Does anyone even read these little notes?


Anyway, sorry for being *extremely* late again. It was really busy for me this past month and it doesn't help that I'm terrible at keeping track of time. I've also been contemplating starting another fic, but I dunno if that's the best move right now since I'm nowhere near done with this one. I hope this chapter's good enough to make up for me not updating faster, but sorry if it isn't. I had TONS of difficulty writing it since I really wanted to add Dani somehow (Because Butch Hartman gave her one episode then dropped her), but I had no idea how to do that. So, here goes my attempt at foreshadowing. I also might have jacked up the timeline, but I kinda wanted to make things a little different than normal. Sorry if that irritates you, but hey, fanfiction isn't supposed to be canon. That's the whole point of fanfiction.

Anyway, here's the next one. Reviews are appreciated, even if I have a minor panic attack whenever I read one.

Ch. 6

"You think you can replace my prized prey, girl?" A threatening voice boomed from the sky.

"Never said I was replacing him. I'm just, y'know, filling in for a while." The girl responded with a cocky grin. Though her words came with confidence, her form made her exhaustion obvious, her unnecessary breathing accelerating the more she pushed herself, dodging fists and launching some of her own. The fight had been going on for over an hour since Skulker showed up, demanding to know where the "ghost child" was while shooting everything in sight. For a response, he got a face full of Dani's ghost ray.

Without warning, a volley of ectoplasmic rockets launched from everywhere on Skulker's suit and towards Dani, who tried putting up an ecto shield last second. But she wasn't fast enough. Her eyes widened before the bombs detonated on impact, dropping her from the sky with a short shriek. She landed with a thud, white rings flickering into existence as she fought against them, forcing herself to stay in ghost form with a mental push as she tried to stand. The mechanized figure landed on her prone and battered body, his boot nearly crushing her chest as he was grinning like mad. With a flick of his hand, he revealed a glowing green blade from his wrist. "You can never take the boy's place. You're just an experiment, a mockery of a true challenge. And a failed one at that."

If it was even possible, Dani swore she saw that metal face's manic smile grow larger. "But I guess I can make do, especially since your creator went soft and fired me."

Dani's eyes, though narrowed in an attempt to be intimidating, portrayed her fear with tears beginning to form. Pink rays suddenly blasted into the being's metal form before he could bring the blade to her face, knocking him back into the nearby trees. Whirring was heard and nearby grass was blown back as a red suited woman atop a hoverboard carrying an oversized cannon lowered herself to the downed white haired ghost. Seeing the familiar figure to be a friend, Danielle allowed the rings to wash over her, reverting her to her human form.

The armored teen cried in panic at what she saw.

"Dani! Can you stand? Are you okay?"

"Ugh, yeah Mother Goose. I'm just a little roughed up, but I'm tougher than I look." She patted herself down, getting dirt off her hoodie as she stood. "No need to be a worry wort, Val."

Valerie just rolled her eyes. "That's what you think, but someone's gotta watch over you. Just cause you're half ghost doesn't mean you can't die."

Danielle's eyebrow rose.

"Whatever, you know what I meant. You just can't push yourself like that Dani." Valerie could see Dani's face lowering with each word, her grin fading completely by the end of her sentence.

Valerie scowled at herself, then softened her expression and put a hand on the smaller girl's shoulder. "Look, it's not that I'm dissapointed or something. You put up a good fight. I just don't want you becoming a pile of goo again." She gave Danielle a reassuring smile. Or, at least what she hoped was one with her helmet's visor blurring most of her face.

That impish grin returned. "Like that's gonna happen." Danielle punched Valerie's shoulder playfully. "I'm okay now. That Ecto-whatever fixed me up, so you don't have to worry about-" Her eyes shot wide open. "Duck!"

