Sherlock opened his eyes on May 1st. This was the day. He was certain of it. It was Molly's due date. He had his arm and hand resting over her huge belly and he rubbed it gently.

"Come on, little one. It's time for you to make your appearance to the world."

Molly shifted onto her back and opened her eyes. "Good morning. Did you say something?"

"I just told our daughter it's time for her to come out," he explained. "Are you having any contractions?" he asked hopefully.

Molly smiled wryly. "Not right now. I've only been having those Braxton Hicks ones every now and then."

"Why is this taking so long?" he complained. "We've had everything ready for two weeks now. The nursery is ready. Your bags are ready for the hospital and Mycroft is on standby to call for a car as soon as you go into labour."

Molly chuckled. "Just because we are ready, doesn't mean that she is. Anyway, my due date is today. You can't start complaining until she is late."

"Rosie came three weeks early," Sherlock pointed out.

"That isn't typical and you know it. Just be glad we are prepared, because Mary and John were not. The fact that you were out on a case with John and missed all those texts led to her giving birth in their car."

"Don't remind me." Sherlock groaned at the remembrance. 'I can never get that image out of my head of Mary screaming bloody murder while she pushed that baby out. Thank God, John is a doctor. At least I didn't have to see the actual process. It was bad enough hearing it."

"Well, Victoria will make her arrival when she's good and ready."

"I know that. I just hate seeing you this way. You've had swollen ankles and feet for the past two months, and you can barely even walk without it hurting."

"And you've been very good at taking care of me, sweetheart."

"Why are you so calm?" he demanded. "Aren't you as anxious as I am for her to get here already?"

"If you want the truth, I'm nervous," Molly confessed. "I know it's going to hurt, and I'm scared I won't be a good mother."

Sherlock leaned over and gently kissed her. "That's nonsense and you know it. You were born to be a mother. You were a great babysitter for Rosie when John needed help after Mary's death."

Molly rubbed her hands over her abdomen absently. "Do you think it would have been better to choose a home birth?"

"Not at all. You need to be in hospital to get an epidural. I want the experience to be as pain free as possible for you."

"Am I really doing the right thing there as well? Most women choose to just have the oxygen and nitrous oxide to take the edge off the pain."

"Sweetheart, we've been over this before. Remember our research. Maybe only 30% of women here have epidurals, although that is increasing, but 95% have them in America. Why would you not use a technology where the benefits outweigh any risks? I guess if an epidural is good enough for most American women, it's good enough for you. Besides, even our midwife, Laura, agreed it is a good option. So no more arguments." He gave her a stern look.

"Okay, fine. No more arguments."

For the entire day, Sherlock was on tenterhooks, expecting Molly to go into labour any minute, but it didn't happen.

Before they went to sleep, Molly said, "I'm sorry, Sherlock. I guess she's just too comfortable in there right now."

"Well, she is seriously cramping my style," grumbled Sherlock. "It has been three whole days since we've made love, Molly. Three days!"

"I hate to point it out to you, honey, but once she comes, you'll be waiting for a few weeks before my body heals enough for that kind of exercise." She wound her arms around him. "Anyway, today was a good day. You spoiled me so much I'm relatively pain free. Besides, do you remember Bernadette and Howard on Big Bang Theory a few weeks ago, when their baby was late?"

Sherlock's eyes lit up. "Bernadette said having sex can help a woman go into labour. Of course, there's no concrete scientific basis for it..."

"Shut up and kiss me, Sherlock," Molly said.

So he did, and proceeded to do so much more. Too bed it didn't work, he thought afterwards, but at least they could use the idea as an excuse to keep trying to help Molly go into labour.

After a week, and several unsuccessful lovemaking sessions later, Sherlock was feeling quite disgruntled.

The midwife had been by to see them. She had conducted an internal examination and informed Molly everything seemed perfectly fine. She was still 2cm dilated and something called effaced at 80%. Sherlock still didn't really understand what that meant. Laura also informed them that Victoria's head was definitely in the right position, head down, engaged in Molly's pelvis.

"It should be any day now," she told Sherlock, when he looked worried. "There's nothing to worry about. You have my number if you have any special concerns, and once Molly goes into labour, text me. Just remember, as I've said before, don't panic. You won't need to go to the hospital until her contractions are under 5 minutes apart. I will be on call to deliver your baby. It is just a waiting game right now."

