Disclaimer : I do not own Ranma½, or Sailormoon but am the rightful owner to those not recognized used in this story, and no way even pretend that I do.

Ranma is ½ a year after the failed wedding
Sailormoon is after everything is said and done (end of SS)

check out my website for more updates

********** Ranma : Eternal Memories **********

Part 4 - Enemies appear! Attack Ranma, Attack!

Ranma stood up from the seats and stepped in front of the girls.

Ranma : I'll take care of this. No sense making you run around and transform for nothing.

Hotaru : Ranma, you can't defeat this youma alone!

Ranma : Obviously, sprite, you forget who your talking to.

Ranma jumped over the crowd of pedestrians that were currently running away. On the way down, Ranma spun around and kicked the monster in it's 'head'. As soon as Ranma's feet touched the ground, he blurred into action again and slammed an open palm into the monster's chest and threw it through a nearby wall. Relaxing his stance, Ranma turned toward the girls and smiled.

Ranma : Still think I can't defeat it alone?

Setsuna : Besides the point,... why is there a youma attack? Chaos was defeated months ago.

Ranma shrugged and walked toward them. The monster took the opportunity and burst from the wall, it's claws slashing across Ranma's backside, sending his blood splashing to the ground. Hotaru screamed out to Ranma as he fell forward, the wounds on his back bleeding profusely. Ranma's limp body fell to the ground, then burst into shadows, confusing all those who stayed to watch the fight. Red eyes appeared inside the monsters shadow as a hand reached from the depth and gripped it's leg tightly. It's shadow suddenly rose from the ground, making a six and a half foot tall black shape as it's massive grip pulled the monster into the air with it as the shadow rose.

Hotaru : S-Setsuna,.... is that what I think it is?

Setsuna : No,... It's not Ranma,... It's,... him.

Hotaru : Y-You can't mean who I think you mean!

Kasumi : Who are you two talking about?

Setsuna : There was a tale in the silver millennium that talked about a creature that controlled all the shadows around him as if they were his own hands.

Kasumi : W-What became of this monster?

Hotaru : Supposedly it was killed in the final fight,... but it must have sealed itself away with Ranma's memories.

Haruka : I don't want to face that thing again,.... isn't there anything we can do?

Michiru : How about we transform and talk about that afterwards?

They all nod to each other before turning and looking to make sure no one was watching. Then, as one, they raised their henshin rods into the air.

Shadow : Stop right there Sailor brats. Transform and Ranma dies.

Hotaru : Ra-Chan? What did you do with him!

Shadow (evil laugh) : I am him, he is me. We are one in this puny body.

Youma : Don't treat me as if I'm not here!

It accentuated it's words by throwing it's clawed hands out as a burst of fire torched the shadow.

Shadow : It won't work

As soon as the spout of fire touched the shadows, the creature erupted into flames.

Youma : H-How?!?

The shadow dropped the bonfire of a creature to the ground as the black cloak dropped from the body, leaving a pitch black eyed Ranma staring down at it.

Evil Ranma(1) : Are you some kind of idiot? I rose from your own shadow. I control everything about it. I could have killed you without even touching your physical body! However, what I did was just transfer the flamed through the shadows and to your body. Thus you were destroyed by your own attack!

Evil Ranma started to laugh as the creature's cry for help went unanswered. After it was burned into nothing but ashes, Evil Ranma turned around and stared at the Senshi and company.

Evil Ranma : Now,... what to do with you do-gooders.

It was then that five shadows dwarfed over the smaller Evil Ranma's body. He quickly turned around and tried to stare at them though the sun was bright behind them.

Moon : I am Sailor Moon! In the name of truth and justice, I won't allow you to harm young women out for fun!

Evil Ranma : You plan on stopping me? Your mother couldn't do it, what makes you think you can!?

Before any of the scouts could react, Evil Ranma launched off of the ground and flipped over the Senshi.

Mercury : Sailor Moon! Behind you!

Evil Ranma's feet touched the ground, then pushed backward as he slammed his elbow into the back of the klutzy Senshi. Then he launched himself into the air, narrowly missing a kick thrown by Sailor Mars. In the middle of the flip, Evil Ranma smirked down at them.

Jupiter : Welcome to my element! Jupiter, Oak Evolution!

Hotaru : Jupiter! NO!

Straightening himself out in mid-air, Evil Ranma sneered at the attack and slowly weaved around each and every ball of electricity. As the final one zipped past his head, Ranma dropped toward the ground. Sailor Jupiter stared in disbelief at what just happened, before she became red in the face with anger.

Jupiter : Boomerang zap!

The balls that swerved around Evil Ranma, then made a three-sixty as they came streaking toward Evil Ranma's backside.

Hotaru : Behind you!

Evil Ranma : I already know pipsqueak. You don't think that those lowly soldiers could honestly defeat me, do you?

His body shifted slowly as his eyes regained a fierce blue color.

Ranma : They don't have to!

Battling from the inside, Ranma turned around and smiled tiredly at the balls of power as they decended on him.

Evil Ranma : FOOL! If I DIE, SO DO YOU!

Ranma : You have access to my memories. You know I have nothing to lose. Quit with the mind games.

Evil Ranma (laughing) : Nothing to lose? Ranma, I didn't know you were one to leave your only daughter and wife alone in this cruel world!

Ranma's eyes widened as he was bombarded with memories from the crystal millennium. Faced with decades of memories unfounded by Ranma, he did the only thing he could.

Evil Ranma : Weakling,... I can't believe he fainted from the pressure of memory transference.

