The second fight over the Reach is about to begin, I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 29: Vengeance


Eldon could see the marching formation coming closer and closer, what seemed like a million torches, all lighting their way to Highgarden after they cross the Mander.

The reinforcements from Oldtown came in three days prior to tonight, twenty-three hundred men and the last of the King's forces within the Reach that hadn't fallen at their outposts and keeps.

He ordered for all the men to remain within the first two walls, armed with shields, spears, and bows. Rocks gathered to stop men from climbing or trying to knock down the gates.

They need to hold the Reach for his Grace, they need to stop the Lannister's and Tyrell's from finding ways to continue resisting them.

"Message from Horn Hill, my Lord." The Maester said as he found him, Eldon took the scroll and knew its contents.

The train of supplies and food arrived, Lord Lester Morrigan wrote that he will continue guarding it until the King's announces their attack on King's Landing with Lord Yoren Cafferen and the 1200 men sent with them.

As for their own provisions, they kept some cattle, a few chickens, and a wagon of grain and produce. In the worst case, they still have 500 horses and a dozen hounds and the castle cats.

As for a means to defend themselves, one or three trebuchets but it won't do any good once the enemy is at the walls. It'll come down to their own will and strength.

"I'd go back to your chambers, Maester, its going to be bloody in these next few hours." He advised and the old man scurried away, Eldon found himself laughing at how the bookish Reachmen ran back to the castle.

Miles yet from the castles three walls, three men led the combined fifteen-thousand man host stopped their horses to look at Highgarden.

Loras Tyrell eyed his home with rage, hoping Joran was there so he may avenge Garlan's death. On the far left was Gregor Clegane, his hands gripping the reins of his black mare, itching to get his sword bloody. In the middle of both men, the man known to Westeros as the greatest military commander to the Realm was Randyll Tarly. Behind the three was also his son, Dickon Tarly.

Lord Tyrell and Tywin Lannister both debated on who to leave the retrieval of the Reach to, they both agreed to leave the command to Randyll Tarly.

Lord Lannister had intentions of heading East, possibly King's Landing, or to turn direction northward to Harrenhal, something that changed the commander who would lead.

As a matter of fact, he was initially charged to hunt and finish Robb Stark, now that duty was handed to another while he was given this task.

Before he left, Mace told him to take Highgarden right away, he agreed but the moment his host entered the Reach he had directed his forces to start taking lands and castles back. He gave Gregor the van and the order, take no prisoner whether they are noble or peasant.

They've won several small fights, taken many lives and commanders and knights from their enemy, and now, the seat of his overlord is his next target.

"After Highgarden falls, Stannis will no longer have a hold on the Reach." He said to his fellow commanders, the Lord of Horn Hill took a deep breath, "They don't intend to meet us in the field, they aren't as foolish as you." He said to Loras who lowered his head in shame, the reflections of the loss being thrown at him.

No, he's taken to gathering ladders and several rams to knock the gates open. Randyll even had a new creation made, taking much of the wood and energy from their stonemasons.

It was a contraption resembling a tower, able to carry men forward and a much better way to take the first wall. "Gregor, protect our men while my son and Loras ready to take the walls with the towers." He said to the three around him.

The battle will begin and soon, blood will be spilled for either Stannis or Joffrey, as for him? He is simply fighting so Horn Hill may be liberated from Stannis's vassal Lords.

Randyll commanded the drums to beat and the horns to blow, signal the end of the war to the South and after... The North shall end as well.

Crows circled the moonless sky, all aching to feast upon the banquet being prepared for them.

And many more miles away, Joran whipped his horse again as an attempt to hasten their way to Highgarden before it falls to the enemy.


Robb groaned, getting out of his bed and knew it was because of the smell coming from the food on his table.

Many weeks since his loss to Tywin still stung, it hurt the reputation he's earned since the beginning of this war. Reaching his good hand out, he took a piece of bacon and ate it then sat down in the chair nearest to the hearth.

Today will be the first time since before the battle of Ashemark that his vassals gathered, he's been stuck in that damned bed for the better part of a month and a half.

