Chapter 3: It Can Only Come From You

When school ended Arnold anxiously turned to Helga to help her out of her seat. "Hey Arnold, You wanna come to the arcade with us? I reckon we'll be there all afternoon." Stinky said scratching his head.

"Sorry guys, I'm going to take care of Helga. She needs me." Arnold replied, walking Helga into the hallway.

"What a bunch of idiots. That guy was saying reckon all day like some kind of hillbilly. Not to mention the dork beside him in the cowboy boots who wouldn't stop flipping out about when our next test was. Crimity take a chill pill…" Helga went on until her descriptions of her said to be annoying classmates brought back a few memories.

When Arnold saw the look in her eyes, he sighed and said "I'm guessing you know who they are now?"

"You mean grammar boy and frog frencher...yeah, they ring a bell." she scoffed.

As he continued to hold her hand he sighed "Still not me though?"

Helga gave a sympathetic look at her said to be boyfriend as she replied "I'm sorry Arnold. You seem nice. I just don't remember you."

"That's okay. Do you need to stop by your locker for anything?" he sighed.

"Well I…" she began, before being interrupted.

"Oh Helga. I'm just ever so sorry about your condition. I'm ever so certain you can call me for anything if you need it." Lila assured her as Helga did her best not to roll her eyes.

"Gee thanks." she replied, watching Lila walk away.

"I'm ever so certain I won't be…" Helga muttered as another memory came back to her.

"Looks like you remember something else." Arnold said.

"I remember who she is. I just don't remember exactly why she bugs me?" Helga explained, scratching her head.

Arnold lifted an eyebrow, feeling that was a bit strange. At the same time, he was relieved to not be the only person her memory hadn't fully returned on yet.

As the two left the building, they made their way down the street to see Nadine and Sheena together.

Arnold stared at them as he began to rub Helga's hand vigorously. How quickly would she remember them?

"Hey Arnold. Hey Helga." Nadine said.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Arnold asked, while Helga just stood and stared.

"Well, I recently informed Sheena of all the protein different types of bugs can have. She's helping me catch a few." Nadine explained while Helga nearly gagged.

"That sounds uhh interesting. Well, see you later." Arnold waved, while pulling his girlfriend along.

"I can't believe that freak didn't get eaten alive by mosquitos when we went to San Lorenzo!" Helga scowled, suddenly remembering her trip.

Arnold stopped the walk as he turned and asked "San Lorenzo? You remember the trip?!"

Helga paused a moment as she replied "Kind of."

"Do you remember being there with me?" he asked anxiously.

"Uhhh no?" she replied regretfully, seeing him sigh deeply.

The two of them then made it to the boarding house. Arnold gestured for her to stand back, while she cocked her brow in curiosity. After seeing the wide stream of pets pour out, Helga stood there thinking to herself Crimity! What the heck is he doing with all these animals?

As they entered the boarding house, Arnold took Helga into the kitchen to see Phil.

"Hey grandpa."

"Hey shortman! Shortman's girlfriend!"

Normally Helga would blush at such a remark. She was still having a hard time believing she was in a relationship however.

"I'm going to take Helga upstairs for a while grandpa." Arnold replied, not feeling the need to mention her amnesia.

"Hmm alright then. I'll just be readin' my stories, tryin' to avoid your grandma." Phil explained.

"Uhh right grandpa."

When Arnold made it upstairs with Helga, her eyes circled his bedroom. She had seen it several times before, yet nothing stood out that made her remember her boyfriend.

While Arnold was grabbing something from his desk, Helga decided to take a seat on the bed, still looking around the room.

"I found this outside your house yesterday. It must have fallen out of your shirt when you fell." he began to explain as he walked towards his girlfriend.

Helga cocked her brow, wondering what he could be about to show her.

"I meant to bring it to you today. I was just so anxious to see you, I forgot about it." he said, as he held out her locket.

Helga looked at the gold heart shaped piece of jewelry with her boyfriend's picture inside.

As he handed it to her, she sat there looking at it, trying to think of a time she had worn this.

"I'm sorry I forgot to give it to you. I hope you're not mad." he said twiddling his thumbs.

An annoyed look grew on her face as she replied "Shut up football he…"

Her eyes immediately flashed as the memory of her boyfriend came back to her. The memory of her treasured piece of jewelry which she had held dear to her heart to remind her of the special person who had always been a part of her life.

The memories of spending years writing poem after poem filled with conflicted emotions about the extreme feelings she possessed for him. Be it the annoyance of his Goody Two Shoes attitude or her deep desires for him to share with her his optimistic personality.

The nights she spent speaking to sculptures made of her beloved. Things she believed would be the only way she could reveal her deepest darkest secret to him with actually having to summon the strength to do it.

Arnold's eyes lit with anticipation and hope as he watched her stop in the middle of her sentence.

Helga looked over to wrap her arms around her boyfriend as she screamed "Oh Arnold! I remember!"

Arnold had never felt such relief before. As he hugged her tight, she didn't hesitate to pull him in for a long passionate kiss. One that once again brought a special feeling to her heart that only he could create. As she released his lips, the two shared a look of content in their eyes.

Helga placed her hand on Arnold's face, as she listened to him say "I'm so happy you remember me."

Kissing him once more, she replied "Me too football head."

"I have to ask, was it the locket or the insulting nickname?" Arnold asked curiously.

"It was actually your worry wart behavior when you handed it back to me. It can be just as annoying as it can entrancing." she smiled, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Whatever you say Helga." he sighed as he began to rub her arm, relieved to have his girlfriend back.