A/N: Hi all! I needed a little break from the angst of Phoenix and this fun, light multichapter fic has been running in my head for a while, so I decided to write some of the ideas down and it developed to become something worth publishing (I hope?).

Basically, this story is about Bechloe, had they got together at the end of PP1 (like we all wished). Major fluff and sexiness ahead. Rating might change. Enjoy!

This is unbeeta'ed and English is not my first language so there might be some mistakes.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in the Pitch Perfect franchise.

Beca doesn't know what possesses her to do something like that. Maybe it's a 'heat of the moment' kind of thing. She doesn't normally do kissing in a crowded place -well, they're partly hidden, but still-, surely not just before going on stage to win the ICCA's.

Then again, in the last few months, Beca has been doing a lot of things she wasn't comfortable with before. Things like coffee dates or cuddling, or Friends marathons (she has to admit, the show has grown on her; she finds herself heavily relating to Chandler). Yet, she's been fine with it if it meant hanging out with Chloe. And the most surprising thing is, Chloe doesn't have to insist too much, because Beca just melts into a puddle and says yes to everything Chloe offers.

Jesse has been dubbing it the 'Chloe Effect', and Beca has fought the urge to chuck a record at his head every time he's uttered those two words in the previous weeks.

Partially because it infuriates her, but mostly because he's right, and she feels hopeless against her developing feelings for the readhead. It certainly doesn't help that the girl is a giant ball of sunshine, with that beautiful red hair, those all-too-kind eyes and that blinding, pearly smile.

The thing is, those feelings scare the crap out of Beca. She's never been in a serious relationship, and she knows deep down that she doesn't want Chloe to be just a fling.

But she also knows Chloe's leaving at the end of the year -in two freaking months- and she'll never forgive herself if she doesn't take a shot.

So, she does.

And it happens to be right before they walk on stage to win the ICCA's.

The rest of the Bellas has already left the staging area to get into position, and Chloe is just about to step in, when Beca grasps her hand, pulling her back against her.

Chloe lets out a noise in surprise, and Beca feels her go rigid when she kisses her. It's short and rushed, simply a press of the lips, but Beca feels Chloe melt into it just before she breaks away, because as much as she'd like to continue this; they have one heck of a performance to give.

It's far from what Beca imagined their first kiss to be like. Because yes, she's imagined it a bazillion times in her head. It's short, not particularly romantic, but it doesn't fail in having little butterflies set off in her stomach.

"For luck," she whispers against Chloe's lips as she pulls back, Chloe's battered breathing ghosting over her mouth.

It's all a big white pretext to kiss Chloe, but she doesn't need to know that.

Then she brushes past her to get into position, and sees Chloe touch her lips out of the corner of her eyes.

Beca's own lips are still tingling and adrenaline is pumping through her veins, but then she blows into the pitch pipe and the only thing on her mind is giving the performance of a lifetime.

They win.

They freaking win against the Trebles and Beca can't help but tease Jesse about it. He's fair about the win though, congratulating her and telling her it was an amazing performance.

They step back on stage to accept their trophy, and Beca wants to be cool about it, until the prize is thrust into her hands and she can't fight the stupid grin that's begging to stretch on her face. She beckons Aubrey and Chloe to come up to her and together they hoist it in the air.

The other Bellas join them at some point, and then it's all a blur to Beca as she's being hugged from all places and all she can do is laugh.

The Acapella Comission hosts a party at a hotel after the finals and it's a great conclusion for everyone. Trebles dance with Bellas, and Aubrey looks like she's buried the hatchet. Hell, she's even talking to Jesse and looking pretty smitten. Beca shudders at the thought of the two ever getting close and decides to pull her eyes away before she sees something that might make her want to gag.

Lily has been explaining to her to her how to escape a bear-trap is she ever found herself in this situation, and while Beca should be worried about how her friend knows how to do that, all she can think about is Chloe, and how she freakin' kissed her earlier. She, Beca Mitchell kissed Chloe Beale.

They haven't really seen each other since their win. Now that the adrenaline has come down, Beca's stomach is filled with a nerve-wracking feeling that won't go away.

"Hey Lily," Beca hears Chloe's voice right next to her and it makes her jump lightly. Chloe's hand slip into hers, soft against Beca's clammy one, and gives it a tug. "I'm just gonna steal Beca away for a minute."

Beca's brain is reeling with every scenario that's most likely to happen. Chloe rejecting her, telling her she likes someone else, or that she doesn't like girls at all.

The redhead drags Beca to a more secluded place, and Beca is now sure of it; Chloe is going to let her down easy, but she's polite enough to do it in a somehow private place.

