Hi, Everyone!

I'm back with another contest entry. This time I wrote for the Secrets and Lies Contest. I decided to break up the original entry into seven chapters and already have several more chapters ready to post. I'll be posting twice a week, so if you want to follow it, just press FOLLOW! Duh! ;) This will be a full-fledged story; however, I'm not sure how long it will be. It's been awhile since I've been excited about writing and posting a fanfic story on the regular.

WARNING: Please note this was written for the Secrets and Lies contest, so read at your own risk.

Enjoy, my pretties.

Summary: After Edward moves to Forks, Washington, he's angry at the world. A dare places him in Bella Swan's path, and what transpires that summer is beyond comprehension for the seventeen-year-old.

- DISCLAIMER: The author does not own any publicly recognizable entities herein. No copyright infringement is



Chapter 1

Forks, Washington, is my home, now; it has been for nine months. Nothing much has changed in that time other than I'm a little more belligerent these days. I don't care to make friends. Mainly, because no one is cool enough. I have acquaintances like my dumbass neighbors Emmett and Jasper. Emmett's a football player—too many hits to the head, I believe. Jasper is his little bitch-sidekick and the team's waterboy—enough said. My real home is Seattle, the place I'll move back to after I graduate after I endure another year here.

When Carlisle accepted a job at the local hospital as a trauma doctor, he uprooted us—Mom from her best friends and job as a florist, me from my buddies: Garrett and Seth, and the high school baseball team. I was pissed. Oh, and I was forced to leave behind Tanya, my girlfriend. I see her when I go to Seattle every few months. We hang out and other things that involve clothes on the floor of wherever we are doing the deed. Lately, though, we've been having troubles.

I'm Edward Cullen. I'm cocky by nature because I speak my mind. Some take offense to that, but it's who I am. I've overheard the girls say I'm sexy as hell, but they are afraid to approach me. I'm one-hundred percent fine with that because not one I've seen is my type. Their attention is no different from my last school, so it's whatever; I'm used to it. In Forks though, I keep to myself, mostly listening to music or playing my acoustic guitar or video games to pass the time. I'm not the cock jock I used to be at my old school. To be honest, I was going to try out for the baseball team this year, but they suck, and I have no desire to be on a losing team.

"Ed!" Emmett claps his hand on my shoulder.

I slam my locker door and give him an elbow in the stomach, not too hard, but he doubles over. The guy never learns.

He coughs a couple times. "What the hell was that for?"

"It's Edward, not Ed, Eddie, or Edwardo."

"Point taken. Damn."

"You think my warnings were for shits and grins?" I slide the strap of my backpack over my shoulder and wait for Emmett to regain his composure.

"You're such an asshole."

"Yeah." I nod. I know I'm an asshole—like I give a shit.

Emmett rolls his eyes. "At least you know it."

"What do you want?"

"Did you hear about the keg party at Royce's tonight?"

"I heard." I start walking. I have better things to do on the last day of school than sit and gab like a bunch of hens in front of my locker.

"You going?"

I shrug. The party's not a priority at this point.

Jasper catches up with us. "Hey, you guys going to Royce's tonight?"

"I was just asking Edward if he's going."

"So? You going?" Jasper looks at me.

"Why is it such a big deal?"

One keg, one small town, and Goddamn, people act like the president is coming to town.

"End of school party. It's going to be epic," Jasper says. "Girls from Port Angeles will be there, too."

My ears perk up at that bit of info. It's been almost four weeks since I've seen Tanya, and I could use a piece of ass right now. Blue balls suck. I've seen all the girls in this town, and it's slim pickings. Either they're taken or they aren't up to my standards. "I'll think about it."

"Can you give us a ride home?" Jasper asks. "My car's in the shop."

"For money." I'm kidding, but the flat look on my face has them pulling out cash. I take it because I'm broke.

After ten minutes of listening to them drone on, we finally pull into my driveway.

"Have you decided if you're going?" Emmett asks before adding a selling point. "Free beer."

