Present Day

Danny's POV

Sam left soon after we read my forgotten ancestors journal. She had some more digging to do in Margauex's past and I was keen to let her. I had hours upon hours to read up on my family, for the first-time taking interest in my ancestors.

How could my family erase the existence of someone who was their kin? Their son? I ran my hands through my hair, Daniel's journal abruptly ended three days before Margauex's home was burned down. With her inside of it, apparently. John Fenton Nightingale never brought her to the stake because he burned down her home with her inside of it. The towns people forged documentation saying she died in the square.

But she was never there. John Fenton's journal made that very clear. He "had to deal with the loss of family at Margauex Manson's hands, and took necessary action."

He killed a woman because of abilities that she had, because she wasn't fully human. Reading through John and Daniel's journals brought me closer to my family's heritage, but effectively pushed me away.

I still don't know how Daniel disappeared, but I could probably guarantee he was at the home when it was set ablaze.

I felt the beginning of a reading headache come on, so I went down into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Jazz sat at the couch, reading some textbook on psychology and she waved to me. "I heard Sam met the family. Didn't know you guys were dating."

I choked on my water. "Uh, we aren't?" I lied badly. Jazz gave me a look. "You could never lie to me Danny. Not about your powers, and certainly not about a girlfriend." She smirked. I sighed, setting my water down on the countertop.

"It's really new, to be honest. Tucker doesn't even know yet." I told her, pointing at her in warning. Jazz smiled. "I just think it's nice that you have someone you can trust." And I could hear the double meaning in her voice.

"Yes, Jazz. She knows about them." I told her. Jazz smirked. "Someone you can trust. Called it." She winked, turning back to her book. I rolled my eyes and downed the rest of my water. It was dark outside, and I just felt…drawn to take a walk.

"I'm going on a walk, Jazz." I told her. She gave me a look. "Its 9 o'clock on a school night." She told me.

"…It'll be fine, Jazz. I have ghost powers. I'm not going to get mugged, and I'm going to be fine." I whined. She nodded. "Fine, but if you die, I'm not telling mom and dad. You can." She joked.

"Funny." I rolled my eyes, grabbing my house key and closed the door behind me, taking in the 'fresh' air of Downtown Amity. I may not live in the upper elite side of Amity, but nothing beat living in the heart of the city.

I walked down the street for a good fifteen minutes, debating on whether or not I should go talk to Sam, when a dark, fast moving shape caught my eye in one of the back alleys.

I paused, backing up to look down the alley when my curiosity got the better of me. I turn on my heel and walked down the alley, drawing my ghost energy near to the surface.

"Hello?" I called out, feeling very much like a horror movie's first victim. A cat mewled in the distance and faint cars beeped on the very busy street.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Nothing." I said, only slightly disappointed. I was in the mood for a fight.

I turned to exit the alley when there was a gust of wind and suddenly I was on my back. I kicked my feet into the air and landed in a squat motion. "Who the hell is there?" I called out angrily.

"Quiet, shadow. You'll wake up the neighbors." A hushed voice said from behind me. I turned around quickly. The dark shape moved quickly behind me once more, but I had seen red. "Shadow?" I asked, confused.

"Yes. My shadow." He clarified, but it only succeeded in confusing me more. "Okay, now I think you are crazy and how the fuck are you moving so fast?"

"My ex was very, skilled."

I found myself on my back again, a large black boot by my face, holding my arm to the ground. My eyes travelled up dark jeans and a dark long-sleeved jacket to black hair and blue eyes.

"What the hell." I gasped, and then the world went dark.

Sam's POV

I was slightly worried. Third period and still no sign of Danny. I looked back at Tucker, who was not taking notes in favor of trying to get ahold of our friend (my boyfriend but Tucker didn't know that).

He had apparently gone for a walk at 9, and Jazz went to bed soon after, but by the sounds of it, He had never gotten home.

I chewed on the end of my pencil in worry. What had my darling boy gotten himself into now? When my free period came up, I could probably do a locating spell, but what if it was too late?

What if-

I shook my head and raised my hand. "Yes, Ms. Manson?" Mr. Lancer asked.

"Can I be excused?" I asked, hoping the worry in my tone was enough for him to allow me to go. Tucker looked at me with worry. "Mr. Foley, please make sure Ms. Manson gets to where she needs." Mr. Lancer nodded at him.

We sighed in relief and gathered our things, exiting the classroom as Lancer continued his lesson. "I need something of his and meet me in the janitorial closet we made our 'school lair'." I told him. He nodded and took off in the opposite direction as I set up the closet, placing candles and lighting them.

Tucker entered the room as I sat down in front of our makeshift table. "This is witchy." He said. "I need serious magic if I'm going to find him Tucker." I told him.

Tucker shoved Danny's gym bag at me and I pulled out his t-shirt. Holding it in my hands, I muttered "invenimus quod suus 'amissa."

Tucker repeated me. "Find what's lost."

My vision was filled with a large building, a warehouse. Inside were cages filled with…. people. Sleeping soundly on a bed of blankets and pillows was Danny. His face and arms were bruised and there were two dark marks on the side of his neck, as if he was injected with something, but his chest rose and fell.

Danny was alive.

I gasped as the vision left me and I breathed shakily as Tucker looked at me in worry. "He's alive, but he's in a warehouse, south of town. Bodies, people in cages except for him." I told him quickly.

