An odd man smirked as years of preparation was about to pay off. Soon, Terraria and another world would be combined, and through the ensuing chaos and confusion, he would take over and rule both worlds, no matter what. The shrine he built was ready, and the magic mirror in his storage room was ready.

Now… To start.

He flicked a switch, and six large gems floated above six different pillars. A Large Amethyst, a Large Topaz, a Large Sapphire, a Large Emerald, a Large Ruby, a Large Diamond, and a Large Amber. They started to light up, and with Ithen's help, magic energy flowed from the gems into the mirror. The magic mirror's vision warped and distorted at first, from his home to a blank slate, and soon, the vision of another world. The magic kept flowing into the mirror, causing another strange magic energy to fill Terraria, coming from this other world.

The mirror changed to visions of various parts of Terraria being warped and distorted, and new land filling in where it was warped. A village just near the Crimson, a religious-looking city just near the old dungeon, and more placements were made.

Then, the gems all stopped, and fell back onto the pillars. The mirror went back to a normal magic mirror, showing the man's home.

Hah… I did it. After all these years, I finally did it.

He walked out of the shrine, and into a large tower. He entered, walking up the stairs, soon reaching the top, and gazing over the world, seeing various new things.

Just to think that I'll rule over all of this… It will require hard work, but it'll be worth it…

Just another day in Terraria, another man told himself. Nothing's wrong at all. Ignore that new magic aura that just randomly appeared in the middle of the night, in the middle of his zombie slaughter and demon eye murder.

When it became day, and the creatures of the night wandered off, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Fuck it, I'll explore it.

He entered his home, looking around. Chances are he wasn't coming back here for a while. He looked through his chest, picking out the stuff he would want with him. His bars, his spare coins, anything he really needed. Finished, he closed the chest, and set out to find out exactly what was wrong…

Two slug girls and a slime girl were wandering through a forest.

"So Lime, what do you feel like doing?" The slug girl, named Melk said.

"Melk, you always know what I wanna do!" The slime girl, named lime replied.

"Rape men?" The third slug girl, named Elizabeth, said.

"Yep!" Came the cheery reply from Lime.

"Well, let's go find a tasty man then!" Melk suggested. The other two agreed, and thus, the three wandered, the goal of finding and raping a man in mind.

Eventually they found someone, in platinum armor. Immediately their attention turned towards him.

"Ah, human!" Lime said.

"…Human?" The man said, confused.

"Yeah, you!" Melk shouted. "We're going to mate with you right here, right now, human!"

"…" He seemed to think for a moment. "Afraid not. I'm not a perverted faggot, and even then, I wouldn't fuck a literal slug."

"Then we'll just have to make you!" Melk said, rushing at him to attack along with the other three.

They want to rape me, not kill me… Somehow I feel like that's a bad idea.

He easily sidestepped the first attack, which made the three's faces turn into a puzzled expression. Then, the slime threw some of herself at the man, which stuck to him. He immediately wiped it off him, then drew his platinum broadsword. He rushed the first slug, and stabbed at her, drawing blood and causing her to stagger.

"No! Melk! You bastard!" Elizabeth rushed in for an attack, but was blocked and sliced at. Again, it didn't kill her, but it did draw blood, which made her stagger back as well…

He turned towards the slime girl, who was a quivering ball in the corner. "N-No! Don't hurt me!"

"…You attacked me first."

"You hurt them!"

"Just like they would've hurt me."


"Exactly. But, answer me one question… How many humans have you killed?"

"Killed?" The slime girl said. "I never killed a human once! Neither did they!... Although some other monsters definitely kill humans."

"…Great. How do they kill humans?"

"They normally rape someone to death or eat them." The slime answered.

"…Fucking hell. Alright, I made my decision for what I'll do with you…" He started to walk towards the other slug girls, who had terrified expressions.

"Stop! D-Don't do this to us!"

"I'm… Not going to hurt you anymore, you know. But, swear you'll never attack another human again unwillingly… Otherwise, I'm going to come back for you." He reached into his inventory and gave them some lesser healing potions. They each drank them, causing their wounds to heal. As he turned to leave, the slime girl interrupted him.

"Wait!... What's your name?" He stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at the slime girl.

"…Greg… Greg is my name." He said, then walking off to leave.

After a while, he came across a purple-haired boy and a purple-skinned lamia.

"…" Greg just looked at them. It was going to soon be night, and they seemed to realize this as they set up camp… The boy seemed to be inviting him to stay with them.

"Eh, sure. Why not." Greg shrugged, sitting down near the two. The boy started to cook something. While Greg didn't normally eat, it smelled good… Really good. When the boy finished cooking, Greg ate dinner with the two.

"Hmm… Even without salt, you were still able to make something good." The lamia said to the boy. What they were having, was bread and an omelet, with wild grass salad. "If only you were as good with your sword…" The lamia remarked right afterwards. He didn't interrupt, wanting to watch this play out. "Where did you learn your technique? It's so horrible, it pains me to watch."

"What are you saying, Alice… I've been training for more than five years…"

"Five years? I thought it was your first time… Just what were you wasting your time doing?"

"I learned it from pilgrims who came to visit the temple. I mixed the different things into my own style…"

"Crappy skills learned from crappy people will be crappy even if combined. Alright, I'll teach you a little."

"It's alright, you don't need to… Learning swordplay from a monster seems odd too."

