Boruto didn't know many things. But what he did know was that he was screwed. As he descended into the oblivion below, a thousand thoughts flashed through his head. The kingdom, his father, the mission, his friends. Izumi. His death which was about to occur about any second now. How long was he going to have to wait. Just being given time to think of everyone he loved was agonizing.

If the trench was this deep, and it only took a few feet to kill the rabbit, he really feared how painful his death was going to be.

There's something about falling in complete darkness that's just unnerving. He was beginning to lose track of everything. Time, he had no idea how long he'd been there. Sense of direction. He couldn't see anything, it was pitch black and nothing but the air pushing against him reminded him that he was falling. He couldn't scream. He couldn't do anything. He didn't want to think about hitting the ground but he had too much time not to.

Boruto tried to narrow his vision onto anything. Any speck of light, anything. The entrance to the trench was long blurred by darkness. He didn't want to risk turning anyway, it unnerved him having his back toward the unknown.

How far down did this trench reach? Boruto was about getting tired of the anticipation. What would it be? Would something come swooping to pierce his chest with a poisonous tail? Maybe the jagged peaks would crush his body, feed the hungry creatures that lurked below.

Boruto had seen darkness for so long he didn't know what was real or not. There's no way you can forget light so fast, but he wasn't sure if the cloud of light below him was real or not.

Shikadai's heart raced as his friend disappeared into the darkness. "Shit." He seethed, reaching for the rope beside him.

"What are you doing?!" Yodo exclaimed, tugging against the rope.

Shikadai wrenched the rope out of her hand. "What do you think I'm doing?" He said through bared teeth. He wasn't going to stop at anything. He wouldn't know how to live if he left the Prince to die.

"You don't know what's happening down there!" She retorted. She understood what Shikadai was trying to do but Boruto could be long dead at this point. Shikadai could be killing himself.

Chouchou bit her lips, as the scene unfolded before her. She wasn't sure if she knew how to react. Even the pale boy beside her was quiet throughout this event. Shocked too. Boruto just cascaded down into nothingness.

"I'll go too." Inojin announced, walking beside a Shikadai. "It's a risky move, but we haven't heard a single sound echo up here yet. That could mean Boruto is alive. Or not. Either way, I'm not taking chances here."

Shikadai nodded at the statement, before facing Yodo.

"You and ChouChou should go get back up now. Return as fast as you can, please." Shikadai ordered.

He was concerned for his closest friend, probably going through a lot considering that he might be dead. Probably blaming himself for the rope.

"Alright," Yodo said to Chouchou's surprise, "Let's go."

And at the turn of her heel, they were headed back.

Sarada's fingers traced over the pair of eyes painted on the page, over and over again. She had long since brought the book to her room, and taken precautions to ensure no one walks in on her. She didn't know what about these strange eyes sang to her in a way she almost knew. It was almost like it was calling to her. Reaching for her.

Sarada's left hand grazed her ears. Round. Good.

She flipped the page, and found a picture of a man. He was standing over a pile of bodies looking the reader dead in the eye. His eyes showed red with intricate black patterns within, and in his hand he was holding a katana.

If she didn't know any better she'd say he resembled her slightly. But instead she shut the book just as someone knocked her door. Sarada quickly shoved the book under her bed, and readjusted her dress. She opened the door, her gaze falling to a short man-

"Lady Izumi, May I come in?" Said Yarite.

Sarada wished now more than ever that she had an incinerating gaze. "Is something the matter?" Sarada asked. He wasn't coming in. End of Story.

"I only wanted to talk with you, my lady," he cooed, placing a cold hand on her wrist, which was holding onto the door frame.

Sarada ripped her hand away. "We can talk right here, now tell me quickly. I have to take a bath." Definitely was not about to take a bath.

"It was about the day of the ball. I wished you'd dance with me rather than canoodling with that incompetent boy. You shouldn't make yourself one of the many pathetic women who cling on to his sleeves, it's not a good look." Yarite said, taking a step too close.

Sarada didn't falter, but instead took a step back in disgust, not wanting to be closer than a foot from him ever again. "Am I not allowed to kiss my lover?" She asked. Boruto granted her permission to use that excuse as much as she wanted, just hoping that the news never reached his parents of course. If that were to happen, then they'd have to deal with the elaborate break up plan they'd also illustrate, just so Sakura didn't lose her mind.

Yarite stiffened but continued anyway, "He won't get anywhere in life. His father hardly trusts that coward with much work at all."

