I liked reading gamer fanfiction and decided to write one of my own. I didn't want the main character to be too overpowered that the MC can destroy mostly everyone in canon. I decided to change how the leveling system works from the typical gamer fanfiction, it would be based on dark souls. If you guys don't know what would be different dark souls is a game where to level up you have to beat enemies to gain souls where in turn you need a certain amount of souls to level up. Souls are also used for the currency of the game sometimes have to choose to get a new item or level up. Unlike most gamer fanfiction there will only be specific types of spells that the character can use, I planning that there will be only six skills that the OC would have that is counting the two skills every gamer have. The skills won't make the character overpowered they will be there to make his life to be like dark souls.

Warning my grammar is trash, multiple teachers had me get extra help to write my essay papers. My English teacher told me to download Grammarly.

This story will contain elements from Highschool DxD, Dark Souls, Dante's Inferno. Disclaimer I don't own anything except for this story and my OC

A black void is all I can see; I don't see anything nor can I feel anything. I am just floating forever watching the darkness of the void.

'So this is the afterlife. Just a dark void of nothing?' I thought to myself. While I may not believe in a higher being, I thought the afterlife would be grand, but it turns out to be just a dark void of nothing.

I don't know how long I was here it could be minutes, hours or even days. I have no real telling of the time when I am looking at the endless abyss. No real feeling comes into play, impassive about everything; I don't even know my name.

As I continue to stare at nothing, a message with a blue background with black letters appears in front of my view.

[Congratulations, you have been picked as the new Gamer. Do you accept being the new Gamer]


'Yes' I mentally screamed, anything will be better than having to stare continuously at nothing.

The screen disappeared, a bright flash of light turned everything white. My eyes took a while to adjust to the brightness after my eyes adjust to the new light I scanned the room that I had found myself in.

The area had dull white walls, both the ceiling and floor were made of wood. Around me are these wooden bars among several other different sleeping babies in similar wooden cribs. I felt so sleepy as a let out a yawn, a began the lay down as my eyelids felt heavy I closed my eye, I felt myself drifting to sleep.

When I woke up, I looked around, I notice that everything was real meaning I was finally out of the void. I glanced around, then glanced down, I saw two small pudgy hands; I felt surprised to see that I became a baby.

As I was trying out my new body, I didn't notice two giant hands lifting up my body. Scared of the motion, I started to scream, I guess as a baby you can't control your emotions causing I me to cry.

"Hush, little one" A gentle voice calmed me out of my crying state. I look up and saw an old lady smiling at me. Her smile had warmth it was like the ones that a grandma gave to their grandchildren; she looked like one of those nuns that belong the catholic church.

She carried and placed me in a playpen where all the other babies play with toys. I quickly craw my way to the big set of lego, not the ones where the piece are small but the one where a baby can't stuff it in their mouths. It took me minutes, but I made a tower I felt so proud of myself making something so tall but that end soon when a baby pushed it down. My eyes began to water1 my little head off. I felt a pair of hands carried me off. I didn't care where she was taking me, as I continue to cry over my destroyed lego tower.

The old nun gently placed me back in my crip; I couldn't stop crying and screaming until I felt something enter my mouth it was soft I started to suck on it, as soon realized that had a pacifier. As soon I began sucking the pacifier I felt myself becoming calm and tired I guess it's a good time to take a nap.

I woke up from my nap, I stared up at the wooden ceiling 'I am free, Freee' I mentally cheered that I am free the boring hell, my small limbs moving in excitement.

The old nun come over had seen my excitement, chuckling to herself "Ah, I see that you are awake." she began to carry me to the dining area where all the other babies were on booster seats making a mess with their food.

She placed me in a booster, she then put a bib on me. Once the food was placed on the table, I gave it a quick look. It looked awful, it was in a small glass jar that had some orange liquid mush. She grabbed a little plastic spoon and began to feed me, it tastes just like it looked awful. I spit it out my mouth, now I why the other babies have the food everywhere except their mouths. I followed their example and started to play with my food. When the nun came back, she had one of those baby bottles her hand she put the top of the bottle in my mouth. I closed my eyes in bliss, I couldn't believe that baby milk would be this good.

Night came, all the nuns were putting the babies back to their crips, I fell asleep. after a long day my baby mind couldn't keep up with all the things that happened today, I closed my eyes for sleep hoping that today was not a dream. I woke up to a screeching sound, the baby that's making the noise was in the crib next to me 'It's going to be a long night.' I thought as the baby continue screaming the next thing I know four more babies join with him screaming his head off.

