Chapter I; Unions

Takiko sat watching from a rooftop. More new recruits had come in for the second time this week. He leaned back looking over the kids carrying keyblades. They would be divided into their unions soon. They would be greeted by their master then be left under the care of their Chirithy. A stupid system in his opinion. That's why he would lend a helping hand to the ones who ended up in his union.

"I bet that girl there with mint hair is going to be a Vulpes." Kamiko said from beside him. Takiko glanced at his sister then looked at the mint-haired girl in question. She was small and shying away from most others. Only a white-haired girl seemed to be able to talk to her.

"My bet is she's a Leopardus." He said calmly. Kamiko laughed, brushing her short strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.

"You always bet Leopardus." She said kicking her feet back and forth. Her Chirithy sat on her lap. It didn't look happy, it probably objected them being together. They were in different unions after all. His own Chirithy wasn't around, probably trying to ignore the fact Takiko made friends outside of his union.

"She just looks like an outsider. Master Gula takes good care of outsiders." Takiko said calmly. "Anyway, you always bet Vulpes so what's the difference if I always bet Leopardus?"

"At least I'm actually in Vulpes. You're not in Leopardus." Kamiko said. On her lap, her Chirithy sighed. Kamiko ignored it like she often did. "They're starting to split." She said. Takiko watched the newbies split up into five groups. They began looking at the other groups in a distrusting manner.

"I have to go take my group to see Master Invi." Takiko said standing up. Kamiko stood beside him.

"Yeah, I should take my bunch to Master Ava." She said. Both jumped down into the town square at the same time as three others. They always had a way of jumping down together.

"Ursus please follow me, Master Aced will welcome you to our union!" Said one of the ones who had jumped down. He was taller than the others and looked a little older. He had brown hair and brown eyes with a tan skin tone. He was wearing brown pants with a black shirt and red jacket over top of that. His Chirithy sat on his shoulder. As his group worked its way towards him he glared at the other four guides. Takiko rolled his eyes, ignoring the glare. Espen was very much like the bear that represented his union, he didn't get along well with others. After he had his group he left the square with them following after him.

"Will all Unicornis please come over here? Master Ira is waiting." A young woman with blonde hair said. She wore a blue dress with a Moogle pouch on her side. She had a white jacket on over top of the dress with her Chirithy on her back. She paid no mind to the other three, focusing on counting the group that was walking towards her. Adiana rarely acknowledged the other unions, she was far more concerned with her own. When her group reached her she too left the square but through a different route.

"Leopardus. Over here. Master Gula is expecting you." A boy with purple hair said motioning for the group to come to him. He wore a red shirt with a black jacket and black pants. He had black gloves and two bracelets that looked like zippers. His Chirithy stood beside him. He nodded to Takiko and Kamiko as he led his group out of the square. Jax was usually more polite than the other two, but he was a loner and rarely spoke.

"Alright then, Vulpes with me, please! We're going to go see Master Ava!" Kamiko said waving, holding her Chirithy against her chest like a doll. She wore a pink dress with a zipper up one side and multiple belts. Her sleeves fell off her shoulders. She had a pink and gold scarf and a bracelet that looked like crossed zippers that matched the bracelet Takiko wore. A group approached her rather shyly. She smiled at them and turned to lead the way out of the square. She waved to Takiko as she left.

"I'm to assume the rest of you belong to Anguis." Takiko said surveying the group. He was surprised to see the mint-haired girl him and Kamiko had been betting on. "Follow me, Master Invi will see you." He said turning to lead the group to where Master Invi was waiting.

The group followed him hesitantly like they were afraid he would bite. A few of them whispered to each other. Takiko didn't pay much heed to the whispers, he was used to them. Many people whispered behind his back. They called him a traitor for socializing outside of his own union. Not to mention the dark aura he gave off, he unsettled people.

"Um, excuse me, sir?" A timid voice said. Takiko glanced over his shoulder to find where the voice had come from. He was surprised to see the mint-haired girl had worked her way to the front of the group right behind him.

"Sir isn't necessary, my name is Takiko. What is it you need?" Takiko said. His calm words seemed to put the group following him at ease.

"I noticed all the others had those cat things with them, is there a reason you don't have one?" The girl asked. Takiko smirked and looked forward.

"My Chirithy is around here somewhere. He doesn't stick too close to me." He said.

"Oh." The girl said. She fell silent and remained so for the rest of the time they were walking.

Takiko took the group to the bridge by the towers of Daybreak Town. Standing on the bridge was the master of the Anguis union. She was looking at the water rather than the new group. Like always, her face was covered by the snake mask and her head was covered by her cloak's hood. Takiko bowed his head in respect.

