It was night time here in Duckburg, in the top hill, stood of McDuck Manor. Inside, everyone was fussing, they are all excited. That Donald Duck was going out with Launchpad Mcquack for their first ever official date. The boys couldn't be more happier. Their uncle is going to his date with Launchpad.

Today, Donald and Launchpad are getting ready for his date as the boys are in his room to help him getting ready for his date. Launchpad made a perfect plan so his boyfriend will have a perfect time.

In his room, Donald was getting ready, his boys was helping him get ready. But they are arguing of which outfit their uncle would wear.

"No Huey! We are not dressing our uncle like some teacher!"

"But he look so good!"

"I think he look awesome in this outfit, I got from hot topic!"

"Absolutely not! I don't want our uncle to look like a street gangster or a emo Louie!"

The boys can't decide of what outfit their uncle would wear. They have different options and style of clothing. They didn't have exact agreement of those cloth that Donald have own in his closet.

"Well, Launchpad is going to take him somewhere that fancy like some restaurant, and Unca Donald need to be look nice and fancy since he IS a nephew of Scrooge McDuck for duck stake!"

"Huey! Language." The tripet turn their head to the bathroom.

In the living room, Launchpad was sitting right across of Scrooge McDuck, the richest duck of the world. He was so nervous, but he wasn't nervous of his date. He was so nervous being alone with Mr. McDuck. Both of them never speak any words, Launchpad try to put up a warm smile to him or telling him some joke to light up the mood. He felt sweat on his forehead going down. He wore a white slim fit non-iron, grey vest with black buttons, black bow tie, red sash around his waist, a black tuxedo jacket, and a red blossom flowers that was pinned on his left chest.

"So……" Launchpad began to say, thinking that they have been silent enough. "Lovely night we're having." He chuckle. "Indeed." Scrooge glare at him as Launchpad try to not look at him. The way he glare, it look like some overprotective father meeting his daughter boyfriend for the first time. But except that his man was not his father. Instead that he was his uncle. Scrooge McDuck, aka, the richest duck in the world. He have know Mr. McDuck since he was twenty years old.

"Unca Scrooge, stop glaring that him you are making him more nervous." They both turn their head face the living room entrance. Donald walk in, wearing a cream shirt with army green tie and a navy blue tuxedo suit. "Well… um, what did you think? This is the only one I wore since my job interview with Glomgold."

Launchpad walk over to Donald. "You look handsome LP." Donald smile. "Thank you. You look handsomer! I mean not fuller you don't look fuller, but, m-more handsome." Launchpad ramble. Letting out a small giggle, Donald smile. "Thank you, are you ready?" Launchpad begins so gentlemen, Donald took his arms and walk forward the door as Duckworth open it for them. As they walk out, they can heard McDuck telling them they must be home before eleven.

"So, what's the plan? Our attire is more formal than our usual dates, and our usual is what you're most comfortable with," Donald asked, letting Launchpad open a door for him onto the car like a gentleman.

"Uh, I just thought that we could try something different," the Pilot answered unsurely.

"Uh-huh…" Donald replied, seeing right through the excuse and gave him an amused look that said 'I will ask again, but I'll let it go for now'. Launchpad smiled and shook his head. With his date secured at his side, the Pilot took off on his car.

They drive through the city of Duckburg and chat. They have finally reach their destination, Launchpad had parked the car at the park lot of a restaurant. They both got off the car and walk together while holding their hands. It wasn't anything really fancy or a fast-food restaurant. It looked good, and the food smelled good. Launchpad and Donald walked in and was escorted to their seat, a booth seat, where they sat side by side.They got a few stares as they walk by, but nothing too harmful.

The waiter gave them the menus. "I'll be back in a few to get your order. Can I get you anything to drink with? Water? Coffee? Coke? Some wine?"

"Yeah, I will have wine please?" Donald smile at the waiter. "And I will have wine too." Launchpad said as the waitress write it down on the note.

"Alright, I'll be back in a few with your drinks."

"Thanks you." Launchpad smile. The waiter smile as he walked off. And then, Launchpad had his arm stretched out behind Donald on the top of seat, allowing the smaller duck to snuggle right into his side. The two were having a good conversation. They laughed, poked fun, and exchange quick and small kisses. They were completely comfortable with each other.

They then look at the menu together, and search more foods on the menu. With that, the waiter came back to the table. "Alright, what can I get for you two?"

Donald was the first to speak up. "I'll take a Island Duck with Mulberry Mustard and a cup of chicory coffee, and also chicken noodle soup."

"I'll have the spaghetti with meatballs and a Morro Bay Sole, and also some coffee." Launchpad said.

"Alright." The waiter said. "Be out in a few." Launchpad watched him or a moment before turning his attention back to his date, frowning a bit. "Is there something wrong, Donald?"

He must have been drumming his fingers against the table with a bit more force than he thought he was, pausing before he shook his head. "No. No, there's nothing wrong."

"Then why do you look like you want to bolt?"

He had him there. Donald inhaled sharply before exhaling it out, shoulders sagging and returning his gaze to the menu. "I'm probably just paranoid." He scoffed, mostly at himself. "Like Daisy would ever be in a restaurant like this. She rather go to the expensive restaurants in town."