I have never been much of a drinker because baseball has always been my focus and I've taken training seriously, but since this town has squashed my plans at the sport, I decide free beer sounds pretty good this evening. Plus, I need to get out of the house.

We decide to meet here at eight o'clock and walk to the party since it's on the next block over.

Emmett and Jasper go home, and I pull the trashcan up front the street.

A noise from over the bushes that separate our driveway from the neighbor's catches my attention. I notice the girl next door. She goes to our school but we've still not met. She's nothing special. In fact, I've never given her a second thought. Her hair is just past her shoulders, dark brown and stringy. She's plain, not my type at all.

I give a nod in case she sees me looking her way and put the trashcan next to the garage before going in the house.

"Hi, honey. How was the last day of school?" Mom's holding a vase of pink flowers.


"Just fine?"

"Yep. Oh, I'm going out tonight." I ditch my backpack by the stairs and head to the kitchen for some food.

Mom follows me, probably because I've only been out a few times since we moved here.

"Where ya going?" She sets the arrangement down on the counter.

"There's a get-together, next block over." There's no way I'm telling her it's a keg party.

"You going alone?" Her brows furrow. She's been worried I've been unhappy since we've moved to Forks.

"No, with Emmett and Jasper."

"Oh, that's great, sweetie."

Mom smiles and gives me a kiss on my forehead, then picks up her of flowers to go back to the living room.

"Curfew is midnight," she sings over her shoulder as she walks away.


The party is huge. There's a garage band, The Shack Ups. They sound a little like Nirvana except definitely not that good, but they're keeping everyone entertained. I wouldn't be surprised if my parents can hear the festivities from over at our house. A keg is tapped, and a crowd of people surrounds it, taking turns filling their Solo cups. I decide I'll grab one too. I have nothing to lose.

It's crazy how a few beers and a grunge band can loosen a person up. I'm shooting the shit with the guys and barely have time to refill my cup when it's empty. That's okay though because a few girls I haven't seen at our school bring me beer and flirt. They're sexy too—low cut shirts and short skirts that barely cover their asses. It's the first time I've even had a chub since I've moved here.

"That one." Emmett nods to the redhead who keeps looking my way. "She fucks a dude from the Rez. I think they date now, so I'd probably leave her alone."

"I could fuck her if I wanted to."

Emmett laughs. "You that positive?"

"One hundred percent."

"Prove it," Jasper says.

"Alright." The beer is in full effect, and this chick has been eye-fucking me all night. I got this.

I shoot a wink across the crowd, and the redhead smiles. I motion with my head for her to come over. She does. It's part of my charm I guess, and Jasper and Emmett flip at how easy I'm getting this bitch over here.

"Hey, beautiful. What's your name?" I run my fingers down the length of her arm and toy with her hand; she smiles.

"Hi, I'm Victoria." She bites her lip. Little does she know she doesn't have to do that for me to want to fuck her.

"Let's get outta here. What do you say?"

My new conquest nods her head.

I look at Jasper and cock my eyebrow. Watch and learn, little prick.

I lean into Jasper and whisper, "I'll bring you proof." His eyes widen. I assume no one has ever been this willing to prove a point to him before.

I take Victoria by the hand and lead her to a spot in the woods. It doesn't take long before her hand is down my pants and around my cock. Not wanting to drag this out, it's only seconds before I have a condom on and her panties off, thrusting into her from behind. She's moaning and begging for more, and I shoot my load but not before letting her have an orgasm. I'm not that much of a jerk.

"Thanks, babe."

"Thank you." She bites her lip again.

I wish she'd quit doing that because it's not gonna get my dick in her again anytime in the future. This is a one and done kinda deal.

I discard my condom in the foliage and pull up my jeans. She's leaning against a tree catching her breath, and I give her a cocky grin. I reach for her panties on the ground and hold them to my nose. "Mmm, I think I'll keep these as a souvenir."

"Fine with me, hot stuff."