"Your grace?" His eyes looked to the door and welcomed the presence of the physician he's fallen for.

Talisa Maegyr, a noble of Volantis who had left the lifestyle she was raised in to be a worker of miracles and healing. He might have simply ignored her if he was like any other man, but he is a Stark and it's shown throughout history that men in his family often love fiercely.

And he loves her fiercely, despite him not telling her how much she makes him feel happier, her company compels him to fight more viciously so he may see her again after a battle is fought... But it cannot be.

As Talisa checked his bad arm, he pondered on a conversation he had with his mother.

He had told his mother of his intentions of acting on his feelings, as naive as he was. His mother reminded him that their losses at Ashemark were very severe, many of his commanders still lie on that field with no one to take them home and to their family graves.

She advised him to steer away from such actions, the Frey soldiers are near five-thousand strong and they cannot lose the support of the Twins because of his heart.

He knew she was right, their survival is far more paramount than the directions of his heart.

"Thank you, I'm fine." He said and she frowned, he held strong to his cold response before getting up and got dressed. He struggled, but he got it done and was out of his chamber in moments.

His mother found him being escorted by his guards, worry on her face. "I told you this could wait, you need to rest." He wanted to scream, if one more person tells him to rest then he'll lose his mind.

"If I rested any longer then the people will believe I've succumbed to my wounds." He said with gritted teeth, his mother retracted her hand to her side and took a step back. "Tywin is sure to push on our territory, I know it." He added and passed his mother.

Entering the great hall, Robb stopped himself and thought about what he had said. Dead, if our people think that, then so shall our foes. A smile formed on his lips as a plan developed within his mind.

The plan would cost the Lannister's deeply, very deeply.

The King of the North sat down on the high table, staring at the commanders that survived his defeat at Ashemark and they all shared an expression that mirrored his own determination on the issues at hand.

It was an expression that hungered for revenge and justice, for the deaths of those who would see them all fall to despair.

Robb Stark spent the few hours explaining to everyone, and after the gathering was over the bells of Riverrun rung to send his plan to the Spiders spies. The King of the North, Lord of Winterfell, the Young Wolf Robb Stark... Has died from his wounds.

That night, he shaved his hair and trimmed his beard, Grey Wind would be allowed to run freely as if to signify his death. He'd take the form of a simple foot soldier, for a time, and for that, he set aside his personal arms and armor to take regular chainmail and leather.

It was all to make Robb Stark dead, until his next big victory over Tywin Lannister.


"Nock! Draw! Loose!"

Arrows soared from above Highgarden's outer walls, falling upon the marching Lannister and Tyrell host who raised their many shields to stem the blows.

Trebuchets from both sides were used, throwing rocks, pitch, and fire at both the lined men who move toward the castle and the ones defending the ancient seat of House Tyrell, and before that House Gardner.

Eldon's son and heir, Aemon fought beside his uncle, Lomas. Both men looking to one another and nodding, letting loose another arrow into the enemy lines. The field force raised their shields again, the volley barely making an impact on their foe.

The defenders were shocked to see the machines being used by their enemy, moving buildings that were no doubt filled with soldiers to take the outer wall of the stronghold. "What are we to do about them?!" A Captain asked Lomas who shook his head.

These new weapons of war look too durable for the stones they could throw with the trebuchets.

"Use fire, fire arrows!" Gerald Gower called out from the nearest tower.

Taking what time they could, the outer walls soldiers began gathering oil and lighting arrows. A portion of the wall let the fire volley fly, landing at the bottom and top of the tower to the left.

It seemed to work, as the wood started to feed the flames that grew from the attack.

At the center of the allied host, Randyll narrowed his eyes at the enemy's cleverness. "Hyle Hunt!" He called to his vassal, "Take a thousand to the southern half of the wall and climb it with hooks!" He ordered and he knight nodded and did what was commanded, taking some of their best with him.

The Lord of Horn Hill applauded Lord Estermont's resistance but by how close they've gotten to the first wall, he could see that they are starting to panic and worry.

