"So, what happened?" Callie's friend and mentor, Dr. Enrique Castillo, asked as they walk the halls of Mt. Sinai

"What? I told you we had dinner with Sofia then she went back to her hotel after tucking Sof in" Callie said as she run her hand through her hair

"That's it? No confession of your undying love?" Dr. Castillo asked

"No. I - I don't think it's the right time. She hasn't even moved in to her new place yet."

Dr. Castillo nods pensively "Hmmm..."

"What?" Callie raised her eyebrow

"You will tell her though, right?"

"Ricky." Callie used her warning tone

Dr. Castillo shrugs "I'm just saying."

"I will. I just don't want to scare her, you know? She just got here." Callie tried to steady her rapid beating her heart

"Okay, if you say so. Look, I gotta run. I have a consult" Dr. Castillo looked at his pager and started walking away from Callie

Callie smiled, she's really luck to have met Dr. Enrique Castillo, or Ricky as his friends call him. Not only is he a great surgeon and a pioneer at Orthopedics, he has also helped her become the person she is today. She has processed her grief and has forgiven Arizona and herself fully.


"Wait, wait, go back to what you just said," Ricky interrupted Callie

"Huh? Well, Derek said my brain is depressed when he was doing his scans" Callie answered

"Hmmm, do you want another scan? I have a feeling you might still be" Ricky said thoughtfully

"Me? No, no. I'm fine, I'm great."

"Come on, Callie. Look at your life from an outsider's perspective. When we talked about the plane crash, Mark's death, losing a baby, Arizona's cheating – everything that you have been through, it's more than enough to drive someone crazy" Ricky explained

"I'm not crazy." Callie answered defensively

"No, you're not. But you might be depressed. Listen, let's just do a scan then go from there?" Ricky said softly

Callie sighed, "what the heck, right? Let's get this over and done with."

Callie pulled Ricky's arm and led him to the MRI room.

Callie rolled her eyes as Ricky started the scan.

"Callie? Well, it seems like you –" Ricky spoke through the mic

"Told you, I'm not depressed" Callie cut Ricky quickly

"Actually, I was going to say you are. Your serotonin levels are really low." Ricky said sadly

Callie removed herself from the scanning area and went inside the tech room to see the scans for herself.

Callie's eyes widened "What the - But I'm doing great. I can perform surgeries and still do my lab research!" Callie said in disbelief

"Honey, every depression is different. Its manifestations and symptoms are different in everyone. You know this." Ricky squeezed Callie's hand

Callie shook her head, her eyes starting to get teary "I-I-What is happening?"

"Life. Life is happening. And I think you should see Dr. Jane Wallace."

"Dr. Wallace?"

"A great therapist. I can set an appointment this week."

"I don't think it's necessary. I-I'm good." Callie wiped the lone tear that rolled down her cheek.

Ricky shook his head "the scans say otherwise, Callie. And look what happened to you and Penny."

"No. No. Penny and I - we just didn't work out. We were not just as compatible as I thought we were in the beginning" Callie replied

"Be that as it may be, didn't she tell you one of the reasons why you guys were not working out was because you never listen to her?"

Callie scoffed, "are you choosing her side now?"

Ricky chuckled and then smiled "no, Callie. You know I'm here for you. And as your friend and your boss, I am strongly recommending that you see Dr. Wallace. Just one meeting, please?"

Callie sighed, maybe it's not a bad idea "okay, one meeting"

End of Flashback

Callie pulled her cellphone from her lab gown and texted Arizona "Hey. How's the new office? Done scrutinizing the place? :P Anyway, I have multiple surgeries scheduled until 2 am. Do you mind staying with Sofia until I get home? Wendy is with Sof right now but she has to leave at 8 pm. Is that okay? I'm sorry, you know how it is with emergencies."

Arizona replied after a few minutes "Hey you. The new office is great. Still not ready for operations though. I'm currently at my place fixing some stuff. I'll go to your place after this. Maybe in two hours? You can update Wendy to tell her she can leave earlier. I heard she has some important audition tomorrow. I'll pay her and send her home when I get there."

Thanks for all the reviews! :)