Ch.3-Black Star

Tags: m/f, hum/sang, dub-con, non-con.

Something was wrong. She wasn't sure exactly what it was, but the place was quiet. Why was it quiet?

Black Star was never quiet. It was a whore house for crying out loud, and there were no impassioned cries, not laughter from bar customers or even the tap of glasses on the counter. There were usually at least four depressed regulars tossing back drinks early opening, but not a one to be seen.

Alena stepped through the threshold between the bar and the sitting room and frowned. It appeared that she was the only one here. No one was at the counter, bar tender absent, even the doorman was nowhere in sight.

What the heck is going on?

"Alena?" Alena was relieved at the voice, and turned to see a familiar face approaching.

It was Samantha Kellert, one of the older attendants at Black Star, a woman in her upper thirties with a clear pale complexion and stunning blue eyes. Currently she looked paler than usual, and the smile that came over her face was uncertain, almost a grimace.

"Where is everyone?" Alena asked, confused. Had there some kind of emergency? She would ask her friend, but she was absent. Cassie had told her she would meet her in the foyer, but she seemed as displaced as the rest of them.

"You're needed in the back room. Trinity closed the club today." Samantha said, and ushered her forward with a hand. Her voice did not betray any feeling, it was as if she was holding back something.

"Why would she close? This place never closes." Alena argued, but followed the other woman past the bar and through the swinging doors of the back room. No workers here either. The changing room was empty.

"It does." Samantha said, with a heavy exhale, she paused at the next door, her shoulders dropping. She then turned to face the woman behind her, "Alena, I..." Her mouth gaped open, she seemed uncertain of what to say. It was the tint of fear in her eyes that gave Alena her full attention.

"What's going on?" Alena asked, trying to ignore the sudden chill at her back.

Samantha's voice almost croaked something out but she promptly shut it at the sound behind them, of a door closing firmly.

Trinity stepped into the room.

She frowned at the both of them, and then forced her lips into a tight smile. Forced. Who died?

Or is going to die?

Alena shivered at that thought, and hugged herself as she regarded the uncertain look on her bosses' face.

The woman's makeup was almost nonexistent, she looked as if she hadn't had time to apply any. Her eyes also looked tired with the dark skin underneath them, made even more apparent in the crisp white light of the dressing room. Trinity did not look confident and energetic, as she usually did, her mannerisms and appearance seemed strained, weary.

Old, even. As if her years had suddenly caught up to her.

"Good, you're here." Trinity did sound glad, almost relieved, but if anything that only made Alena more nervous. What exactly was going on here, and what did she have to do with it?

"What's going on? Where has everyone gone?" Alena asked.

This time Trinity didn't force a smile, she seemed to almost scowl. "I had no choice but to close today. Something…came up." That wavering smile again, that didn't brightness the darkness in her eyes. "Come, follow me. I have someone…some people, who want to meet you."

She realized that Samantha had fled sometime at Trinity's entrance. Why was everyone acting so skittish? Alena was baffled, albeit, a bit anxious. If something bad was happening, why was she here then, here following her boss into some dark room? Like an animal being blindly led for slaughter?

Trinity did not speak further, so she merely followed, trying to shake off the anxiety bearing down on her.

She felt an icy shot down the back of her neck crossing the threshold, and sucked back the breath she was exhaling.

He is here. He and…others.

It all made sense now. The others were not present, because the sangheili had kept his promise. He brought his crew, and quite possibly required her presence alone in the brothel. How much did he pay just to get her, alone, and why?

How was she different than any other whore here?

Fate always seemed to deal her the worst cards.

The nearest sangheili's mandibles twisted up, making a huffy noise. He laughed darkly and Alena shivered as his eyes ran over her form. She knew what he had done. Smelled her. Sangheili were known to have superior senses to humans. Most aliens did.

It just wasn't fair.

The other sangheili stepped out of their groupings, doing the same motion, except she knew him. He stood apart from the others, arms crossed, his gaze shocking her when she met his shining eyes again.

The bastard who started this whole thing. If this ordeal didn't kill her, Alena swore to spit his cum back into his face. Fuck her job.

This was actually happening. She couldn't stop it now, there were too many eyes, too much stubborn intent in their gazes. Alena sighed out loud, and looked at Trinity who was already talking again, "Gentlemen." Gentle…hah. "This is one of our girls, Alena. I hope you will treat her well. Be aware she is not quite as firm, or as thick, as your kind, so play with caution."

One of them laughed gruffly. "By the look of her, she will tear like paper." The others chuckled too. One darker one off to the side merely grunted. He was huge, and was covered in battle scars.

Alena blanched but Trinity gave her a quick smile. The older woman's ass wasn't on the block of course, so Alena found she didn't care for whatever 'comfort' her boss pretended to give.