More trebuchet shots left the walls, a large rock nearing himself so he moved an inch and the ball-shaped stone killed the soldier beside him, caved in the chest, and left the warrior broken.

A command and the dying boy was put out of his misery, "Hurry this along, beat the drums and get these men atop the walls!" Was the final thing he was going to say until victory was all but assured.

Eldon looked out as soon as he heard the beating of the drums, the commander of the Highgarden forces gritted his teeth with anger. Once or twice he looked Southeast, hoping that during these glances that he'd see the banner of the fiery stag embedded by a heart.

"Joran, please hasten your feet... Or else we are all lost." Eldon whispered and nodded to Galbart and Ramis Tudbury, the two signaled for the second wall to begin drawing their bows on the enemy. Below, Kaelon Wensington stood beside the final line which consisted of spears and pikes and shields.

Hopefully, they won't be needed.


The remaining Tyrell and Lannister host, having finally gotten past Deep Den started moving down the Goldroad toward King's Landing.

Tywin memorized the last decision he had made, sending in another three-thousand men through the Golden Tooth to assist his brother who he had given the command to take the Young Wolf's lands that he had stolen from his grandson.

Apparently, Tyrion had been reckless in his command and Joffrey, including Cersei had demanded his aid at King's Landing.

It angered him how his daughter and her son would be so bold, they would be reminded about who will win this war when he arrives and delivers the death blow to Stannis Baratheon and his bloodline.

Tyrion's brash invasion of the Stormlands might have been reckless, it still served its purpose as it kept the majority of the enemy host out of the Reach. It gave Randyll Tarly an opportunity to dig in, retake important stores of supplies and food from Stannis.

Hearing the complaints behind him, Tywin sneered silently at the Lord of Highgarden who continues to whine. The raven arrived not long about the sacking of the Arbor, Mace's family being seized by the pretender and his forces, the man's been in a state since then.

Tywin encouraged some of the great families of the Reach to speak to their liege, make him get refocussed on the task at hand.

Yet, in the lion's mind, he began plotting what to do once his daughter takes either Loras or Willas for her next husband. Mace and Olenna would need to be dealt with, then his bloodline may not just take control of the Iron Throne but the Reach, as well.

Other Houses like the Tully's, Stark's, and the Baratheon's at Dragonstone and Storm's End. They will all be replaced with Lords of his choosing, families who will be loyal to the lion, and no one else.

After that, then he will gladly welcome death and join his wife and Jaime, wherever the Gods have taken them.


The siege has gotten bloody, both armies were mere inches from one another with just a wall between them.

One of the three towers fell apart, falling with flame and embers on a few dozen men wearing the hunter on their chest. The other two made it to the wall and forced the defenders on that wall turn to their spears and swords.

Dickon Tarly fought viciously on the wall, fighting the temptation to vomit considering this was his first battle. Looking inward, he felt the desperation of both sides to take these walls and castle which was the center of the entire Reach.

At the middle wall, Eldon commanded another volley to let fly, falling down on several soldiers setting up ladders and the unfortunate few that begun to climb.

Lomas gutted an enemy and kicked another who had just reached the top, it sent the bastard down with the ladder he climbed upon. "No mercy! Kill them all for the King!" The rallying cry echoed to all that had been thinking about fleeing, making them dig their soles in and fight on.

Randyll's forces wouldn't have gotten as far as they had done, if not for Hyle Hunt and several hundred men climbing the Southern side of the wall, splitting and beginning the siege of the second wall, cutting down the morale and making the entire battle especially grim.

It's been hours since the battle commenced, the fighting only got more intense as the bodies dropped and littered the field and on the walls.

The sight made the once flowery land of House Tyrell run red, far more bloodier than the last battle that was fought here.

Eldon made his men stand fast to the reality that they all might die defending this castle, defending the territory that the King and Prince Joran fought for.

It was this exact sight that Prince Joran Baratheon found when he arrived with his cavalry force, "There are so many of them, Lord Estermont is alone in this?" He whispered to no one in particular, then he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Aurane and Oberyn.

"They aren't alone, now, let's finish this battle brother." Joran nodded and unsheathed his blade, raising it in the air and calling to his men.