Valerie didn't get to respond with anything other than a "What?" and a yelp as she was pushed down, a green ray flying just above her face as she saw it hitting against her would-be attacker, a metallic thud sounding as the snot in armor was knocked out cold. She looked towards Danielle to thank her, but what she saw only replaced her gratitude with fear. The girl's arm was covered in a layer of frost. It was not very thick, but it was more than enough to be easily noticable.

Danielle looked at her limb with stunned confusion before a sudden jab of pain shot through her and caused her to fall to her knees, shivering like crazy. Snowflakes formed around hair her as blue mist rapidly escaped her mouth. "Danny. W-We. I need... Danny."

Questions blared within Valerie's mind. Which Danny? Phantom had gone on "vacation", as he put it, and left Danielle and Valerie in charge of defending the town. She couldn't mean Fenton, could she? What does he have to do with this? Did he know what was wrong with her? And by extension, was he connected to Danny Phantom? But a sense of urgency over took Valerie and, instead of asking such things like she wanted to, she nodded stiffly with determination in her brow. She activated her board, taking the downed half ghost on her shoulder as she took off towards FentonWorks. She knew Danny was in Japan, somewhere, but where exactly was completely lost to her. But if anybody had the answer to all her questions, it was his parents.

Meanwhile, at Yokai Academy, the young resident half ghost couldn't help but keep getting the feeling someone or something was talking about him. But, then again, he's been getting that feeling ever since he arrived at this school, and having that proven with all the rumors about him didn't help. So, ignoring the odd sensation, he returned to the matter at hand; some drool inducing lesson about the history of monsters or some such thing. Yeah, the first few days of learning the subject were interesting, but after a while it just lost it's luster.

Thankfully, the lesson was over faster than he thought and with it out of the way, the first day of him being an official member of the newspaper club began.

"Oh, I'm so glad you three decided to join!"

"Three?" Danny thought, momentarily forgetting one not-so-small detail. "Oh yeah, Kurumu." He looked back towards her and saw blue hair turned towards pink, their respective eyes glaring at the other for a few moments before turning their attention back to Nekonome when they noticed Danny looking.

"I'll happily go with whatever choice my mate makes!" Kurumu practically shouted, clutching and pulling Danny's arm and head close to (more like in between) her chest. The half ghost's face grew red in color.

Moka grasped the opposite arm with a small scowl/pout, tugging lightly. "He hardly even knows you." She mumbled quietly, pulling Danny's head from the succubus' chest. Unknowingly, she pulled his arm closer to her own. Danny's face now was red enough to almost rival the color of a ripe tomato.

Before either girl could rip him apart, he phased through their grasps, freeing his hands and leaving both girls with a look of disappointment. "I-I don't think we really had much of a choice. Uh, no offense." He said to the teacher, trying to distract himself from his steaming face.

The feline teacher didn't really have time to respond to that when the girls beside him cut her off. "Are we the only ones in the club?" "Where are all the other members?"

Nekonome's face slightly grew dim, but her smile made it unnoticeable. "Unfortunately," she replied, "you three are the only members other than the club president."

Danny's brows lowered just a bit. "Wait, I thought you said you were the President."

"It sounds more like you misunderstood me." Her smile grew somewhat teasingly. "I only said I was advising."

"So who is the-" Danny was immediately cut off by an unfamiliar voice that came from the doorway.

"Newspaper Club President Ginei Morioka, pleasure to meet you." The figure announced, pulling flowers of all things from seemingly nowhere and handing them to the two girls. "Especially you two. You beauties can call me Gin."

Danny could only roll his eyes so hard they felt as if they would tear themselves from their sockets. "Oh great, another flirt-aholic." He thought, thinking back to Tucker's less than gracefull, though hilarious, attempts at romance. But Tucker would be hard pressed to find any kind of competition with "Gin". For one, he actually dressed well. But Danny couldn't help but draw comparisons to Vlad. Maybe it was the way he flirted? Maybe not. But something about this guy seemed off, like he was hiding something predatory about himself, waiting to pounce on his prey as soon as he had the chance.

