The sun sets on the horizon, casting long shadows in the fading orange glow. Street lights turn on and families settle down for the evening with each other to share in their day. Well almost all families, one woman stands on the balcony of her modest apartment, worried for her son has not returned home yet. She knows her son has been struggling in his life, one in which he was dealt a bad hand, little did she know that at that moment, a young boy was busy shuffling the deck.

3 Hours Ago

They say that everyone is created equal, that was always a lie told to placate people's fear of being left behind. But when literal superpowers started manifesting in people throughout the world, things changed overnight. With more people rapidly getting these amazing powers, which everyone called quirks, experts suggest that the remaining population without the possession of a quirk is around 20%, what that doesn't tell you is that 99% of the quirkless are elderly or people from generations of quirkless, some take pride in it and call themselves pure bloods, the last remaining humans in a land of monsters. However for children, maybe one in a million doesn't have a quirk anymore.

And this young boy is one such person, being in the area after his diagnosis of his quirkless nature, he received pity from the people in his neighborhood, it was like being born with a disability, except for those born with nonfunctional legs or eyes, they can be fixed with someone else's quirk now. Not having a quirk, well no one can give a quirk, this young man knows, he scoured the internet and texts books, referencing quirks and their potential uses and he found no evidence of any person who could bequeath a quirk to another. All the time spent though honed an ability of his to analyze and break down quirks as he sees them. He hasn't given up though, he knows somewhere there exists someone who can give him what he wants, not a powerful quirk, not riches or fame, but a chance, to prove to everyone else that he's something and he matters.

So it is why he went out looking again, he saw a report that a man was seen in the area, rumors about him said to be that he has multiple quirks. They have seen the man in a black respirator mask, going into dead end alleys and disappearing. It was rare enough that some people had two quirks, let alone described as having multiple, So the young boy went out after his middle school classes ended, hoping to learn something about that man's strange circumstance, ducking the bullies who decided this particular day would be used to practice their quirks on him. The young boy found his intended target but was prevented from following when a battle between a villain and hero had come barreling down the street. The villain and hero both had fire quirks, the young boy recognized the hero as the upcoming Number 4 Hero Endeavor, he was rapidly climbing the ranks of the Pro-Hero scene, his power put him very high to begin with and many people expect him to become the Number 3 any day now, but in terms of likability he was very much unlike his quirk, cold. The villain was not someone he recognized, but many people don't pay much attention to villains unless they can make a name for themselves and it looked like this particular villain wanted to prove he had the hots, his dark, blue flames casting foreboding shadows on the buildings as the two men dueled. It was some time later that the villain had to flee, realizing he was outclassed in firepower had fled down the alley that the young boy had scene his target go into. Endeavor had taken one look in the alley and darted off, as no one could be seen in it. The young boy, disheartened that he had missed his chance to speak to the person he had spent weeks tracking down, the only upside was the notes he could gather on both the Blue Flame User and the professional hero, it wasn't every day he could study fire quirk users up close, let alone two at the same time.

The young boy, closed his notes and turned to get his bearings again before he decided on which way he would need to go to get himself home. Until a sound, something he heard with some regularity accosted his ears, a sound that made him freeze up, because anything less would result in more immediate pain. "Oi, Deku" He knew pain was coming either way but he did want to take as much time before he suffered. As he stood there an errant thought that maybe the pro hero would come back and protect him from what was going to happen. The sheer thought that he might have any sort of luck graced his mind caused him to snort out a laugh. This laugh was later the cause a more severe beating. "Oh so you think this is funny do you?" Said a young boy with large spiky blond hair and piercing red eyes in what can only be described as resting bitch face. The young boy, identified as Deku, turned around to face the oncoming threat. "H-h-hi Ka-k-Kacchan" he managed to stutter out.

Kacchan wasn't alone, he had two other boys with him, a fat kid with what could be described as pitiful wings and another thin as a rail with elongated fingers, they took to Deku's back, cutting off any potential escape routes, not that he could get far anyway. Kacchan was much faster than him even without using his quirk, so Deku knew not to try, it was much easier to get it over with so they could all be on their way. "So what was so important that you had to prevent us from training with our quirks, you know we are only trying to be heroes so we can save worthless people like you from the bad guys?", with a sneer that could only come from practiced use, Kacchan approaches the boy and shoves him into what became the most important alley of his life. "Don't worry we can still have time before dinner to get some practice in."

For the next hour, Deku was beaten, burned and bruised by the three boys. They tossed his injured body into a pile of garbage bags and left the alley laughing as he slowly pulled himself from the filth.

