Hi. I'm sorry about the long wait. I have just gotten a new job in June, which means that most of my time has gone to working. My free time is basically eating and sleeping, but I managed to spend a few hours writing. This chapter is pretty short, but I promise that the next one will be longer. Please bear in mind that my native language is Swedish and not English, so you will have to excuse me for any spelling mistakes or wrong grammar.

The four Lords and Ladies as one turned and starred at Madam Bones, their faces changing from shock to anger, and back. Camille, taking a deep breath, moved forward.

"While I can see the need for placing a child with the only family that she has left, the decision to place her with muggles was not wise. What if something or someone decided to take revenge on her because of what she did? How could mere muggles defend her from magic, let alone help her along when hers manifested? Because surely the girl is no squib?" Walburga hissed in anger as she moved so she was standing next to Camille, her hand clenching in a hidden need for her wand.

"Of course not Lady Malfoy. My diagnostics showed an extremely powerful and highly active magical core. But however, there is something more that we need to talk about… Something that I noticed after I informed Madam Bones about the sudden appearance of your granddaughter. You see, she…" Healer Merriweather hesitated, as he nervously twisted his hands in his healer robes.

"She what? Is there something wrong with her? Were you unable to cure her of the disease?" Abraxas moved forward with Orion hot on his heels. Healer Merriweather shook his head.

"Oh no. She is cured, fear not. But, after I returned, I looked more closely at the diagnostic sheets that we received. I felt it was unusual how thick the folder was, far too big for a nine-year-old child. So, I looked more closely, and well…" Merriweather stopped once again, nervously biting his lip, as he gave Madam Bones a concerned look. Madam Bones, giving the healer a confused look of her own, moved forward and grabbed the folder laying on Fudge's desk. Under the confused and nervous gazes of the others, Bones started to quietly read. They all watched with alarm as she paled, and as her eyes winded in horror, Fudge slowly moved forward.

"Amelia? What is it?" Bones, who now were holding the folder so tightly that her knuckles were turning white, slowly looked up. Her face was filled with sorrow and anger, and Fudge gave a squeak as she hissed and turned towards the healer.

"Is this true!? Tell me this isn't true!" healer Merriweather sorrowfully shock his head.

"I'm afraid that everything is unfortunately true Madam…" Bones gave a shuddering breath before she slowly gave Abraxas the sheets as she started muttering about 'Azkaban' and 'stupid long bearded fool'. Abraxas, after giving Madam Bones a concerned look, took the sheets and started to read himself. Camille watched with growing horror as her husband started to grow paler and paler, and then suddenly redder and redder as he growled under his breath. Orion, who had been standing, looking from Abraxas to Bones in confusion, moved forward.

"Abraxas. What does it say? What is wrong with our granddaughter?" at the word granddaughter Abraxas gave a furious roar, as he sent the folder flying at the wall and started to pace. Walburga exchanged a confused look with the others as she waved her wand, making the folder arrange itself into order and fly into her hands. Abraxas, who was clenching his wand in fury as sparks flew from it, cursed under his breath as the office started to tingle with the fury of his magic.

Walburga looked from Abraxas to the folder in her hands before she slowly started to look through them herself. Camille starred in confusion with Orion and Fudge at her pacing husband, to a furiously muttering Bones as she wrote something on a parchment, and to the solemn head healer. But they jumped high in the air when Walburga gave a thunderous shriek.

"THOSE FILTHY MUGGLES! I'M GOING TO CURSE THEM UNTILL THEY BEG FOR MERCY, AND WHEN THEY ARE ON THEIR KNEES SCREAMING FOR DEATH, I WILL CURSE THEM SOME MORE BEFORE I RIPP OUT THEIR HEARTHS AND FEED THEM TO A DRAGON!" Camille and Orion exchanged a worried look. What were the diagnostic sheets really saying that would make the others react so strongly? Fudge, who had coward behind the head healer at Lady Black's shriek, finally found his voice as he peeked around the healer's shoulder.

"P-please Lady Black. There is no need for such lang…" Fudge trailed of as Walburga gave him a furious glare, hiding himself behind healer Merriweather again. Orion moved towards his furious wife, his own hand moving to his wand, as he frowned.



"What do they say?"

"Those filthy muggles… they… they abused her Orion!" Camille and Orion both drew in a sharp breath as Fudges head popped up behind healer Merriweather in disbelief.


"… I am going to kill them!"

"Abused? But… what?" Orion snatched the papers from Walburga's clenched hands and started to read aloud, his voice getting higher and higher as he continued listing wounds upon wounds. Camille pulled out her wand, twirling it as she mumbled curses and hexes under her breath that she was going to use on the disgusting muggles, her eyes flashing in fury at every word spewing from Orion's lips. Fudge, who finally had stepped out from the healers' shadow, squeaked when a glass orb on his desk exploded. Amelia and Merriweather both jumped, looking from the glass shards on the ground, to the furious lords and ladies. Bones, sensing danger, stepped forward.

"Lords and Ladies Black and Malfoy, please control yourself." Abraxas turned with a snarl, giving Bones a glare.

"Control ourselves!? Our granddaughter, who we didn't even know existed has been abused for YEARS by MUGGLES! Muggles who should have been treating her as family, not as some... some… house-elf!" Bones sighed, as she nodded.

"Yes, I know that Lord Malfoy. But if you all don't control yourselves, this office will not remain intact for much longer." Camille drew in a deep breath as she lowered her wand.

"You are correct Madam. Abraxas, Walburga please lower your wands. Orion, the words on the diagnostic sheets will not change, no matter how many times you read them." Walburga snarled, but lowered her wand nonetheless, as Orion's angry exclamations turned to furious whispers. Abraxas hesitated, but at his wife's determent face he grumbled, but lowered it. Bones smiled in thanks to Lady Malfoy, who gave her a nod.

"Now that we all have calmed down; it's time to take actions. If you four could follow healer Merriweather to Sankt Mungos, I will make an investigation, and arrest the young misses 'relatives'. I can assure you all that they will be justly punished for what they have done." Amelia gave the lords and ladies a final nod and strained smile as she took the documents from Orion, duplicated them with a flick of her wand and handed the originals to the healer, and then walked out from the office. Fudge, who had jumped back behind the healer when the glass orb exploded, nervously stepped forward once again.

"Yes… Amelia is quite right. Healer Merriweather, if you would be so kind to escort Lords and Ladies Black and Malfoy to St Mungos?" the healer nodded, and started to move towards the fireplace.

"Of course Minister. Milords, Miladys, if you would be so kind to follow me?"