
He was used to the pain. After all, he had lived through it his entire life. The other angels and devils didn't like him or listen to pleas. In their eyes, he was an abomination, a freak, nothing. He was considered nothing. His parents were 'reprogrammed' because they created him. Could he even call them his parents? They were more like his creators. Whatever they were, they did something that was against the angel/devil law, or agreement.

His mother was an angel, pure white wings protruded from her back. Her feathers were soft, as he recalled. He remembered her in great detail. She had golden hair that reached her hips, a halo made of light hovered above it, a diamond-shaped face, and a small structure. She had golden-yellow eyes, a Greek nose, and soft, pink lips that seemed to always be in a smile. Her white dress with golden edges was Greek style with a golden rope around her waist. The toga was floor length while there was a single strap on her left shoulder. Her skin was tan, almost like she spent all her days in the sun (which she does). She never wore any form of shoes, she didn't need to. She always floated.

His father, on the other hand, was a devil. He had black, leathery, bat-like wings protruding from between his shoulder blades. He had flowing hair that barely brushed his shoulders, black like the darkest night. He had devil-like horns coming from his temples, the ends of them tinted red while the base was black. It seemed like his horns had come straight from his hair. He always wore a black toga with a single strap on his shoulder and the bottom of the toga stopped just short of his knees. Coming out of the toga was a tail. It was thin but had a diamond shape on the end. His father had fully black eyes except for white spots in the middle where pupils should be. His nose was also Greek style, but his lips were pure black. They seemed to always be in the form of a line, sometimes curving downwards. The only time he ever smiled was when he was with his wife.

The angel and the devil had a forbidden love. They were madly in love, but they weren't allowed to be together. The angel had been betrothed to a man she never loved, while the devil was a wayward spirit. He never stayed in one place, always wandering. The only time he settled, was when he saw the angel.

It was midday and the devil were flying around. He had slowed the beats of his wings to get a good look at her. She was pure, elegant, and beautiful. The devil did not realize that he had fallen for her until later that night. Her face was imprinted in his mind. He had to see her.

The devil had made a decision. He would search for her that night.

Little did he know that the angel had seen him, too. She had seen his handsome figure fly by, never taking her eyes off his form. He seemed relaxed and carefree. She wanted to be free like him, eternally flying with no destination. She had fallen for him instantly. The angel wanted to follow him, so she did. She sneakily followed him, being careful so she wouldn't be noticed.

It was hours before the devil settled. The angel had stealthily followed him to a tree where the devil settled on a branch, his tail had curled around the branch while his bat-like wings had lazily drooped low, the tips almost touching the ground. The angel had watched him for another minute. He seemed to be pondering something. She slowly made her way over to him, making her feet brush against the grass. The devil had fluttered his pointed ears, listening. He heard the soft bristle of feet upon grass. It was faint, but close. The devil wrapped his wings around him, blocking his figure from view. His wings acted like a sort of invisibility, cloaking him from the outside world. He peeked his eyes out between his wings. There was an angel. No…the angel, that he saw earlier that day. She was beautiful. Her golden eyes seemed to reflect the whole universe.

The angel started looking around, baffled by the devil's sudden disappearance. Where had he gone? She didn't know angel or devil that could randomly disappear.

The devil stared at her. He shifted his wings, so they were folded against his back, never taking his eyes off her. She jumped back at his sudden appearance, but her eyes locked with his. They stared at each other, enjoying each other's presence.

"Um…Hi?" The devil said. He didn't know what to say.

"Hello." Angel replied. Her breath was taken from her, even though celestial beings like angels and devils didn't need to breathe. She continued. "What is your name?"

"Vandrare." Devil replied. He was just as speechless at her beauty, but there was something else about her. Almost like she was radiating something off her. It was an emotion that not many demons experienced. What was it called?

"Hi, Vandrare. My name is Stillhet. Might I ask what you are doing up there?" Stillhet giggled a bit, bringing a tanned hand to her mouth, covering it.

"No reason at all, Stillhet." He liked her name on his tongue. It seemed almost natural to say it. "I merely wander these lands and the Underlands. I never stay in one place for a long time." He paused a second, thinking. "Why are you so far away from your village? Surely, you have family there, yes?"

Stillhet couldn't lie to him. Why should she? "I followed you. I saw you fly by and could not stop myself from staring, which led to following." Stillhet was not a shy lady. She was very brave and confident, so, admitting her feelings was not hard, but it was also not easy.

