I'm back! Yes. I know I'm sorry it took so long but I've completed my projects for school this week so hopefully I have enough time this weekend to update even more! Keep your fingers crossed! I know this ones a bit short but I promise I'll make up for it!

Sacrecrow: It's totally fine man! Haha I've been slackin on this story and I'm so ashamed! But I've gotten a sudden burst of inspiration now and we'll be seeing Red Hood a bit more now! :) Harls can handle it... with a little help of course. From who?... Hmmm we'll see;) Thanks again fam! Love your reviews as always!

Alexiz Tutsi: I'm happy you enjoyed the chapter and you like that Red Hood is involved! He's def one of my favorites too 3 Thank you again for the review amor!


Sofie sat in her brother's office. Moving her leg up and down out of habit as she stared absentmindedly out the window. Different thoughts and plans running through her brain. Thankfully, Frost had taken a head start on the rebuilding of the gallery. So at least she had that much to ease her mind some. Until she heard a knock at the door. Turning her attention away from the window, Sofie saw another one of her workers peek inside.

"Commissioner Gordon is here Ms. Black," the man stated.

Sofie groaned, "Perfect."

The man stood there, clearly unsure about whether or not to let the detective in. Sofie sighed and sat up in the large leather seat, "Send him in."

The guard nodded and opened the door, allowing the older silver haired commissioner inside the office. He looked around, hands in his pockets as he finally looked at Sofie. "Quite the mess you've got going on in here Ms. Black."

Sofie rolled her eyes and reached over for a cigarette and gold plated lighter that belonged to her brother, "Which part. My gallery? The club? Or this office? Take your pick because I've got more than enough going on that I don't need your men infesting my businesses."

Gordon stared at her as she lit the cigarette and took a drag through her plump lips. "Pretty ironic that the same night someone attacks your club. The gallery was targeted too don't you think?"

She blew out the smoke, "Quite a detective you make," she mocked passively, turning her body on the chair to look outside.

The commissioner frowned, always wondering why she had to be so cold, especially when he wasn't the bad guy in this situation, "I'm only trying to understand what's going on Sofie."

"Ms. Black is what you can refer to me as." She sat up and Gordon could see her barely hiss at the pain in her ribs, "But knowing your department and what goes on inside. I have no intentions of telling you shit."

"Withholding essential information is considered a crime in itself Ms. Black."

"You know what else is considered a crime?" She snapped, "Blowing up buildings and harming innocent people. So instead of trying to interrogate me with questions I've already answered to your little sheriffs out there. I don't think there's anything further left to say."

Gordon shook his head, "Your running a night club that belongs to one of the most dangerous criminals in Gotham who has plenty of enemies against him and you think that we can just determine that by swabbing what little crime scene evidence we have?"

Sofie sighed, "I don't have anything to add Gordon. If I did. I would have told you."

He shook his head, now walking up to the desk, "See. I don't you would. You and your brother tend to take matters into your own hands. You may be in the clear right now Sofia. But once you cross that barrier, there's no going back."

Sofie glared at the detective, slowly reaching over to place the cigarette inside the ashtray, not breaking eye contact with him. Her expression turned instantly dark, "You have no idea what barriers I've crossed. And without any help from you and your department. So I suggest you find actual suspects and solve this problem. Or I will have no other choice but to do it myself."

His own expression hadn't shown any anger, just a hint of disappointment with slight annoyance. Not that she cared. He took one last scan around the office, "I only hope you don't end up like your brother Sofie. I don't want to see you in handcuffs again."

"Yeah because the first time was my fault, right?"

He narrowed his eyes, "You may not have had anything to do with Jason Todds death…"

She blinked, Jason? She thought, what the hell brought that up?

"But for being apparent friends. Your grieving does seem a bit indifferent. Considering how much he cared about you."

Kill him.

Sofia ignored the voices and stood right up, both hands clenched into fists on the expensive mahogany desk, her eyes now dangerous and sharp. "What the hell would you know about me and Jason? You don't know anything. You and your bullshit team were too focused on me and my brother that you could have stopped the one responsible. Someone who just so happens to work within government regulations. But you did nothing about it. It's been eight months and still no warrant. No case filed against whoever the fuck this Waller bitch is because you got your criminal right? It's okay because some 'psycho' was put behind bars. Not the person who started all this."

Gordon continued to watch her.

"All my brother did was try and keep me safe. And Jason too. I never wanted him to get hurt. I tried to keep him away, but he wouldn't listen. I did care about him. Because he was my friend and he trusted me. Unlike you do, standing there with your self-righteous mentality. Because of that I not only lost my father, my brother and my boyfriend. But I lost Jason too."

Her eyes were beginning to water, until she realized she was showing too much emotion and wiped her cheek, turning away. "You have no idea how lonely it is. Even if I am surrounded by crowds of people. They're not the people I want to be around. Some I can never see again. So I do apologize if my 'grieving' doesn't suit your standards. But it the only way I know how to do it."

The commissioner had seen the pain in her eyes. He had a daughter himself and he knew when she looked at him that way. She felt completely broken inside. The only difference was Sofia didn't have anyone to comfort her the way he would comfort Barbara. He let out a defeated breath, "Ms. Black. I am sorry for your losses. I had forgotten you lost Val too—

"Just go. Frost is back, I'm sure he'll fill you in on any other information I may have missed before." She said quietly. She remained standing by the window, until hearing the door gradually open and close. There was a hesitation, as if Gordon were about to say something, but it was dismissed for some reason and instead left her in the silent office.

Sofia felt her eyes sting once again and felt her lip tremble. It had been so long since she'd last cried. Even when she was alone, she would distract herself with work or art. Unfortunately, right now, she felt completely empty. Like everything was out of her hands and her world was crumbling before her. Wincing, she placed a soft hand on her face and let the tears quietly fall. Only allowing for soft sniffles to cover her fragile emotions.


I'll try and update quicker this time! Let me know how your liking the story's direction so far! Thanks everyone for the love! Your the best! 3