Theirs-- part one.

Hamilton never dreamt of this before,he wondered if it was fair? Was it? Was it fair to have something with someone so precious without any hardship? Without thought? Without dreaming of its possibility? Was it fair when there we're so many out there who dreamed of such treasure?

One day it just happened, the kiss that followed was the happy, and their present-- Hamilton naked on their shared bed(except for some short) his arms wrapped around his best friend, his comrade, his partner, his -dare say- love, Lauren. Whose head was resting on his bare chest, his curly hair tied in his usual low ponytail-- was the ever after of the story to tell for another time.

"What are you thinking this time?" Lauren's muffled voice vibrated on his bare skin and he let out a soft chuckle.

"...if you...have a son, what would you name him?" Alexander didn't know where that question came from. It just came out. (Hue)

Lauren stirred and balance himself on his elbow by Hamilton's side and gave his lover a confuse look. He sigh and looked at Alexander's mesmerizing eyes.

"Phillip. I'd name him Phillip. And he'd have your gorgeous eyes." Lauren grasp both of Alexander's cheeks, staring intently to his eyes with a gentle smile.

Alex felt the air knock out of his lungs. Every time John gave him those smiles--any kind of smile actually-- he would always feel his time slowing down. Alex closed his eyes and leaned onto John's carress. His own hands overlapping John's.

God they were so gay for each other. He could hear Burr's groan in the back of his mind. "He'll have you hair." Alex state his fingers curling around John's curls.

John frowned, "He'll have your mind." Then he murmured quickly, "I don't know if that's good or bad."

Alex laughed and pulled John closer, their foreheads touching. " He'll have your heart. Kind and Inspiring."

Lauren wanted to throw a snark comment, 'you better not be thinking of your wife on me.' But he knew. He knew of Alexander. He was proud of it, for he knew Alexander better than anyone else. He knew Alexander loved his admiration, loyalty, faithfulness, kindness, softness. The way his eyes sparkle when Alexander speak his mind and beliefs. The way his smile was something Alexander wanted to treasure. Alexander thought all of this, and John knew. And for that he loved him more.

"He'd be a Poet." Lauren murmured.

"He'll blow everyone away." Lauren laughed at the wrong interpretation of Alex's statement. He threw his head back laughing. Alexander followed shortly after. Jesus Christ they were such dorks.

"The kid would be perfection." Alexander grinned. John's eye's gleam drained. Alex stopped and worriedly look at his lover. Lauren moves and hover. Alex placed his hands on Lauren's waist, and stared at his lover on top of him.

John drew closer, and Alex leaned eagerly.

"Except for one." John's breath was deep, Alex could feel his hot breath on top of his nose.

Their lips almost touching John whispered in pain. "He wouldn't be ours to call our son." Before Hamilton could reply, John smashed their lips together. He felt John's hands curl behind him, grasping and softly tugging his hair. Alexander sigh into the kiss and pulled Lauren closer.

It was those moments--that happened frequently-- John would remind both of them of their reality--the life outside their happily ever after fantasy-- Hamilton was married to Eliza Schuyler, and he...was a man and so was Alex. Times like this, he could only hope time would slow down, he really did hope, as he convince Lauren he loves him.

It was theirs. Their story. And this time, Alex wasn't writing this alone, he had John to write their story their own time and pace.