that has a deafening silence holds the room of the feared first born, the twin sister, the strongest Zoldyck to ever come to be.

Izumi Zoldyck

From birth it was clear, the child that both Silva and Kikyo had bore, was beyond any strength either of them had ever witnessed.

Born as a twin with brother Illumi, Izumi was his opposite. She was sweet to his sour, kind to his horrible and loving to his hateful, but this would not do for an assassins lifestyle. Beginning her fourth birthday she would begin to learn that her thoughts and her feelings were not good enough for her family.

After 6 years of relentless training her spirit was broken, now ten years old she was completely void of emotion just like her perfect brother who had already achieved 92 confirmed kills. She awoken on a tuesday evening to a thudding headache, her eyes closed, dull from the pain she tried lifting her arm to bring her head some comfort but there was no movement to her demand. Something had her arms restrained, attempting to stand, there was again no movement as her legs too had been immobilized, with nothing but the silent hum of electricity in the air to listen to Izumi was alone with her thoughts. How long had she been here ? What had happened to cause this constant head throbbing ? Where was Illumi ?, he was usually with her in these situations, confusion was all she knew. She tried to wrench her arms free from their bonds but was only met with narrow straps digging into her wrists, more pain. Izumi cried out in pain, had she been left here to rot ? No, from the darkness emerged the blinding light of an opening door and the sound of dragging footsteps echoed over the humming electricity.

"Ah sweetie youre awake again!" exclaimed an all too familiar voice. Kikyo, her brutally careless mother. Kikyo was the main source of Izumi's torture and then she realised, she was back in the electrocution room. "That means you're ready to go again!" in her excitement she called for Illumi but was stopped when a deep voice bellowed from behind her.

"No More Kikyo" Silva Zoldyck, a grand man. Tall, Muscular, Handsome everything the head of a family should be, she stood tall before her "Izumi has endured enough leave her now"

Something inside the woman snapped "no No NO, she is not yet even half the perfection of her brother, we must continue, ILLUMI!" she cried as she stomped in annoyance, why must her husband always belittle her methods, well that's simple. Silva could see what Izumi had become.

The ten year old that was once full of spirit, life and compassion was now heartless, her face pale and lacking of any emotion. His daughter was dead inside, the spark she had those many years ago was gone and her aura was beginning to show and it was time for him to tutor her.