Time skip five years.

It has been five years since that day, from that day forward every time I would build my marvelous lego tower only for it to be knocked down it seems that fate of the building is to be done by the same baby. I tried to prevent him from coming near the tower, but these short baby limbs can't do anything to stop him. I had named him my nemesis because every freaking day he destroys my tower. I bet he mocks me every time he does it knowing that I can't do anything to stop him.

I stop building Lego towers around a year or two, I gave up trying to make them it would seem that a lego towers own fate was to be destroyed by babies. I decide to play with toy cars, I would push them around the room making cars noises with my mouth as I go along. That day my arch nemesis was confused about not having any lego towers to destroy the next day he found out I was playing with the toy cars. He took the car I was playing with, and I had to settle for a school bus from that day he was on top of my list of people I hate and the only one on that list.

The times I didn't play with any of the toys I read picture books, all of the books were about Christian stories like Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, and my favorite Hey Warrior Kids. I am pretty excited about getting our first lessons about Christianity later today.

After our playtime, Sister Mary took us to the dining area to give us our first lesson, she was the old nun that took care of me when I was younger. "Alright children settle down, today we are going to learn about Jesus Christ..." The teaching quickly becomes boring while I don't remember much about my first life but I know I didn't participate in any religion. The story was boring at first until they talk about Christ being crucified on the cross. "Jesus was later sealed in a tomb, and after three days, he was resurrected from the dead-" I pondered about that. 'If God can bring anyone back from the dead does that mean I was brought back from the dead.' It became

more clear the more I thought about it if God brought me back, he would put me in an orphanage that's run by his believers.

"Miss Mary, can anyone be brought back from the dead?" I had to ask if anyone can be resurrected then, maybe I was resurrected and brought to this orphanage. "Yes, one day every one of us will be resurrected, and our body will be perfect in every way. We won't have any disabilities that we had before the resurrection, and we won't ever be sick." 'Well, that confirms it God must have put me here. Holy shit that also proves that God is real.' I felt my mind blow it was like knowing the secret of the universe because knowing that God is real might be the secret of the universe.

Time Skip another five years.

Time has flown past me then I had noticed, ever since that day I have been reading picture books about the stories told in the old testament. I found the Christian mythology to be fascinating some of my favorites stories are, The four horseman, Samson, and Moses. In my head, I think that the four horsemen presence is just screaming badass enough said. Samson was like the Christian Hercules; he gains his strength with his but loses it once he cut it. The Moses, a prophet of God, he helped the Israelites escape Eygpt and split the red sea. Moses was so badass that he talked down Satan and dispelled him, it said in the bible that Moses didn't die but was sent to heaven while he was still alive.

Today was an unusual day instead of us having time to play the nuns had told us that someone was coming to take us on a trip.

After lunch a short senior man with gray hair, a mustache, black eyes, and wore a priest outfit he had come in the dining area. The priest was looking around the room smiling as he did, I didn't like that smile it seemed warm But I have a gut feeling it was something else.

We lined up in front of the orphanage waiting our turn to board the bus."Psst, Elijah do you know where we are going." A voice broke me from my thoughts, it was someone whispering in my ear. I turned around and saw a little boy the same age as me, he had blond hair and a pair of dark blue eyes. His boyish face had freckles the went across his face. He was my self-proclaimed best friend, but all I called was that he is my arch-nemesis.

About my name, the nuns have given me the name 'Elijah' because they didn't know my birth name. When I asked about my parents, they shooked their head and tried to avoid the questions although all I found out was that they had found me on the stairs of the orphanage.

I liked my name, as it's also the name of my second favorite prophet after Moses. Elijah, he was a prophet that put a drought on Isreal until Elijah commanded the rain to do so he did this because the people of Isreal had started to worship a god 'Baal.' Once the queen Jezebel found out what Elijah had done she wanted him dead, he fleed in fear for his life but was filled with shame because he has not trusted God with his life. God has shown Elijah that he has more power than the people of Isreal.

I jumped in shock as I felt some shake me like some protein shake. I looked over, and it was my self-proclaimed best friend.

"Elijah, Elijah, Elijah are you listening to me" he kept on shaking me.

"Yeah, can you please stop shaking me, Brett." once I called his name, Brett stopped shaking me and crossed his arms.