Launchpad frowned, tilting his head. "What makes you think that was her name down there?" He gestured around them, more to the outside world than anything. "There's probably a billion men in the township of Duckburg alone, the chances of us running into her here are slim to none." Reaching across, he took hold of Donald's hand, giving it a squeeze. "Besides, even if it is her…"

"…We can leave," the Pilot responded, returning the squeeze and giving him a grateful smile, ducking his head. "Thanks."

When their food came out, the atmosphere didn't changed as they ate with good manners. One or the other would toss a little piece of something on their plate at the other when teased. They engaged in small talk, chatting about Darkwing Duck(Donald is cool with that) and many more, and Donald began relaxing the more time went on. Launchpad said something that made Donald blush and kissed his beak, resulting in Donald nuzzling into his side as if to hide his red face. None of the other people even glanced their way, too engrossed in their own conversations to bother them, and as he sipped his wine, he started feeling better about himself.

They then ordered dessert, which Launchpad insisted on paying on the dinner and the food itself. Launchpad ordered a ice cream sundae. Donald ordered a vanilla cake that came with a scoop of whips cream and a strawberry on top.

They happily dug into their dessert. Launchpad made a comment to Donald with a smirk clear on his face, making him blush again. They were really enjoying themselves.

Too bad that wasn't going to last.

The moment he heard her voice, Donald's spine tingled cold, fingers breaking the food in his fork as his shoulders hunched, head lowering. Daisy was the one person he hadn't seen since their breakup. A nudge under the table made him look at Launchpad, the Pilot giving him a small, comforting smile and a tilt of his head, gesturing to the door. He nodded, and Launchpad pulled his wallet out from his jacket to place necessary bills on the table, the two of them getting up to leave.


The normally catty voice of his ex made him cringe, turning his head to look at her. She was with that duck she came to the restaurant with his cousin Gladstone in an attempt to make him jealous. The noises of tinkering cutlery in the restaurant quieted, people obviously listening in, wanting to see what was going on but without causing a disturbance to it. Donald turned, fingers subconsciously reaching to grasp Launchpad's hand as he looked at Daisy, who looked back, appearing to be just as unsure as he was.

"Uh…Daisy, I…"

"No. I'm the one who should be sorry." She closed the distance between them, Launchpad looking like he was ready to step between them if need be so he then stood there if Donald need someone to comfort him. "Gladstone made me realise I demanded, and being selfish and harsh too much of you, and I pushed you away when I didn't get everything I wanted. You were right when you called me a gold digger and accused me of coming back to you for your money and because you're relative to Scrooge McDuck. It's not much but…I wanted to apologise for everything. Will you forgive me?

Donald frowned a little, looking at the dashing duck near her who inclined his head to him in a nod. He raised his free hand to scratch the back of his neck, squeezing Launchpad's in his other for comfort and feeling a squeeze back. "I have to think about it," he said at last, not looking at Daisy. "This decision is going to hurt me a lot more than you hurt me since we broke up. But I need sometimes to think about this later. I will text you when I accept your apology. But please give me some times to think. But right now, me and my date need to continue our date."

Daisy nodded as she walk back to her seat with Gladstone as the duck and the Pilot head their way to the exited and walk toward their car. They then drove away and Launchpad and Donald were heading their way to one of Duckburg parks. Launchpad park his car on the side of the street walk. Launchpad held out his arm to Donald. Taking it, they walked into the park.

"Well, that went better than expected," Launchpad said, breaking the silence as they got further up the park. No body was in the park that night, but there are some people are out there. Donald glanced away, and the Pilot hummed, closing his eyes as they walked. "It's okay for you to miss her, y'know. She…you two were close for a long time."

"That doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt." Donald's voice was quiet, fingers deep in the pits of his clothes. "But…me and Daisy are right. We weren't good for each other, brought out the worst of us together." He paused. "I hope he's good to her."

"I know."

"But I'm having a good time though," Donald assured, making him smile. Launchpad led him to a bench where the water fountain are as they sat together, enjoying the nature of the park and the beautiful sight of the full moon with bright stars. Now this was more like their usual dates. Then Launchpad looked over at Donald with a teasing look on his face.

"Don't look at me like that! It's not my fault I have these female antics," Donald scolded with his face flushed, turning away from him to hide it.

Launchpad chuckled before placing a gentle kiss on Donald's neck before meeting the lips. "Thank you, I love you so much." He then pulled Donald closer to his side as Donald rest his head on Launchpad chest. Donald then look at Launchpad, silencing, he kiss the Pilot. He poured his love into that kiss. Launchpad kissed Donald while pushing himself lower on the bench, making him lay over him on his chest.

When Donald broke the kiss, he looked down at Launchpad with loving eyes. They got up and walk forward the car Launchpad park.

They drove back to McDuck Manor. They drove in silence back to the Institute, hands entwined and fingers linked, stars twinkling down and the moon lighting their path when the lights of the inner city faded away. The longer they drove, the more Donald felt the weight of what happened between him and Daisy slide off his shoulders, each step lighter. When they got back, Donald turned to look at him, giving him a smile and his hand a squeeze.

"I enjoyed tonight."

Launchpad felt his face flush fully, fingers brushing through the feathers at the back of his neck. "So did I," he admitted, even if it felt like he had worried about other people's opinions most of the night.

Launchpad paused, scratching his cheek. "Y'know, there's a new episode of Darkwing Duck coming out on tv. If you wanna watch it I mean."

"Launchpad McQuack, are you asking me out again?"


The duck sighed and shook his head, smiling softly before tilting his head to kiss his companion on the cheek. "I'd love to."