Authors Note: Hey guys! It is me Skyena and um... You most likely don't know me... Well, I am Skytaliq and I'm new to fanfiction. This is my first story so please be nice... So um yeah! Lets get into it. Oh and yes, this a oneshot Ninjago fanfiction.

It Could Never Be - By Skytaliq

A blonde hair teenager sat down next to the white haired princess.

"Hey," He said to her, "Are you okay, Harumi?" He asked. Harumi looked at him and sniffled, "I'm not sure, but there is something I need to tell you, Lloyd." Lloyd looked into her deep brown eyes.

"Tell me," He said quietly, "Don't be scared." Lloyd put his hand around Harumi, she blushed and looked into the Green Ninja's emerald eyes, so now they were completely focused on each other.

"Lloyd Garmadon," She said looking up to him, but the moment passed swiftly.

A loud gong noise filled the air, and Lloyd woke up forgetting he shouldn't be feeling anything for Harumi, his friends were gone, they were dead, and he died with them. A silent tear fell down Lloyd's face. He brushed his sleeve over it, it was now time to meet his alive friends, they were the only ones he had left. It could never be.

Thanks for reading this! I hope you liked this short Lloyrumi fanfiction. Peace Out!