"Well if you didn't go to la la land I won't have to shake you." Typical teenagers explaining that they are right and you are wrong.

"Shut up you're irritating me" "No you shut up." "No, you!" "No, you!" we kept on bickering like kids until one of the sisters came placed a finger to her mouth "Shhhh" both of us turned and faced forward with our lips sealed.

As we board the bus, I was forced to sit next to Brett who kept on talking and talking about what happened in his dream last night. I was never one for talking with others only listening and answered when some was asking a question. I soon fell asleep mostly do with Bretts' lousy retelling of his dream. I woke when I felt someone tapping my should I opened my eyes and found Brett trying to wake me up. "Elijah, wake up everyone is leaving." I looked around the bus seeing everyone in a line to leave the bus.

We were in s a forest all I could see was trees everywhere and any direction. We faced the priest as he was explaining where we are. "Children, today I am going to show you your new home." Silence, everyone was silent even me I couldn't even think. The orphanage was my home for ten years, I had both good and bad memories there I couldn't believe that I wouldn't be able to go there anymore.

With a warm smile, the priest led us a to inside a metal building, that was about a story tall, it had metal bars instead of windows. The building looked scary as it looked more like a prison than a new home.

"Welcome, Welcome children." He showed us inside of the building, bunk beds filled the room it looked like a forest of beds. The beds didn't look like they would give the user a backache in the morning. He looked at us with a smile that reminded me of the smiles of a child's when they get something for Christmas. His smile change from warm and welcoming to a twisted looking grin.

Time Skip 3 years

It has been three years since that day, and ever since then, we have been put through hell. The priest has put us through experiments, injecting us with unknown injections put he torture us in the hope that we may wield a 'holy sword' I don't want to think that the sword was holy or anything no 'holy sword' would cause this much suffering in those who believe in their creator.

It seems that the priest gathered orphans from different orphanages that were run by the church. Each time a group of children appeared the old priest seemed to smile like he was going to get a new toy for his birthday. Each time I saw him greet the new kids I get more and more creeped out at the sight of his face, it was like he saw us as a knowledge hunger scientists see in a lab rat. When we came here, it was just like the same orphanage routine, wake up, eat, lessons time, sleep, and repeat. That was the routine for the first four months when each month a new bus came dropping off new kids from different ages. After those four months, he started to experiment on us, I was shocked and scared of the sudden change of the priest I believed that he was a friendly priest now he looks like a mad scientist.

Every day he takes into the laboratory, and experiments on us he brings us there one by one each coming back with patches all over their body but sometimes they don't come back.


"I miss the orphanage" a meek voice that was worn down by screaming and crying cried out.

"I know Brett my too" My quiet voice was weak, but he can hear it. Brett and I would sit beside the walls, and talk about anything mostly about the outside world.

"Brett Ambler, you're next" A loud voice that spread throughout the whole room. 'It seems it now Bretts' turn to go' I looked at him to see a kid no older than 10 having

trouble to stand up his legs were shaking that his next step they would give out.

"I don't think he will make it this time." By the voice alone, I know who it is, but I don't want to pay him any attention, Zeke was part of a different orphanage that had mostly younger kids. He is older than me by a year or so, he had untamed black hair and dull black eyes he acted like an older brother for the younger kids. He kept on

getting their hopes alive by telling them that they would get out of here soon.

"Hmph, you don't know, only God knows" My faith in God never wavered one bit, I believed that he kept us alive from all the torture that we have been through every day. I would say it grow more every time we survived the day.

"There you go with God again saying and saying 'God will protect us' bull shit I don't believe that God would want kids being tortured by a Preist for some 'holy swords'" I rolled my eyes at his reply, I could hear disgust each time he said, God. While I didn't like the way he talked about Gods' name in that manner it was his choice and I won't force anyone to believe the same thing as I did. Mostly all the older kids lost hope in seeing the outside world and think they will die here. I didn't say anything else and watched the doors for Brett.

As they called the next names, I didn't see Brett walking out of the laboratory I know what happened he probably died during the experimentation. I hugged my knees and cried silently knowing best-friend was now dead. I know that he and I didn't get on the best of turns with him knocking down my first lego town stole my toys. He and I changed from being arch-nemesis to being best-friends during our time in this hell hole, later being brothers looking out for each other, promising that we will get out of here alive.

When it was time for us to sleep, I got on my knees and prayed.

