First off an apology, I feel like I've been away ages. A 7 week stint on jury service followed by my mother in law staying and I've just had very little time to even think about writing and posting. For those that are interested in was an Attempted Murder case, a drugs hand shot another drug gang member in the face with a sawn off shotgun, and yes, we did find them guilty. They got 95 years all together. I'm so glad I got the chance to watch it all unfold though.

But I'm back and with a fic which starts off as a Unilock/Virginlock but goes all the way through to the end of season 4. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1

The music was loud and Molly was having a hard time hearing the boy she was being chatted up by. He'd already bought her one drink and persuaded a kiss from her and now he was offering to buy her another.

The uni bar was alive with people for a disco, it didn't quite have the full street cred of a rave, and Molly was hoping to catch herself a guy. So far since she got to university a few months earlier she had had slim pickings. The guys in her class had soon given up on her once they realised she was brighter than them and most of the others seemed to consider her too stand offish or geeky. Tonight she'd tried to soften her look by curling her long hair which was normally pulled back in a tight pony tail. She'd also had her make up put on by her far more glamorous friend, Caroline, …a friend who'd trapped off with a guy half an hour ago and was now nowhere to be seen.

Phil nudged her elbow and passed her her drink, a Bacardi and coke but before she could even bring it to her lips there was a shout from her left and a hand reached over and plucked it out of her grip. She recognised the guy who'd taken it but she just stared at him in open mouthed shock as he ranted at Phil and she felt her blood run cold when she heard the words Rohipnol and a promise to report him to the police. She knew that drug…it had been in the news recently, it was called the date rape drug. She stared at Phil who was looking angry, but more than that he looked defensive and embarrassed.

Fists were formed and for a moment Molly thought the two of them were actually going to have a fight in the middle of the bar but then Phil just swore, called her a miserable, flat-chested bitch and then he turned on his heels and walked away. The whole incident had taken less than a minute and Molly was reeling with shock.

Her erstwhile saviour watched the other guy go before turning back to her, still holding what she now guessed was a spiked drink.

'I take it you've figured out why I stepped in.'

She nodded and pointed to her glass. 'He drugged my drink.'

'Yeah, I saw him doing it. I was just about to leave but I couldn't stand by and do nothing.'

All she felt was utter relief and gratitude that he had intervened, she didn't even like to consider what could have happened if he hadn't.

'Thank you so much. C…can I buy you a drink... to say thank you?'

He narrowed his eyes and looked around as though searching for an escape route. He was quite a bit taller than her and she guesstimated he was about six foot. He had shaggy, curly dark hair which was cut quite short at the back but fell over his eyes, eyes that she already knew were gorgeous.

She knew for a fact he wasn't taking the same Medical Degree that she was but she had seen him sitting in on some of their classes; anatomy being the main one.

She put her hand on his arm and his eyes latched on to their point of contact but she didn't pull away. 'Please.'

'Fine, go on. I need to get the barman to pour this away…can't just leave it out in case someone else decides to drink it.'

Molly scrunched her nose up at the idea of someone picking up a random drink but she knew he was right, some of the skint drunks here probably would out of desperation.

She followed him as he made his way through the crowd. No one ever seemed to see her and she always had to push her way through but they seemed to part before him, most scowling but others nodding to him in recognition. She didn't know much about him but she did know that he was called Sherlock Holmes and that even though he was eighteen like her he'd already graduated Chemistry and was now taking a masters class. The terms banded around were child prodigy, genius and wanker in equal measure. She had also heard that he was a druggie but she'd never seen any sign of it herself, not that she hung around in those kind of circles; Molly Hooper was a good girl even if she sometimes wished she wasn't.

When they got to the bar he ordered a Bacardi and coke for Molly and a double whiskey for himself and then he stood back to let her pay. She smiled at him appreciating the gesture. This was her way of saying thank you and he was making it clear he wasn't picking her up…at least not by buying her drinks. She did hope he still wanted to pick her up though as he was hands down the most attractive guy that she had ever seen.

She also heard him asking for the bar manager before giving him the spiked drink and describing Phil down to a tee.

Finally they had their drinks and then she was following him through the crowds to a back room that she hadn't even known existed. As they went through the door he murmured in her ear about it being a post-grads only room but she figured she was allowed in as his guest.

They could still hear the music but it wasn't as grating and rather than standing room it was filled with ancient chairs and settees. Most of them were filled with older kids but they found a free one near a back entrance and settled themselves into it.

Molly turned towards him and gave him her best smile but he just sat hunched over staring at his drink.

'I know you don't I?'

He glanced round at her and frowned.

'You come into some of the anatomy classes?'

'Oh right…yeah. I've seen you in there as well…class swot from the answers you've given.'