"So," she begins once they are huddled in a corner of the hallway just off the reception room where the party is being held. Chloe has Beca pinned against the wall, and strangely refuses to let go of her hand. Her tone is also weirdly chirpy and Beca's eyebrow knit in confusion. "You kissed me."

Beca chuckles despite herself. It's an embarrassed chuckle, and her free hand comes up to rub the back of her neck.

"Yeah, um… I did."

Great game, Beca. She chastises herself.

"And here I thought I was going to have to make the first move."

Wait, what?


Beca's eloquence is certainly improving with each passing second.

Chloe raises an eyebrow at Beca's flushed state and Beca vaguely registers Chloe's thumb running over her knuckles repeatedly. She doesn't really have time to think about a proper reply, because Chloe's eyes flicker down to her lips and then she's slowly closing the gap between them. Beca's heartbeat has quickened to such a pace she's pretty sure it might flatline soon.

She has time to take a deep breath before Chloe presses her lips to hers. It's painfully slow at first, as though Chloe's waiting for Beca's brain to catch up. The redhead pulls back slightly, and Beca feels Chloe smile against her lips when the brunette dips down and tilts her head to pull her into another kiss, this time longer, bolder. Chloe's arms move up, until her hands are buried into Beca's dark tresses.

As Chloe's soft lips move swiftly against hers, Beca slips her hand from her hold. It moves towards her hip, her fingers brushing against Chloe's toned exposed stomach -they're still in their Bella's uniform, and Chloe's top doesn't quite meet the waistband of her jeans, not that Beca can complain- until her palm arches around Chloe's hipbone. Her other hand mirrors the action and Beca's feels tiny jolts of energy go off in the pit of her stomach when a sound that doesn't quite belong to a moan or a sigh, but somewhere in between, escapes Chloe's mouth.

Tugging her closer until Chloe's flush against her, that sound is all the encouragement Beca needs to sweep her tongue across Chloe's bottom lip. Chloe parts her lips slightly, and when their tongues make contact, the redhead whimpers and Beca's desire spreads into her veins like a wild fire that can't be stopped.

But Chloe puts a halt to it by pulling away so they can catch their breath, and Beca's is glad, because her head had started to swim with the lack of oxygen, and it comes surging back into her lungs as she inhales sharply.

"I've been," Chloe pauses as she catches her breath, "wanting to do that for months."

Beca's pretty sure her grin is about to split her face into two. "Yeah?"

Chloe nods several times, red curls bouncing on her shoulders. "I just thought you'd run for the hills if I did."

Beca barks a laugh. "Until a few hours ago, I thought I would, too."

Chloe raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow in response, "What changed?"

Beca shrugs, "The realization that I might lose you if I didn't do anything."

"Lose me?" Chloe echoes, now frowning, "You're my best friend, you wouldn't have lost me."

Beca chews on her bottom lip and sighs, "Yeah, well, I didn't want to take that chance."

And just like that, Chloe's beaming and pulling Beca into a soft, short kiss, "You're so cute."

Beca rolls her eyes, and squeezes Chloe's hip to reprimand her, "I'm not cute."

"Sorry, would you prefer the term adorable?" Chloe asks with a cheeky smile and Beca glares,

"You're walking on thin ice here, Beale," she says, though her hands are still on Chloe and she's isn't about to let go.

"Not only are you cute," There's a shift in Chloe's tone as she loops her arms around Beca's neck, and the blue in her eyes turns to a slightly darker shade, "You're incredibly sexy."

Beca lets out a growl, and the sound alone surprises her. That wildfire is back, now bursting to full flames, fed by the alcohol in Beca's system. Her fingertips crave for Chloe's skin as much as her body is craving for Chloe's touch.

"Fuck, Chlo."

The use of the curse word combined with the nickname seems to pull something within Chloe too, because she groans and suddenly fuses their mouths together in a way less gentle manner than their previous kiss. It's a bit more aggressive, more daring and definitely wilder than any kiss Beca's ever experienced before. Beca feels her own hand moving on its own accord, fingers teasing the muscles in Chloe's back underneath her top. She can feel her self-control slipping away from her fingertips, and she isn't sure Chloe's got a good grip on hers if the way she presses her hips to Beca's is any indication.

She doesn't know for how long they've been making out. There's a chatter coming towards them, Beca somewhat registers, and when footsteps grow louder, she's pushing Chloe away lightly. Two people that they don't know walk past them, but they don't seem to notice anything. Chloe's lips are swollen and reddened and they are both slightly panting.

Beca's arousal has come down a notch with the interruption and she's kind of glad, because the last thing she wants it to go too fast.

Chloe seems to wait until she has full control of her breathing before she speaks. She threads her fingers with Beca's, her eyes finding the brunette's. "Maybe we should talk before doing anything else? That's why I brought you here in the first place."