Kurumu and Moka didn't seem to sense it though. The succubus took the complement with ease, as used to such attention as she desired it, even if it made her a little uncomfortable. Moka on the other hand couldn't help but feel flustered, her face growing red. Danny felt a twitch of some emotion when he noticed her reaction, though he couldn't place what it was or why he felt it.

"Since your President has made his arrival, I'll leave you to it. Good luck!" Nekonome cried out, leaving the classroom.

Almost as soon as she left, Gin's tone went from flirtatious to serious nigh instantly. At least mostly serious since he was still eying the girls with an air of carelessness. "Alright, first order of business: It looks like we got ourselves a peeping Tom. Now, since the Newspaper is the front line for news, we're gonna catch the perv and reveal who they are.

Now, I know what you're thinking; ""How are we gonna do that?"" Well, I'll tell you how. We're gonna put up posters that encourage the student body to come and give any evidence they can that might reveal who this guy is. Now, let's go!"

And with that, the newly formed newspaper club began creating and putting up posters along the school halls. But it was mostly Danny and the girls doing as they were told, their President holding back as he was telling them what to do. Danny soon noticed, however, that Gin's instructions were more focused on the girls instead. The President took an awkward position behind the two girls with Danny behind him, facing the opposite direction.

"Higher." He squatted lower. "A little bit higher." He pulled out a camera. "Riiight the-"

"Hey, what the heck do you think you're doing!?" Danny shouted as soon as he noticed Gin.

That got the attention of both girls. Unfortunately, the camera in Gin's hands seemingly vanished from existence.

"What happened?" Moka asked. "Did we do something wrong?"

Danny opened his mouth to try and reveal Gin to be nothing but a pervert trying to take panty shots, but instead, said pervert beat him to the punch. "Oh, nothing really." The President said nonchalantly. "Danny here was just looking at your underwear."

The half ghost's brain fizzled for a second. "W-What?!" He managed to stammer out. "N-No way! I'd never do tha-" But he never finished. Both girls decided to slap him simultaneously. Hard. After leaving him stunned from their righteous fury, both walked off further into the hall, distancing themselves from the teen.

"Wow man. I didn't think you were that stupid!" Gin said between chuckles from behind Danny. Danny could feel his eyes change to neon green with the amount of anger he held, his teeth gritting all the while. He wanted to do something, anything, but not only was it against the rules to use his ghost form, but it was definitely a bad idea to do something against the Club President in public. Undisturbed by Danny's eyes, Gin stood there with a snide grin. And so well into the day, until the sun began to set, they continued until they ran out of fliers.

Feeling his rage dissipate into exhaustion, he gathered his things and left. "Can my life get any worse?" He asked himself on his way back to his dorm room. In his frustration, he just barely managed to get sight of Moka on her way to her own room. Deciding to get his mind off of Gin and try to undo what the snob created, he called out to her.

"Hey Moka, wait up! I need to talk to you!"

Seeing Danny quickly walking up to her, her face instantly flashed a bright scarlet. She turned her heels and ran the opposite direction. "I-I don't like pervy guys!" She cried out all the while.

"Ugh, perfect. Apparently it can." He muttered. "When I get my hands on that jerk, I swear I'm gonna... Gonna-" Danny couldn't even finish his sentence before he broke into a yawn. Then he felt a rush wind.

"You'll what, take a nap on me?"

Danny twisted his head around quickly, and saw the source of the voice, Gin, standing right behind him as if he was always there.



"Don't you 'Sup' me! What's the big idea?! Why would you do that to me?! I barely even know you!"

Danny was livid. He wanted so badly to blast this guy in the face for ruining his friendship with the only friends he had in the entire school. But he held himself back yet again. If two years of ghost hunting taught him anything, it was that acting purely on emotion usually just made situations worse.

"Cause it was hilarious." The older student held his hands in his pockets, his posture practically oozing carelessness. "C'mon, it was just a harmless prank. Besides, you should've seen the look on your face. It was priceless."

