Chapter 7: Vienna, Austria

Me: *kicks down door to dusty room and coughs* Wow, it sure is dusty in here. Anyways, hi everyone! I'm baaaaack~!Bet you didn't expect this! I know I said I would be back in January but life is... complicated. A lot of stuff has changed since the five or so months I haven't updated but I hope it won't interfere with my writing too much! Before I get get the chapter started, I want to say thank you for all the support through this story, even if it seems to go off the rail once in awhile. It means a lot to me so without further ado, I hope you enjoy! See you later!

Disclaimer: You guys know the drill. I don't own Miraculous Ladybug, a lot of other people do but I do own the OCs. Done!

Marinette stared out the window of the plane she and Adrien were in. Despite her protests about the price of the trip, Adrien had insisted they take a plane to Vienna, Austria as it would take much less time than any other form of transportation.

Adrien had fallen asleep even though the flight was very short, leaving Marinette to her thoughts. Their marriage (Marinette still blushed a little at at that thought. She may have gotten more comfortable with Adrien but she still had a crush on him) had left her with many conflicting emotions. Yes, she may have married Adrien but Marinette had always imagined that if she did marry him, it would of been on their own terms.

She couldn't imagine what her parents or friends would think. Alya would be very disappointed she wasn't the maid of honor and mad at her for not inviting her, even though Marinette couldn't exactly send an invitation in the first place. She didn't know how her parents would feel and maybe Nino would feel the same as Alya.

And then there was the matter of her secret identity. Adrien had no idea she was Ladybug and could she really lie to him about that? Even though their marriage was a temporary one, should she still tell him in case he notices anything weird going on?

"Marinette? Are you okay?" a sleepy voice came from her side.

Marinette looked at Adrien and smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine. Go back to sleep, we still have another hour."

Adrien hummed and said, "Okay. Love you."

Before Marinette could reply, Adrien fell back asleep leaving Marinette with even more conflicting emotions.

Vienna was a beautiful city, especially at night, was Marinette's first thoughts when they landed.

Marinette and Adrien had decided to fly as soon as possible which was a 8 o'clock flight at night. The flight was a little over two hours long which means that they arrived around ten. After getting their luggage, they had called a taxi to get them to the nearest open hotel where they could stay the next two nights that were in Austria.

The plan was to get some sleep before getting up early in the morning to explore. Traveling was exhausting and even though Adrien had slept through most of the trip, he was just as exhausted as Marinette.

When they reached the hotel, that somehow got and before they could check it out fully, they both collapsed on the bed, the day finally taking its toll on them.

The next morning, Marinette felt a lot more energetic than the previous night. After getting a quick shower and getting dressed, she glanced at Adrient to see him still asleep, snoring slightly. Giggling quietly, she wrote a quick note to him, before heading down to the breakfast buffet the hotel offered.

When Adrien finally woke up, he panicked for a moment when he realized Marinette was gone before seeing the note. Assuming it was from Marinette, he picked it up and read it, calming down before getting ready and joining Marinette for breakfast. Yesterday was a blur for him and he could not remember what happened.

After getting breakfast, Marinette picked up some brochures the hotel had and together they decided to go to Schonbrunn Palace, the Vienna State Opera, the Kunsthistorisches Museum, and the Prater in that order.

And with that, they were off.

"What was your favorite thing about Schonbrunn Palace?" Adrien asked curiously once the tour was over.

Adrien and Marinette had really enjoyed learning about the palace's history and the design about it. They both really enjoyed traveling and learning so much about all these different places, more than they realized.

"Probably the gardens," she replied, "And you?"

And thus began a long discussion about why they liked what they did and what they didn't like and before long (and a taxi drive later), they are at their next location.

"Oh, we're here," Marinette said, surprised.

"Then let's go in! Try to keep up!" Adrien said, sprinting to the entrance, Marinette close behind, both of them laughing both of them laughing the whole way.

The last thing on their list was the Prater. It was a park but in the park was the Wurstelprater, which was an amusement park.

By the time they arrived at the amusement park, it was six, but they decided to hold up with dinner because they didn't want to get sick on any rides.

Marinette, Adrien discovered, had quite the competitive streak. He was honestly quite surprised when she dragged him towards a game booth and challenged him to a game. It was a vicious battle, one he would not win. Marinette came out with a cat stuff animal.

The roller coaster they went on was kind of rough but maybe that was because Adrien had never been on many roller coasters before.

One of the last things they decided to ride was the big ferris wheel, the Wiener Riesenrad, Adrien vaguely recalled, in the middle of the park. As they rose, they were able to see more of Vienna.

"Hey Adrien?" Marinette said suddenly.

"Yeah?" he replied, turning to the girl in question.

Marinette continued to look at the city but she still replied, "About the whole marriage thing… what exactly are we going to do?"

"You don't want to be married to me?" Adrien asked jokingly though he was a little nervous about her reply.

Marinette looked at him in shock and said, "Yes! I mean, no! I mean… maybe?"

Marinette cursed in her head as she felt her blush grow. Adrien looked at the girl in front of them, smiling at her blush.

'Her blush is so cute,' he thought.

And without thinking about it, he leaned in and kissed her.

The kiss was light and soft, innocent. Marinette's eyes were wide in shock. But before he could pull back, Marinette kissed him back. The kiss grew a little more passionate but eventually, the need for air pulled them apart.

"Wow," Marinette breathed out, slightly gazed.

Adrien wasn't much better. He hadn't really expected Marinette to kiss back but she did, leaving filled with wonder and hope.

"Hey Adrien?" Marinette said after a few moments of intense silence as they just stared at each other.

"Yeah?" he replied, a sense of deja vu hitting him.

"I think I like you," she replied.

Adrien grinned, "I think I might like you too."

Adrien and Marinette's eyes meet once again and they smiled at each other. It was a start, that was for sure.

Facts about Vienna, Austria

1. The Wiener Riesenrad is the oldest operating ferris wheel in the world

2. Vienna has been called the "City of Music" and the "City of Dreams"

3. Vienna is home to the world's oldest zoo, "Tiergarten Schönbrunn"