AN: A massive apology for such a delayed upload. As I've stated again and again, this story is loosely based on an event that took place in my life that's caused a lot of pain. Writing it has been difficult but I've been overwhelmed with love from your comments and messages. I appreciate all of you & your kindness. With having shared such a vulnerable moment in this story, I can't help but feel as though I need to continue. The reason for my delayed upload is a long, painful story but, in short, I've been going through a divorce. I've been in an abusive relationship for the past 6 years of my life and I've somehow found the courage to leave. There were many, many things that lead to this decision but I finally couldn't take it anymore. I'm currently safe and my divorce is almost final - I'm beginning to pick up the pieces of me and it's never been more freeing. Please know that I'm not sharing this for pity, but I used FF as an escape and as a place where I could read about people receiving the type of love I thought no longer existed. If anyone reading this now was in the same place I was, know that I'm here for you and with you. You're always able to message me and you have my undying support and love.

I appreciate your patience and I hope that this chapter is well loved by all of you.

"Okay, so obviously you know that I'm a werewolf. I guess we can start there." He said with a serious look in his eye.

Seth POV

I glanced up at Lorelei – tired, broken, and strong. Even after everything that's happened, she's still so beautiful and resilient. I didn't know if this was the right time to unload centuries of information on her but if this is what she wants then I will give it. I took a deep breath and began to explain, hoping that it'll be enough to distract her even just for a little bit.

"La Push has been our home for a long, long time – our people have always been here. My pack and I descend from warriors, spirit warriors. We're protectors of this land, its community and that's why we are able to shift into wolves. Our tribe has always been dedicated to keeping this land safe and secure. I know it seems like a simple explanation but that, in general, is why we exist."

Lorelei's eyes sparkled with interest, the whole of her leaning in towards me.

"But why wolves? Why shape shift? I'm sure any of you would be able to take down a threat without needing to transform into anything." She said confidently, her eyes lingering on my biceps.

"Ah, sure, maybe your everyday burglar," I said with a light chuckle. "But there are other things out there, other threats that most of our community don't know exist."

I paused and watched her eyebrows furrow.

"The cold ones." I said simply. "We aren't the only supernatural beings that exist in the world and our biggest enemies, as unbelievable as it sounds, are vampires."

I watched Lorelei take in a slow, deep breath.

"Vampires? Vampires are real?" She said hesitantly. "I guess I don't see why not at this point." She murmured to herself.

I nodded, reached out to hold her hand in mine.

"You don't have anything to worry about. There are good vampires, bad vampires and, for the most part, our pack has chased away the bad vampires. They won't be returning for a long time. That is a story for a long, rainy day though." I said with a reassuring smile.

Lorelei nodded with serious eyes and I knew that when the time was right, I would go into more detail about the recent history of La Push. For now, she was on a need to know basis.

"So do you have control over when you shift?" She asked somewhat uncomfortably. "It seems like it came over you out of nowhere…"

I shook my head quickly, wanting her to understand that I wasn't as unstable as I appeared to be.

"For the most part we are able to shift in and out as much as we please. However, when our emotions get out of control, it's easier for the wolf in us to take control. It doesn't happen often but in moments of extreme grief or anger, it's difficult. When I read that email, when I saw what…what that women had the audacity to say to you, I lost all control. I was able to get away as quickly as I could, but I couldn't stop the wolf from ripping out of my skin. I'm sorry you had to see me like that – I had no intention of frightening you, Lorelei."

Lorelei reached her hand out and rested it on my shoulder.

"Please don't apologize, Seth. I could tell something was wrong! It looked as though it was hard for you to even move –your whole body was vibrating. You didn't scare me; I was just overwhelmed and trying to make sense of it all. I don't think you could ever do anything to scare me other than not being in my life. Now that is a scary thought." She said, her voice softening.

Instantly she was in my arms, my limbs holding her to my chest.

"I would never leave you, Lor. You're everything to me." I whispered, kissing the top of her head.