"Is that discrimination? 'I want to coexist with monsters', but you don't want to train with one?"

"No, that's not really what I was saying…" He seemed to think for a moment. "Alright… Please teach me."

"Good. I'm not your ally, but it would be pretty boring if you got eaten quickly… I'll train you to fight against monsters."

"P… Please do." For a few hours before going to sleep, the boy practiced with the lamia named Alice… Supposedly the boy was named Luka.

"Right there, you need to use your feet as you swing… Don't just use your arm strength when you swing your sword."

"L… Like this?" Luka stepped in and slashed at where someone's neck would be.

"Hm, not bad." Alice said… Luka apparently mastered a move called Demon Decapitation. "Demon Decapitation… This is the best technique for someone small like you. A small body is good for when you charge in, and cut the enemy's neck. It's said that the Dark Elf Zack was able to cut off the heads of 100 humans using that move."

"Err… I was hoping you could teach me a more… Hero like technique."

"Kid… Luka, was it? It doesn't matter the backstory, a technique is a technique." Greg said.

"He's right you know. Beggars can't be choosers."

"That's… True… But my image as a Hero…"

Alice looked like she was about to say something, but Greg cut in. "Luka, it doesn't matter. It's not your 'heroic image' that keeps you alive and well, and lets you win a fight. It's the stuff you got. The one slice that'll be the difference between life and death. Not your 'heroic image'. It's your raw skill."

"That's right… Luka, we're practicing right now, whether you like it or not." Luka looked surprised at that, but regardless, practiced with Alice. After learning many new things, Luka's training ended.

"Alice, are you not going to use a sleeping bag?"

"I don't want to be covered by something so restrictive… I'll just sleep here." Alice coiled herself around a nearby tree. Luka slipped into his sleeping bag, but then Alice said, "By the way, idiot. Where did you get that ring?" She asked, while staring at the ring on Luka's finger.

"You can't eat this, Alice."

"Idiot… What the hell do you think goes on in my mind?"

"It's just that you're always complaining about how hungry you are…"

"Idiot. I feel something faint from that ring…"

"Something faint? I don't know what you're talking about… This is my mother's keepsake. Ten years ago, she died of an illness…"

"I see… I'm sorry to hear about that…" Alice said.

"My respects, Luka." Greg replied.

"Eh? Ah… Thanks." He looked surprised that she said something nice.

"What's with the surprised look on your face? We're the same as humans in that respect. We both are sad when a parent dies."

"Of course… That's right."

"How about your father? Is he still alive?"

"No… He died before my mother did."

"Ah… I see. Your father went off to fight the Monster Lord, and never came back. That's why you took up your father's wishes, and trained to be a hero… Did I get it right?"

"Sorry, but you're wrong… That guy died because of his own stupid mistakes."

"Hm… That's unusual. Someone whose head is filled with sugar and rainbows, to say something like that…"

"Enough about me, what about you? Why are you here?"

"I'm… I'm the only daughter of the Fateburn family. I wanted to see the world, so I set out a few days ago."


"Basically." Alice grinned and started laughing, as if she was hiding something.

"You couldn't possibly… You aren't inspecting the human cities in preparation for an invasion… Are you?"

"Hahaha… What an interesting idea. Look at this book! This forbidden book contains everything about the human world. Geography, environment, food… It has it all!" She said.

"Ah… the Traveling Guild's World Traveler tour guide…" Luka said, before realizing… "What the! This book is marked year 867! This book is 500 years old!"

"Oh? I thought it looked a little old."

"That's amazing… This is like a piece of history… I wonder how much you could sell this book for."

"I'm not selling it, you idiot."

"Anyway, it's about time to go to sleep… I'm exhausted after today… But it's only fair to let the other guy talk… So, would you like to tell us about yourself?"

"Eh, sure… I'll fill you in. I am Gregory, or Greg, one of the last remaining Terrarians alive. Shit hit the fan when an army of monsters appeared, invaded Terraria, killed off a majority of humans and Terrarians, leaving me, a few others, and an even scarcer number of humans alive…"

"I see…" Alice said. "But humans are everywhere in this continent and in Sentora." Alice finished.

"…That does not ring a bell." Greg said. So, Alice and Luka had to explain how the world was filled with monster girls who raped people to survive…

"But, enough about this place. What's 'Terraria' like?" Luka asked.

"Oh, Terraria? Well, on one hand we have your average plains, the other hand we have the Crimson and the Corruption threatening to spread across the land, on the third hand we have a jungle filled to the brim with deadly creatures, and on the fourth hand we're pretty much just surviving. Every day is a fight for your life." Greg said.

"I… See… Perhaps that's the cause of that off feeling lately…" Alice mused.

"Wait, you felt that too?"

"Yeah… But I wanted to see the world, so I decided to set out first…"

"Alright then, I guess. I can tell you probably have a lot of questions… As do I. And I know how to get those questions answered. Just let me join you so I can help you all on your adventure, and so I can answer questions, and so you can answer mine."

"…That's alright with me." Luka said. "Goodnight Alice! Goodnight Greg!"

"Uh-huh…" Alice said.

"Luka, I'm not going to sleep. I don't need to sleep at all."

"Really? Well, if you insist…" The two went to bed, Greg sorta just sitting there… Until...

The Blood Moon is rising…