Setsuna : Take that back! Ranma is ANYTHING but weak!

Evil Ranma : The Ranma you know, doesn't exist in this time Sailor Pluto. You know that as well as I do, and you were the one watching his every move!

Setsuna (blushing) : I had to make sure he was truly the one!

Hotaru : S-Setsuna-mama? You knew about Ra-chan the entire time?

Setsuna (sadly) : No Hotaru,... I knew about Ranma. I didn't know he was your Ra-chan until the final battle he had. When he literally tore a god apart.

Both Setsuna and Hotaru turned and stared at the back of Evil Ranma as he confronted the minor threat.

Evil Ranma : That's right pip-squeak. She knew from the time Ranma tapped into my powers. It was then that I started for his mind! THAT IS HOW I WILL ESCAPE THIS HELL!

Evil Ranma's body became engulfed with power as the electrical nusence neared him. Pointing his palm toward the energy, Evil Ranma grinned and let out a scream.

Evil Ranma : DARK THRUST!

His hand became enriched with the swirling dark energy as it collected in front of palm. Then, with the deciding second, a wave of power rippled out from it and tore through the attack.

Evil Ranma : Now you see the difference in our powers. RANMA SAOTOME IS NOTHING!

Ranma : What did you say,... I couldn't hear you over your ego!

Evil Ranma (growling) : WHY WON'T YOU DIE!

Ranma : It's my body! YOU DIE!

Evil Ranma : GO TO HELL! There's nothing that will take this body from me!

Ranma : Then you haven't been paying attention to my fights!

Ranma's eyes snapped open as they flared a brilliant purple and the black energy surrounded his body. Lightning coursed across the energy as it slowly expanded and tripled with power.


The energy that was surrounding Ranma, then collapsed on itself and exploded outward. The resulting explosion destroyed the nearby buildings and knocked the Senshi onto their butts. Staring into the dust that was kicked up, the Senshi saw two shadows seemingly fighting it out inside. Then, suddenly, one just up and disappeared from view as the other walked slowly out of the slowly dispersing dust. Coughing into his hand, Ranma emerged from the dust and stared at the flatlands around him with a look of disbelief.

Ranma : I can't believe this,.....

Hotaru : R-Ranma?

Ranma : That bastard,... he escaped. He somehow separated himself from me and teleported away. I'm not sure how, but I will find out.

Ranma clenched his hand tightly, as it became a ghostly white from tension. Then, without a fight, Ranma fell toward the ground as slashes appeared all over his body.

Hotaru : RANMA!

Setsuna : Ranma!

Both Setsuna and Hotaru run over to Ranma and check him for injuries, and only finding those mysterious slashes that now adorned his body.

Setsuna : H-How did this happen,.....

Ranma (weakly) : This is the affect of my attack,..... I won't be of much help for a while. I'm sorry,.... Sprite.

Hotaru (smiling sadly) : Don't worry Ranma,.... I will heal you.

Ranma (surprising forceful) : NO! Don't waste your powers on me,.... they wouldn't work anyways.

Setsuna : Ranma?

Ranma : During the battle,... I rememebered,.... everything. My past, your past, and the things that happened,.... even the few that you never knew about. The reason her powers wouldn't work is that, in the past I was scarred by the silence. Anything even resembling that power will only serve to destroy my body.

Hotaru (slightly crying) : R-Ranma,.... I'm sorry,...

Hotaru got up to run away, but found that she couldn't when Ranma's vice-like grip grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her down. Wrapping his arms around Hotaru, Ranma whispered words into her ear softly.

Ranma (whispering) : Don't worry about it Hotaru. It's all in the past now,... and I won't ever hold that against you. The scouts did what they thought was right, and I can't argue against it.

Hotaru : How can you say that! I killed you! (softly) H-How can you even look at me,...

Ranma : Why would I hate my own daughter. That would make me worse than all the enemies put together. I know exactly why you all did it, and I can't hate you for it. Like I said, you just did what you felt was best.

Setsuna : U-Um.,,.... actually Ranma. Those were orders from the Queen. We were against them the entire time. The only reason that Hotaru did it, was because the Queen threatened to destroy her entire family.

Ranma : S-She did what! That bitch,.... after all those years of loyalty,... why?

Hotaru : She claimed that you were tainted by the darkness, or by the lure of power. After you had transformed into your most powerful form, she ordered your demise. And I-I,... carried it out.

Hotaru started to cry again, and Ranma pulled her tightly against his chest. Using his hand, Ranma softly caressed the smaller girls hair and whispered to her.

Setsuna (thinking) : I wonder,... what is going on in Ranma's head right now,... Everything he thought of in the past, turned out to be his own enemy,... just what are you thinking Ranma.

Ranma : Hey,.... I've been thinking.

Setsuna's eyes widened in surprise, and for a second believed in ESP.

Ranma : Can we get something to eat, I'm starving!

Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna face fault painfully into the floor of the mall as Kasumi just giggled to herself, long ago used to Ranma's sense of food

Haruka : Don't you think you should get those wounds patched up?

Ranma : What wounds?

Haruka was about to say something else before Ranma's body glowed a soft silverish light, healing all damage done to his body.

Michiru : Right,.... well then. I guess your hungry.

Ranma nods his head as he stands up, and pulls Hotaru up with him. Sharing a small smile, Ranma pulls them all toward the food court for some well deserved food.


Author's notes :

(1) : I didn't have a name to call him, as of yet, but will refer to him as ER (Evil Ranma) for a while. That is, until he gives out his real name,... or something.