AN: Enjoy!

This will be the last chapter, but I have sequels planned!

A few days later, with Wanda released from the hospital and the Secret Avengers all gathered around the television back in the apartment that they had called home during their stay in Wakanda, they received the news they had been waiting for.

Live on TV, the President signed their pardons. Announced that they were welcome to return whenever they wished.

A cheer rang up from the group, including T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye, who had come to watch the announcement with them, also joined by the booming voice of Thor, who had stayed in Wakanda with them.

Vision turned to Wanda, grinning, only to find that she was already on her way back to their room to pack their bags. He laughed, rushing off to help her while their friends celebrated.

Before long, they had all loaded their things into the Jet that T'Challa had so kindly lent to them again.

"I will miss you, my friends" said T'Challa, "I am so pleased that your names have been cleared, but remember, you are always welcome to visit Wakanda."

"Maybe next time, we can come for a Vacation rather than a battle" Steve suggested.

"That would be nice" T'Challa chuckled.

"Give the twins a cuddle from me" Shuri told Wanda and Vision, "And bring them back to visit one day!"

"We will" Vision smiled.

"Thank you" said Wanda, giving her a hug. "For everything."

The atmosphere on the trip home was full of joy and laughter.

The Avengers had been invited to an official welcome home ceremony, but Wanda and Vision, understandably, had a more important place to be. Natasha dropped them off a short distance from the Barton farm, where they could fly themselves the rest of the way.

They zoomed through the air together, whooping with joy, performing loops and spirals, stealing the occasional kiss. It didn't matter if anyone saw them anymore. They were free to fly wherever they wanted.

"I can see it!" Vision beamed as the Barton House came into view. "We're nearly there!"

"Tommy.. Billy.. dulce baieti.." Wanda murmured, flying faster, "We're coming. Mama and Daddy are coming!"

Inside the Barton House, laying on a rug on the floor, the baby Maximoff twins began to whine and coo and squirm.

"Daddy" Nate giggled, "The babies are being funny!"

Clint and Laura shared a look, then rushed to where the babies lay, each scooping one of them up.

Billy's tiny arms stretched towards the front door.

"You want to go outside, little man?" Laura asked, bouncing him.

"Alright then" Clint shrugged. "Let's go outside."

They headed out onto the porch.

"I wonder why.." Laura began, only to be interrupted by what could only be described as a sound of pure baby-joy.

Clint squinted, seeing two figures in the sky, growing closer, and so wonderfully familiar. His heart leapt.

"Wanda.. that's Wanda!"

Wanda landed, running the last stretch towards the farm, with Vision close on her heels.

"I can see them.." Her hearts were racing. "I can see them Vizh.."

"So can I.." He was beaming.


Wanda heard her son's voice in her head, and ran faster, jumping the steps up to the house.

Laura, with the wordless understanding that only another mother could have, pressed Billy into Wanda's arms, and Clint quickly followed with Tommy.


"Mama's here, pretioase" Wanda cuddled her sons close, happy tears spilling from her eyes. "Mama's got you."

"Daddy's here too" Vision wrapped his arms around all three of them. "Everything's going to be okay now."

After a few moments of gazing up at their parents, as if to make sure they were actually there, both Tommy and Billy smiled the most wonderful little smiles. Their first smiles.

"Oh.." Wanda felt a lump in her throat. "Vizh, look.."

"I see.." Vision smiled himself, his synthetic heart had never been more full than it was at this moment.

"I think they've been saving those smiles for you" said Clint, grinning.

Wanda looked up at him, smiling through her tears.

"Were they good?"

"Perfect, as far as babies go. I think Billy was really missing his Mom.. But that's alright. We missed Billy's Mom too."

Wanda handed the twins to Vision to free up her arms, then hugged Clint tightly.

"Thank you for looking after them.."

"You don't need to thank us. You're family."

A short while later, they were all settled inside the House.

Wanda and Vision each cradled one of the now sleeping twins. They knew they should really put them down, lest they instil bad habits, but they could not bring themselves to let them go again yet.

"So.." said Clint, "We know Tony's invited you all back to the Compound.."

"He has?" Vision tore his eyes away from Billy.

"It was just on the News. But, that place isn't exactly kid-safe.."

"Definitely not.." Wanda shuddered. "And.. rahat, Tony doesn't even know about the twins yet.."

"Uh.. That is an entirely separate issue that I cannot help you with" Clint shifted in his seat. "But I might be able to help out with a place to live.."

"Clint, we appreciate everything you've done, but we really don't want to take over your House.." Vision chuckled. "Baby things tend to spread, you see.."

"I know" Clint smiled, "But that's not what i meant. Well, short term, maybe. But in the long term.. We have a guest cottage on the property. With a few tweaks and a bit of tidying up, it could work as a permanent home, at least while the boys are small. You'd have Laura and I close by when you need babysitters, and it's easy for Nat to visit.. what do you say?"

"That would be wonderful, Clint" Wanda beamed. "Thank you!"

Until the needed adjustments on the Cottage were complete, Wanda, Vision, and the twins were set up in one of the Barton's spare rooms.

Vision changed Tommy and Billy when they woke, and Wanda fed them, delighted to find that she still had enough milk.

Now, the couple were snuggled together in bed, with their children asleep in their cots beside them.

"We're home, Vision" Wanda beamed, though she still couldn't quite believe it. "We're home, and we're free.."

"We are" Vision smiled, kissing her softly.

"I love you.." Wanda returned his kiss, then yawned.

"I love you too, so much" Vision brushed a stray hair from Wanda's face. "You should rest, we have had a long day.."

"You'll be here when I wake up?" Her eyes were drifting shut.

"I will always be here."

"Always.. that's good.."

Vision held Wanda as she drifted to sleep. He studied her face, perfectly at peace. So beautiful. And he.. He was so very in love with her.

They were free now, to be together, to raise their sons.

And as he watched Wanda sleep, he knew, with perfect clarity, that he wanted forever with Wanda Maximoff.

Forever, and whatever came after.

One day soon, he would ask her to marry him.


dulce baieti: sweet boys

pretioase: Precious ones.

AN: I hope everyone enjoyed this story! I have sequels planned, a short fic first, and then a full sequel.