"Master Invi, I've brought our new members." Takiko said. The woman turned to survey them.

"Thank you Takiko, I assume you will be assisting their Chirithy's in teaching them." Master Invi said. Takiko nodded. "Very well." She said. She stepped towards the group surveying them. As her face was hidden it was impossible to tell what she was thinking.

"I welcome you all to my union. You know your duty, you must collect lux to keep the darkness at bay. Your heart has called you to this union, why remains to be seen. But I'm certain you will find many friends and allies amongst our ranks. We are prided for our loyalty, I expect such from you. I place my trust in you and hope that in return you place your trust in me. Takiko, my lieutenant, will act as your guide for the beginning of your journey. Remain loyal no matter what path you take, and you are sure to never fall into darkness. Good luck." Master Invi said. Her voice rang out strong and clear, she was obviously used to the authority she had been granted. The group she was addressing didn't speak or really acknowledged her at all. They were startled by her warning. She turned to Takiko and nodded before walking away.

Takiko turned to the group and sighed. They were confused by Master Invi's words. She had started a panic unintentionally.

"The foretellers are very busy and have only been getting busier. She's actually a very warm person, normally. But, lately, she's been very worried." Takiko explained. The group looked at each other concerned. The mint haired girl stepped forward once again.

"What's going on?" She asked. Takiko frowned. Beside him, in a ball of smoke, his Chirithy appeared.

"It's nothing the foretellers can't handle," Chirithy said. Takiko nodded in agreement. The new members didn't have to know yet.

"Yeah, they'll be able to sort it out. Just a lot of new keyblade wielders." He said with a false smile. The mint haired girl nodded but didn't look convinced. Takiko sighed. "Let's get started." He said brushing back his strawberry blonde hair.


Annora looked at the man wearing a unicorn mask in awe. She couldn't believe she was a keyblade wielder. She couldn't believe this was finally happening. The grey cat dream eater she had been given was sitting on her shoulders. Chirithy, it was called. Its presence was reassuring, telling her it wasn't a dream.

They had been greeted warmly. They were given their job. Annora didn't think there was anything else to be told. But Master Ira was yet to leave.

"There is one more thing I must inform you of. I'm certain the other foretellers are yet to tell their unions, but I see only trouble from withholding this information." He said. Annora frowned as whispers rushed through the group of new recruits. They were all questions. Murmurs of confusion. "There is a traitor amongst the foretellers. Someone who wishes to start a war. Who it is we are unaware of, but we will find him. Until then, I ask you all to join together. We may rely on you to find the traitor."

More whispers rushed through the group. Annora thought about what he had said. 'We will find him'. Was that a sign of suspicion towards a certain foreteller showing? Or was it just coincidence? The boy next to Annora looked at her scared.

"A war? What are we supposed to do? And how are we supposed to find the traitor?" He asked sounding terrified. Annora shrugged.

"I don't know. But, there must be some way, if he even bothered telling us." She said. The boy nodded and looked back to Master Ira.

"Our union's pride is honesty. I expect you to uphold that. If you learn of something, please inform me as soon as possible. If you can not find me, Adiana will pass the message along." Master Ira continued. He nodded to his group before leaving, looking very proud of them for some reason. Adiana stepped forward after he had gone.

"Please do not spread word of this war yet. The other unions are not fully aware. You have been given your task, Chirithy will act as your guide. Good luck." She said. She smiled at her union before she too left them. The new keyblade wielders began to file out of the square they had been in, being guided away by their Chirithy.

Annora brushed back her white hair watching the others leave. The boy who had spoken to her waved as his Chirithy pulled him away. Her own Chirithy tugged on her arm.

"Come on! I got lots to teach ya!" Chirithy said. Annora smiled at the cat-like dream eater and nodded.

"Yeah, of course. But before that can I go talk to a friend of mine?" She asked. Chirithy thought for a second tapping its chin with a paw. It was silent for a while but finally seemed to decide.

"Well, I guess it's ok. But we have to make it quick." Chirithy said. Annora nodded understanding. She set off from the square to find her best friend, Lyra. If Annora remembered correctly Lyra had been in the Anguis union.

Annora went back to the square with the fountain. The square the group of new recruits had started in. Lyra was standing there waiting, her Chirithy right beside her. Lyra reached up to brush back a stray piece of mint colored hair when she saw Annora. Lyra smiled before running over to Annora. The girls joined hands and spun around giggling like mad.

"We finally did it!" The mint haired girl said excitedly. She jumped up and down in joy, her blue eyes filled with elation.