"I see. I did see you in the meadow, yes. A beautiful spirit of purity, such as you. I am left to wonder, though. Do you not discriminate against us spirits of darkness?"

Stillhet pondered this for a moment. She never disliked anything. Everything was light and pure to her, even the most hateful demon. She was not like other angels who discriminate against devils, casting them into the Underlands. There had been a treaty, sure. It stopped the angels from locking away the demons, but the hate continued. Angels kept to themselves on the Highlands where they built many buildings. Devils lived in the Underlands. They made a home of sorts down there, coming into the light every so often. They mostly kept to themselves, also.

"I have never felt negative towards anything. I see all things as equals. I see you as a spirit, just like me." The angel stopped, choosing her next words carefully. Even if she was brave, admitting something like this was one of the hardest things she had ever had to do. "I…um…also see you as…well…more."

Stillhet had grabbed a lock of her hair and played with it in her fingers. She was looking off to the side, staring at nothing. She didn't want to see the demon's reaction, for fear of it being rejection.

Vandrare stood up on the branch he was sitting n, stretching his wings before fluttering next to the angel. He was a few inches taller than her, making him look down on her. He slowly brought a hand up to her face, cradling her chin in his hand and bringing her eyes to his.

"Jag också." (As do I.) Vandrare wrapped his muscular arms around her waist, pulling her close to him.

Stillhet blinked once before dropping her golden lock and throwing her arms around Vandrare's neck. She smiled brightly, thankful that someone shared her affection.

The two spirits hugged for a while, neither of them wanting to move. Almost on instinct, their wings had formed a sort of barrier around them. The tips of their wings were touching. They stayed there for a moment longer before slightly pulling away. They were still hugging, sort-of, but now their foreheads were pressed together as they stared into each other's eyes.

They pulled away from each other, positioning themselves. Vandrare was now behind Stillhet. Stillhet cupped her hands in front of her, like you would when cupping water, and Vandrare cupped his under hers. They focused, eyes closed and sings around them in a protective manner. Stillhet pulled energy from her spiritual core, a white light floating above her hands. Vandrare did the same, except his was vantablack and had combined with Stillhet's. The white and black mixed, creating a Yin and Yang-like symbol. It started spinning, rising higher in the air as it did so. The two spirits opened their eyes and watched in awe at their creation. It rose high in the air and a blinding white and drowning black engulfed them. They shielded their eyes away from it, but looked again when the light and dark dimmed a bit. The energies had created a golden ball. It seemed to be morphing into something. It started to take the shape of a human. Four 'things' came out of its back, they looked like wings, while a raven-like tail sprouted from its behind, another tail, similar to Vandrare's, following.

The sphere had now changed into a golden boy. The gold dimmed, leaving a moderately tan child in Stillhet's hands. She held him like the baby he was and took in his beautiful features. Starting from the top, his hair was blinding white, almost like the moon itself had kissed his forehead while the sun blessed it with brightness. The tips of his hair were black, creating an almost shadow effect. He had horns like his male creator that curved towards each other slightly, a halo rested between them. He was moderately tan, as mentioned before. Stillhet wanted to look at his eyes, but they were closed. So, instead, she took in the rest of his face. Like his creators, he had a Greek-style nose. His lips, which were a pinkish-orange in colour, were slightly parted.

Stillhet noticed that he was nude and passed her hand over his small body. A small white blanket swaddled him. The baby shifted uncomfortably, almost like he was trying to free something. His wings and tail! She needed to make openings in the blanket for them. Vandrare beat her to it. He waved his hand over the small body, creating openings in the blanket. Between his shoulder clades sprouted four wings. Wait…four? Aren't spiritual beings supposed to only have two wings? The wings on the outermost layer were bat like, just like his fathers. They were vantablack that faded into white at the tips. On the innermost layer were feathered wings, like his mothers. They were pure white, just like his hair, and had black tips. The tails were similar. The feathered one looked crow like but was white with black tips. The demonic tail looked identical to Vandrare's. It was black with multiple diamonds along it, looking like a weapon. The diamonds folded to make the tail look like a snake and it wrapped itself around Stillhet's arm.

Stillhet held him close, cuddling with him while Vandrare stood behind her. He moved his arms so that they were around her waist. He placed his head on hers and peered down at the boy. For the first time, he smiled. Stillhet, who was already smiling, laughed a little. Vandrare soon followed, showing fangs.

