Learning to Trust.


Chapter 1.

Of Starry Skies and Sleepless Nights

In the dark of the night, with only the full moon casting shadows to the dark Earth below, there lay a cave. To any human, this cave would just be a thing that everyone ignored, but to two cybertronian factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons, this was a significant stronghold, containing energon: the fuel and lifeblood of these autonomous robotic titans.

The Decepticons were the ones who held this large energon mine, while the Autobots were trying to seize it due to their lowering supply. The leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime, was currently engaging the Decepticon commander, Starscream, who was the last line of defence against the Autobot invasion, and at current, he was losing. His guard, a line of vehicons, were outmatched and outmaneuvered, leaving poor Starscream alone to deal with the four Autobots currently surrounding him. To make matters worse for the poor commander, due to the high mineral composition in the mine, he could not summen backup.

Being his normal self, he was currently cowering away from the Autobots chasing after him, transformed into his jet form, but did not account for the fact that the mine's ceiling was too low for him to get out of the Autobots' reach. With them closing in, he knew there was nothing he could do. Arcee was the first to fire a shot at him, hitting his left wing, making him unbalanced. Noticing that Starscream was flying slower, bulkhead took a chance, and managed to square him with his wrecking ball.

At this point, Starscream's processor was fuzzy. He was only aware of two things. One: he was in excruciating pain. two: he had to get away from his attackers. Fortunately for him, he exited the energon mine, and using what little strength he could muster with only one wing, he flew himself just out of the Autobots' reach. He had no comprehension of where he was going. The seeker just knew he need to fly away from anything that would hurt him.

At this point, he was horrified to discover that from where he had been shot in the wing, he was losing energon. FAST! With his fogged processor, he did not stop to think that he would leave a massive trail behind if he continued his sporadic flight. He only knew to just fly. In his dazed state, he became entranced by the light of the silvery bright Earth moon. He was so entranced in his ever-lowering energon state that he didn't realize that coming right towards him was a large military helicopter: that is, until he was hit by it. The hit may not have been that hard, but it was just enough to send his processor, and his flight, out of control. The next thing he knew, he was crashing into a whole bunch of tree. After that, all he knew was that he was now transformed into his bot form, he was in a HUGE puddle of his own energon. Otherwise he was barely conscious. With the pain he was in, all he could do was just slump there, leaking energon, and beg for Primus to take him to the allspark. He lingered there for a few moments before the sweet bliss of recharge overtook him. However, a millisecond before he slipped into stasis, he heard a quivering gasp in awe of his presence.

Rowan's POV

It was another one of those nights. My Grandma, who I call Nan, was out of town. She says it was because she had some church meeting, but I know it's because she hasn't been able to deal with me, and I don't blame her. You see, for the last several weeks, I have been a HUGE depressive basket case. My life WAS fine. I was out of high-school, I didn't have to get a job, and I was planning to move in with my girlfriend, and I was happy. However, when my girlfriend realized what an escapist I was, she dumped me like a lead balloon. You see, I have this little world I like to go in, where I get to meet all my favorite characters from my favorite shows. Nan and I didn't see a problem with it, but my x did. The only upside to this was that I got a new favorite show out of it. Nan thought I was only into the show because my x, "forced", it on me. I guess Nan will never except that I now ABSOLUTELY ADORE a little show called Transformers prime! Add that to the fact that the relationship I was in with my girlfriend was a gay relationship, and that Nan is such a traditional conservative, and You have the typical relationship any grandma has with their gay granddaughter. Ironically enough, the only thing that got me through my breakup was watching the show over and over again, and reading lots of fanfiction. (Particularly Optimus x Ratchet fanfics, or ANYTHING involving Starscream, Megatron or Soundwave. I AM A DECEPTICON AT TRUE HEART!)

Anyway, since Nan was out of town, and it was just me in my little trailer, I was currently blasting a heavy metal cover of the Transformers Prime theme at full volume. It was a full moon that night, so I had all my lights off, so I could be engulfed in its silver glow. If anyone was to try to find me, it'd be very difficult because I was wearing a pair of black pajamas with black cat heads outlined in white on them. Whenever I cuddled my beautiful black cat, Button, she virtually disappeared in them.

As the music faded, I heard a sound that Nan and I both hated. A helicopter was flying overhead. This happened at least 20 times a day. I figure we must be in the flight path for the military base, but my Nan, being the paranoid person she is, thinks that the government is watching her. (Fact: She thinks everyone is watching her.) I was expecting the helicopter sound to just dye off after a while, but there was another sound that sounded a lot like a jet, and it was getting closer. Soon, the moon was blocked out by the thing, and next thing I knew, a hear a huge CRASH in my yard. I could have sworn I also heard... No! I was just imagining things. In any case, something just crashed in my yard, and like Dib from Invader Zim, I was going to find out what it was.

As I went outside, I turned on my phone's flashlight and immediately saw something that did not make sense. In a sporadic trail, making its way to my backyard were puddles of some blue liquid. As I walked around to investigate further, I noticed that the puddles were growing to the size of large pools of the stuff. At the end of the path, there was a huge pool of it. I lifted my head and...


"NO way!", I said dropping my phone into the blue liquide, (No. Energon.), in my surprise. "THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!"

right in the middle of my back yard, leaking energon from his left wing, was Commander Starscream, (AKA ULTIMATE TFP HUSBONDO!), in bot mode none the less, so I know I wasn't seeing things. Even with my severe visual problems I could see as clear as day that Starscream was in my yard. I was trying not to fangirl, when I realized a big problem: If I don't get this energon cleaned up by tomorrow night, when Nan gets home, there will be hell to pay. You see, to put it into transformers turms, the kind of relationship Nan and I have is I do as much work, and am as loyal as Soundwave, but I am treated like Megatron treets Starscream.

You see, if I want to do anything, my disabilities, which include severe vision problems, and Aspergers syndrome, are all the problems in the world. However, if Nan wants me to do something for her, my disabilities are null and void.

looking closer at Starscream's wing, I noticed that the metal was slowly starting to repair itself.

"Thank God and Primus", I whispered.

Taking note that Starscream was in power down, at least for the moment, I decided to head to bed too.

"I'll deal with the energon in the morning", I said as I walked back into my house to try and get some sleep: even if my heart and my head were running 1000 miles an hour. Looking back at Starscream, I felt bad that I couldn't do anything for him, but I could clearly see, that his self-repair systems must have really started to work. He was no longer losing energon, and his wing wound was only half the size it used to be. "I love you", I whispered genuinely before breathing a sigh of relief before turning to go in my house.