"I know Lyra! But I can barely believe it!" Annora said just as happy as her friend.

"What was your master like?" Lyra asked brushing back another stray hair. Annora thought for a minute, rocking her head side to side as she tried to find the best words to describe Master Ira.

"He was certainly interesting. Really straightforward and honest to a point of bluntness." Annora said after several minutes of thinking. Lyra laughed bringing her hand up to hide her mouth. "What about your master?" Annora asked. Lyra's laughing cut off abruptly. She was silent trying to think.

"Well, she seemed kind enough. But I feel like there's something she's not telling us." Lyra said. She looked at Annora almost ashamed of herself. Annora pursed her lips together and nodded, remembering what Adiana had said. But Lyra was her friend, she couldn't keep something as important as the war a secret.

"What made you think she was hiding something?" Annora asked. Lyra shrugged.

"She seemed kinda distant like she didn't want to place too much trust in us. And she made a huge deal about loyalty. Then her lieutenant said she was usually really kind but she had been worried lately. When I asked what was going on, he just said it was nothing for us to worry about, the foretellers could handle it. Just a lot of new keyblade wielders." Lyra said. She looked to Annora hoping for reassurance, that much Annora could tell. Annora sighed and looked at her feet.

"My master mentioned the others might be acting like that," Annora said. Lyra looked up at her in shock. "He said there's a traitor that's trying to start a war putting everyone on edge." Lyra gasped stepping back. Her hand once again went to her mouth.

"But, who would do such a thing?" Lyra asked in a whisper, looking around the square for anyone who might be listening in. There was no one in sight.

"I don't know. And neither do the foretellers. Whoever this traitor is, they're covering their tracks well. The only thing they're leaving behind is chaos." Annora said in a whisper. Lyra nodded glancing over her shoulder again. She pursed her lips together before looking back to Annora.

"Do you think people might think we're up to something. I mean, if we meet like this when we're not in the same union?" Lyra asked. Annora frowned looking at her feet. Surely they wouldn't be suspected after just arriving. There was no way for them to be involved yet.

"No sane person should. We haven't been here long enough to cause any damage." Annora said.

"But it's considered unloyal to your union." Annora's Chirithy said. Lyra's Chirithy nodded in agreement. Lyra looked at Annora afraid.

"Well, they can deal with it. I'm not ditching my best friend because of different unions. That's stupid." Annora snapped. Lyra smiled at Annora, grateful for her words.

"Thanks Nori." Lyra said. She looked up at the sky. "I got to get going. Our lieutenant was teaching us a few things, I don't want to take too long getting back. I'll meet you here tomorrow at noon, okay?" She asked. Annora nodded. Lyra smiled before running off to complete whatever task she had been assigned.

Annora sighed looking at her Chirithy. "So, what is it you need to teach me?" She asked. Chirithy laughed jumping up.

"Quite a bit, we had better get started," Chirithy said. Annora smiled a little and nodded at the cat-like dream eater.


The purple haired boy brushed his unruly bangs aside out of his left eye and further into his right eye. He had a half ponytail on the left side of his head keeping his hair off that side of his face. On the right side, his hair fell freely. The boy was walking through the darker alleys of Daybreak Town. If any other union saw him they would surely think he was up to something.

"Jax, over here." A soft voice called. The purple haired boy didn't question it and followed the voice into an abandoned building. Sitting inside on a crate was the master of the Leopardus union. He was looking down at the ground thinking. Jax bowed his head in respect to his master.

"Master Gula." Jax said shortly. Gula shook his head and waved his hand. Jax smiled faintly watching his master.

"I've told you many times Jax, you're my friend. There's no need for formalities when it's just us." Gula said calmly. Jax nodded his head, keeping his eyes on the floor. He tugged at the leather bracelet that held a zipper in the middle.

"I know. It's just habit." Jax said with a soft grin. Gula nodded looking up at Jax, smiling very softly.

"A habit I'm sure you could change if you tried hard enough." He said. Jax shrugged, not trusting himself to answer. He didn't know what he would say to that and didn't want to risk saying something he would later regret.

"Find anything interesting on your exploration?" Gula asked, moving past the last topic. Jax shook his head.

"Nothing more than what you expected. Master Ira has told his union of the traitor. The others appear to be withholding that information from all but a select few." He said. Jax saw the union leader frown underneath his leopard mask.

"That could cause unrest. If the members of his union were to spread the news, the members of unions not informed will feel betrayed." Gula muttered.

"We should tell our union then. Before he can spread suspicion." Jax said. Gula nodded.