"Let's go then." Tucker said, throwing me my car keys. I had driven to school for the first time today since Danny was MIA. I nodded, and we rushed out of school, into my car and I fired up the ignition, peeling out of the parking lot with screeching tires.

I broke many speeding laws on the way to the warehouses, and Tucker was gripping the sides of the car so lightly I could see the whites of his knuckles.

I pulled into the abandoned lot and got out of the car, cursing myself not for the first time that I wore over the knee boots with a heel. I thought I'd impress Danny by actually doing my makeup, wearing a short skirt and a purple loose tank top with these stupid boots.

And now he could be dying.

I kicked open the door of the warehouse, having told Tucker to stay in the car just in case. I ran to the pallet where I had seen Danny, only to find that he wasn't there.

"Danny?" I called out.

"You are very brave…. even for a witch." A familiar voice called out.

I turned on my heel and found a dark figure, holding Danny with him. He was barely conscious, and he was pale, but he was alive.

"I have to say, you pull of the family genes very well, Ms. Manson." He said, and there was something old timey about his voice. Like he'd been around a while.

I let purple magic spark at my fingertips. "Let him go."

"Oh, I would never harm my shadow self." The figure said, and promptly pushed Danny forward, and he collapsed in a heap, weak. I gasped and went to step forward, but the figure stepped into the light.

It was…. Danny?

"What the hell is going on in here?" Tucker's voice suddenly asked as he entered the warehouse door.

The doppelgänger looked from Tucker to me and rolled his eyes, suddenly running supernaturally fast at Tucker and stared him in the eye while saying, "You are going to go back to the car and wait there until your friends get back."

Tucker nodded and spun on his heel, closing the door behind him. I gaped at him. "Who the hell are you?"

"Daniel Fenton. The first Daniel Fenton. The last living Nightingale, if you can even call me that, and he is my doppelgänger." Daniel said.

"How are you even here? You were alive in the sixteen-hundreds and every record of you was destroyed by your family." I snapped.

He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, something my Danny would do, and it made me pause. "Isn't it obvious?" He asked, before hissing, showing off pointed white canines and glowing red eyes. "Your ancestor, my ex, turned me into this creature because she couldn't live without me." He explained, not retracting his teeth and his eyes remained red, helping me differentiate my Danny from his ancestor.

"Margauex turned me into this monster that I hate. I don't want to hurt anyone, Ms. Manson. I've watched my family members grow old and die, watched as my bloodline continued with no memory of me and I watched as my shadow self was born with my name and with my face."

"You watch over the Fenton's?" I asked, Danny was just starting to stir on the ground, shakily getting up onto his feet.

"Yes. I try to. To make up for becoming sired to a witch." He said, his eyes finally turning back into baby blue.

"You…loved her, didn't you? She didn't sire you, she loved you."

"That's what I thought too, Ms. Manson. She used me for my knowledge of my family. She was planning on murdering us one by one before the fire. She killed my little sister Victoria after my father shot me in the chest because of my so-called love for her."

Danny finally got the nerve to speak to his ancestor. "…You aren't to blame for your feelings." He got out roughly.

Daniel seemed to pity him and promptly bit his wrist, making him bleed. "My blood will heal you, just don't die for at least six hours until all of the blood is out of your system." He told Danny, shoving the bloody wrist into his face. I grimaced as Danny was forced to drink his ancestor's vampire blood.

"Okay, that was so gross." Danny spat, but he looked ten times better. "You don't get used to it, it would seem. Even after a couple centuries." Daniel explained.

"Why show yourself now? And why can't Danny die? Not that I want him to, but that seems like a weird condition."

Daniel sighed. "Because if he dies with Vampire blood in his system, he'll become a vampire just like me, and I don't want to share everything with my doppelganger, even a curse. And I came to warn you."

I tilted my head. "I think Margauex has returned, and he is not safe." He said, pointing to Danny who startled.

"Why? And how could-Immortal Blood."

"Precisely. If she perfected Immortal Blood after she turned me into a Vampire, she could still be around even now, without having to feed from humans to survive, which I have to say hurts a little bit." He said. "Doppelganger blood is, a potent spell ingredient. And it's rare. Obviously so rare that it took almost 400 years for my doppelganger to be born, so it's no coincidence that she's coming now."

I shook my head. "I still don't understand. What could Margauex possibly want now?"

"After she…turned me, I remember her magic turning a dark red. It was purple like yours. Lilith's was purple and so was everyone else's because they were good. Margauex played with dark magic and nature made her evil. It also turned her into an evil person. The woman I loved, I'm sure she's gone, and this witch has plans for this world. You need to be ready."

Danny looked at his ancestor. "Can you help?" He asked. "Can you help protect her and teach us."

Daniel looked hesitant. "Why should I, halfling?"

"Because you knew her better than anyone. You can help protect Danny," I said, giving him a pointed look as he crossed his arms, "And teach me everything that's in that Nightingale head of yours."

Daniel pondered over it. "Deal. I just need something that will help me walk around in the day light." He said, giving me a pointed stare.

"Fine but I just wanted one thing to not be straight off of Vampire Diaries, but sure, I'll make you a Daylight Ring, Damon Salvatore." I snapped.

Daniel and Danny started laughing loudly, and I sighed in exasperation.

Having two of them was going to get old. Very fast.