Chapter one: Wake Me Up

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or the characters used in the book series. I only own the characters in which I insert into my story and the storyline I developed.


I gasped loudly sitting up. I glanced around the room frowning. This is not my room. There was also a second bed and in that bed laid a sleeping body... I crept close to see who it was and practically had a heart attack. That was Bella Swan... I rubbed my eyes. What the actual shit? I noticed a full length mirror and rushed to it examining myself.

It was me alright but I had loose curled honey brown colored hair with golden undertones reaching just pass my shoulders and ocean blue eyes like the eyes Renee had in the book. My body... woah I actually have a body. Like I had legitimate curves and an ample chest. Bella turned over facing me still asleep. She looked like Kristen Stewart... holy shit I'm really in Twilight... I grabbed what I assumed was my phone and tapped the home button. It was six thirty in the morning. I sighed running my fingers through my hair. It could be worse. I could have been trapped in a child's body. That would have sucked balls.

"Why Twilight?" I muttered louder then I had meant to.

"Eva it's early... I know you're an early riser but come on." Bella threw a pillow at me missing horribly.

"Sorry Bells." I stated laying back down.

"Not all of us are blessed with your energy so either be quiet or go back to sleep." Bella mumbled falling back asleep.

I decided to read while Bella slept. I was able to find out more about myself in this universe. My given name here is Evangeline Katherine Swan. I'm the eldest daughter of Charlie and Renee. For the most part Eva is me like to a tee so I didn't have to worry about changing anything about myself, thank god. By the car keys on the night stand next to my twin sized bed I can safely assume that I have my own car. I also seem to have a close relationship with Charlie, I mean dad. I really need to get use to calling Charlie and Renee dad and Mom.

I wonder why I'm here? Shouldn't I be like dead? What the actual fuck? I had pushed a kid out the way of a moving truck and yet here I am. Perfectly fine!

"Eva did you seriously sit there for three hours reading waiting for me to finally wake up?" I kept my chuckle to myself about Bella actually deciding to grace me with her full alertness now.

"Yes. Yes I did. Do you have a problem with that?" I raised a brow at her.

"Not at all. I just find it interesting that you can be so patient but at the same time be so pushy. By the way we should probably load up our stuff in the back seat of your car so we can start heading to Forks. It's going to take us about three and a half days to get to Forks from here." Bella stated pulling her bags out from her closet.

Oh so we're starting right at the beginning of the book saga. How nice. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"Yeah that would be smart wouldn't it?" I grinned.

"Yes it would be." Bella gave kind of a half smile to me.

We finally came out of what I assumed was our bedroom with a luggage bag in each hand and proceeded to my car. I almost dropped my shit because the car I was looking at was a beautiful 66' Chevy impala convertible in cobalt blue with a reupholstered tan leather interior. I swear I almost had a orgasm right there looking at this beaut. I put our stuff in the back almost too giddy to speak.

"I'm going to miss you girls!" Renee, I mean Mom, came out hugging the crap out of us.

I just realized that I was the tallest at about five six. I felt kinda empowered in comparison to Bella's measly five four. I held back a snicker.

"Mom we'll be fine. You know I'd never let anything happen to Bella." I stated with a smile.

"Promise you'll call every night while driving up to Charlie's." Renee held my wrist with a smile.

I pulled out my phone with a smile.

"Promise." I stated climbing in with the top down on my car.

"You girls ever decide you want to come back I'll come right back." I could see the sacrifice Mom would make behind that statement.

I couldn't let her though. She deserves time with Phil. When I read the books at first Renee seemed totally in love with him so I couldn't begrudge her for it.

"Again we'll be fine." Bella stated hugging Renee one last time.

Bella claimed the passenger seat as her's and put in her ear buds. I waved to Renee as I backed out of the driveway.

I don't know if I'm truly prepared for what's about to go down in Forks. Shit. Chaos here I come!

Hell knows it follows me already...


Bella had fallen asleep about a hour ago. I learned more about Bella than what Stephanie Myer had initially put in her books. Bella did have a back bone, Bella did have a sense of humor and she did have a teenage girl side. We were able to faun over the Count of Monte Christo for god sakes! I also learned that Bella was only shy around others because of her unfortunate run with Lady Luck. I of course reassured her that I'd be there to help with any fall out should she cause another incident like at the theater picnic back in Phoenix. I'm surprised I remembered that despite not being here for eighteen fucking years. Then again I've been getting brief flashes of memories that I did not have showing up here in the Twi-verse like family vacations or special moments.

