Sorry guys for the delay, my writing partner had told me that they had no time whatsoever to finish day we have decided to move along to day 3! We may add Snow day (Day 2) further down the keep an eye out! This day is also written by my writing partner, Littlesnowdragon.

Day 3: Studying

On most days, Weiss had absolutely no problem with how great Yang looked all the time. She loved her girlfriend for a great many other things, like her ridiculous sense of humour, her warm heart and her strength. Her looks were much lower on that list now after months of learning each other, and a lot less overwhelming in comparison. But it would be a waste of time to deny that sometimes the effect of the blonde's beauty consumed her entirely. So much so she couldn't even breath.

Normally she'd simply indulge herself in a few fleeting glances out of the corner of her eye. Yang, being Yang, would catch on and laugh, her face glowing with mirth, making her even more breathtaking. Then, if the moment was favourable, Weiss would receive a teasing comment and a light kiss.

And the heiress loved it every single time.

Today, unfortunately, was different.

Weiss' eyes left her notes for a moment, looking across the table to where Yang sat. Surprisingly, her girlfriend wasn't goofing around or drawing lewd doodles in her notepad, instead squinting at her history book and jotting down a few lines. There was a slight frown on her face, so similar to the passionate, aggressive look she had just before scoring a winning goal that Weiss felt a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

She forced her gaze back to her book and cursed under her breath. Of course the sun would choose that exact moment to shine through the window, hitting Yang's face at the most perfect angle possible. Honestly, the only thing that could make the dragon more attractive at this point was her soccer uniform, which wasn't far off from the ratty jersey and shorts she'd decided to wear to their study date.

Holding in a sigh for fear it would grab Yang's attention, Weiss bit the inside of her cheek, trying to centre herself.

Midterms were coming up. With her recent coming out about her soulmate and her orientation to her father, she was under an extreme amount of pressure to do well, to prove this wasn't some rebellious phase. The only way to do that right now was to show that their relationship wouldn't affect her grades. She had to focus if she wanted this to last as long as it was apparently predestined to.

And Yang needed these study sessions even more. Though the heiress had been skeptical at first, she soon found that Yang actually wasn't as bad with her academics as the jock stereotype would paint her out to be. She definitely wasn't as excellent as Weiss or Blake or Pyrrha but she got by well enough to not have to worry about failing her classes. However, not all the teachers shared this opinion, Coach Goodwitch especially. After utterly bombing one of Oobleck's essay assignments, the dragon had been given an ultimatum: pass or get put on reserves. A bold gamble, considering Yang was the star player of Beacon High, but the blonde was serious enough about sports to not take any risks.

Weiss needed to focus for Yang's sake. As soon as she let herself get distracted, she'd drag her girlfriend down with her.

Still... this was her soulmate for Maidens' sake. She was at least allowed to look, right? And if she was discrete about it, she wouldn't catch Yang's attention. Besides, the whole reason the were studying together in the first place was so she could ensure the blonde didn't lose focus. She was just checking to make sure Yang was still working.

Not more than three seconds after the heiress trained her gaze to her girlfriend Yang looked up from her textbook, her eyes darting to meet Weiss'. It would've been the perfect moment... if it wasn't for the shit-eating grin that accompanied her look.

"Y'know, I think I've said this before, but pictures usually last longer."

Weiss rolled her eyes at her girlfriend's teasing. "Which chapter are you on?"

Yang's grin only grew at Weiss' poor attempt to change the subject. "Well, I would be on the Atlas Industrialisation unit if someone didn't keep checking me out every two seconds," she answered, leaning forward, allowing for the sunlight to catch her hair. "It's kind of distracting babe."

You're the distracting one, Weiss thought as she narrowed her eyes. No, she wasn't letting Yang win this round.

"I was merely checking to see that you were entirely focused on your work," Weiss gave a small shrug. "But I suppose you are right. It won't happen again."

Weiss turned back to her books and, for the shortest moment, there was a deafening silence. The heiress couldn't help the tiny smile that touched her face. It wasn't uncommon for Yang's teasing to backfire on her - Blake was her best friend after all and the faunus had years of practice in turning Yang's words against her. But Weiss knew that her resistance in particular drove her girlfriend crazy. Hopefully the blonde would do the smart thing and keep working.