Sherlock was very grateful they had decided to hire a private midwife through the hospital. That meant Laura would personally deliver the baby, and Molly would also get a private room, rather than have to share one with several other new mums.

"As you can tell, my husband is a little anxious right now."

"That's understandable," said the midwife, smiling. "I always think it is better when a baby is a little late, rather than early. So many people are caught unprepared when a baby arrives early. You have the comfort of knowing you are completely ready for your baby's arrival. Your bags are packed with the supplies for both you and her. Everything is going to be fine."

Laura left, after handing them back her handwritten report of each visit, as usual. Molly said to Sherlock, "I'm going to see how much weight I've gained. Will you check the scale for me?"

"Of course, my love. Let me get it out of the cabinet."

Sherlock put the scale on the floor of the bathroom where Molly could step onto it with ease. Once she got onto the scale he read out the result, and she stepped back off of it.

"No wonder my legs hurt when you sit on my lap lately," he teased. "You've put on thirty pounds."

"It's all baby and swollen ankles from the water weight," huffed Molly.

"Those extra large servings of food at dinner say otherwise," he scoffed, and was rewarded with a not too soft smack on his bottom.

"You try carrying a baby for nine months and putting up with all this discomfort, Sherlock Holmes. Then maybe you will understand that eating is the only time I don't feel bloody awful."

Sherlock put the scale away and then leaned into her. "You're really quite sexy when you are indignant," he told her silkily, before capturing her lips with his own. Even nine months pregnant, his Molly was beautiful. Every time he looked at her, he saw the evidence of the life that they had created. He moved a hand caressingly along her breasts, which had grown quite substantially over the past few months. "Shall we make another attempt to induce your labour?" he asked, after raising his head from the kiss.

"You have a one track mind, Sherlock," she complained. "I need the loo."

"Fine. I didn't hear you say no. So I shall assume that was a yes, and I'll be waiting in the bedroom."

Molly burst out laughing. "I think you are enjoying trying to induce my labour."

"That would be an accurate deduction, my love," Sherlock said as he left Molly in the bathroom. He lost no time in undressing and slipping into bed.

He watched as Molly waddled into the room, marvelling at the way her abdomen seemed to grow more each day. Their baby was going to be enormous, he thought, not for the first time.

"Are you already naked?" she asked.

He was sitting in the bed now, with his chest exposed. "No, I just thought I'd take off my shirt and let you do the rest," he teased.

She giggled. "Are you expecting me to undress in front of you, or are you going to do the honours?"

"Why don't you come here and find out?"

She obeyed, climbing awkwardly onto the bed, and scooting over towards him.

Sherlock made a grab for her and she squeaked as he pulled her as close as he was able, kissing her passionately, making short work if her restrictive clothing. The baby might be taking her time in arriving, but he was definitely going to take advantage of her continued absence. He ran a hand along his Molly's abdomen and the belly button that was now sticking out completely. Then he moved his head to pepper the area with soft kisses, feeling slight movement as his daughter shifted position slightly.

He moved his mouth back upwards, kissing Molly's sweet rounded breasts, followed by her throat, finally settling his lips back on her own. He felt that usual ache to be with her, to love her properly.

Molly responded as she always did, her lips fueling his fire even further.

As they lay together afterwards, he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. "So, my darling, any contractions yet?"

"Nope, nothing," she replied with a pout.

"Oh darn, I guess we shall just have to keep working on that, then." Perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing after all that their daughter was taking her time, he reflected, allowing himself a little smile.

Author's note: I hope you enjoyed seeing Sherlock and Molly preparing for Victoria's birth. Did you think it was funny how they attempted to induce Molly's labour? I am not making that notion up!

I will be publishing Molly's pregnancy journey at some point, which is why I already have information about the midwife they have hired for the birth and other details that will come up in that story.

I have spent time researching the differences between the UK and the USA when it comes to pregnancy care and giving birth. There are a considerable number. My facts are taken from the internet and personal experience. As my readers know, I always try to write realistic fiction, and I research what I am unsure of.

I'd appreciate your feedback. Are you anxious for the actual birth story? Have you been following Molly's pregnancy journey over the past few months through my other stories?

Updated for better flow 7/5/18