She blushed with hurt embarrassment. It appeared he didn't like a clever girl either…but then he carried on.

'Makes a pleasant change to hear someone giving intelligent answers for once. I fear for our national health with the state of some of the imbeciles taking medicine.'

She couldn't help but chuckle at his disgust so she decided to quiz him some more.

'So, why do you come in…you aren't taking medicine are you?'

'No, but my classes are boring so I often skip them to go to others. It's either that or shooting up, anything to relieve the boredom.' He sighed and Molly felt completely conflicted. She was horrified by his open admission of drug taking but likewise she couldn't help the feelings of attraction going through her as she spoke to him. Maybe it was the bad boy image or the idea of fixing someone who was broken but she found him fascinating.

'So, what about you….what's your name?'

'Molly, Molly Hooper.'

'So, what about you Molly Hooper? What's your ambition in life? Don't tell me…you want to save the world by treating plague victims in Africa or become a paediatrician and curing children, shedding a tear every time for those you couldn't save.'

Molly resented him pigeon holing her like that…it was just like everyone else in her life and she was fed up of it. She lifted her head and jutted her jaw out determinedly. 'Actually, I want to specialise in pathology. I always have.'

He finally turned his head and looked at her, truly looked at her and she almost wished she could turn away from the intensity of his gaze but she stood her ground and stared back at him; even as she felt her body physically responding to him in a way she had never experienced before. You see the one thing that Molly hadn't really told anyone was that she was still a virgin. She'd decided to concentrate on her A Levels and have some fun at University but now that she was here, losing her virginity had proved harder than she'd expected. Maybe if she'd been less discerning it would have been easier but she still had standards. For a fleeting moment she wondered if Sherlock would sleep with her. She felt a little bit guilty knowing that she probably wouldn't refuse him.

'A pathologist…hmm, there's more to you than meets the eye then isn't there Molly Hooper.' He cocked his head to one side and seemed to be studying her. She picked up her drink, needing a bit of Dutch courage and a reason to not be looking at him.

'You're an only child…first in your extended family to come to university…you've concentrated on your studies so far and…yes, you're a virgin. So, I'm assuming you've got bored with that state and you're ready to change it, hence the outfit and the poor choice in guys.'

Molly's mouth fell open in shock and she wasn't quite sure whether to slap him or congratulate him on his accuracy.

He smiled smugly, her expression answering his question over whether his assumptions were correct and he rewarded himself with downing half of his whiskey in one gulp.

'So, come on, what's the attraction with having sex? It seems to be all anyone seems to think about here…it's like a group obsession.'

Molly frowned at him and then laughed. She wasn't sure she'd ever been asked an odder question. 'What? Are you telling me you've never been interested in or had sex yourself?'

He shrugged. 'I've been curious and I've read up on the subject. I know all the medical and hormonal reasons why people are enamoured by it, but why they chase it constantly…' he shook his head…'nope, no idea. People would get so much more done if they put just half the energy they put into sex towards other pursuits. Take this lot…' he waved his hand around the room…' half of them will fail their masters because they're too busy shagging around.'

Molly couldn't quite believe she was arguing the case for having sex with an eighteen year old guy…wasn't it supposed to be the other way around. All she could assume was that he was asexual… a term she'd heard banded around in sixth form for anyone not interested in sex…at least that was the nice word, frigid was the mean one.

'Well I don't know…it's supposed to feel good isn't it? If both parties like each other, if there's chemistry…'

Sherlock took another sip of his drink. 'Now chemistry is supposed to be my area but I don't remember them covering that in class…so come on, is there chemistry between us for example?'

He turned to her and fixed her with another intense stare and all Molly wanted to do was lean forward and kiss him. His eyes were gorgeous and with a couple of drinks running through her veins she could lose herself in them. His cheekbones looked like she could cut herself on them and his full lips were inviting her to press her own against them. Slowly she licked her tongue over her lip and she saw his gaze drop down to watch the gesture.

She found herself answering involuntarily. 'Yes…yes I'd say there is.'

He tried to sneer but she saw his expression falter and she moved a little closer wanting to be nearer to him.

She blinked at him and found herself continuing. 'I mean, what's the point of all the theory if you never put it into practice? Any good scientist knows they have to experiment to prove the hypothesis.'

She saw him swallow heavily but he didn't pull away and she edged closer still, putting her hand onto his jean covered thigh and feeling the strong muscle under her palm.

'Your argument is a very sound one Miss Hooper and I'm not sure I have any way to refute it.'

Molly took advantage of the alcohol running through her bloodstream to just take what she wanted and she closed the distance between them and kissed him.

I like a strong Molly going after what she wants. After all she took the initiative to ask Sherlock out in the first episode so she isn't too shy and retiring.

I'll be back in a couple of days with chapter two but until then be kind and send me some love.