Bianca padded into the kitchen the next morning and opened the fridge, and as per Danny's warning, checked to see if the milk was glowing and then sniffed it.

"Morning," Danny greeted her. Bianca nearly dropped the milk. She turned to the kitchen table and saw Danny sitting there casually typing away on his laptop. Bianca gaped at him.

"Cups are in the cupboard to your left," Danny remarked, smirking at her expression. She put down the milk carefully and turned back to him.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Bianca managed. Danny smirked.

"I could be doing worse things. I could be checking Amity Park for any ghosts around but instead I'm updating my ghost files. Besides I'm fine. Nurse Green really knows what she's doing," Danny reassured her. Bianca sat opposite him and frowned at him.

He avoided her gaze, preferring to continue what he was doing.

"Thought you were going to use the milk," Danny remarked after a long silence. Bianca scowled at him but returned to making her morning coffee.

"You should be in bed," Bianca attempted. Danny laughed.

"Better than you have tried to get me to take it easy Bianca. Trust me, I'm fine," Danny assured her good-naturedly. Bianca sat back down at the kitchen table now with a steaming cup of coffee and watched Danny carefully. Any sign of discomfort, she'd use that to send him to bed. He was her friend's little brother after all. But he really did seem fine.

Bianca looked away from Danny when she heard someone enter the kitchen.

"Morning Jazz," Danny greeted his sister without looking up. Bianca stared at him in surprise. He felt her stare and smirked.

"You never hear Jazz get up, dad sounds like an elephant and mom, you can hear her get up if you're quiet," Danny answered her unasked question, not looking up from his laptop for a moment.

"Danny, you shouldn't be up," Jazz commented and gave her friend a slight scowl.

"She tried Jazz. Besides I'm kind of expecting someone," Danny interjected as he shut down the laptop.

Jazz raised an eyebrow.

"Expecting someone? Like who?" Jazz questioned sceptically. Danny's ghost sense went off. He smiled grimly.

"Whelp!" a voice growled.

"Him," Danny answered and got to his feet and willed a band of white light to appear around his middle. The light split and travelled up and down his body changing his usual jeans, red sneakers and red and white shirt, a spare, into his black and white jumpsuit. His eyes changed from a natural blue to a piercing green and his black hair changed to a brilliant white. His body glowed softly.

"Hey, Skulker, I hear that your hunt didn't go so well," Danny remarked with a smirk.

Bianca turned to see a robotic ghost wearing tight fitting trousers, tank top and combat boots. He had flaming green hair and a goatee.

"Exactly. You cost me a pelt. You will replace it," Skulker growled furiously. Skulker then lunged at Danny and Danny managed to turn them both intangible before they crashed through the wall. Jazz and Bianca looked at each other and rushed outside to see Danny and Skulker circling each other in the air above the house.

"I heard about your run in with Mariah Dark, whelp. First chasing the Box Ghost of all ghosts for two days and then being kidnapped by her. You're losing your touch ghost child," Skulker commented with a sneer.

"Note to self, hit the Box Ghost for spreading that," Danny muttered to himself angrily.

"What's going on?!" Sam called as she ran down the street towards Fenton Works.

"Skulker's picking a fight," Jazz informed her.

Sam joined the two older girls and watched the ghost fight above them. Skulker grinned at Danny and darted forwards and punched Danny in the stomach.

"Which means you're weaker than usual," Skulker remarked continuing his train of thought. Danny doubled over and held his stomach. Bianca and Jazz gasped and Jazz made to run indoors but Sam stopped her with a hand on Jazz's shoulder.

"He's fine. He's just faking," Sam assured them.

"Faking?" Bianca repeated. Sam smirked, not taking her eyes off her boyfriend.

"Yep, I can see his smile from here. I told you, he likes to mess with his enemies, especially in a fight," Sam elaborated.

Skulker sniggered evilly and loomed over Danny. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Danny.

"Finally," he chuckled to himself. But Danny flipped over and kicked Skulker in the chest, catching him off guard and throwing the hunter to the ground.

"That was a cheap shot Skulker," Danny remarked with a scowl.

"What? But… but you're injured," Skulker spluttered. Danny smirked at him.

"Nope, had a little visit from Nurse Green, now… er… crud," Danny trailed off as he felt his waist for his trusty thermos, only to find that it wasn't there. Jazz slapped her forehead.

"And that's why I constantly nag him to always have a thermos with him," She grumbled to herself.

Skulker grinned.

"Looks like you're losing your touch still whelp," Skulker commented and charged at Danny. Danny scowled at Skulker and dodged and punched Skulker in the side. Danny then darted away and disappeared inside the house. Skulker chased Danny. The three girls shared a look before running into the house after the two ghosts.

"Ghost!" Jack exclaimed. The girls ran upstairs and saw Danny kick Skulker into a wall and pull out a thermos he'd found and pointed it at Skulker.

"I really don't get why you're angry at me Skulker, Ember was the one who listened to me," Danny remarked as Skulker was engulfed in a blue light and was pulled into the thermos, kicking and screaming.

Maddie and Jack scrambled out of their bedroom, half asleep holding ghost weapons.

"Where is he?" Jack demanded. Danny hid the thermos behind his back.

"Sorry dad, he got away. I sent him packing," Danny apologised. Jack looked crestfallen.

"Aw, I really wanted a ghost to do target practice on," Jack complained and shuffled back to bed. Maddie glared at Danny.

"You should be recovering," Maddie reminded him. He gave her a crooked smile and shrugged.

"What are you going to do? I feel better and Amity Park needed Danny Phantom," Danny remarked.

Maddie scowled at him but returned to her room. Danny sighed in relief and turned to the girls watching him.

"Don't start Jazz," Danny warned her, seeing that she was ready to lecture him on not having a thermos. Jazz scowled at him as he sank through the floor to return Skulker to the Ghost Zone.

"Well, things are back to normal at least," Sam commented with a smile.

"Normal?" Bianca repeated incredulously.

"Don't worry, you get used to it," Jazz reassured her friend before Bianca went to get dressed.

"What happened to Mariah anyway?" Sam asked suddenly. Jazz shrugged.

"Last I saw, mom had her in the new prototype thermos. Maybe dad will get his new target ghost after all," Jazz answered. Sam frowned.

"Don't tell Danny. Knowing him he'll try and save the witch," Sam decided and stomped downstairs to spend some time with Danny after the ordeal they'd been through. Jazz smirked. It was always interesting when Jazz visited home. However hopefully this spring break would be quieter from now on.

And that is that. I think that's all the loose ends cleared up. Oh, er… Frostbite. They told him after they got Danny home… now they're cleared up.

Anyway, I'd like to thank anyone that read the whole story and I hope you found it enjoyable. Let me know what you thought of it now that's it's all done and dusted. This was a story buried in my archives and I have improved a lot since I wrote this. Especially when it comes to writing lengthy chapters. But I'm glad to have finally posted it up for you guys.

I'd also like to take them time to thank everyone who left a review and invite you to check out my website for my spot reviews. It might take a few days but some of my favourite reviews from this fanfic will be put there soon. There's a link in my bio.

The first chapter of the next fanfic will be posted shortly. Don't forget to check out my facebook page and the advert in the meantime. There's a link in my bio.

I can't think of anything else to say so I guess I'll sign off.

Until the next fanfic.