"God our Father, Your power brings us to birth, Your providence guides our lives, and by Your command, we return to dust. Lord, those who die still live in Your presence, their lives change but do not end. I pray in hope for my friend, and for all the dead known to You alone. In company with Christ, Who died and now lives, may they rejoice in Your kingdom, where all our tears are wiped away. Unite us together again in one family, to sing Your praise forever and ever. Amen." It was one the prayers that I learned from the sister during our lessons, that night I cried myself to sleep dreaming about the time Brett and I would fight over toys.

End flashback

"Failures, Failures you are all Failures!" An angry voice had brought me out of my thoughts. The priest had barged into the room, he throws a child on the floor in front of him. "I had worked so hard for all of you, but none of you can do what I had asked you to do. You are all Failures!"

That night instead of going to our rooms we were told that we would be staying in a different place tonight it was a small brick house in the forest away from the main complex. The brick house has one room there were no windows, a pair of wooden double doors. Once we were in the brick house, the double doors slammed closed, loud gears were turning, then a 'CLICK,' the air vents were now slowly producing a yellow-brown gas that had2 a strong odor.

My eye widened when I looked at the gas, thought were racing through my mind, the priest said that we were all failures, it seems like he wanted to get rid of us. I started to panic, I was scared I couldn't believe that after everything that I went through I would die I quickly lift the caller of my shirt to cover my nose. Many of the younger kids began vomiting the little that they had for dinner. I ran as fast as I could to the door without stopping I slammed myself into the door 'BANG' the sound echoed throughout the whole room. I kept throwing myself at the door hoping to knock it down, what I didn't notice was the older kids were watching me slam myself to the door.

I kept on slamming myself at the door each time it had little to no effect on the wooden door, after each time I felt myself losing hope, feeling scared came closer. In the back of my mind, a small voice is telling it would be better if I just gave up. After slamming myself into the door multiple times, on my shoulder a bruise had formed it hurts every time I rammed into the door. I wanted the pain to stop, I want this whole thing to be just a terrible nightmare and wake up building my lego tower.

I stopped to looking around all of the younger kids collapsed on the floor probably dead, the older kids were still alive a kept an eye on the door like something was going to happen. The pain was now unbearable I couldn't keep on hitting the door, I want to hit the door two more times before I give up. I ran with all my might straight at the door 'CRACK' finally something happened.

I was about to slam the door again for the final time, I felt a hand grab my shoulder I turned around it was Zeke and all the older boys standing behind him. "Let us help." Although it was a weak voice, I couldn't help but smile.

Each one of us running at the door hoping that we can force it open, we were on a timer it will be soon that our bodies will give up due to the gas. We kept on pushing the door open though our numbers were dropping like flies the gas as claimed the lives of all kids except, Zeke, me, and this blond hair kid, he is the same age has me his blue were full of determination. All three us started to run with what little strength that we had, we yelled like madmen at the door.

With one final push, the door was blasted open we felt the cold winds rush through us. A blanket of snow covered the whole forest. "We did it, WE did it, WE DID IT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs "Zeke..." I looked around for Zeke, without him I would be the only trying to leave the building and most of all I would be dead. I spotted him but was speechless Zeke was laying on the foothold of the door. I crawled towards him "Zeke, Zeke..." I check for any breathing but found none I looked past him my skin became paler, I throw up at sight. In the build was piles and piles of bodies of children between the ages of 12-14, scared. Adrenaline filled my veins I quickly stood up and ran until my legs collapsed.

With the adrenaline faded I fell like a puppet when it's string cut. That gas was now taking its effect on me, my eye began to blur out. Knowing I wasn't going to making I closed my eyes for one final prayer.

"Dear, Heavenly father I thank thee for all that you have given me, I thank thee for the new life you have given me thought short I made friends that treat me as a brother it was a fulling life for me. I ask that thee watch over the children that died today that they may be welcomed to heaven with open arms. I pray to thee that I might be able to join them in heaven. In the name of thy son Jesus Christ. Amen" After saying the prayer, I collapsed and felt the cold snow touching my face before everything went black.

In the void, a message had welcomed me as I opened my eyes.

[Congratulation Gamer for completing the turtoral]

I hope that you guy like the story so far if you think that my grammar is trash, can you guys leave a review explaining why my grammar is trash and not flame me without telling why you think so. With your review, I can edit the story so it's more enjoyable for you guys to read.