Not gonna lie, the lack of reviews for the last chapter, very sad. Got one. Thanks Beej88! Anyways, this is the end my friends! It was one hell of a ride and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Well, actually, I hope you enjoyed it more than me ^_~

I once asked for suggestion on Fic to read so this time I'm going to give you guys some (you know, something to read while you wait for my next story LOL!). So here you go lovelies!

If you want a good AU: Ninjette Twitch and Revy679 have some seriously good stuff! They are quick reads too so if you don't have a lot of time or are the mood for a mix of things, they are a fantastic choice.

For SM reality fics: You CANNOT go wrong with Beej88. Her stuff is magic! She is new to the FF writing world so make sure you show her some support while you are there!

For mind bending and though provoking works: Check out astraearose-silvermoon. She will have you questioning life when you are done, in a good way!

And if you want fun and quickly updated works of a wide variety: Tori-Lee has it ALL!

Seriously though, all these guys are so talented and supportive. So glad to have you guys as my friends! And all of you reading this now, thank you for your time and support. Now go give that time and support to the lovely ladies I listed above, you will not be disappointed!

Chapter 23

"Be like a branch of a tree; flex your body to face 'wind of sorrow'; flex little harder to dance in the 'wind of happiness'."

Santosh Kalwar

She pulled the door shut behind her, dropping her keys on the counter and flipping through the stack of mail in her hands, all of it junk mail as it should be, no one lived here anyone technically. Not since they got the hole in Yukio's house fixed.

"Mamoru? Where are you?"

Silence. She glanced at her watch. She had actually beat him here.

Her phone buzzed, the call she was dreading finally coming. Looking down at the screen she saw Haruka's name flashing on it. She quickly declined the call rolling her eyes as she did. She loved that woman to death, but she was worse than Mamoru with his over protectiveness. Keeping the phone out, she sent her a text in response, because heaven help her if she didn't. The blonde would be pounding on the door in less than 30 minutes.

"I'm with Mamoru, perfectly safe."

A few seconds later, her phone dinged.

"Depends on your definition of safe…"

She let out a frustrated sigh, shaking her head as she typed.

"The doors are locked, the windows are shut tight, and I'm on the pill, can't get more safe than that!"

Finally, her phone remained silent. She knew a TMI would be all it took to get Haruka off her back for a while.

Leaning back against the breakfast bar, she looked around Mamoru's old apartment. He currently resided with her in her bedroom but she convinced him to keep this place as literally their 'shag pad'. Even though they had explained everything to Yukio and she understood, even called them married, she still didn't feel comfortable don't much with Mamoru while under the same roof her baby brother was sleeping under.

Now the place was abandoned, save for their little visits which were quite frequent actually. Glancing back at her watch again, she was that she only have a minute or two before he would arrive, his punctually making him predictable.

Getting a mischivous look on her face, she started to strip, heading for the bedroom, and leaving an item of clothing every few steps. Just a few bread crumbs for him to follow. Her bra and underwear last, sitting right outside the door, she got settled under the covers just as she heard the front door open.


She heard him mumble something about a mess, actually picturing his face as he picked up her sweater off the floor first then her jeans, realization hitting him and dropping them back to the floor when he saw her bra, leading him to her underwear.

He appeared in the doorway and she smirked at him from under the covers. They remained silent as he took the few steps to the bed, falling onto it and her.

She squealed, even his clothes were cold from the outside. He wore a devious grin, digging under the covers and finding her warm flesh with his freezing hands. She squirmed, screaming as he touched whatever he could catch him his ice cold hands. Only stopping to rub his equally cold cheek against her warm one.

" are so warm…"

He was purring in her ear, the sheet and his clothes still between them, rubbing up against her, "You'll be warm soon enough, if you hurry up and get your clothes off."

Clothes long forgotten, all piled around them on the floor, they rested under the sheet. He buried his face in her neck, the two of them catching their breath. He still held her tight, the both of them still coming down from their high and she was still tingling all over from it.

"See...told'd be ...warm."

He nodded in response, unable to form words just yet as he usually couldn't right after they finished. It was a quality she found endearing, that he worked so hard to please her that he knocked the breath out of himself. And she found it validating to know she could literally leave him speechless.

He rolled off of her, pulling her with him to coil into one another. A few moments passed in complete silence, the only sound in the room their breathing, She thought he had drifted off to sleep and was about to join him.

"We should just sell this place and get our own."

"And what about Shingo?"

"What do you plan to do about him when we are married?"

"Well of course he won't live with us after we get married. But that is still a ways off from now."

"It has been a few months now you know...since we dealt with Diamonde. We even have a new enemy to deal with."


"You never answered my question?"

"Yes I did, you moved in with us. We now live together."

"You know very well that is not the question I mean," she giggled at his obvious frustration, "You said after all that was over, when we returned alive, that you would tell me whether or not you would marry me."

"Actually, I'm pretty sure my words were, I would answer when you asked me without a mask on. Besides, isn't it kind of cheating? You already know we get married so you already know that I say 'yes'."

He got up, rather abruptly, grabbing his pants on the way out, leaving her alone in the bed in a huff. She followed a few moments after, collecting herself and wrapping the sheet around herself.

The rest of the apartment was dark, the sun having set a while ago, "Mamo-chan?"

The place was empty, did he leave? She moved deeper into the living room, finding him quickly enough and her heart calmed at the sight of him.

"Mamo-chan, I'm sorry. I was just picking on you…"

He stood in the middle of the room, bringing a hand from behind his back and producing a rose the magical way he does. Her breath caught in her throat, cautiously coming closer to him. It was perfect, a perfect rose. The likes she had never seen before and once again her mind wandered as to just how the hell he did that. And to what propose? Was he given that power just to take her breath away, cause it was working.

"So I already talked it over with Shingo and he was happy to give me his blessing. Your Aunt Yukio too, although she seemed confused, apparently she thought we already were married. And the Senshi of course gave me their blessings, so that only leaves you. Tsukino Usagi….will you marry me?"

She had reached him by the time he finished, tears fresh in her eyes, "Yes.."

He grabbed her up, pulling her in tight as if he had actually feared she would say no. Picking her up, he took her over to the couch, setting them both down with her on his lap. He pulled out a ring, a simple diamond ring with a silver band, and slipped it onto her finger. Holding it up to the light, she looked at it closely, noticing the small etchings alone the band, making it look like vines along the sides. It was beautiful.

"It was my mothers." She found his eyes, surprised he had anything so precious of hers, let alone that he would give it her, "it suits you."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, the alien feeling of the ring on her finger only filling her heart with more glee, knowing that no matter what came their way, they would face it together. That they would always have no another and one another's back.

Tucking her head under his chin, she sent a silent message up to her parents, thanking them for everything, especially this moment. Looking out the window, she saw their response. It had started to snow.

The End

Annnndddd...I just now found the horizontal line thing again. Sorry about that guys, didn't even realize my lines weren't showing up. Hope that didn't cause too much confusion! Okay so I have started a third installment but no promises okay? If you have any thoughts or maybe something you feel I missed in this one that you think would be good in the next one, shoot me a review! I will gladly consider it!