"Run them down! Slay or capture their commanders! To anyone else... NO MERCY!" He shouted thunderously, leading the charge as dawn began to break over the enemy. The cry echoed to all as their horses carried them to victory... Or death.

Elwood Meadows quickly saw the encroaching forces coming. "Turn these men East! Turn East! Spears, and shields!" The young Lord cried out and just as those lines were made, the sun rose and the light blinded many, allowing Joran's horsemen to smash against lines which within minute began to cause panic.

The Baratheon soldier who saw what was happening ran to Eldon, the garrison commander smiled and started walking down to the final line. "Ready all our horses, we ride out to assist the Prince." He ordered and Kaelon Wensington had men break off to fetch all their horses.

On the field, inside one of the towers, Loras saw the stag which allowed the rage to fill his eyes, and he began exiting the siege tower.

Joran hopped over a Tyrell rose and trampled a Tarly Huntsman. "Aurane, a take some men and set fire to those machines!" His brother nodded and broke off with a dozen men, "Oberyn, follow me!" He called and relied on the veteran warrior who itched to dive into the battle.

The tide had begun to turn, especially when Gulian Swann arriving within an hour or so with their heavy foot. Joran smiled and thank his god that he arrived before he saw his father's banner get torn from Highgarden, although he could have arrived sooner if the horses were rested another day or so.

A spear zoomed past his helm, another inch and his head would have been impaled but it would not stop him from taking down the enemy.

Oberyn stayed by his side for most of the fighting, then he saw something off in the distance coming toward him. "Oberyn!" Joran called and followed the Red Viper's eyes to what he was looking at and his own eyes widened in shock and surprise.

The Mountain Who Rides, Gregor Clegane.

Joran's horse was shortly struck by an arrow, falling to the ground as Oberyn fought his way to Gregor. A Tarly soldier attempted to slay him, he was then saved by one of his own who helped him back to his feet. "Thank you!" He said and picked up his sword and shield, not wasting time to continue the fight.

Oberyn was three feet from the Mountain, staring him down with the hatred that's been building for more than twenty years.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, Ser Gregor... I was more interested in hearing you confess to your crimes but dying in the sight of your men will do." Oberyn said to the giant, the grip on his spear tightening with anticipation.

The Mountain cared not for Oberyn's revenge and began to swing his sword at his enemy, soldiers from both sides gathering to watch what appeared to a one and a million duel between two infamous men.

The Red Viper threw down his visor and acted on his swiftness, evaded two of Gregor's attacks then thrusting with his sear he had coated with a concoction of Manticore venom, the blade failed to break through and he pulled it back before the Mountain could yank at it.

Both men circled one another, the brute brashly made the first move and swung down to which Oberyn maneuvered out and the steel had instead landed upon one of Joran's men.

The duel between the two will now begin to pick up in speed, both thirsting to see if bloodlust or revenge will win out.

Elsewhere, the surprise attack by Joran and the rallying charge by Eldon had a great effect on Randyll's army. Lord Tarly himself realized that numbers aren't just going to win the battle but the spirit that makes these men fight.

"Joran!" The Prince stopped at slaying a terrified soldier, hearing a distant but familiar voice calling out to him. "I was hoping you would come when I put Highgarden back into proper hands, I suppose that you watching your father's grip on the Reach end is good enough for me!" Loras spat with venom and inched closer to him.

"You're a warrior, Loras, allow me to send you as a warrior to your Gods," Joran whispered with narrowed eyes.

Wasting no time, Loras and Joran lunged at one another and clashed their blades and shields against each other. Joran pushed with gritted teeth, Loras pushed back with equal intensity. "Garlan is going to be avenged, your head will be mine!" Joran scoffed at Loras sneering comment.

"Then do it, pillow-biter, and stop talking about killing it!" He pushed hard and sent Loras a good foot and a half back, giving himself room to slash at the Knight of Flowers three times, Loras dodged the first strike and parried the next two blows.

