AN: Hi! I have not written any fics in years, but ScarletVision has woken up my long sleeping muse. I'm an adult with a job now, so I can't promise that updates will be regular, but my imagination is running wild and I am committed to seeing this fic through.

This fic will start off filling in gaps between AoU and Civil War, but will spin off into AU territory approaching Infinity War.

It was funny, how your most important thoughts came to you after it was far too late to act on them.

When she had felt Pietro's soul leave this Earth, Wanda had been so sure she wanted to join him in death. To remain together, as they had always been.

But now that the moment had come, debris flying everywhere as her Homeland crumbled around her, Wanda was afraid. While she didn't think she wanted to live without Pietro, she wasn't entirely certain that she actually wanted to die, either.

Wanda had made mistakes. Big Mistakes. She had tried to tear the Avengers apart. So many people had been hurt by what she had done.

Pietro, on the other hand, had been an annoyance to them more than anything. And, in her mind, he had done much more than she had to make up for the mistakes they had made.

There were no guarantees she would end up where Pietro was when she died.

In fact, Wanda thought, the odds were very much against her.

She was losing her footing, everything around her becoming increasingly unstable.

Wanda prepared for oblivion.

Then suddenly, she was in his arms. Or it's arms, she wasn't sure.

The android.

The Vision.

He was looking at Wanda with an expression she couldn't quite decipher, but she had no time to dwell upon it before he flew her away from the collapsing ruins.

Wanda was grateful to have been saved in the moment, but once The Vision had gotten her to safety, her grief returned like Sokovia crashing back to Earth.

Anger washed over her.

When Vision returned from destroying the final Ultron, Wanda beat at the android's chest, red energy crackling around her fists. The other Avengers backed away, Black Widow glancing nervously over her shoulder at her from her spot flying the Quinjet, but The Vision himself was unafraid.

"Why?!" Wanda's voice cracked, tears staining her face. "Why did you save me? I was.. I was going to be with my brother!"

"Because, Miss Maximoff" said The Vision in his even tone. "I do not believe that is what he would have wanted for you."

His answer knocked the air from Wanda's lungs, mostly because he was right.

Death was not what Pietro would have wanted for her.

It was such a human thing to realise.

Later, when her grief was not such a raw wound, Wanda would begin to wonder whether the Vision was more than just an android.