The two closed their wings around them protectively, Vandrare's being on the outermost layer. He shielded them from view from any prying eyes. It was too late, though. An angel had seen them.

~Was gonna stop it here, but where's the fun in that?~

Stillhet was in love. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem. But, she was in love with a demon. A demon! Angels and demons don't mix, it's a known fact.

The angel hiding in some nearby bushes gasped slightly before taking off. The other two in the area had noticed her and were worried. If someone saw what they did, they would most likely be 'reprogrammed'. The thought of that made them shudder.

Vandrare released Stillhet and chased after the angel. He flew after her till he saw the Highland city of angels. The angel flew into the city, twisting and turning, trying to lose her tail. (Not literally.) She flew into her house after she was sure she lost him. The angel slumped against the wall, looking extremely tired.

A muscular angel walked into the room. He had a white beard that covered his neck and white hair that was just as long. He was wearing a toga like all other angels, this one with two straps and a hem that stopped at the knees. He ran over to the exhausted angel and crouched down to her level.

"Are you alright, Sökare?" The male asked.

Sökare raised her head and looked into his green-ish eyes.

"I am fine. Stillhet is not."

"What has happened to her? Is she alright?" The man asked.

"She is not alright. She has fallen for a…" Sökare looked around, making sure no one else was around. "devil." She whispered.

The man's face turned to one of rage. "What?!" Sökare tried to silence him. "A devil?! Those evil creatures are to be burned for their crimes!"

Sökare shook her head, noticing lights in the other 'houses' flicker on. Surely, everyone within a ten-mile radius had heard her male-creator. Her ears picked up the sound of rustling feathers. Moments later, her female-creator walked in the room, rubbing her eyes.

"Dunder, what is the meaning of this? You awakened me from my slumber." She said.

Dunder looked sympathetic. "Pardon me, my love. My anger got the best of me."

The female angel smiled. "It is alright. Why are you two up at this time? It is far too early to be awake."

Sökare looked down. "My apologies Mother Sova. Sister Stillhet has fallen for a…" Again she lowered her voice. "devil."

Sova's eyes widened, but she kept her voice silent. "By the ancients…" Sova lifted a hand to her mouth. "Where are they?"

"Last I saw, they were out by the Weeping Willow." Sökare answered.

Sova sped off, heading towards the Weeping Willow. She flew at such a fast speed that it was hard for her love and her second creation to keep up with her.

It took an hour to arrive at the willow. Sova only saw her first creation holding a white blanket in her arms. Sova pushed a little harder and was soon floating beside her creation. She looked down at the blanket, seeing a new creation. Sova gasped, she saw the wings and tails. There were two angel wings and an angel's tale, but that was normal. What surprised Sova was the bat-like wings and snake-like tail. It was true, her first creation had mixed auras with a demon. Sova broke down, grabbing the skirt of Stillhet's dress and sobbing into it.

"What have you done? You have disgraced us all. Why?" Sova cried. Dunder and Sökare arrived, looking exhausted from flying at high speeds. Dunder looked at the creation in horror. How could one of his own creations make something this…repulsive?

"M-Mother Sova! Why are you here? I thought you were sleeping till noon." Stillhet slowly moved the swaddled child away. Where was Vandrare when you need him?

"Your sister saw you with that…devil" Sova spat, "but I didn't believe her. I had to see for myself. Why would you betray your own kind, Stillhet? Are we not good enough for you?"

"No! Why would you think that, Mother Sova? I love you all, but my affections have been spread." Stillhet was trying to reason. She knew that a punishment was coming, but she didn't know which.

"You know what has to happen now, right? We can't let this go. You broke the rules." Dunder said in a serious tone.

Stillhet lowered her head, looking down at her creation. She knew. She had done something almost as bad as this when she was younger. She had went down into the Underlands and started exploring. She got caught and was 'reprogrammed'. Stillhet shuddered at the thought of it happening again.

She lifted her creation a bit and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. This was the first time that he was shown affection, it might as well have been the last.

A/N: This is the second story I have posted, it is also on Wattpad. The first story I posted is called Of Broken Wings. Anyway, lemme know what you think about this. Did you like it? Did you not like it? Anything you need clarified or any suggestions? Please lemme know. See ya real soon!