Fifteen minutes was all that remained of Peter Parker's science class. Usually one of his favourite subjects.

But with a pounding headache, the questions in his science textbook could no longer hold his attention for more than a few moments. He needed to leave now, to get some help. Whether the class was finished or not.

Noticing Peter getting up from his chair, Peter's friend Ned Leeds turned to him and whispered. "Hey, what's up?"

"I've got a headache. I've got to go. Stall for me." Peter explained and stormed out of the classroom, leaving Ned to provide an excuse to the teacher.

"Peter, where are you—"

"Uh… he had to go the bathroom."

Turning to the person most qualified to help him in an expedient manner, Peter took his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his contacts. The names blurring, until he reached the middle of the list and found the number of Doctor Stephen Strange, he had been entrusted with.

"Doctor Strange? This is Peter Parker. This is really important, I really need your help." Peter left an urgent message, somewhat exaggerating the severity of the situation. Whatever would get him to come faster.

A few moments later, the golden glow of a sling ring materialized and Doctor Strange stepped out of a dimensional portal. Looking slightly out of place in a modern high school, wearing his traditional garments.

"I got your call, what's the problem? Is your school under attack?" Doctor Strange asked, prepared to deal with any threat Peter had called him for. What he didn't know, was that Peter's cry for help was a little more mundane than that.

"No. I have a test next period and I have a headache. I want to know if it's serious."

"You called me, using my personal number only to be used in dire emergencies, to tell me that you have a headache?" Doctor Strange reiterated what Peter had just told him, feeling annoyed that Peter had misused his phone number to call him about something as common as a headache.

"I know how it sounds. But I just need you to be a doctor, right now OK?"

"Right. Have you experienced any symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or weakness?" Stephen quickly switched to his role as a doctor and asked Peter about a series of symptoms, before quickly putting his hand on Peter's forehead to check for a fever before he could even answer.

"You don't have a fever, so we can rule that one out."

"Well, actually I have been feeling sluggish since it's been kind of hot lately and I might have forgotten to eat breakfast because I studied late last night and slept in."

"You're dehydrated and you've missed a meal. No wonder you've got a headache." Doctor Strange sympathized with Peter's situation. No stranger to hot New York weather or missing out on food as a result of late-night studying.

"If you have something to eat in your locker, go eat that. I'll be back soon." Doctor Strange advised and went towards the corridor with the nearest vending machine.

Coming back with a beverage in his hand, Doctor Strange found Peter at his locker, eating a sandwich and handed him a bottle of Gatorade.

"Drink this. It'll balance your electrolytes."

"Thanks Dr. Strange. You're a life saver." Peter thanked the doctor, giving him too much credit. Reminding Stephen of the need to redefine the circumstances in which Peter could call him.

"Yes, about that… please only call me if there's a crisis on a planetary scale."

"Yeah. That's my bad…" Peter acknowledged, as Doctor Strange opened a portal with his sling ring. "Thanks again!" Peter felt the need to call out, as Doctor Strange entered the portal and disappeared from sight.

Story idea credit of Peter calling Doctor Strange for a headache goes to Tom Holland. The story he told in his Screen Rant interview was so cute that I needed to complete it, with some minor changes to fully exploit the school setting.

Requests for lighthearted interactions with other characters are also open.

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