That was just about what Danny was expecting. Well, not really. If anything, he thought it would've been some deep plot to ruin his life or something. But maybe that was just paranoia speaking from Vlad's craziness before his "clean slate" act.

Danny narrowed his eyes.

"Uh huh, sure. A harmless prank. Trust me dude, I know a thing or two about pranks, and that was definitely not a prank. Now either you apologise and explain to my friends what you were doing," his irises flashed radioactive green, "or I make you."

Despite his outward appearance, Gin couldn't help but grow nervous, feeling a prickling against his skin as the air seemed to grow colder. He knew Danny was stronger than he looked and, should the rumors about him be believed, could be a threat worthy of himself. But he didn't let any of that show, except for a small falter in his relaxed smirk.

Gin raised his hands in surrender. "Wow dude, chill out. I was just gonna do that."

Danny's menacing glare dissipated quickly. "Wait, what?"

"You heard me, man. Tomorrow, I swear, I'll explain to the girls that it was just a joke and apologise. Besides, it kinda was a little messed up of me." Gin's smirk returned. "And to sweeten the deal, I'll even show you a few leads we got on the peeping Tom, but only if you come with me. Tonight."

The half ghost's contorted somewhat at that. "What leads? We just put up the fliers, how do we already have leads?"

That irritating smile grew ever more, much to Danny's suspicion and annoyance. "I got my ways. They're mainly just some early reports that could've been groundbreaking if I had a partner at the time. So, you comin'?" Gin asked as he turned to walk away.

Danny made a split second decision. What more could be done if he just followed the guy? It's not like he'd outright kill him. Right? But what if he didn't follow him? Would Gin still keep up his promise? Seeing some to lose but much more to gain, and legitimately curious about Gin's "leads", he trailed behind the older teen. Gin's gaze, Danny noticed, was almost always turned towards the moon, and he could swear he heard him mutter something about beauty under his breath unil they both made their way unto a small building.

"Right, so," Gin began without taking a glance at Danny, "One of the very first leads about the peeping Tom involved the possibility of his hidout being right there." He said, pointing behind the building. Gin rolled out a barrel and turned to Danny. "Now, you just gotta look inside while balancing on this thing to see if it's true."

"Right. And why don't you do it?" Danny asked with sarcasm dripping from his voice, trying to make his distrust evident. Gin didn't seem to care.

"Well I can't balance on a barrel and hold a camera, now can I? Dude, just do it and tell me what you see."

Danny only rolled his eyes before climbing unto the barrel, careful not to lose his balance. But nothing could prepare him for what he saw. Female students in various stages of undress stood before him before shrieking at the top of their lungs, shouting variations of "It's the peeping Tom!" or "Get him!". Danny could feel the blood draining from his face while also having it turn crimson from the sight in front of him, noticing without wanting to that some of them were even completely nude. And then he heard a click and saw a bright flash. As soon as he managed to get a hold of himself, he turned to Gin who had his camera in hand.

"Y-Y-You set me up!"

"What'ya mean? I just caught the peeping Tom."

As soon as those words left his lips, Gin took off running, faster than Danny thought he'd be able to. He would've went after him if various objects didn't collide with his head, knocking him onto the floor. Seeing no way to talk himself out of a beating, he phased through the ground and out a distance away. As soon as he got into his room, he collapsed, too tired from Gin's scheme to even stand. But he did think of what to do. Oh, did he.

The next few days didn't fare too well for the youngest Fenton. Every girl he saw sent him a deadly glare with newspaper in hand, and Moka made an active effort to avoid him. He'd even tried talking to the guy just to see if he could be talked down. He could still hear Ginei's words taunting him.

"Face it Fenton," he had said, "now that you're the one taking the heat, Moka's all mine. It's over for you."

Danny felt pressure in his jaw at remembering that annoying smile.

"But don't worry. I'm sure that in a month or two, it'll all blow over and people will forgive you."

