Hey everyone this is my first story. I'm hoping it will go on for a while.

Remember to R&R. please don't yell at me in the review section cause that would make me angry and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry ;D

Let me know if there is anything you want me to do

Also, the bad writing in the first chapter is entirely on purpose, designed to portray how Natsu thinks. So it will improve soon.

Peace out

Chapter 1: ReBorn In A Whole New World

They finally did it. They defeated Acnologia, and saved all of Earthland. Seven dragon slayers were victorious. Natsu had reduced Acnologia to a pile of dust in a pocket dimension. But there was one tiny problem. "HOLY CRAP I'M DISAPPEARING!" natsu yelled as his body began to be sucked into a hole that was where acnologia once stood.

The other six dragonslayers looked on in shock, unable to do anything due to their weakened state. They watched in horror as the man who saved them all yelled "NO NO NO, I DON'T WANNA GO THROUGH THE MYSTERY HOLE!" Natsu was sucked into the hole and they never saw him again.

Taiyang POV

I was at the same hospital in Patch where my wife, Raven, was pronounced pregnant 8 months ago. I sat outside the room Raven, the new mother of my children was in. Judging from how the screaming stopped and didn't start up again, I was pretty sure the baby had come out.

I was reassured the baby came out when I heard a loud WWHHAAHH! I couldn't believe it. I was a father. At that moment I was the happiest man in the world. That feeling went away when the doctor came out of the room and said "Mr Xiao Long, something has come up."

I immediately rushed into the room not quite sure what to expect. " In Raven's arms lay two newborn babies wrapped in blankets. "What's the problem?" I asked. The doctor gave him his answer "Every single scan we took in the past 9 months told us there was only going to be one baby."

"Also you should probably know the younger one is a faunus." the doctor said as he took one of the newborns from raven, and undid the blanket. I was shocked by what I saw as the child had, instead of normal arms, crimson lizard-like arms all the way from his scaly elbows all the way to his claw-like black fingernails.(think of igneel's forearms)

The doctor wasn't done "Also we ran some tests with his DNA. His hair is gonna be pink when it starts to grow." I was about say something when the doctor continued "And yes I am completely serious about my job." Taiyang couldn't help but think to himself how did this happen when suddenly a voice spoke up.

"I don't mind." Raven said "He is my son nonetheless." Taiyang smiled to himself maybe the whole parenting would soften up Raven after all. "I have decided on their names." She said with a tone of finality leaving no room for debate. "My daughter's name is going to be Yang." she said looking at the baby girl in her arms. And as she looked at her son in the doctor's arms she said "And his name will be Natsu.

Natsu POV

What. Just. Happened. I am really confused as to what just happened to me. Lucy told me that if I ever was confused I should go over what I did and try to figure it out. Let's see I killed Acnologia, which was totally awesome, I then was sucked into a mystery hole and came out the other side as a baby with dragon arms…..hhhmmmm…. Lucy lied to me, that didn't help me at all. That was mean of her.

But still I turned into a baby….WWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY! I yelled aloud. However, due to me being a baby, I was unable to speak and it came out as more of a "WWHHAAHH!" I then decided to listen in on the conversations around me because I couldn't speak. Apparently I was something called a faunus, whatever that is. And I had a twin sister named Yang. And then I realized I was being born and since I couldn't feel any ethernano in the air that meant I was being born into another world. But then another thought crossed my mind.

How do I get home.

