Author's Note: I finished writing this two day ago, and finished editing not even ten minutes ago. After this chapter posting, I'm going right back into writing up several chapters. In this chapter, though, we're rolling back time a ways, back to Dårlig Ulv Stranden.

ChapterWarnings: heartbreak, emotional outbursts, and profane/rude language.



Chapter One: Rose Tyler...I Love You.

When the Metacrisis Regeneration of the Doctor whispered those words into her ear, Rose's initial reaction was to pull back and stare at him in surprise for a brief second. She could hardly believe it; the very words she had longed to hear from her Doctor for so long. Finally said.

So, Rose had kissed the Metacrisis hard, clinging to him almost desperately. Honestly, she would have kissed about anyone in that moment; well, anyone who had told her how the Doctor really felt about her. That it was almost-him, this Metacrisis Regeneration Doctor, was a bit of a bonus. That didn't mean she wanted to stay, however. No, in her elation, she kissed this not-Doctor, but she still wanted to leave with the actual Doctor and Donna. To go back to her original universe.

That had been the plan, until Rose heard the oh-so-familiar sound of the T.A.R.D.I.S. dematerialising. She ripped herself away from the Metacrisis, eyes wide as she watched that beautiful blue fade away. Tears welled up, but didn't yet fall, and her voice wobbled as she spoke.

"He didn't even say goodbye…"

An arm curled around her shoulders, attempting to comfort her. "He didn't think he had to…"

Rose shrugged the arm off, stepping away from the Metacrisis as her sorrow quickly transformed into rage. She turned to face him and her family, swiping angrily at the tears that dared to fall.

"He thinks he can just makes decisions about my life, again. Without asking me what I want, again. Leaving me in a universe that I don't belong in, again! Treating me like a child who doesn't know anything! I'll just let you and your mum off here, shall I? Here's your dad, alive and well. Except not quite, 'cos you were never even born in this Universe. Never mind me, I'll just be off on new adventures without you!"

As she ranted, her voice got louder and louder, and she paced with her hands gesturing wildly. Her mother and Pete looked like they wanted to intervene, to try and calm her, but the Metacrisis stopped them with a shake of his head. She needed to get this out, even if it hurt.

"Oh, look at that, here's a man that's basically me. Only he's part Donna Noble and did technically just commit genocide. Take care of him for me while I piss off again without you, alright? There's a good girl."

The Metacrisis got a pained look on his face, but Rose was on a roll now, and probably couldn't stop herself even if she wanted to. She whirled around, facing the empty space where the T.A.R.D.I.S. had been only minutes before.

"COWARD!" she screamed, tears of anger and grief mixing together now. Her hands curled into fists at her sides. "Why couldn't you take me back with you? Why were you so afraid to admit you loved me? Instead I had to hear it out of someone who isn't you. Even though it's your voice. Your face...It's 'cos the terrible Oncoming Storm is a bastard-shite COWARD! ...Who wouldn't even say goodbye."

Rose voice broke at the end, and she fell to her hands and knees as the tears overwhelmed her. Just as quickly as it had come, her rage fizzled out into nothing, leaving her feeling raw. She hit the sand with a loose fist once, twice, crying out her inner pain. A few moments later, she felt hands on her back, more than one person's. Rubbing little circles along her spine-her mother. Another just attempting to hold her-the Metacrisis, most likely. Both trying to soothe her tears.

She didn't know how long she cried, she didn't care. Only when her tears were gone, nothing left but dry, quiet sobs, did she finally sit back. Pete was already there, holding a handkerchief out to her. She took it gratefully, though her head hung with exhaustion and slight shame as she dabbed at her face.

"I'm sorry, Pete," Rose apologized softly, throat in pain from the screaming and crying. "I didn't mean what I said about you-I do think of you as my dad. You are my dad."

"I know that I'm not really your father, Rose. I didn't help bring you into the world. Well, your world. I'm alright with it," Pete said easily, a reassuring smile on his face. "My Jackie and I, in this universe, we never had a daughter. But I'm glad to have you. And your mum, and Tony."

Rose just nods and pulls him in for a brief hug, vowing to call him 'Dad' from now on. It was the least she felt she could do. As she pulled away, she smiled at him before turning to the Metacrisis.

She opened her mouth to apologise to him as well, but he held up a hand to stop her.

"I know you didn't mean it. Well, you did, but not towards me, exactly." His mouth quirked in a self-deprecating manner. "I know I'm not really the man you love, but...I do love you. Even if I'm only part him, with all his memories. This, leaving me here, was his way of trying to give you what he thought you wanted…"

He trailed off his slightly rambling, realising he was about to go in circles. Rose just stared at him for a long moment before taking one of his hands in hers and smiling, even as a bitter chill settled deep in her bones. She had promised the Doctor 'forever', but he had decided to leave her behind. So, she would lock her hurt away and try to be happy with this almost-familiar man.

Jackie, who had been surprisingly quiet throughout the whole ordeal, finally spoke up. "Well, now that's all fine and settled. Let's get home, yeah? We could all use a nice cuppa, and I miss my baby boy."

Rose let out a raspy, slightly painful, laugh and nodded in agreement. She was suddenly desperate to leave Dårlig Ulv Stranden, and never come back.