But Danny broke out of his flashback when Kurumu had spoken up upon noticing him enter the computer room.

"You can't be the peeping Tom, right Danny?"

"Ugh, no way!" He almost shouted. He continued, lowering his voice. "That fruitloop framed me so he could get closer to Moka! But nobody believes anything I say and-!"

"I believe you."

That made him cut his rant off short. "Wait. Really? I don't even have any evidence, how do you belive me already?"

"Of course I do! There's no way my Mate of Fate is a lying pervert! Besides, something just seems off about Gin and his article, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it."

This time, Danny grew a grin of his own. "I've got an idea on how to do that, and get some well deserved payback. You wouldn't happen to know where his room is, would you?"

Later that night, on the roof of the school building, Moka stood with Gin, the full moon above them. While the vampire's face spoke of internal conflict, Gin's barely contained his excitement. "I can't believe Danny's the peeping Tom."

"Pictures don't lie, Moka. It's all over the front page."

A gust of wind blew over the both of them.

"Pictures don't, but you do!"

They turned to see Kurumu, wings unfurled, pointing an accusatory finger at the Newspaper Club President.

"I knew there was something fishy about you and your article from the moment I read it, but now I know the truth!"

Gin wasn't exactly nervous. No, he was anything but. He had nearly the entirety of the student body on his side since everyone bought his story. But this was Kurumu, friend/rival of Moka, somebody who would go to great lengths to defend her "Mate of Fate".

"The first thing that I found strange was your distance in your so called evidence. If Danny truly was the peeping Tom, how would he be so careless as to not notice you so close to him? In fact, how would you get so close in the first place if there was no evidence to pinpoint his location? He has the ability to become invisible, and if he really didn't want to be caught, he wouldn't have been."

Even though his face was calm, Gin could feel a cold sweat develop.

"Secondly, after a little digging, I discovered that the earliest reports depict the peeping Tom being active since last semester! Before Danny was even enrolled!"

Now he was nervous.

"That doesn't prove anything! He's a ghost! He could go anywhere he wants!"

But he knew he had lost when he heard Danny's voice. "Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to talk about a person when they're right in front of you?" The Ghost Boy asked sarcastically, slipping into view besides Moka in his human form with a camera in hand. Gin's camera.

"Wha-When-How did you-"

"Don't bother asking. You answered that yourself. Besides," He continued, "for the President of the Newspaper Club, you picked a bad place to hide your stuff."

Danny turned the camera on and showed the contents to Moka. "There's some pretty racy stuff on here." He scrolled through the images quickly. "Things that really don't belong on the Club President's camera."

Moka stood flabbergasted at what she saw. Borderline nude photos of female classmates flashed before her, and some were even completely naked. But what really made her jaw drop was the most recent photo. The one of Danny standing on a barrel. The one that ignited the powderkeg.

The vampire's eyes lit up in fury, making Gin step back. "You framed him!" She shouted.

Seeing no way to talk out of this, Gin let out a roar of frustration, enraged at being discovered so close to his end goal. "Argh, fine! I was so close to having you out of the picture, but now I guess I'll just have to take her by force!"

He then released a feral howl, his form become bestial in appearance. His face elongated and fur sprouted from his skin. Kurumu let out a gasp as she realized what he was.

"A werewolf." She nearly whispered. Danny heard her nonetheless. "It's said their speed can rival a vampire's strength."

"And under the full moon, I am unstoppable!" Ginei shouted as his transformation concluded. "You might as well give up now!"

Before Danny could say a word, before he could even blink, Moka wrapped her hand around his own and placed it on her rosary. Forcing his fingers to intertwine with the silver edges, she yanked it off and transformed herself into her Inner personality.

Immediately after she concluded her mental and physical shift, she dashed towards the werewolf with an extended leg and the start of her signature battle cry. But he was simply too fast. Instead of hitting her target, Gin grasped her leg after a faster than natural dodge, and threw her backwards.