"Have fun everyone, please keep her in one piece." Trinity merely called over her shoulder as she left the room.

Alena froze as all eyes turned to her at the sound of the door clicking closed. It couldn't sound anymore final, like a coffin lid shutting.

Before she could make a move, the darker sangheili male stepped forward, mandibles splayed like he was ready to consume her, fangs glinting in the low light. "On your knees whore."

She did not hesitate to obey this order, feeling a red shame color her cheeks as she heard them laugh again. She tipped her head to stare at the floor, her hands trembling against the cold stone.

"Good girl." He said in an agreeable tone, and suddenly his shadow was over her. "Don't worry about your clothes. I will remove them myself."

Alena couldn't hold back a short cry as she felt his claws grab at her shoulder. It was the motion that frightened her, no skin was nicked. But she heard and felt fabric tear.

He did this slowly, strip by strip. Still resting on her knees, she soon became nested in the torn remains of her own clothing until she was in just her under clothes.

The dark sangheili brushed a leathery hand across the top of one arm, and she flinched as she felt a rough scar scratch at her skin. "So soft." He said. "Who wants to remove the rest?"

"I'll take that job." Another sangheili stepped forward, his voice good humored, but husky. Betraying arousal. At a glance she could see a straining bulge through the thin tunic he wore.

"Stand up female." The new sangheili ordered, "Head down."

Alena tried not to sigh. Sangheili and their damn dominance rituals. The fuckers.

She did as he commanded, feeling goose bumps tickle her arms as she kept them straight at her sides. She was more afraid of being cut than naked. She would be naked at the end, regardless of what else occurred. She stared at her toes, seeing a glimpse of the sangheili's own as he moved around her.

She felt hot breath tickle the hairs at her neck, and she shivered, unwillingly, as he brushed one long finger down her spine.

Alena couldn't help a small gasp as the weight of that finger fell fast, and her bra straps went limp around her shoulders as the string at her back was cut. She didn't dare move. They might be offended if she tried to take it off the rest of the way herself.

She saw him in the corner of her vision and soon found long padded toes resting in front of her own tiny feet. His hot breath washed over her face this time, sending strands of hair scattering around her ears.

He removed the rest of her bra carefully, to her relief. He did not drop it on the floor, but instead tossed it somewhere behind him. There is a short laugh in that relative direction, and she knew that another male was probably admiring it. Possibly ripping up the delicate fabric in clumsy sharp fingers.

She imagined those claws on her tits and sucked in a ragged breath.

This could not end quickly enough.

Her breasts bare, and vulnerable to the cold air and their ogling gazes, Alena waited for the next step.

She didn't have to wait wrong.

Another one of them, possibly the same as before, came up behind her. He immediately reached out a hand to grab her ass.

She took in a shaky breath as she felt his fingers slip over her hip to stroke the line of her rear. There was a snapping noise as he disturbed the stretchable lining at the top of her underwear, exploring with his smaller fingers adjacent to the larger two.

Suddenly, she felt him press against her, both of his hands coming around her hips to roll over her tummy and dip down past her navel.

She gasped at this, ticklish and knowing well the direction he was headed. Once again he explored the fold top of her panties, slipped under, and the swell of his long finger became the only thing she was aware of after.

He slipped into her easily, and another finger curved to push out against the fabric around his hand. It didn't take long for him to use the other hand, and a deft claw, to tear the underwear off her hips.

He removed himself from her only to discard her ruined underwear, and then returned, one hand clapped firmly against her rear, grinding his palm against the swell of her, the other moving back to her sex.

"Wait Tu'reen." Another sangheili spoke up. "Let our shipmaster have her first."

Their leader chuckled, his long head wavering back and forth slowly. "Xatu, I'll have my turn many times. For now, she is yours. Sate yourself brothers."

Many times? Arrogant bastard. How much time did Trinity give them?

"If you are sure, shipmaster." The one called Tu'reen said, and continued to molest her.

It didn't take long for her to begin panting at his intrusion. He had jabbed one large finger up inside her, and was moving it continuously, while his other hand stroked her ass. He was big, sangheili were big everywhere, and it didn't take her long to orgasm around his prodding digit.

She gasped out her release, trembling, feeling hot shame as they all laughed and made comments about how easily they could pleasure her. All human woman must be ready and willing to bend over for a male. Alena tried to ignore their japes, but they were loud, and their presence was like a chill around her, pressing in, prickling her flesh.

"She is so responsive to me." The male behind her laughed, but his tone also betrayed surprise, and she knew she was probably his first human.

Alena hoped that they knew enough to heed Trinity's words and not be quite so rough, but apparently whatever happened today, she had probably drawn the short stick out of the bunch.

