Chapter Three Crushing Bouldermon, Flying Cuélebremon

This Digital World, as the Digimon cleverly put it, was not so different form the human world the children all thought. The sun was slowly setting in the sky, turning the once blue dome in a reddish orange color. A strong breeze shook not only the dark green leaves of the trees, but also the television sets the hung so gently on the branches. Some of the television sets crash down to the ground and shattered into pieces, buy mysteriously the pieces seem to eroded away leaving nothing but a missing set on the tree. There was a strong set of smell of flowers, fruits and trees blowing into the wind, that one might think they are just walking through the forest for pleasure. Everything in Static Forest was claim and peaceful, just like any other day. That is:

"Jakemon! I really wish I had long legs like you and the other humons!" Ryulucmon yelled at the top of his lungs as he ran right next to Jake, who was running full speed. The children were running for their lives, with their Digimon right next to them, while an armor-plated rhino like Digimon was charging right for them. The black armor that seemed to adorn on the rhino seem to shin and his charged right for the children and their Digimon. Everything in its path, from sticks to rock, were being crushed in its path as if it was nothing. It opened its mouth showing a roll of sharp teeth and the smell of brimstone seem to woof out of its mouth making the children gag as the smell hit their noses.

Jake, Kenta, and Iris were in the lead with their Digimon close in hand, while Emily and May and their Digimon were following close behind. Unfortunately, Nate was far behind the rest of the group, but close enough to the rhino than the others. Sealmon, who had his claws in Nate's shirt, was laughing all the way and was watching the rhino snapping at them.

"Hey!" the seal called out to the rhino, "Can you keep your mouth open a bit longer? I want to count how many razor-sharp teeth you have."

"WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!? WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!?" Nate blurted out quickly between breaths.

"The only thing I don't understand," May began, taking deep breaths and hold her computer bag close to her so it would not go flying off her, "Is why is a rhino chancing us in the forest? You see rhinos more in South Africa or even in a zoon, not a forest! So why is one here and chancing us?!"

"I don't k now what a rhino is Maymon," Silk-Wormmon began, holding tightly onto May's shoulder, "But Monochromon can be a very territorial Digimon when it sees you in its sights."

"How do you know that without scanning to see its information?"

"I don't know."

As the children and their Digimon were running for their lives, Houndmon glace up at Kenta, who was just as frighten and out of breath as the others and came up with an idea. The wolf quickly halted, which made Kenta turn his head and look at his Digimon with a confused look, while it stood on all four with its fur sticking out. Summoning all the powering deep in his chest, Houndmon growled at the charge rhino and began to bark out it as loudly as he could. Houndmon idea was that if he barked out the Digimon that was charging to them, that it would turn around and run the other way. However, Houndmon began the feel the earth sake as Monochromon was making its way the barking wolf. Houndmon tried to bark louder, hoping that would cover up the sounds of the charging Digimon, but it was not used. The wolf could feel his whole body shake as Monochromon was almost near him. Houndmon ears drooped as he stopped his barking, as he turn tail and bolted away from the rhino, with his tail between his legs and whimpering all the way. Kenta notice that Houndmon was right by him again, though looking more frighten that ever, and rolled his eyes.

"At least you tried," he said trying to put a good spin on things.

Jake turn around to see what was going on, only to bite his lower lip to see that Monochromon was almost upon them. Gripping his fists together, he halted and turn around to face the charging rhino, who was chomping its teeth at them. The little dragon soon fallowed, thought a confused look was upon his face.

"Enough of all this running!" Jake yelled starting down the charging Digimon, "I know if we all attack together, we can beat this rhino into next week!"

"Yeah! Go straight at the charging tank with teeth! That's a really good idea, probably one of many you're going to have here!" Iris yelled sarcastically as she turn around to yell at Jake. However, Jake was not listening to what Iris was saying and kept on starting at the charging Digimon. He pretended it was a charging team coming to his goal, and he was the only one to stop them in time. He licked his lips as he stood his ground, as Ryulucmon glace back and forth to Jake and Monochromon.

"Jakemon!" the little dragon began with worry in his voice, "Jakemon, I don't think this is a good idea!" Monochromon was right near them, its mouth open and the smell of brimstone almost made Jake gag, and was about to chomp on Jake and Ryulucmon, when Kenta tackled both of them and they all went rolling on the ground just as it chomped right where Jake was standing.

"Are you insane?! Why the heck did you do that?!" Kenta yelled as he was on top of Jake, who looked a bit embarrassed.

"I had it under control," was the only thing Jake could say, yet he did not meet Kenta's eyes. The rhino shook it head a few times, wondering if it attacked its prey or not as it halted. When it realized it did not have anything in its mouth, Monochromon began to stomp around turning its body until it face the children and their Digimon, who all stopped to catch their breaths. Monochomon roared with angry, making several of the television sets crash to the ground, as it began its charge again.