"You're probably right. Ira certainly suspects someone already. He will use them not telling their union as 'evidence'." He agreed. Jax frowned, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"You think he suspects you?"

Gula shook his head and chuckled. "No, I don't. Or at least I hope he sees enough sense to know it's not me."

"Do you have any clue who the traitor might be?" Jax asked cautiously. Gula shook his head in response. His frown returned once again.

"I'm afraid not. I don't want to go pointing fingers until I'm certain, to avoid as much fighting as possible." He said. Jax nodded slowly, thinking of ways to locate the traitor before too much damage had been done.

"Does the Master of Masters know who it is?" Jax asked quietly. Gula shrugged.

"There's no way to tell. We haven't seen the Master in some time now." He stood up and headed towards the door. "Gather the members of our union. It's high time they knew of the traitor." Jax nodded his head.

"What will be the meeting time, and where?" He asked. Gula stopped to think a moment.

"Our usual gathering place, sundown." He finally decided. Jax nodded once again. Gula gave Jax a small smile and a nod before walking out into the street. Jax sighed looking towards the door. He had been friends with Gula for a very long time. Since before Gula was an apprentice of the Master of Masters. Jax had never seen Gula so worried. Not even when the Master started to insinuate he might disappear. All of this trouble over one little traitor.

You could change it. A small voice in his head said. Jax shook his head, trying to clear the voice.

"Chirithy." Jax called. The grey cat like dream eater appeared in a small poof. Jax gave it a small smile.

"Did Master Gula order something important?" Chirithy asked. Jax nodded.

"Pass a message to the other Chirithy's. Meeting today at sundown. The usual place." Chirithy nodded.

"Got it." It said before vanishing in the same cloud it had appeared in. Jax stared at the place Chirithy had vanished for a moment before sighing. He left the building, in search of something he could do before the meeting that night.

Jax found something to do not too long after leaving the abandoned building. A young keyblade wielder was speaking to her Chirithy. The girl had dark brown hair tied back in a bun and was wearing a green shirt with tan shorts. She looked very distressed.

"I'm just not sure. Why would the keyblade choose me? I've never been all that special." The girl said. Jax stood off to the side watching. This girl belonged to his union, that he knew for sure. She was one of the beginners though. Her doubts could lead her into the darkness if she wasn't careful. Jax waited to hear the Chirithy's explanation and was shocked to hear none.

"It doesn't matter why you were chosen, just what you do now that you have been chosen." The Chirithy said cheerfully. The new keyblade wielder didn't look convinced at all. Jax sighed seeing no other choice. He'd have to step in.

"Chirithy's are really bad at explaining things sometimes," Jax said casually as he came closer to the young keyblade wielder. She jumped turning to face him.

"Jax sir! I'm sorry, I didn't see you!" She said quickly. Jax shook his head and waved off her concern.

"No need for an apology. It was my fault for not announcing my presence." Jax said calmly. The girl relaxed a little and nodded. "As for the well-aimed question to your Chirithy, the answer is complicated. Are you sure you want to know?" He asked. The girl looked at him surprised but nodded.

"I don't want to fight if I don't know the reason." She said. "I don't mean to disrespect the foretellers by questioning, I just want to know." Her eyes were aimed at the ground, avoiding looking at Jax. Jax smiled softly at the young girl.

"Everyone questions what they do eventually. Even the foretellers have questioned the Master of Masters teachings." Jax said causing the girl to meet his eyes in shock. "The keyblade doesn't always choose strong people or special people. Sometimes the hero needed is an ordinary person, who understands the pains of ordinary life. You were chosen for a reason, what the reason was is whatever you decide it to be. Find why you want to fight, and hold it dear. It's the only way to keep out the darkness."

The girl looked at Jax in awe. She smiled and nodded, processing his words. He was probably the first to directly try to answer her question, rather than the Chirithy who would avoid such topics. That's probably why so many fell into darkness. The Chirithy's couldn't offer the same guidance a human could.

"Thank you." The girl said. Jax nodded and walked away, his mind filling with thoughts. The system was unbalanced. There was a flaw in the design. And only one person could fix that. But he was near impossible to find. But then again, Jax never let something impossible stand in his way. Jax could fix the problem, but first, he had to find the Master of Masters.


Kamiko kneeled down in the grass outside of Daybreak Town. Not far away Master Ava stood watching the lively town. Different flowers sprouted all around them. Kamiko plucked a dandelion from the grass and twirled it in between her fingers. Her brown eyes glanced over at her master occasionally.

