By the time Natsu was up, it was noon, and he had a job to do.

He walked to the dining hall, getting some much-needed sustenance before walking over to hell's core.

He was met by Tempester, "what are you doing here, Natsu?"

"I was just checking this place out."

"Well, this is hells core. It's where demons are born and where they're reborn if they're defeated in battle."

"Interesting," he said in a bored tone, "but there is one problem with it."

"What could be the problem?"

"It's existence" with a snap of his finger, the entire room was engulfed in his curse flames destroying everything and several damaging tempester.

"WHY?" was his response

With a wicked grin, "I don't need weakling like you to stop Zeref, so say goodbye" in an instant tempester was reduced to a pile of ashes.

With Silver

SLAM! Jackal hit a wall hard, he held his head, trying to get his bearing before looking Silver in the eyes.

" Mard geer always said you'd betray us, I should have killed you when I had the chance" Purple ice slowly crawled its way up to him as he lay against the wall.

"Goodnight Jackal" with a wave of his arm Jackal was encased in devils ice before Silver shatters it.

One by one, Natsu and Silver hunted them down to only three left Mard geer, Kyoka and Keyes.

"Hmm, I never would have expected this" Mard geer thought to himself as he sat on his throne, he looks to Kyoka who had disappointed look in her eyes.

"I must concur," Keyes added.

"I hate to say this, but they're nothing we can do after all Natsu is the strongest of us all," Kyoka said.

"I suppose your right."

A loud boom was heard as the wall gave way, revealing Natsu is his etherious form.

He casually walks toward them with his hand, ablaze whistling to himself. "any last words you three?"

"Give Zeref our regards" with all his power, the three demons were engulfed in his flames, not saying any words as they died.


Natsu turns around to catching a lacrima as he faced Silver, slowly fading away.

"What's this?"

"A gift for my son after all someone has to make sure you aren't consumed by your powers."

Natsu let out a small chuckle, "so Gray will become a devil slayers, so be it, after all, it wouldn't be fair for him" with those words, Silver vanished no doubt to be with his loved one on the other side.

With Tartarus taken care of Natsu was curious where Seilah was, he followed her scent to where ever she is.

Eventually, he reaches what he can only assume is her room.

"Seilah Tartarus gone," he walks in to see her sitting up on her bed covered in a blanket.

Seilah had a small smile on her face," thank you, sorry I couldn't help, but I couldn't bring myself to face them."

"Its fine I know this must of been hard for you, but silver made it easier."

"Oh, your book is over here," she pointed to the nightstand.

"That's good We just have to destroy the cube."

"That can wait."

If your reading this i removed the lemon because goodie two shoe threaten to remove me sorry

Several hours later

Both had gotten dressed after standing there silently, trying to figure out how to proceed.

"We should get back to the guild after the cube is destroyed," she said through a blush.

Natsu brought her into a passionate kiss, washing away her insecurity about the situation.

"Come on, we still have a job to do" he grabbed his book and put it in his pack.

With a bit of digging, they found a way to destroy the cube sending it into the ground, destroying it in the process.

But not without looking into a way to undo the body link magic on their books.

The next day

The two casually walk into magnolia with Seilah wrapped around his arm.

"Time to tell the guild."

"Yep," she said in a solemn tone.

When they entered the guildhall, Natsu was tackled to the ground by Happy saying he missed him and hope their job went well.

"I take it, Tartarus is gone?" Makarov said from the bar. Getting every member of the guild's attention.

"Yeah gramps, they weren't that difficult then again. I am the strongest etherious demon," he says casually."

"WHAT!" the guild said in unison.

After a short conversation, the guild was caught up to speed and what happened with Tartarus leaving out specific details.

Erza was stricken with fear at the power Natsu has as regret started piling up in her mind.

"Gray, this is for you from silver," he tosses the lacrima to him.

Skeptical of Natsu's claim about his father, he was hesitant to accept the devil slayer mark.

He ultimately accepted it if it meant he had an edge against Natsu.

He broke the lacrima and mark formed on his right arm "hmm, I think I could get used to it. I just hope I don't get motion sickness like you," he said offhandedly.

"Here my book everyone," he pulls it out, laying it on a table.

"Levy, we're gonna need your help undoing the body link magic on it, and you may need gray since I'm a fire demon sooooo."

"Don't worry, Natsu, you can count on me."

Later that day, with symbol up around one of the rooms and with Gray, Levy went to work undoing the link between Natsu and his book as well as Seilah.

Course Seilah had a favor to ask of Levy when all was said and done.

They were both free of the destruction of their books, killing them.

Turn out those blank pages in Natsu's book were meant to further increase his demon powers so he can adapt, unlike the other etherious demons.

"So, you had her get rid of your horns?"

"Yep, so now I can fully pass for human."

"That great as I imagine that spell was a to maintain?" nodded.


July X784

Natsu manages to walk off the train of his own power thanks to the med to curb his lotion sickness.

"We have to hurry Natsu after all someone using your moniker."

"I know now, how are we going to find him?"

"Simple asked around for salamander."

After so questioning, they found the man they were looking for and dealt with him accordingly and met up with a girl named Lucy who wanted to join fairy tail.

"Really, you can take me to fairy tail!"

"Yep now. Come on, let get going," Natsu said, bolting off into a random direction with happy not too far behind him.

"Eh, is he always like this?"

"Yes, he but you'll get used to it when you join fairy tail let go" Seilah and Lucy followed after them making sure to avoid the rune knight from Natsu destruction.


Natsu stands before the corpse of his brother, who was smiling after finally passing on.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah I am, it's just he was the only family I had besides Igneel."

Seilah brought his hand to her stomach "not anymore" Natsu was start struck at this before being her into a bear hug.

But they didn't get to enjoy it for very long as the eerie cry of a dragon could be heard off in the distance.

"Forgot about him."

"What are you waiting for, show him who's the strongest."

"Hmm, thanks, Seilah, that means a lot."

With the help of his fellow dragon slayer and his Curse power, Natsu was able to bring the black dragon of the apocalypse to an end.

Sorry if this seems rushed but I didn't want to drag the story on much longer so compiled the what remains into one big chapter

also with this story completed I can get back to working on The Lost Dragon

as always make sure to fav follow and leave a chapter review