"Do cowards go on top brass missions? I didn't know that was allowed." Sarada said, "now if you'll excuse me."

She pushed past him, closing her door and stalking off somewhere in the castle. Wretched filth.

Yarite glared off at her direction. "Foolish woman. Prancing after weak royal garbage."

"Does it bother you that nobody likes you?"

Yarite whipped his head around at the unexpected voice. Beside him was a boy with silvery blue hair, and amber eyes, leaning against the wall. He was fitted in a light blue jacket lined with silver embroidery, and on his left chest there was a silver crest. A ranking for being one of the king's most valued spies and detectives in the entire nation. Courtesy of his old friend, orochimaru.

"W-what?!" Yarite exclaimed, his face bloating with anger.

"Nothing," Mitsuki mused, suddenly uninterested. He'd keep an eye out on him for now, but he seemed more like a waste of space than a threat.

Mitsuki pushed off of the wall he leaned on, and walked in the opposite direction of Sarada. He better go check on Himawari, Boruto's orders of course.

"Stop," Himawari muttered, stumbling back, away from the tall man.

He let his hand fall to his side.

"What was that?", she muttered, touching her throat, still feeling the sparks and specks of magic fly across her skin. Imbed themselves deep into her nerves. A familiar feeling she's never known.

"Magic." He said softly, trusting his life in the hands of this little girl.

"How are you even here?" She asked. Based on her knowledge, he shouldn't be. He should be dead. Like her mother told her all magic was. Just dead.

"How are you even here?" Sasuke reciprocated, giving her a barely there smile, "tiny hyuugan, you've been sheltered all your life, huh?"

"I suppose," hima replied casually, before suddenly realizing her position. Alone in the forests with a mysterious man, who could have practically killed her a second ago. And now too she guessed.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"You're from Naruto's kingdom huh?" He ignored her question.

"Yes. He's my father." Himawari said, almost proudly. The fear that shook in her legs had begun to fade. She strangely felt at home around this mystery man. Like some invisible force drew her towards him. Almost like family.

"Why are you out here?" He asked, his voice suddenly stern.

Himawari gulped. She wasn't stupid, if he wasn't going to answer any of her questions, she wouldn't answer his either. She'd just lie.

"I was just strolling around," Himawari replied, a little more confidence in her voice. "Looking at the flora."

"Strolling around this far in the woods? Young hyuugan, you could only be looking for your death." Sasuke said, his eyes scanning around the surroundings in the setting sun.

"Why do you keep calling me that? My name is Himawari." She said, immediately regretting her quick mouth.

"You and I are much alike." He said.

It was real. The same cloud from earlier, the one he saw right before he fell-

He suddenly stopped, suspended in air above the glowing cloud of white and hints of red. His eyes ached with the sudden adjustment of lighting, but as soon as he was able to see, Boruto quickly took in everything around him.

He was barely a foot from the ground, the only thing keeping him from death, the cloud itself. And beyond the cloud, caves and pathways carved into the dark stone. He took a small breath of air from his mouth. The cloud whirring beneath him, its tendrils overlapping and shifting softly.

Look into the roots. Look into yourself. Free us. Free us all.

The weight of two full grown men crashed into Boruto's back, pushing him into the cloud so that he collided with the ground, the cloud dissipating around him. What on-

"Boruto!" Shikadai whispered, loud enough for it to be considered loud to Inojin, as he hissed at Shikadai. "We thought you'd be dead."

Boruto probably would've wanted to beat their asses if he wasn't so glad to have someone human around him. They were taking a big chance jumping down here with him.

"Why are you guys down here?" Boruto breathed, scrambling out from under his friends. "Where are the others?"

"We aren't going to risk you dying Boruto. Don't be an idiot. And the others are fine." Shikadai said, "They're heading back to the complex right now. They'll probably bring some reinforcements."

"Good." Boruto sighed, "I've been falling for hours."

"It's only been a minute since you fell." Inojin mentioned.

"This place is messing with me I swear." Boruto muttered.

"What was that by the way?" Shikadai asked.

He'd seen the glowing source below Boruto, he knew it was the reason they weren't dead right now. Whatever that was, it meant magic still existed.

"I have no idea." Boruto replied.

"Boys?" Said a familiar, female voice.

Hey guys it's me lol. I'm finally back with a good old update. Sorry it's short I'll make the next chapter longer. Anyways I hope you all enjoy! I know it's boring to read a romance novel with no romance in this chapter but I got really absorbed in the plot and separated Boruto and Sarada and I don't know when they'll get back together lol. I miss writing them together though.