"Sssssss…. Hah…. Ssss", the labored breathing of a young boy as he clenches the side of his torso shambles out onto the main walkway. Peeling a scrap of garbage off of his shoulder as he joins in the foot traffic of the sidewalk. He pushes past pedestrians as he makes his way down the path he thinks he had decided to go before the closest thing to a friend interrupted his thoughts, so while slowly walking, the sun slowly setting, the streets clearing as people make their way home and inside. Then the realization sets in, he has gotten lost. So like any twelve year old child will do when they get lost, he sat down and cried, cried because he's lost, because he's hurt, because he knows that he will have to call his mother to come get him and explain what happened, because he knows that doing that will only cause her pain. So he cries. Until a sound, much like a chime, jingles behind him. If not for the memory that a wall should have been behind him, he might not have thought anything of the generic noise that one associates with a convenience story. Turning he sees a shop, it's a small shack, missing letters from the sign and faded paint and cracks along the dark wooden exterior. But beneath the growing moss and rotted wood he can still understand the name of the place, "The Shop of Legends, Where Heroes Are Made". The young boy is taken aback, a building like this shouldn't be just resting in the middle of a suburban neighborhood and it definitely wasn't there when he was heading this way. Intrigued he slowly gets up from his seated spot on the ground, trying his best to ignore the soreness in his gut from earlier.

He makes his way to the door and walks in.

Author's Notes V2: This is a reedit, and reupload of the first chapter, I will be trying to see if I can do this to all my stories that I have written so that they may read better, I don't think there will be any significant changes, at least I will try to not change plot points and such when doing this. In addition I will also be working on uploading these chapters to Archive of our own, under the same username StevenTLawson, so that I can begin the process of crossposting. It may take some time, but I hope to get this done shortly and that it doesn't alarm any of my readers to see this activity.

Author's Notes:

So I finally decided to stop being a pussy and actually get around to writing a story of my own, instead of just critiquing other's work and writing reviews. So I thought I would start with a My Hero Academia story. I read many stories where Izuku got quirks, got training or even magic, but most of those are just taking abilities from other stories and characters so it resembles other magic users from anime and comics. Instead I want him to have magic, real magic, but styled as how our world views magicians, from Houdini to Chris Angel, Izuku is going to do what they did, but for real. He will have style and panache, his magic will be flashy, but I will try to make it not offensive, so he isn't just throwing fireballs and won't be a god either.

One of the important notes is that I will be making some distinct changes to how people act. I see that in the canon, the general society views big powerful quirks like Endeavors and All Mights as the be all end all of it. But really thinking on it, people like Recovery Girl or Momo are so much more useful for society. So I will have UA/Yuuei reflect that underlying need in society. Because while the Author of the series stated that people like Hagakuri and Mineta were able to defeat the robots it doesn't make much sense that someone as cowardly as Mineta wouldn't just panic when a robot aims giant cannons at him. And that gets me to the other background characters they see very little use and if you are someone who I have placed a review on your story, I have mentioned that a few times in them. So choices must be made.

Not just pertaining to what's in the story but what is out of it. It's only fair to you the readers that you understand what kind of story this is and when and how it will be made. So I want to give you guys the option of input. So before we begin, I will say that certain key events will still happen.

Sludge Villain


Sports Festival

Those will all happen, but different. First off Izuku WILL NOT get One for All, I repeat, IZUKU AND ONE FOR ALL, NOT HAPPENING. So If you think he would be the worlds first muscle wizard and cast fist to solve his problems, that will not happen. If that disappoints you, I'm sorry, I might get around to making a story where Izuku gets the quirk, but this will not be one of them.

The Why. The second most important part, what motivates people.

It may seem like Izuku is getting pretty beat up but without input from readers this would be about as bad it gets. So the purpose of this is a simple. How dark and edgy do you want.

I think as it is, its pretty close to canon in terms of violence. But some people may want it more tame and other may want a bit more of an edge. Note I will not make it too tame or too edgy either, so if it starts looking like bad Sonic fanfic either way I'll rein it back in.

So that covers what will go on before we even get to UA/Yuuei, there will be more notes in further chapters to try and give options to the readers, so I will try to provide when those changes will be happening, but I will want to go from canon on some parts and delve into the time between major arcs. I know the USJ happens within the first week of classes but the Sports Festival seems like it would have been in the second month of classes so there is time for events to happen that are outside of the canon.And I guess there will need to be a discussion on Shipping. There will be plenty of time to pick apart out favorite problem child's love life in the next few chapters, first he needs a training montage.

More discussions will happen in later chapters so be patient and lets see what I can make him suffer through before alienating all my readers.

Lastly, most importantly, yes everything is most important.

I want reviews, brutal reviews. Tear me apart, criticize my word choice, grammar, spelling. I want to be utterly annihilated when I read the comments from people. This is not a don't like don't read. It's a don't like, tell me what you don't like and I will try to improve.