I felt her sigh against my chest before pulling away to look up at me.

"Tell me more, Seth. I feel like I'm learning about a whole new world. Unless you can't? Then I understand – I know there must be some things that you can't tell me."

"Lorelei, I will tell you everything you want to know." I said seriously. "However, there is some level of secrecy. Most of our community is completely unaware of our existence. Only few people are able to know what really goes on within the pack."

"Like who?"

"Well, our tribal elders, pack members and people who we assume will start to shift. Other than that, the only other people who know are pack imprints." I said warily, knowing that she would have to find out this information sooner or later.


"Yes, imprints. More simply, our soulmates."

Lorelei's eyes widened but she didn't say anything.

"From birth, certain members of the pack are destined to be protectors – it's woven into our fate. Along with the burden of being trapped on the reservation as eternal guardians, our ancestors were kind enough to…assist us in finding our soul mates, the one with whom we truly belong. We see this as an act of kindness to ease our hardship." I paused, watching Lorelei consume the information. "This isn't to say that our imprints are forced into a relationship with us whenever we demand it. Simply, we find each other easier. Many people find their soulmates, human or not, but sometimes it takes years and a lot of hard work. For us, we instantly have a way of knowing – the moment our eyes lock with our imprint, we know. It's as instinctual as taking our first breath." I said with a soft smile.

Lorelei nodded as though she understood but her eyes were full of questions.

"So what happens when you meet this person, when your eyes lock and you know this is who you'll spend your life with. What next?" She said with genuine curiosity.

"Well, that depends on both you and your imprint. Sometimes it's never meant to be a romantic relationship. There are times when you're imprint is your trusted companion, someone who is along for the ride to be your secret keeper and forever supporter – your best friend. Other times it's on the same level, but romantic. In that situation, they will still be your best friend but with that added layer or romantic feelings – most of the time you'll be married and have a family together. In every situation, you two add to each other's life, bringing out the best in each other in the most wonderful way. It's like finding a piece of yourself that you've never known but feels so much like you that it's undeniable."

Lorelei's cheeks flushed and I saw that curious sparkle return.

"Seth, you talk about it like you know from experience. Have you…imprinted?"

I took a deep breath, knowing this question was coming.

"Lorelei, I promise to be honest with you and I will, all you need to do is ask. But with that said, I can't help but feel like now isn't the right time to discuss this. With everything going on, I want to make sure that I'm looking out for you and that I'm not overwhelming you."

"I want to know. I'm not overwhelmed and I won't be regardless of the answer." She said directly.

I kept her gaze but stayed silent for a moment. As long as she was being honest, I would tell her. If she truly wanted to know, there's nothing that would make me happier than her knowing that we will forever have each other, that she was going to be my best friend for life and vice versa.

"Lorelei, I've imprinted. I've imprinted and I've imprinted on you."

I watched as she slowly closed her eyes and nodded. I didn't know what it meant – did I overwhelm her? Did I scare her? Was I right in assuming now was not the time to tell her?

Lorelei's eyes opened and her gaze found mine, a tear escaping down her cheek before she wildly threw her arms around me.

"Thank God!" She said, her voice quivering. "Thank God. Thank God."

I wrapped my arms around her and a sob escaped my throat, tears now running down my cheeks. I pulled back to look at her and peppered kisses all over her beautiful face.

"Seth, I can't tell you how I feel." She said shakily. "I can't express how happy it makes me that I won't ever lose you."

"Never" I confirmed. "Lorelei, you're my best friend and always will be. I will protect you, always make you laugh and I will always support you in everything that you do. I love you so much." I said, feeling free after being able to share what I've been holding back for so long.

"I…I love you too, Seth."

AN: Again, thank you for your patience and kindness. I'm not sure how often I will be able to upload but I will do my best. I'm trying my hardest to find passion in what I love but it's hard and it's a process. I'll be doing my absolute best so please wish me luck. Much love to all!