Thanks, a looooooot to everyone who is following this story. My gratitude to all you guys that favourited it. My special thanks to everyone who's been reviewing all my chapters especially Zainab, Vladimir Mithrander, Z123bird, dragonfire04, Lady Rosann, AlexielvsAngel, Prosepina, BlackDragonGod, EmmaRandomAs, Jamie Theobald, Verelan, Crystal Aquafina,Atha, Tsuruga Lia1412,Sadonne, Charliee Keely Warmer, MistressMalfoy97, Stacey's Universe, Kat2089, laravv, mizzrazz72, LeviJaegerEren, geekymom, FanWarrior16, T-TrainOrTurkeyT, FallenAngells,Gurgaraneth and SlytherdorAnna.

Destrian paused in front of the door and Harry wrapped an arm around his shoulder,

"What if I messed up a little too much, Dad?"

Harry shook his head and pressed a kiss to Destrian's head,

"No, Baby…"

Destrian leaned against him and Harry stared at the door to the Headmaster's office. Hogwarts was eerily silent since all the students and professors were away for the holidays. Destrian had spent more than half of his childhood here. This was like a second home to him and he was very attached to it.

Destrian raised his hand to knock on the door when Harry grabbed it. He remembered the time when he and Tom had been chairing a board of Governors meeting in the office and Destrian had just come running in because he hadn't been able to find his broomstick.

He still wondered when his little baby had grown up?

His eyes filled up with moisture and Destrian wiped it away before it could slip out in the form of tears,

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Harry hitched up a smile,

"I was just wondering when you grew up."

Destrian rested his head on his shoulder and Harry pressed a kiss to his temple,

"You'll always be my baby though."

Destrian laughed softly and Harry couldn't help but feel like a burden had been lifted from his heart and shoulders. Hearing Destrian laugh after so long eased his anxiety and depression like nothing else,

"Open the door, Baby."

Destrian pushed open the door and walked right in. Harry found Tom leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed. Dried tear tracks streaked his face and he looked as pale as a ghost. His lips were colourless, and his entire body was limp…

Harry's heart stopped beating in his chest and it seemed Destrian knew that something was wrong as well because he cried out,


Harry hurried to Tom's side just as Destrian reached him. Destrian was patting Tom's cheek,

"Wake up…Father… Wake up…"

Harry grabbed Tom's wrist with trembling fingers and felt for his pulse…

For a moment he felt nothing and the rising panic in his chest was gradually suffocating him…

But then he felt it… It was barely there…but it was something…

He rested his hand on Tom's face and spoke,

"Open your eyes, Tom… Look at me… Look at your son…"

He conjured a resuscitation potion and held it to Tom's colourless lips before tipping it over… When the flask was empty, he vanished it and proceeded to rub some warmth into Tom's hands.

Destrian was on his knees though,

"This is all my fault, Dad… It's all my fault…"

He kissed Tom's hand and shook his head,

"No… Baby… It's not…"

He held Tom's hand in his firmly and spoke to Tom,

"Wake up, Tom… You're worrying our son…"

He leaned his forehead against Tom's and rested his lips against his,

"I love you, Tom… I love you so much… Wake up…"

Tom lips shifted against his… the barest of movements…but it was more than enough for him and he kissed them, pouring all his love and desperation into the kiss. It was only when Tom rested his hand on the back of his head and reciprocated that Harry felt the breath had returned to his body. He held onto him as Tom kissed him until they were both breathless…When they finally pulled away, Harry found himself staring into Tom's brown eyes. Tom's fingers combed through his hair as he whispered,

"I love you too, Harry…"

Destrian cleared his throat and Harry felt so stupid for being so inconsiderate. They'd never kissed or done anything remotely intimate in front of Destrian… How could he have forgotten that he was there…

Destrian had his eyes closed but his face was radiating happiness and the way Tom looked at him completely dumbfounded was utterly adorable. Harry reassured him with his gaze and then Destrian spoke,

"Can I open my eyes now?"

Harry couldn't help but laugh softly and spoke,

"Yes, Baby… You can…"

Destrian opened his eyes and his crimson eyes were alight with life again,

"I'm so terribly sorry, Baby… I guess I got a bit carried away."

Destrian broke off into a fit of laughter and Harry felt the way Tom relaxed and the colour returned to his lips and his cheeks.

Destrian rose to his feet and Tom got up as well. For a moment, there was complete and flawless silence and then Destrian simply threw himself into Tom's arms,

"I'm so sorry, Father… I shouldn't have said all those things… I shouldn't have hurt you like I did…"

Tom pulled him to his chest tight and ran his hand over his back,

"Ssshhh… You're my prince and you will always remain to be… I love you and nothing… no power in the world can ever change that."

Destrian buried his face in Tom's chest and Harry rested his back against the desk as he watched them both reconcile.

Relief was too small a word to express what he was feeling now. It was escape… Proper escape… For the first time in years, he felt truly and utterly free from each and every concern. Nothing could ever break them apart now because they'd survived the worst… They'd survived through their biggest fear and now…now a perfectly happy and joyful life awaited them.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Destrian tugged on his arm and then they were all enveloped in a tight hug. The happiness he felt then was like nothing he'd ever known and he hoped and prayed that they remained like that for the rest of their lives.