Prologue: Myths Of The Ocean

The water hits the side of the boat and keeps teetering back and forth on the crashing waves. The cries of seagulls could be heard in the distance as the scorching hot sun shined down on the boat known as Maria as all the sailors called it.

They decided the boat was a 'she' along with the other two that set sail early morning about five days ago. Their names were rose and Sina. Our boat was less beautiful as the other two but as my father used to say any boat that sailed well was a good boat. I stood looking out at the sea that was now a never-ending body of water.

I sigh tapping my finger against the side and I hear someone come crashing out from inside the cabin of the ship and running towards the edge of it while covering their mouth. I notice its the familiar brunette I have gotten to know since he arrived on this boat a couple days ago. He had one friend with him and that was Armin, traveling with him to get to this unknown destination we were heading to.

We had no idea if this sea was never ending and it was frightening yet we all had to agreed to see if there was ever anything beyond the ocean. A new land that would hold new promises and beauty was what we all hoped for. A new land away from those monsters lurking on our land...

We hoped upon starting a fresh life, taking risk in the process. One where we could live freely and roam our lands without fright during nightfall. Ones where we could find love and start families of our own someday and also lives where we would grow old. Everyone died young including most of our parents. Especially Eren's, I heard from Armin they had died horribly.

I play with a strand of blonde hair that was tossed from the sea winds and I turn and lean my back against the ledge. My eyes watch him as he vomits over the side and I smirk slightly "Still can't handle the waves Eren, even after five days? Even Armin and Connie handle it well."

He glares at me after he finished vomiting everything he eat for breakfast, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand "Oh shut up...I just ate something bad that's all."

"Oh sure, you ate something bad. Then why aren't we all getting sick? Huh?" Jean chimes from sitting on a barrel sweat dripping from his forehead as he shines his boots his mother gave him before he left with a cloth.

Eren's glare averts to Jean now and he grinds his teeth, "Huh did you say something horse face? I'm not the one worrying about my looks when we all could be in danger."

Jean narrows his eyes at Eren and he tosses the wet cloth at his chest, the impact making a wet 'plop' sound as it slides down Eren's chest onto the deck "Shut the hell up bastard! I'm just as worried as you are being out at seas!"

I look at Jean confused then back to Eren before asking them both, "You mean getting lost?" Jean lips pull into a pout and Eren's remain frowning.

Sasha who was busy eating bread next to me sitting down replies for him with a mouth full of food "They're scared about the stories Armin was telling last night. Something about special mermaids known as sirens who eat human flesh after luring them in with their beautiful voices."

I start giggling softly covering my mouth with my hand, and Jean's cheeks turn bright red and he yells "That isn't true! Only idiot Eren believes in them."

Eren glares daggers at the other boy grumbling back "I wasn't scared I was just intrigued by it..."

Once my giggling dies down, I look at Jean whose cheeks are still a shade of bright crimson "Mermaids who eat flesh? Interesting...that is a new one. What story was Armin telling, I'm interested now."

Jean rubs the back of his neck averting his eyes from me. He replies "It was a story of Armin's father who supposedly watched one of his closest friends walk out into the ocean one day for no clear reason and just when Armin's father was about to stop him a female figure arose from the water with no top on touching him seductively. Then suddenly out of nowhere, she smiled and before he could run she ripped him into pieces in the water! No chunks!" He makes sure to correct himself changing pieces into chunks.

"Sounds like Armin's father had quite the imagination. Don't you think so Eren?" I ask turning my head to face the brunette.

The brunette scrunches his face before he replies "I think he wrote down the truth, to be honest. Why would someone such as Armin's father tell a lie like that?"

I snort putting a hand on my hip before walking away, "Obviously to gain fame. I seen so many men lie to attract women and such."

I can see Eren mutter as I walk further away "But Armin's father wasn't like that..." I wanted to snort again but I leave it be. I still couldn't believe those idiots believed in such myths. Armin's father probably told that story to probably scare them away from the ocean and such. All our lives we have been told the ocean was evil.

I want to click my tongue but I shut my eyes as I walk. There was probably things much worse than these creatures known as Sirens... Things such as being stranded with no food or water in a couple of months if we don't find land soon. I feared that the most...

Authors note: I know I have another Levi fanfiction I have on here that I have yet completed but I just couldn't help myself on publishing this fanfic. I'm a sucker basically for any Snk Au's. Don't forget to follow, favorite, and review if you enjoyed!

Edited/Revised on February 19th, 2019