This new story is based on my first and a few of my one shot stories. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1:

Penny was sitting in the doctors office waiting for her test results. The last two years had been heartache for her and Leonard. Three miscarriages and just a lot of hurt and a lot of fights between them. They were tired of it all and decided to look for answers. So first off they started to repair their marriage and now to see if they could expand their family.

Leonard just walked in and gave her a half smile. "Hey, just dropped of Christian at Howard and Bernedette's. Has the doctor came in yet?" Then made his way over to Penny and held her hand as he sat next to her.

Penny shook her head and returned the smile. "No, just waiting for last weeks test results...What if there is something wrong with me... I mean I did have solme complications with Christian." She could not hold back the tears and squeezed Leonard's hand tight.

Leonard leaned over and gave Penny a kiss on her lips. It was a gentle kiss but filled with love and compassion. He then wiped her tears away. "Listen you. I would not love you any less. I mean you already gave birth to practically my clone. But we have other options of things don't go our way. We have adoption or we have sergeant. But we won't discuss this unless we have no other options."

Penny hugged her husband as he hugged her back. She really did marry a good man. He turned out to be an amazing father. Every night they read to their son. Leonard would read lectures to Christian and Penny would read fairy tales. After a long day at work they would take turns cooking and playing with their son. According to Leonard, Christian was now old enough to start showing him science experiments. Penny did not stop because one she learned from them and also seeing Christian engrossed with what Leonard was teaching him.

Penny finally released Leonard and really looked at him, "You are right whatever happens we will figure it out. As long as you are holding my hand and we are going through it together."

Leonard wanted to kiss her again but the doctor came in and sat down behind her desk. She looked at them and took a deep breath because she knew Doctor and Mrs. Hofstadter where not going to like the test results. She watched them hold their hands as she began. "After carefully examing each test we have the results and I am going to be honest... They are not what we were hoping. Mrs Hofstadter this could explain your complications with your first pregnancy and your miscarriages. You have PCOS which ispolycystic ovarysyndrome and affects up to five percent of all women. The biggest hurdle for women with PCOS is getting pregnant. ... Once a woman with PCOS does conceive, there are two main risks. The first is an increased risk of miscarriage during the first trimester. But somehow you where very lucky to conceive your son and have a full pregnancy. I do not have the answers why this is happening now but I am truley sorry." She sat there and let the couple process the news.