A New Special Friend

At 3E 427, an young imperial, Larn, no older than the age of eighteen, had recently chosen Morrowind as his next target to satisfy his wandering lust for adventure and excitement. He felt the breeze of this alien world of Vardenfell touching his fair skin and long brown hair, thought it could not touch the very athletic build that was hidden under his set of iron armor, minus a helmet.

Larn traveled south of the region, near the Ascadian Isles, on the road between Seyda Neen and Balmora. There, he stopped at the small town of Pelagiad, where he visited the Halfway Tavern, a place considered to be the social center of town. Inside, Larn took a seat at the tavern floor, where people had gathered to eat, drink, and chat.

While there, Larn noticed a nicely robed Khajiit woman of the Suthay-Raht breed, the kind that looked like humanoid cats that walked digitigrade, and had jaguar-like fur and head. Due to his fascination and curiosity of the women of the cat-folk race, he went up to her and introductions soon followed. They chatted for quite a while, until they were on friendly terms when the khajiit started opening up to the imperial.

Suddenly, Larn unknowingly took the risk and gave her the 'Smooth Moves'. She admired it, and that was when things got interesting. A great romance awaited those were brave enough to try.

"How can Ahnassi not see?" she said. "Must she be blind? She sees you walk, and she like what she sees. It is her profession, to see such things as the flow of body, and the grace of the eye, and admire. What Khajiit can see what she wants, and not take it? Could Ahnassi ask for a gift? Don't say no to Ahnassi. Must Ahnassi be the thief? Must she steal this thing, this Larn fellow she wants? Or will he give himself as a gift."

Larn understood what she ment, and so he decided he wanted to make the give the offer. "Then perhaps I could offer you the 'Gift of Friendship'."

"Oh?" Ahnassi blushed under the fur of her cheeks. "Please forgive Ahnassi, if she purrs like a kitten. But Ahnassi is so pleased. You will come visit Ahnassi often then? And tell her things? And ask her things too, for we are now friends, yes? Ahnassi much secret knows, she almost bursts. Likeā€¦Ahnassi must tell her new friend! This Hrordis upstairs? Such a secret I know!"

That was a lot more than Larn expected, but her excitement and behavior was beginning to strike something similar to the imperial himself. "Well then, by all means. Do tell, Ahnassi."

The khajiit felt convinced. "Ahnassi tells you. Ahnassi trusts you. Yes. Ahnassi is a thief."

"Really?" Larn was surprised. "How dangerous, and exciting."

"You do not mind?"

"Why would I?"

"Because Ahnassi loves secret things. She loves secrets, and when she finds them, she loves to have them. Like the strange Hrordis upstairs. Hrordis has a secret. Ahnassi can see, so Ahnassi follows Hrordis, and this is how Ahnassi knows that Hrordis serves Mehrunes Dagon. This magic belt Hrordis has, such a pretty belt, but strange writings in strange letters, maybe evil, maybe danger."

Larn didn't know what this khajiit woman was up to, but something inside him gave a command that he could not disobey, and thus began a string of favors that led from one thing to another, all for the khajiit called Ahnassi.

It all started with Larn visiting the guest upstairs, called Hrordis, about her magic belt. Then Ahnassi had Larn deal with a thug who was harassing her, stealing keys to the Redoran Vaults, convincing an old friend to stop his skooma addiction, picking up a book from an acrobatic trainer, bringing Ahnassi specific flowers, stealing a Flamemirrior Robe from a Telvanni wizard, and finally, stealing a special glove from the Imperial Commision inside Castle Ebonheart.

Boy, Larn really was a sucker. He had better hope this was all worse the trouble. Larn knew the khajiit was taking advantage of him, using him to advance her own schemes, but he had couldn't help it if he had a strange irresistible weakness for khajiit women.

Once Larn returned to Ahnassi, she invited him to her house. She was both very impressed and very pleased with this young imperial's efforts, so she invited him to join her in celebrating and opening one or more of her personal variety of alcoholic beverages. After that celebration, Ahnassi guided Larn to her bedroom. There, the imperial stood still, as he watched the khajiit approach him, her clawed hands on his shoulders, her hypnotizing yellow feline eyes staring deep into his own, and her lips curving into a wicked smile.

"Yes," she purred. "This Larn fellow really is Ahnassi's very special friend. Now Ahnassi shall prove that she is Larn's very special friend."

With that said, Ahnassi began stripping Larn of his armor and clothing, while he couldn't help but stand right there, allowing her the freedom to do so. Once he was nothing but fair skin, Larn felt Ahnassi's furred palms roaming around him, eventually her clawed hands slowly snaked their way up the imperial's muscled chest, until they held his face. From there, Ahnassi pulled Larn to press her lips into his. Her tongue snuck its way inside, tasting him, and her taste drove him mad with lust and desire, making him follow her lead.

Soon afterwards, Larn had his back on Ahnassi's bed, while she straddled him, looking down at him like a triumphant predatory cat. She rubbed her hands across his chest, slowly and gently clawing him. Then the khajiit unraveled the top of her robe, revealing her jaguar-furred upper humanoid body. Finally, Ahnassi pulled the imperial human up so that he was sitting, and she made him drink from her furred mounds.

So this was Larn's reward for giving in to his weakness, and allowing the khajiit woman to take advantage of him? He hated to admit it, but he thought it so worth it.