"My turn." Another male stepped forward with a swagger, shorter than the other males. Xatu, she remembered the other male calling him.

His mandibles folded and grasped as he admired her. He turned around her form in a short stride, and he reached out a large hand to sweep two fingers down her chest. "Female." He spoke, and then stopped in front of her, and she had to look up to meet his gaze. "Remove my lower garments."

How? Alena was prepared to ask, but before she could speak, his hands were guiding her to the ties at his waist. He was surprisingly careful with her, and soon she was following his direction and his own hands had retreated.

She felt a hot flush come over her cheeks as they silently watched her pull the cloth around his hips and untie the belt at his pelvis. They were treating her like some kind of endearing slave girl. It was demeaning and somehow arousing at the same time. She felt disgusted with herself, but she couldn't deny they were having a strong effect on her.

She did not want to feel this way. Simple fucking, and that was it. Nothing else. Certainly no psychological play to complicate things.

She just couldn't tune this out when she was an active participant. Against her will or not.

Soon Xatu was bare, his cloth coverings slipping free from her fingers to rest on the ground at their feet. She could already see the head of his penis pushing through the slip in his groin, already flushed bright purple and straining to free itself.

"Use your mouth." The sangheili urged her, his words slipping out quickly. He was straining with the need to mate. To find an outlet for his budding desire. How long have these males been suppressing these desires? Alena felt even more nervous at the thought that she might be disregarded, health wise, for violent sexual instinct.

Nonsense. She told herself. Sangheili are warriors who preach will, and strength. Surely they would show some amount of restraint. They wouldn't want to break their toy of course.

She hoped, anyway.

Sucking in another quick but deep breath, Alena slipped down to her knees, stopping between both of his large feet. Xatu did his part to stoop, his legs splaying out to cage her at both sides.

"Watch brothers." The shipmaster said. "You can put a human's mouth to good use."

Alena's face burned with shame as the room echoed with pretentious sangheili laughter. She tried to ignore them, and turned back to the other male's groin.

His cock head had passed the slit and was now hanging close to her nose, his length almost fully freed. It was mostly a dark gray color, but the head and near the end was flushed a dark purple, coursing through with alien blood, veiny and bulging with three rings. She could also smell something thick, pungent, and it made her head ache with the strength of it. A thick bead of pre rested at the tip, already slipping down his shaft. He was slick and ready.

Seeking only to push time forward, Alena opened her mouth and pressed forward more so with impatience than eagerness.

What human could possibly be that masochistic? He was both a monster in size and in form. She remembered choking on his leader's load last time and shivered at the thought of having to deal with that mess again.

But there would be no avoiding it, not this time.

She began by circling the tip of his length with a pliant tongue, dipping and winding. She wasn't surprised when the sangheili's fingers reached for her head, and she moved forward a bit so he wasn't pulling her hair. She teased his head for a bit before moving to swallow him.

He was large, as most of his kind, so she knew there was no way in hell she was taking the whole thing down her throat. Alena's lips pulled over his length though, taking a sizable stretch of him into her mouth.

She pushed her tongue under him, prodding and rubbing as she worked him in a pull and pushing motion with her head. She winced as he reacted to her movements with a grunt, his fingers twisting a little tighter against her scalp.

The other aliens watched her work him silently, and she knew that some of them were probably waiting for his blood to gush out from her mouth, probably wondering how she could take him so fully without biting. Of course, sangheili having a mouth like a saw, she knew this act was very alien to them, for good reason.

She hoped it was enough to keep them from becoming too curious. Her jaw was already hurting from this oral act.

Alena had to recoil when she felt Xatu push forward desperately as he began to react to the stronger sensations she knew were traveling through his phallus with each slip of her tongue and mouth down his length.

Soon he was roaring out his release, slamming his cock into her a final time before she felt him thicken in her and pulled back just enough to not be totally overwhelmed by the spill.

More to satisfy any perverted tendencies these males had, to not encourage a do-over, Alena tried her best to swallow what was being pumped into her face. Of course, her efforts were in vain, as most of his seed was now down her chin and wetting her neck and breasts.

Eventually she sat back on her heels, gasping as she sought to clear the remnant of him from her mouth, already hating the bitter taste of him clotting her tongue.

The male above her continued to pant quietly, but she could hear the others approaching from around them.

Alena felt her jaw ache when she heard another male announce that it was his turn. She wasn't sure how much more she could take before she passed out. This was ridiculous. How much were they paying Trinity for her to agree to this level of debauchery?

So it continued, and after three more males, Alena wanted to cry at the gross sensation on her skin, the slop of their seed sticking and drying to her in a way that itched and burned with the presence of it. She had never felt so disgusting in her life.