"Well..." Yang started again. "I'm not saying I mind Princess," Weiss could literally feel that lavender gaze boring into her. "If anything, I'm flattered that you can't keep your eyes off me. Maidens know I can't get enough of you."

Her blush was resurfacing but Weiss kept her eyes on her notes. Of course Yang wouldn't let her off the hook. Any other time she'd play along, but they had to study dammit... she couldn't allow herself to give in.

When Weiss didn't respond Yang leaned further. "Awww, babe, don't tell me I'm the one distracting you."

The heiress directed the iciest glare she could muster Yang's way, but the blonde merely grinned.

"I am aren't I?" Yang's laugh grew louder when she noticed the intensity of Weiss' diminish.

Argh, why'd the heiress have to fall for someone so self-aware of her charm? A little humility never killed anyone, but, even though Yang possesed it in spades when it came to most other things, it seemed that the blonde could not live without flaunting how much of an effect she had in her girlfriend.

Weiss mentally facepalmed. Yang just had to be the most simultaneously beautiful and teasing human being in existence.

"You are so adorable, Princess," the blonde continued, and probably would go on forever if Weiss didn't intervene quick.

"Shut up."

Eloquent, her mind facepalmed itself again. Way to make the situation worse.

As expected Yang didn't lay off or take any offence. Her eyes took a mischievous glint that almost always ended with both of them glued to each other in their "secret" make-out spot.

"Fine. I'll stop," Yang relented, pulling back in her chair and crossing her arms. "But only if-"

"No," Weiss interrupted, half-meaning it. They really needed to study. It was boring and the heiress could think of a million things she'd rather be doing with her girlfriend, but they had to. She wasn't letting them fail because of a few well placed sunrays and excellent genetics on Yang's end.

Yang chuckled. "Interrupting is rude, babe," she quoted one of the first things she'd said to Weiss when they first met. "I was going to say, only if you admit that I'm distracting you, so we can get back to work."

Weiss' eyes narrowed and Yang could not contain her amusement. "What did you think I was gonna say?"

The heiress knew that wasn't what she was going to say at all, but she couldn't help but be grateful that Yang realised how strongly Weiss felt about her studying. The blonde could be so pleasantly mature, even in the midst of her playful moments. If the situation were different...

"Nothing," Weiss answered, turning a page pointedly. "We should carry on."

It was Yang's turn to roll her eyes, though teasingly, her voice taking on a sing song lilt. "You haven't said it yet."

Weiss sighed and Yang's grin grew ten more sizes, if that was even possible. The heiress' patience was starting to wear thin, and of course Yang's smug attitude made matters all the worse.

At this point Weiss wasn't sure if she wanted to kiss her or slap her. Or both.

She literally had no choice in the matter. If she resisted, the teasing would continue and precious time would be wasted. But if she gave in, Yang would find a way to twist it into her favour... their favour if she was being honest. Because when it came to her soulmate, everything else was an abstract concept that meant very little.

"Yang, you are distracting me. Please stop."

The blonde tapped her chin with her pencil thoughtfully. "How distracting am I?"


Yang laughed and blew a kiss. "Love you too, Weissy," she said, before finally settling down and looking back at her books.

Weiss swallowed a growl. She really needed to rethink her strategy...

Their next study date was outside, in the bleachers. It was a rather hot day and Weiss took full advantage of it, wearing a pair of denim shorts Blake told her Yang might like.

As soon as her girlfriend saw her the blonde frowned. "The saying is revenge is best served cold, Weiss. This isn't fair! I need to study... and it's like 86 degrees out."

"I know," Weiss responded, finally understanding why Yang was so smug most of the time. This whole teasing thing was actually rather fun. "And I came dressed for the occasion. Is there a problem?"

Knowing Yang, she wouldn't be able to take a taste of her own medicine for even a second. No one usually came to the pitch after school unless there was practice, but there was still a chance of anyone showing up, especially Coach Goodwitch. She couldn't do anything, not even stare, without breaking her own rules of chivalry.

"You're evil," Yang mumbled as she sat a slightly longer distance away than usual and glared into her textbook.

Weiss crossed her legs. "Love you too, Yang."

See you all next time!