LP's Note: So. Bored. At. Work. Braaaaaains. Also updated the main chapter.



FROM: Agent Yithan Solus (DESIG: SILENT-STEP-004)

TO: STG Command, OTA 3-Cerberus, Senior Agent Soril, Senior Agent Vinaris

EX: Vigil Update

STG Master,

Per unit order 59838C-Delthan, I have been onsite at the deep space transfer station as requested. At 51 hours sunpast, I received burst traffic from embedded agents on Vol Prime. Apparently, the most recent conflict recorded there was not really due to a Hades or Broker attempt against Tiffany Minsta or Rasa, but a play by the volus to neutralize, capture, or destroy the Inusannon AI Vigil associated with Cerberus.

Details are not given, but at some point in the conflict, the volus utilized an asset (they are not clarifying what said asset is) that neutralized or crippled Vigil temporarily, allowing for an extremely detailed scan. Due to Project Hithka and the gene sequences traded with the VDF to supplant and dominate vorcha Boss strains, they have reciprocated with the following information.

I have not had much time to verify any of the accuracy of the below. I have been in contact with several STG specialists, and we have also sent scrubbed data to the RRC as well as several independent firms.

SCAN RESULT: Physical Composition

Three layers detected – outer nanometal liquid shell, middle boron-nitride nanomesh enclosure, inner magnetically bound quark-gluon plasma toroid rotating around a single 4.47 crystal of unknown material that conforms to nothing on known periodic tables.

The outer shell is a pico-suspension of nanonic active metal. The nanotech devices are comprised of magnetically isolated titanium-tantalum alloys, with a hex-like structure and inner components of suspected pure picotech subatomic elements. The picotech seems to combine on the fly to form nanotech constructions as needed. The fluid is nonmagnetic and appears to have similarities to a sodium-potassium alloy with a strong charge. However, there are additional elements that seem to not fit on the periodic table.

The middle enclosure is a metallic mesh of interwoven boron-nitride tubules, similar to carbon nanotubes but with a pentagonal cross-section. There is a liquid of some kind running throughout the middle of this mesh, but sensors could not resolve it – it would appear to be some form of degenerate condensed cadmium with other elements. The purpose of this enclosure is unknown, but all indications suggest this is the computational matrix and 'hardware' of the device. It generates an extremely powerful gauss field as well as both EM and Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation in several bands.

The innermost component is a toroid of what looks to be glasma (excited color-glass condensate) forced into a degenerate plasma state and held in form by means unknown. The toroid is rotating at high FTL speeds around the crystal. The crystal appears to be dark blue, and emits very strong low-bandwidth UV radiation. Our most likely supposition is that this is the device's power source.


Vigil is producing roughly 4.86 x 1,024 watts of energy at a stable rate. As this rivals the output of smaller stars, how heat is mitigated is currently unknown. However, with this energy baseline, we can confirm almost any attempt at combat is doomed to failure – a beam of pure energy with that much power behind it could theoretically sunder a dreadnought.



Radio, dark energy, and EM wide-band reported multiple (three hundred and eleven) multi-band connections being cut when the asset the volus used trapped Vigil. It is likely that this number is how many various Vigil sub-units exist, although some of those may have created sub-units of their own. Based on the actions of the Cerberus fleet at both Horizon and Ilium, where multiple ships ignored danger and critical damage to attack targets, it is likely if not certain Vigil is operating these ships remotely.

As such, given the power of Vigil seems excessive to run one ship per unit, it is very likely Cerberus either has a far larger combat fleet that they have shown, or Vigil is operating very widely across Citadel space.

Dark Matter Pulsation

The visible geometry of the unit does NOT match its dark matter shadow outline. This implies at least a portion of the unit is either time-phased or multidimensional. While the discrepancy is small (less than half a square meter), it raises the possibility that none of what we can see or attack is actually the core of the unit and that Vigil's hardware or power generation may be completely untouchable.

Laser Spectrograph

Titanium: 11.4%

Tantalum: 17.6%

Praseodymium: 9.2%

Stabilized(?) Moscovium: 2.3%

Iridium: 4.8%

Iron: 6%

Unknown: 48.7%


Volus sensors recorded six and a half seconds of encrypted data transmissions from Vigil along over thirty thousand bandwidths. The volus continue to attempt to break encryption on the signals, using the idea that they are the same transmission in many formats.

Based on the raw data, however, Vigil operates using a mixture of base-seven math (odd) and hyperfluidic stochastic curves physics to create a series of one-time pad keys. Several of these keys are generated concurrently and apply three-phase encryption using random values from (if the data is correct) samples of nearby Brownian motion detection.

Given that Vigil's units appear to be linked using some kind of FTL or instant transmission technology, the use of the keys means there must be at least one party capable of breaking the security of the transmission route, whatever that is.


Assuming the initial report is correct, the fact that almost fifty percent of Vigil is an element unknown to us is troubling. The element is a silvery liquid, which is both nonmagnetic and nonconductive of both heat and electricity. It has no definable albedo and no measurable tensile strength. It is (within the tolerances of the scan, which was admittedly hasty) nearly if not totally frictionless.


1) Vigil is far more dangerous than even estimated prior. The energy output alone makes the device on par with Citadel Omega Restrictions. Combat should be moved from 'contraindicated' to 'forbidden.'

2) Vigil is probably a network of devices, scattered all over creation with the Wheel alone knowing what they are up to. Given that MCM Sara Shepard made zero attempts to secure the device during or after the Battle of the Citadel and it had unrestricted access to the Citadel Vaults, it is very likely it was playing us all for fools and knows every secret in said Vaults. If Cerberus has blackmail of this nature, resistance is not viable.

3) Vigil's capacities exceed that of the League of Zero. We have no countermeasures at this time.

I have no further information and await further tasking. The People Prevail.

-Agent Y. Solus