"Oh, so you mean you didn't bring me here just to have your way with me?"

Chloe giggles, tongue darting out to wet her lips. The motion alone sends a wave of heat run through Beca's body. "No?" Her reply is more of a question and it prompts Beca into raising an eyebrow. "No. I just got…" her eyes flicker to Beca's lips, "…distracted."

Beca hums in response and squeezes Chloe's hand. "Let's go talk, then."

Beca is the one leading this time, and she's walking to the room she shares with Amy before she can really think it through. Maybe going to a private room after their heavy make-out sess isn't the best idea, but she can't really think of another place to go without being interrupted.

They have to take the elevator to get there, and the entire ride to the thirteenth floor is plain torture. They are alone the whole time, and Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On is drifting through the speakers. Chloe has that look of pure sex -at least that's how Beca would describe it- on her face, and the shorter girl can feel herself being consumed by her scorching gaze. She exhales when the doors finally open on the wide hallway that leads to her room.

Just as she's about to run her keycard through the slot, there's a loud bang on the other side of the door, like someone's just crashed into it. It's followed by a loud moan, and some Australian non-sense that could be curse words, Beca's not sure.

Beca blanches when there's a distinctive, "Bumper, just rip the bloody buttons, already." and Chloe muffles her own giggles with her hand.

Apparently, the whole goddamn universe is telling Beca she should be having sex tonight.

Chloe's snakes an arm around her waist and leans in to whisper into her ear, "Let's go someplace else."

Beca hopes she doesn't mean her own room, because she doesn't want to take any chance in walking on Aubrey doing it with Jesse, if that's happening. That would scar her soul forever and ever.

But Chloe's walking in the direction of the elevator again, not her room and this time there's an elderly couple riding with them so there's no eye-sex or blushing involved.

They pass by the reception hall, where Beca spots Stacie frenching with a guy she doesn't know in the corner of the room and she can't even find it in herself to roll her eyes at the situation. But Chloe's pulling her outside, Beca is glad for the rush of fresh air as soon as they walk through the sliding doors. It manages to bring her body temperature down a few degrees.

The redhead stops by the fountain and sits on the edge, coaxing Beca into doing the same. Their hands remain linked, and Beca watches as Chloe tries to find the appropriate words. It's an odd scene to witness, because Chloe isn't shy about anything. Beca realizes then that perhaps she makes Chloe nervous, too.

After a few seconds, Beca speaks up, to both their surprises.

"I like you, Chloe," she starts, and Chloe's eyes lock with hers instantly. "I have for quite a while but I was also scared. I'm still scared, actually, but less so now that I know you feel the same way." She stops short and her eyes widen a little bit, panic setting in her chest, "You do feel the same way, right?"

"I thought that was kinda obvious." Chloe whispers like it's some sort of sacred secret. Beca releases a breath she didn't know she was holding and lets out a relieved laugh.

"Okay, good," she says, nodding to herself. "That's…"

"Good?" Chloe teases and the smirk stretching her lips is proof that she enjoys the fact that she can make Beca blush whenever she wants to.

"Shut up." Beca shoves her lightly, but that only makes Chloe shuffle closer.

"So," she starts, much like she did before their second kiss, and Beca's curious as to what she's going to say next. "Did you want to like, put a label on it?"

Beca traps her bottom lip between her teeth while she thinks. She's never had that kind of conversation before and she's suddenly not sure of anything. "I'm not one for labels, but I know that I don't wanna see other people," she takes a deep breath, "and I know I don't really want you to see other people either."

She's not sure if that makes her sound romantic or like a possessive douche.

"So technically, if we both agree to these terms," Chloe says, biting on her bottom lip in a way that has Beca wishing they were somewhere more private. "That would make me your girlfriend."

Beca should be running for the hills. She really should. The Beca she's known for the past eighteen definitely would be. But right now, she doesn't feel the need to. There's still that light apprehension unleashing in her stomach but it's more from the excitement that lies ahead than fear of the unknown.

And Beca is surprised at her own collected demeanor. She now knows what Jesse means by the Chloe Effect.

She feels everything click into place inside her. Like she's been searching a meaning to her life and suddenly found the key that might lead her to happiness. She realizes Chloe is the bearer of that key, but it's been hidden by Beca's fears and insecurities.

Beca's smile is shy but her eyes fill with tiny little stars. Then, she remembers she's Beca Mitchell and she has a reputation to uphold (yeah, right). So she clears her throat and shrugs non-chalantly, "Eh, I guess I can roll with that."

Judging from the way she's being kissed the second the words are out, Beca assumes that Chloe can roll with that, too.

Thoughts are always appreciated, whether this is worth continuing or not. I'm welcome to prompts if you have any ideas or subjects you would like to see in the upcoming chapters.