Joran readied to quickly parry Loras next attack, then slashing close at the man's throat and cursed his misfortune of not being able to end him quickly. "You know," Loras began as they circled each other, "I've dreamt about this for far more than since Garlan was killed, before even Renly... " He knows, always knew the Knight of Flowers wanted him dead.

As for why? He will never truly know, perhaps because he was a monster and accepted for what he is while Loras attraction to men was all but shunned if it had been more open knowledge. It doesn't matter, not anymore. Joran narrowed his eyes and tensed, feeling a blade running across his back.

Loras was furious and quickly attacked both Joran then cut the throat of the soldier aiding the Tyrell, screaming that the Scaled Stag was his kill and no one else.

The son of Stannis was fortunate that the steel did not cut him, perhaps a bruise but no real damage. He took it in stride and continued his duel with Loras, a similar circle forming after Loras killed that soldier. "An audience, great," Joran whispered sarcastically and swung his sword right then left, banging it on his opponent's shield and blade.

Lomas watched from the wall, he waved to a pair of archers to aim and slay Loras Tyrell to save the Prince. "We can't, milord, we might hit the Prince." Lomas Estermont cursed, sighing heavily.

"Pick your shot when it presents itself, the rest of you... Keep fighting!" Just as he said this, Aurane and his men had succeeded in burning another tower, trapping Dickon Tarly on the outer wall, now surrounded by the enemy.

The battle was winding down, tired men slashing at equally tired men who had marched far too long in such a quick time. Guilian saw this and arrived with the remaining half of Joran's forces, "You!" He called out to Rolland Storm, who stood and waited for his orders, "Take command of half and begin encircling the host, I will aid our men who are trapped." More or less save the Prince.

Stannis Baratheon only has the one son, if Joran and Stannis die then the bloodline will fail and that cannot happen for their cause.

Lord Randyll Tarly's eyes widened when he saw the enemy reinforcements arrive, then seeing them split off caused him to worry. "If they cross the Mander, then our path of escape is lost." He said to himself and looked back at Highgarden, shocked to see they've defended against his attack well past the night.

The Stormlander's he fought twenty years ago are not the ones he is fighting right now, they are far more hungry and vicious and has a fare higher desire to win than when Robert led his forces against his at Ashford.

"Be defeated here, I cannot bear it," Randyll whispered with anger, fury, desperation, and the feeling of his reputation being tarnished by the nephew of the Demon of the Trident, Robert Baratheon.

The Lord of Horn Hill grabbed his chest, his arm clenching up and causing him to fall from his horse. A soldier rushed to the man's side, calling for others to come and see what was wrong.

In an effort to save their Commander and General, Lord Mathis Rowan turned to the others while looking down his horse. "Call the retreat, for now." The horn blew not long after the command was sent... But a great many refused to abandon the field when the call came.

Oberyn evaded another of the giant's swings, noticing that Gregor was tiring and possibly from the three cuts he placed at the heel, left shoulder, and careful strike on the wrist.

The Prince of Dorne chuckled, hearing the retreat horns and wondered if it was Joran's men fleeing or the enemy. It mattered not to him, it definitely doesn't matter to Gregor Clegane by the way he was watching him and ignoring the pleas of his men.

Gregor yelled loudly and came close to lopping his waist from the rest of his body, it forced him to focus and began to evade the next swing but he failed to do so.

In a bid to hopelessly defend himself, Oberyn tried to stop the downward swing with his spear. His weapon broke and he was left with a short tool, the Red Viper scanned the position he was in and sighed heavily while looking at the giant who readied to come at him once more.

"Whatever it takes... " He said to himself, remembering the fight he had with Doran after Elia had come home.

Joran watched the sight after breaking away from Loras, Gregor thrust his greatsword right through Oberyn's chest and hefted the Viper up into the air. "Oberyn!" He yelled and would have gone to aid his ally if not for the Knight of Flowers smashing back into him and going for his head again.

Gregor smiled as he won but frowned as he suddenly felt very weak, a moment after that the giant collapsed to his knees and Oberyn scoffed and coughed up blood but from sheer will, he used his free hand to rip the helmet off the Mountain and looked a terrified murderer in the eyes.