I wait until she's dressed, and we walk back to the party. She goes back to her friends, and I go back to Emmett and Jasper. I throw the panties in Jasper's face. "Done."

"Oh my fuck," Emmett says. "You didn't."

"There's the proof, asshole. If you need more than that, you can search for the dirty condom in the woods."

"It's all good."


The party winds down after a few hours, but a few stragglers remain. Emmett, Jasper, a guy named Mike, and another dude named Embry are all sitting around in lawn chairs. We're drunk, and that's when things get lit.

"I dare you to—" Jasper pauses, looking at Embry "—strip down to your boxers and run around the house."

We laugh. We're playing truth or dare, but no one is choosing truth. Maybe too many ugly secrets linger in this town.

Embry pulls his shorts and shirt off. We laugh hysterically, so hard we're falling out of our chairs. Embry doesn't wear boxers, or underwear of any type. He's butt-naked and takes off running around the house, his dick bouncing in the moonlight. He startles a few girls, and they scream at the sight, making us laugh even harder.

"Whew," Embry says. "That was exhilarating."

"Your turn, Cullen," Emmett says. "Truth or dare."


Emmett leans over to Jasper and whispers in his ear. A wicked smile plays on Jasper's face. Whatever Emmett is saying must be a doozy, but I'm not a pussy, so I'll do whatever they ask.

"Okay...you have to—"

Police sirens interrupt Emmett, and everyone scatters like roaches. We dart around the bushes and through the trees until we make it back to our block. All three of us are winded and take a seat on my front porch steps.

"So, about that dare," Emmett says.

"Isn't it too late to still be playing this?" The beer has taken its toll, and I'm ready for bed.

"Oh, Edward. You have all summer to complete this one."

Jasper smiles. "I don't think he can pull it off."

I glare at Jasper. "I just proved tonight I can and will accomplish a dare. But, I'm tired of playing little high school games, guys. I'm going to bed."

"How 'bout we add some green to the pot to entice him." Emmett looks at Jasper, and they both reach for their wallets.

"Sounds like it's probably illegal or immoral, Emmett." The dare must be bad if they're throwing money into the mix.

Jasper's family is in the oil business and well-off, and Emmett's mom is a writer. According to him, one of her fanfiction stories has been published, and now, they're making bank. He has tried to explain it, but I still have no idea what fanfiction is.

They both pull a hundred dollar bill out of their wallet like I'd pull a one. Emmett takes Jasper's hundred and waves the bills. "Two hundred dollars, payable to you, if you can prove it."

"Shit." I could use some money. There's this guitar I've had my eye on in Port Angeles. "What's the dare?"

"Sleep with Bella."

"Bella?" I ask.

"Your neighbor," Jasper says. "She's not going to be as easy as Victoria, just sayin'."

"That's it? Piece of cake." That Fender will be mine before the end of the summer.

The guys laugh and fist bump; however, I'll be the one laughing once I bag the girl next door.

"Let us know if you go through with it," Emmett says.

"Later, Cullen," Jasper says as he edges away from the porch.



This little story was lucky enough to receive a few awards in the Secrets & Lies Twific Contest.

*2nd Place Public Vote

*Honorable Mention - Well Written - Most Diverse Subject

*The Golden Pretzel Award - Best Plot Twist

If you haven't read the stories, you should.

Thank you for reading and reviewing Tantamount. Remember, reviews are payment for our blood, sweat, and tears...or maybe food for our egos. LOL Not gonna lie, I love reviews.

And thank you to EnchantedbyTwilight for betaing for me in the midst of surgery and recovery on her ankle. I love you as much, if not more, than the million pieces in which your bones decided to split.



Note from EnchantedbyTwilight: I have never been as excited about being a part of a story as I am about this one. Thank you, my Twinkie, for the honor of betaing this!

And thank you for letting me fix my mistakes from the contest. Honestly, I do know the difference between who's and whose and wander and wonder! :) The drugs they gave me were good!

XO, Tracy