Which is why she was more than willing to move when she felt another male turn her onto her hands. She felt him drop over her, planting his long arms at her sides, mandibles brushing the top of her head. Already she could feel him prodding her buttocks, fully unsheathing.

Alena spread her legs almost too eagerly, but she was too disgusted and impatient to care. She just wanted to fuck them and get this hellish day over with already.

Forgetting how large these fuckers were, she couldn't help but squeal loudly as he pushed forward, and she crossed a line between pleasure and burning pain as the rings of his cock stretched her.

"She's so tight." The sangheili above her grunted again, and she gasped as he pushed his hips up a bit, taking her body with him.

"You wouldn't expect her to hold up so well." Another male admitted.

There were more voices convening in chatter, but all Alena could focus on at the moment, was the male moving in and against her.

He thrust into her bodily, thighs slipping past her hips, smacking against her rump wetly with each impact. Their combined fluids were already mixing and spilling down the curve of her spine, to slip off her ass.

Each time he pulled back, she was pulled with him, fingers slipping desperately against the cool smooth floor under her, and soon he was pulling her back to sit on his lap. He lifted her by the hips, and she screamed as he slammed her down firmly.

Alena felt herself tear then, feeling a sharp burning pain, and a wet heat traveling down her leg with what she knew was blood. She hadn't torn in forever, and knew she was going to be suffering for it later.

Eventually she was overcome more so by pleasure than pain, and was panting as he began to speed up within her. Alena sucked down quick gasping breaths, already feeling her chest burn as her lungs sought to keep up the demand of her thundering heart.

She saw spots in her vision just as he roared out his release, her own orgasm taking more of her breath, eyes rolling back into her head at the sensations that overloaded all coherent thought.

Alena was only half aware when she felt him pull out, hearing the slick sound of him as he unsheathed against her ass. The woman dropped free, and rolled onto her belly, wanting to cry in relief at the coolness of the stone tile under her skin. She felt as if her whole body was a fog, her mind still spinning in the aftermath of orgasm.

She whimpered as she felt another male's grip on her shoulder, and didn't try to fight him as he pulled her to him. Alena expected him to begin molesting her, but instead she was righted in his grip, trapped in a standing position, framed by his strong arms.

The aliens were grouped around them both, and Alena was beginning to wake up a bit as they began talking amongst one another again. Was it over already? She blinked, shaking her head lightly, trying to gain some coherence.

"It is time." A voice said.

"Do you have it?" One of them asked, and she was about to ask what he was talking about when she realized his gaze wasn't on her. Two sangheili near them were exchanging hands.

That was when Alena saw it, and her heart bobbed in her throat.

A sangheili was approaching with a needle of some kind, it was thick and the liquid within was clear. It was the scarred one from earlier, the largest of his group, and he rounded on her with a wicked intent in his gaze.

Alena bucked against the alien holding her, but his arms didn't budge. She was having no effect on him whatsoever, and he didn't flinch as she raked her brittle nails against his alien skin. She felt her digits slipping against thick leathery skin, and wailed as the large sangheili with the needle came closer.

What was going on? What was in that, what were they doing? She was horrified, and twisted her neck, trying to look around, to find Trinity. Where was she?

"Stop! What are you doing?" She kicked out, but the sangheili behind her merely closed one arm over her chest the pressing her legs together.

The scarred brute in front of her merely laughed darkly as he stepped in front of her. "This will go over quickly if you hold still human."

He pulled the plunger, releasing a thin stream of the liquid into the air. He then reached out, needle in hand. Alena cried out as he leaned forward, one arm moving to grasp her thigh.

She couldn't stop him as the needle pierced her skin, and screamed out shrilly as she felt his fingers slip up her leg, a cool liquid shooting through her.

Alena's mind was a confusing jumble of thoughts, of fears. The needle had withdrawn, empty, and now she was feeling its effects. She felt heavy, as if her neck was becoming too weak to hold up her head.

She felt as if she was floating, and soon she could barely feel her captor holding her, nor fingers trespassing her body. Lashes shuttering like a curtain, but she fought the need to close herself off to the light. She remembered the fear in their eyes. Of those who left her here, and a sense of rising betrayal. Alena tried to fight, but couldn't feel anything else, could only see dark alien eyes before her own slipped shut.

It didn't take another minute for Alena to lose sense of herself completely.

Sorry it took so damn long to update. I've been super busy this semester, and I realize that is an excuse and I'm sorry I had to make one. I hope this chapter is fulfilling, I tried to add some good smutty details, and it will definitely be up a notch next chapter, with some kinky activities too. It's pretty obvious that Alena's story is not over yet, and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading. Have a good upcoming Holiday, if you celebrate it. :)