"This is for Elia, Aegon, and Rhaenys... " Gripping his spear with both hands, the Red Viper of Dorne claimed his long-awaited revenge by jamming the broken spear right into Gregor Clegane's skull then twisting it stuck.

Both warriors fell down beside one another a moment after, one dead and the other joining shortly as the retreating Reacher forces fled the field and the Baratheon forces giving chase.

An escaped hawk from Willas's chambers was flying over the battle, the fighting on the outer wall stopped with Dickon being captured and Hyle Hunt being slain by Aemon Estermont.

The bird then flew over Joran and Loras, both men continuing to battle it out until one or the other perishes to either blade.

"Let this end, Loras! Your allies have all abandoned you!" Not all, some still believed that the Tyrell rose will fly Highgarden once more and they are fools to believe this.

"I cannot, not until Renly is avenged! Not until my brother is avenged!" Then you are lost, Joran thought and threw down his shield and gripping his sword while getting into a stance taught by his teacher, Loras noticed and threw his shield down as well to get into the same position.

Any other person watching might be awed, the sun beamed on the two men like a portrait of blood and war and then they rushed and slashed once with their sword, Joran sighed and stood up and turned around to see a quiet Loras.

The Knight of Flowers began bleeding heavily below his stomach, a second after that he buckled and fell to his knees not noticing the arrow that was let loose from the wall and penetrated the slits between his visor. The third-born son of Mace Tyrell fell limp to the ground, still and his remaining eye fading into the next life.

Remembering Oberyn, Joran quickly ran to the Dornishman's side and after three counts pulled the greatsword out of the man's body. Oberyn was still hanging on, his eyes growing shadows from the blood loss.

"Stay with us, Prince Oberyn, there is still much fighting left to do." Oberyn wheezed to laugh, it made himself smile lightly.

"I avenged my sister, her children... And I die fighting for the son of Stannis, a boy cursed by a poison I sent to you." So it was true, the Greyscale that he bears had come by the hands of the Red Viper of Dorne, he had suspected for a long time that it was someone from House Martell.

"What will Dorne think, if and when they hear that another of their Prince's had died North from their home? What will Doran think, or your own children?" He asked the dying warrior, Oberyn looked at the Mountain's body then back to him with the same steel he saw before the battle.

"Send that cunts head to Sunspear, ensure that my spear remains in his skull for all time." He nodded slowly, understanding Oberyn's last word.

Finding an ax lying on the corpse of a dead soldier, Joran took the weapon and hacked at Gregor's head five and six times before it came loose. Oberyn watched it all and had a smile on his face, wincing from the bleeding and death coming ever closer and closer.

"Aurane, I entrust it to you to take this to Dorne, along with Oberyn's body. Tell Doran that Elia's murderer was slain by the Red Viper." Aurane hesitated, Joran chuckled and patted his brother on the shoulder, "And say hello to your son, and Arianne." Aurane Waters sighed and nodded.

Oberyn clasped his hand to Joran's, a grateful stare eyeing him. "Thank you, for allowing me to avenge my sister... It was... An honor." Thus ended the life of Oberyn Nymeros Martell, the Red Viper, and a true warrior without equal.

An hour would pass and Joran led the remaining forces across the Mander, routing the fleeing army and capturing six noble Lords and their commander, Randyll Tarly who later died due to some sort of exertion to the chest.

The battle was close to a loss for House Baratheon, Lomas Estermont and his brother both perished alongside 2,600 of their forces, then the death of Oberyn Martell who faced down the Mountain but House Tyrell and Lannister lost much more than that in the night and dawn.

After securing their lines, Joran commanded for the men to rest these next few days and then they would march to meet his father for their attack on King's Landing.

AN: So ends the second battle of Highgarden, the Baratheon's held fast against insurmountable odds to fight another day whilst Mace and Tywin lost both their best commander and Gregor Clegane. Next chapter will involve more Stark than Baratheon.

Not gonna lie, the battle was inspired quite a bit by Lord of the Rings, especially with the passing of Sir Ian Holmes who has finally started his journey to the undying lands. Farewell, ring-bearer.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.