"Oh Moka, your true form is even more beautiful!" He all but swooned. "You will be mine!"

"Filthy dog!" Inner Moka muttered behind gritted teeth. "You will not touch me!" She repeated her action, only to be caught again. This time, by the throat.

Ginei's muzzle somehow burst into a grin despite it's animalistic bent as he pulled her closer, the vampire's face twisting in a combination of disgust, surprise, and fear. But when he opened his mouth to speak, he was nearly blinded by a bright white flash.

"Hey Fido!" A fist encased in green flame smashed against Ginei's skull. "She said hands off!"

The werewolf was knocked back far, releasing Inner Moka from his grasp. As he struggled to get back up from the impactful strike, Danny turned and flew to Moka.

"You alright?" He asked, his eyes wide at the marks left by Gin's claws.

"I'm fine! I did not need you getting in the way of me teaching him his place!" She cried out in response with an angry scowl. But Danny was barely phased. Sam pulled that card on him one too many times.

"Yeah, sure you didn't. As much as I'd like to see you beat the tar out of this guy, this is more my fight than yours."

Without giving her time to respond, Danny flew at high speeds towards the werewolf, a shockwave rippling through the air. He might have been capable of flying almost impossibly fast, and his reflexes in ghost form might have been enhanced to supernatural levels, but under the full moon, Gin was at his peak. As soon as his ears twitched at the sound of tearing air, Gin rolled to the side and clawed at the ghost boy.

But what happened made his eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.

Instead of rendering flesh and ripping the boy to pieces, Danny's body seemed to separate like a leaf through water before re-fusing like nothing ever happened. So he kept slashing, using his enhanced speed to keep at it until he was panting.

"What's the matter, Furball?" Danny asked with a condescending tone. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Danny then became translucent, his form somehow becoming see through while retaining it's color as he slipped into intangibility, and he dove into Gin's form. Gin began to panic, patting his body as if to search for the intruding ghost boy. But that soon stopped when his eyes flashed neon green.

And he brought a clawed fist to his own face.

And another.

And another.

Over and over, Danny forced the lycanthrope to injure himself while he maintained control. "Why're you hitting yourself?" He asked with Gin's voice, somewhat disturbing the girls, after every impact. The smacks against his fur covered skin grew louder the longer he went on with his self inflicted torture, the moonlight increasing Danny/Gin's speed.

Until Danny forced his host to uppercut his own body.

"Nighty night, Flea Bag!"

Gin's form flopped unto the rooftop with a resounding thud as Danny hovered out of him, leaving the werewolf's unconscious body on the rooftop. Staring at his handiwork, Danny felt a sense of pride and confidence, glad to have finally gotten his personal brand of justice. Kurumu's voice cut off his inner monologue before it even started, however.

"That was awesome! I knew my Mate of Fate could beat that scum!" She shouted between claps. "But what did you do to him? Was that possession?"

Danny's face twisted. "I prefer the term Overshadowing. Possession sounds too creepy, even for me. And I'm a ghost!"

"Nonetheless, it was interesting." Inner Moka said behind a barely noticeable chuckle. "And, thank you. I suppose." Her cheeks grew the tiniest bit red when she suddenly went in for a brief hug, but before anybody could comment on it, she simply disconnected from the ghost and clasped the rosary back on.

The next day, a new article was published clearing Danny's name and revealing the true criminal to be Gin. Much to his dismay, not much was done in terms of punishment. Moka didn't seem all too pleased with the outcome either.

"I can't believe the school didn't do anything about him!" She shouted. "He should be locked up for what he's done! How can you be so calm about this?!"

Danny gave a shrug. "Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty mad about that too. But, somehow, I think he'll get what's coming to him."

Moka turned her head to respond, but as soon as she opened her mouth to do so, a heavily injured and bandaged Gin ran across her. Behind him was a trail of beyond angry female students, each one relentlessly chasing attempting to strike him down. A few even succeeded in getting a couple hits in.
