"BOMBASTIC DISASTER TERRORISES LONDON," Lord Voldemort read to the assembled Death Eaters. This was an all-hands meeting, and though he was reading something terribly alarming from the Daily Prophet, Bellatrix was acutely aware of the way dozens of eyes were staring at her. They were watching her curls sway around her form, looking at her pale skin and her red eyes. She glanced around, and the eyes left her.

"Believed to be the work of none other than the fearsome Lord Voldemort, a series of explosions detonated in Muggle London yesterday. The New Year's Eve disaster claimed a total of twelve Muggle lives and left approximately seventy-eight injured. Ministry officials were left scrambling to alter memories, provide reasonable explanations for the explosions (a Muggle terrorist attack), and to attempt to heal the wounded in the street. Lord Voldemort matched the description given by Muggle witnesses, who saw a wizard use a wand to create the explosions before Disapparating. Lord Voldemort - formerly known as Tom Riddle - is now Undesirable Number One yet again, unseating Mr Mulciber, his ally. There is a bounty of fifty thousand Galleons for Lord Voldemort's capture."

"Anyone who attempts to get that bounty will see a flash of green light," Bellatrix snarled, and Voldemort smirked at her.

"They all know better. Don't they?" he asked, and everyone nodded fervently. Bellatrix crossed her arms and narrowed her scarlet eyes.

"I'd kill any traitor myself."

"You would. I know it. You killed a blood traitor just two nights ago, Bella, didn't you? What was her name again?" Voldemort asked lightly, and Bellatrix smiled.

"Andromeda Black, Master."

"Andromeda Black." Voldemort waited for the murmurs and whispers around the table to die down, and then he turned to the second page of the newspaper. "She didn't make the cover, I'm afraid. Here it is. Andromeda Tonks found dead in parents' home - Andromeda, the middle daughter of Cygnus and Druella Black, was found dead in her bed at the Black family home early yesterday morning. She showed signs of having been struck by a Killing Curse, but thus far there have been no arrests. Her own wand was across the room, so a suicide has been ruled out. No funeral is planned."

"No funeral is planned, My Lord," Bellatrix said urgently, "because I informed my parents this morning that if they held one, they'd meet the same end as Andy. You won't tolerate blood traitors, Master, and so neither will I. Her nasty Mudblood boyfriend is dead - you killed him, and I killed his parents. And now Andy's gone, too, because she was a blood traitor. But Narcissa will do much better; she's to marry Lucius Malfoy."

"And I'm sure they'll have loads and loads of little Pureblood offspring," Voldemort said, triggering a laugh from the others and a grin from Bellatrix. He eyed Abraxas Malfoy, who smiled nervously, and then he set down the Daily Prophet. He beckoned with one finger to Bellatrix, who leaped from her chair and dashed quickly toward him.

"Rookwood," Voldemort said, and Augustus Rookwood flew to his feet. Voldemort cleared his throat and glanced beside him to Bellatrix. She was shorter now, so they were nearly eye to eye, even with him sitting. Voldemort held her gaze for a moment, then turned back to Rookwood and commanded him, "Marry us."

Rookwood's eyes went wide, and Bellatrix felt her heart speed in her chest. It was one of the only human sensations she had - the quickening pulse Voldemort gave her. Rookwood visibly gulped and stammered,

"You want… erm… Master, you wish for me to -"

"Marry me to Bellatrix. Now," Voldemort nodded, and the others looked at one another in confusion. Voldemort said to them, "None of you realised you were attending a wedding today. Don't trouble yourselves; you can get gifts later. Rookwood. Marry us. Now."

Augustus Rookwood came rushing toward Voldemort, who stubbornly stayed sitting. Bellatrix realised what a demonstration of power that was. He would marry her sitting down, like a king on a throne. She stood dutifully beside him, her hair flowing about her, and now she realised why he'd insisted that she wear a nice dress today. She'd worn black silk with a sash around her waist, and she'd put some makeup on her doll-like face.

"Will you be wanting documentation, My Lord?" Rookwood asked carefully. "It's not necessary to be married, of course, but for Ministry purposes, it's -"

"Why would I want the Ministry to have documentation of my marriage?" Voldemort snapped. "Perform the rite. Arranged-style, if you please."

"Yes, Master." Rookwood bowed his head, glancing to his comrades at the table. His voice shook like a leaf as he said, "My friends. Today we have gathered to witness the union of this wizard and this witch. Through willful consent and the power of their magic, they will be bound together in perpetuity. My Lord."

He turned to Voldemort then, who tipped his head and stared expectantly from where he sat. Rookwood asked,

"Is it your will to be married to… to this witch?"

"Her name is Bellatrix," Voldemort said. "Yes. It is my will to be married to Bellatrix."

Rookwood's face went white then as he asked, "Bellatrix, is it your will to be married to… your master?"

"It is my will," Bellatrix said, feeling more confident than she'd ever felt in her entire life. Rookwood whispered then,

"Have you got rings, My Lord?"

"Naturally." Voldemort reached into his pocket and pulled out two plain platinum bands, and Rookwood cleared his throat.

"Master, if you will place the ring upon Bellatrix's finger and make a vow you find fitting."

Voldemort turned in his chair, and Bellatrix held her left hand out to him, her eyes burning as she met his stare. They just gazed at one another for a long moment, and suddenly she remembered everything. She remembered the fear that had come with her failed pregnancy, the sensation of nearly dying then. She remembered the way he'd come to visit her, the way he'd brought her Cauldron Cakes, the way he'd brought her black pansies day after day. She remembered the way he'd killed Rodolphus because of how she'd been treated, the way he'd confessed he loved her.

"I will love you forever," he said suddenly, right there in front of everyone, and Bellatrix's mouth fell open. She felt him slide the ring onto her right finger, and he just shrugged and said again, "I will love you forever."

There was a great heavy silence in the room then, and at last Rookwood said,

"Bellatrix, if you will put the ring on your master's finger and make a vow you find fitting."

She took his ring from him and took his warm left hand in her cool right one. She bowed her head respectfully, and as she slid the ring on, she whispered,

"Creator and Master, I will serve you and love you forever."

"Take out your wands, please," she heard Rookwood say, and Bellatrix pulled out her wand as Voldemort did the same. Rookwood instructed them, "Touch your wand to the ring of your new spouse and incant as one, Sumus Unum."

"Sumus Unum." Bellatrix and Voldemort touched at the other's rings, and there was a glow of magic around them. Rookwood told them,

"Now you are husband and wife forevermore. Allow me to be the very first to offer my sincerest congratulations."

Suddenly everyone was clapping, standing and clapping and staring, and Bellatrix was lost in Voldemort's eyes. She was his. She had died, and he had made her new, made her immortal, made her his. She couldn't help herself - she bent to kiss him, and he kissed her back as though no one were watching. When at last they broke away, he barked at the others,

"Dismissed. Get out."

The room cleared quickly, and Bellatrix dove in for another kiss. When they were both breathless, he stood, looming over her, and he whispered down to her,

"We can kiss today and tomorrow and the next day, forever, Bella. Forever."

"Forever, Master," she whispered, and she pushed up onto her toes to kiss him again.


Author's Note: I have decided to take an extended break from writing fanfiction, so you won't see another story from me immediately now that this one is done. Thank you so kindly to all those who have spent the last year or so following all of my Bellamort writings. I am grateful for your time, attention, and reviews. So much love to all.