"What do you think of the new recruits this time around?" Ava asked. Kamiko shrugged watching the dandelion spin between her fingers. Yellowish pollen fell from the flower onto the tips of Kamiko's fingers.

"Hard to say, since we just got them." Kamiko said calmly. She glanced up at Ava with concern. She could feel that the foreteller was on edge. Maybe because she saw something in one of the new members. Or maybe just because of the mess with the traitor.

"Well, people have always said first impressions are important," Ava said, glancing back at Kamiko then quickly looking away again. Kamiko laughed a little, thinking back to the new members.

"Well, for first impressions they don't seem like much." She said. She smiled as her gaze returned to the dandelion in her hand. The pollen had begun to cover not just her fingers, but the entire back of her hand. "But I have faith in them." Kamiko said, nodding her head. A confirmation to herself as much as to Ava. There was a pause as both keyblade wielders fell into their own thoughts.

"Are things going well with the other union masters?" Kamiko asked casually. The question, though innocent enough caused Ava to tense up.

"As far as I know." Ava replied softly. "But you know they aren't very open with me. Or with anyone for that matter." She looked down at the ground. Under the fox mask, her sad frown was visible. Kamiko suspected her eyes were watering.

"It's a shame you guys can't stick together through all this." Kamiko said wistfully. She meant no offense. Only wished there was no need for war.

"How do you and Takiko manage?" Ava asked. "Isn't it hard on you two, being separated?" Ava looked back to the town as if she could possibly see Takiko from their location.

"Yeah, it can be hard," Kamiko admitted. "But we decided we cared more for each other than we did our unions long ago. We know it could get us marked as traitors, but it's worth it. We stick together no matter what." She continued explaining. She chuckled to herself thinking of her brother. Ava nodded thinking. A lot of what Kamiko had said she didn't fully understand. Maybe it was something only twins could understand.

There was another pause between the two. Ava watched the town while Kamiko returned her attention to the dandelion in her hand.

"Kamiko, I'm scared." Ava said suddenly. Kamiko glanced up at her concerned. She set the dandelion back onto the ground. She stood and walked towards the young foreteller, who really wasn't much older than Kamiko herself.

"What are you scared for?" Kamiko asked. Ava let out a shaky laugh, wrapping her arms around herself. She was shaking ever so slightly if you weren't paying attention it could pass off as the wind.

"The war. The traitor. Need I say more?" She asked. She gave another shaky laugh. Kamiko frowned. The whole idea of a war scared her as well. She didn't know as much about it as Ava did, but it still scared her. Almost as much as a traitor.

"I understand Ava, it is a scary thought huh?" Kamiko said. She frowned thinking of what to say next. "But, light always finds a way, doesn't it?" Ava tensed more at Kamiko's words.

"I suppose you're right. I'm worrying over nothing." Ava said. Kamiko frowned looking down at her feet.

"No, you're worrying over something. Something that is dangerous." Kamiko said. Ava took in a shocked breath at her words. "But someone has to worry. Otherwise, well it wouldn't be pretty." There was silence for awhile. Ava was thinking about what Kamiko had said.

"I'm glad I have you Kamiko. I don't think you realize how important you are to me." Ava said. She smiled under her fox mask. Kamiko looked at her curiously, her head tilted to the side.

"What do you mean?" Kamiko asked. Ava softly laugh, this one wasn't a nervous laugh however, it was a calm one. The laugh she normally had when talking to the other key-bearers.

"It gets lonely as a foreteller. I'm glad I have a friend like you to talk to. You just understand so much that I'm certain others wouldn't get." Ava replied. Kamiko smiled and nodded.

"Well, I'm glad I can be here for you." Kamiko said. Off in the distance a bell rung. Kamiko's head snapped towards town. Ava chuckled at her behavior, familiar with its meaning.

"Be sure to tell Takiko I said hello, ok?" Ava said. Kamiko laughed a little and curtsied in Ava's direction.

"Of course my Lady." She said. Ava glanced over at Kamiko and smiled once again. Kamiko turned and waved before heading back into town to meet with her brother.

A/N: And here is the beginning of the prequel, up much sooner than I thought it would be because I actually had free time today. It's a miracle.

actress4him: Thanks for the review. After this story I will actually do a Birth By Sleep story followed then by a KHII. I do plan on completing the series, so have no fear. Hopefully I'll be able to answer all your questions.

Guest: Thanks for your input! The story in KHII will definitely be fun to write, especially with the Heartless.

Chirithy564: Thank you so much. I'm going to have to check out your stories sometime soon. Your encouragement has meant so much. I hope you enjoy this story just as much!