I smiled softly as the "welcome to Forks" sign came into view. We were here. This is the start of the whole Twilight chaos. This one little no-neck Washington town. I drove past Newton Olympic Outfitters and Mighty Mart, the local grocery store. With little trouble I was able to make my way to Charlie's. Why I know the way is beyond me. Right as we came up I saw that Billy and Jacob were pulling in with Charlie in the driveway.

"Hey Daddy." I waved causing all three of them to turn my way as I pulled into park.

"Hey Eva! How are you?" Charlie pushed Billy up to me as I got out of the car.

Jacob came up soon after they stopped.

"I'm doing great. I'm excited about moving in with dad. Bella is asleep and or waking up currently so I'd leave her be for now." I smiled seeing the old rusted red truck in the driveway.

"Bella's I presume." I pointed at the death trap on wheels.

"Yep. I got it from Billy here as a welcome home gift for Bella." Charlie smiled.

"I love it! Thank you dad." Bella had woken up and was now staring at her 'new' truck.

Charlie blushed not sure how to take Bella's compliment.

"Our rooms are the same ones right?" I asked.

"Yep. Your's is the one with the bay window and the bathroom and Bella's is the one across from me." Charlie responded.

I grabbed my bags and headed inside. My room was painted a darker teal color and my bed had a white lace canopy with an iron four posted bed frame. Accompanying the bed frame was an intricately designed head and foot board. The bathroom despite it only being a walk in shower was decently sized and enclosed by a glass slide door with a nice vanity. The white towels were stacked in a rack above the back tank of the toilet. I set down all my bathroom stuff on the sink counter and began to sort. Dental hygiene products go in the cabinet, makeup in the two top drawers, hair care products go in the shower window, and my hair dryer goes in one of the big drawers below the little ones. I place my hair brush and hand soap on the counter before going to my closet. I hung up all my dresses, sweaters, and jackets. I put all my shoes on the closet floor. I put my shirts, pants, skirts and underwear in the drawers of my dresser. Lastly I put down my laptop on the white birch desk.

I ran my hands over the books on my matching bookshelf before finally feeling satisfied with my work. Could always put up a cute little cork board and put pictures on it to personalize the room more if needed but for now I guess I was done.

I was pretty much done unpacking at this point so moved down the hall to Bella's room and poked my head in. Bella was in the middle of unpacking her clothes.

"Like some help?" I asked startling her.

"Yeah that would be nice. I have so much stuff to go through." She sighed.

"I see dad painted it purple. He even gave you your own desk top computer and a land line." I observed putting clothes in drawers.

"I know it's nice really. I just hate that it's so cloudy and rainy. I also hate that Charlie kept all this junk." Bella threw away a random booklet in her trash can that I picked up.

"Bella this is the booklet from when we took that road trip to Seattle with dad. This junk is just dad's memories of us; And besides It'll get better from here. We start fresh at a new school tomorrow too so no worries. We will have friends to take our minds off the gloominess." I winked trying to offer some optimism in this situation.

"Eva you have nothing to worry about. You're pretty and well liked. Then there's me Eva... Plain old clumsy Bella." She mumbled feeling slightly depressed.

"Don't get all depressed on me now. Sadness is toxic and you know that. Also there is nothing wrong with you Bells." I stated moving on to hanging up her jackets and sweaters.

"You and your optimism is making it hard to sulk here." Bella smiled softly.

"Hey there's that smile I wanted!" I giggled.

We continued to unpack her things. I could tell she was bummed about us leaving Phoenix and that's to be expected considering Bella, despite her pale complexion, loved the sun. I did too, to an extent. I had skin that was more tanned then Bella's was. It wasn't as tan as it was in my other universe but it was still tan none the less. I was also very pleased to find out Bella's catastrophic clumsiness had not rubbed off on me, thank Jesus. I don't think I could survive with hazards like that. I'd end up dead a second time. I glanced over at Bella who had tears welling up in her eyes.

"Hey now. Don't cry lil' sis. What'd I tell you about crying?" I cooed pulling her into my arms.

I knew she was bound to cry at some point since she did in the books. Bella stayed latched onto me and cried herself to sleep. I carefully pried her off of me and retreated to my own room. After a quick shower I changed into my pjs and crawled into my bed. Not too long after I had gotten into bed Bella slipped into my bed with me and I just rolled my eyes. Bella was such a child. I grinned closing my eyes. Tomorrow we meet the Cullens, well we at least see them from across the damn room.

AN:/ This is my first Twilight fic so bare with me here on this one. Don't forget to leave a review/comment and follow/Favorite the story.