Hey, another story and another fanfic!

I've kind of noticed that most of my fanfics are crossovers and I wanted to do a story with just Danny, so here it is. It's also a story I wrote quite a while ago and has been sitting in my archives. Let me know what you think.

It's based a year after the events of Phantom Planet. None of my previous fanfics are referenced or are canon. Which I've also noticed that I do a lot. No idea if that's a good or bad thing, but wanted to do something fresh…

I created a new ghost for this… I don't want to say too much in case I give anything away. So, I'll leave it at that.

By the way, I don't own Danny Phantom.

And so, on with the story…

The bus pulled away and left two girls standing alone on the roadside with heavy hold-all bags over each of their shoulders. One was a long-haired red head wearing jeans and a black blouse and the other was a short haired brunette in a short white dress and denim jacket. Jazz rolled her eyes. No one was waiting for her again. Jazz was home for spring break.

"Wasn't Danny supposed to meet up with us?" Jazz's friend, Bianca, recalled. Jazz nodded. Jazz had decided to leave her car in Amity Park when she left for college, mostly because she lived on campus and parking was limited.

"Something probably came up. Come on, we'll head home instead," Jazz suggested and led the way down the main street of Amity Park, towards Fenton Works.

Bianca pouted beside her. Jazz laughed softly at her friend's disappointment.

"Don't worry Bianca, you'll meet Danny later," Jazz reassured her.

"I still can't believe that Danny Phantom is your brother!" Bianca exclaimed excitedly. Jazz smiled.

"He's Danny Fenton too you know," Jazz reminded Bianca. It annoyed her that so many people forgot that Danny wasn't just Phantom. He was a person too. Bianca nodded.

"I know, sorry Jazz. Does having two identities affect his mind?" Bianca asked. Bianca was also studying psychology. Jazz shook her head.

"Not really. There are slight differences. Like Phantom is more serious and protective and Fenton is really care-free and forgetful but nothing you'd notice unless you knew him really well. Considering the stuff he's been through, I would have thought there'd be something but he's fine," Jazz answered knowingly. Bianca nodded.

Suddenly two scooters raced down the road passed them.

"Woah, what's the speed limit here?" Bianca remarked angrily staring at the receding scooters. Jazz scowled at the scooters.

"I think that was Sam and Tucker," Jazz replied uncertainly.

"Sam and Tucker? Aren't they Danny's sidekicks?" Bianca asked.

"Friends, Bianca, they're his friends. And it looked like they were in a rush. Something must have happened. Come on," Jazz deduced and ran after the two speeding scooters. Bianca frowned but chased after Jazz without another word.

The scooters finally stopped outside a warehouse on the docks and Jazz ran after them, panting.

"Sam! Tucker! What's going on?" Jazz shouted after them breathlessly. Sam and Tucker turned to her and grinned.

"Oh hey Jazz. Isn't your bus at four?" Tucker greeted her.

"It was. Danny wasn't there," Jazz confirmed with an edge in her voice. The teens flinched.

"Yeah, he was busy. Still is actually. He's in there," Sam replied and pointed to the warehouse.

Sam was wearing her usual black attire with the only difference being the black and white jacket Danny had gotten her for Christmas. It was part of the Danny Phantom range of clothing from the mall. Sam had graciously ignored the fact that Danny had been given it free of charge. Tucker wore his usual outfit too, complete with red beret and grey back pack. He had new glasses but they were almost identical to his previous pair. Bianca finally joined them.

"This is my friend, Bianca. She's going to stay with us for the week. Bianca, this is Sam, Danny's girlfriend and Tucker, Danny's best friend," Jazz introduced. Bianca nodded to the teens breathlessly.

Suddenly a loud crash inside the warehouse made the four people outside cringe.

"So what's going on?" Jazz prompted with a nervous glance at the warehouse. Sam was about to answer.

"Guys! Move!" A boy screamed. Jazz and Tucker jumped to the side and managed to avoid Danny Phantom as he fell past them. He landed on the sidewalk with a grunt.

"Ow," he groaned as he got to his feet.

"Danny? Are you alright?" Jazz asked and began to fuss over him.

"I'm fine Jazz… wait Jazz. Oh man, I was meant to meet up with you wasn't I?" Danny recalled and slapped his forehead. Jazz smirked.

"Yeah, but it's alright little brother. So who's giving you bother?" Jazz replied gently. Ghost hunting always took first priority as far as Jazz was concerned. Danny frowned in annoyance.

A fat blue ghost emerged from the warehouse and laughed loudly.

"Ha ha! You can't stop the Box Ghost! For I am able to control all boxes, rectangular and square! Fear me!" the Box Ghost gloated happily. Danny growled in anger and shot the ghost with a green ghost ray. The Box Ghost dodged it before flying off towards the school.

"Get back here!" Danny shouted before taking off after the ghost.

"The Box Ghost?" Jazz asked loudly. Sam and Tucker laughed.

"Yeah, Danny's been chasing him for half an hour now. His ghost sense went off in the park," Sam giggled.

"That's on the other side of town," Jazz recalled. Tucker laughed again and nodded.

"Yep. He's gotten really fast recently. Actually yesterday Danny got detention for being late to class because of the Box Ghost. Mr. Lancer didn't think "sorry I'm late, I was busy chasing the Box Ghost all over town" was a good enough excuse," Tucker explained.

"He has a thermos right?" Jazz inquired. Sam and Tucker nodded.

"Course he does. The Box Ghost got away yesterday. Danny was furious," Sam revealed with a smirk.

"I really wouldn't want to be the Box Ghost when Danny finally catches up with him," Tucker added, glancing back in the direction both ghosts had disappeared off in.

So, really just opening the story here with my attempt at humour. The story does take a dark and serious turn later so enjoy the light hearted stuff while it's here. I always thought it would be funny if Danny had trouble catching the Box Ghost after so long ghost hunting… let me know what you guys think.

Anyway, until the next chapter.