"Would it help if we said we were sorry?!" Emily pleated as she watched as the rhino was charging for Jake once more. Sealmon glace over at Silk-Wormmon and nodded to her, to which she nodded back. The two of them jump off their partner's shoulders and began to attack Monochomon.

"Sticky Bomb!" A ball of webs shot of the caterpillar's mouth and straight at the rhino and hit the it right in its eyes. Monochomon halted as it began to shake it head trying to rid itself of its temporary blindness.

"Ice Rain!" Several ice shards flew out of the seal's mouth and hit, not the rhino, but the ground below its feet. When the shards hit the ground, it began to freeze over and turn into ice. As Monochomon was shaking its body to rid itself of the web in its eyes, it began to slip on the ice and landed flat on its stomach on the ground.

"You clever little thing you!" Nate said picking up Sealmon, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Now's our chance!" May yelled to the to the other as she picked up Silk-Wormmon and place her back on her shoulder, "Let's get out of here while it can't move!" With that, the children and their Digimon bolted deeper into the forest, leaving Monochomon thrashing around trying to pick itself back up.

The children and their Digimon were far away for the rhino that they could finally catch their breaths. They all stood in a circle, panting as they wipe off some sweat off their forehead, as they lead against a nearby tree or lay down on the grass.

"Well," Emily began in-between breaths as Canarymon fan her and herself with her wings, "We made it out there in one piece. Not bad after only being here for a few hours that is."

"Yeah," Kenta said coldly pushing on his knees to straighten himself up. He glared at Jake, who was leaning against a tree and added, "No thanks to you!" Jake looked offended by what Kenta was saying. He pushed himself on the tree to straighten himself, before marching over to Kenta pointing at himself,

"How is this my fault?!"

"Let's go back a few minutes. Who spotted the rhino….


"Whatever! And want to ask for direction? You! Then what is your bright idea to get its attention? You toss a rock at it!"

"Did you see the armor on that thing! There was no way I hurt it that badly!"

"You toss a rock at its eye! That's why it went after us!"

"Okay fine! So I can't aim that well with my hands! At least we got out of there okay!"

"Why the heck did you stood there while the thing was charging at you!?"

"I was being a leader! And a leader should stand up to anything that's coming at them!"

"Right! Even if that means you becoming a pancake in the process?! What were you thinking?! If I hadn't come in there and save your butt…."

"I didn't ask you to save me!"

As the two boys were arguing back and forth, both their faces slowly becoming red with angry, the rest of the group watch the argument go back and forth. Nate pointed his thumb at the two boys and asked,

"Should we do something about this? I mean we've only been here a few hours and these two are going to kill each other real soon."

"Nah, I say let them go," Iris began petting Oncillamon on the head as she purred with delight. "If we are going to be stuck her with no internet or TV, then this is the best entertainment we can get."

"Being a leader means you take risk! And that's what I do! I take risk to help this group out as the leader!"

"You're not being a leader, you're begin an idiot! And idiots like you always get themselves killed and say it's for a good reason!"

"Why you!" With that Jake grabbed Kenta by the collar of his shirt and pull him closer to him. Jake felt the angry inside of him raise as his face turn a deep red and his teeth grained against each other. Even though he had only known Kenta for a few hours, Jake already hated him. What reason did he had questioning his leadership, he thought to himself as he glare at the him, no one had ever question him like this when he was captain of his soccer team. So why?

Just before either one of the boys did anything reckless, Emily popped up between them and push them away yelling,

"Enough you two!" The two boys backed up a few feet, painting a bit as their angry began to cool down. Emily looked pleading at both the boys and added, "You two are acting like little kids! And do you know what happens to little kids who can't get along? They get put in time out! Do you want me to put both of you in time out!?" The two boys stared at each other for a moment, then back at Emily. Both of the felt embarrassed that a girl had broken up their fight and was threatening them to put them in a 'time out'. After a while, they both nodded their heads to show they agreed on something, and Emily smile at both of them. "Good, please try to get along."

"Wow," May said with a raised eyebrow, "That was pretty impressive of her."

"Yeah, but how long is it going to last?" Iris pointed out as the three of them walk back over to the rest of the group.

"Look, we'll come to the bridge when we get to there," Nate began wiping the sweat off his hands onto his pants, "Right now it's getting dark and we need to find shelter for the night. The last thing we need is something to get sick in this place." They all glace up at the sky, where the sun was slowly turning a red color as so was the sky around. It has been several hours since the children had landed in this strange world that the Digimon called home, and there was a hint of sadness in each of the eyes of the children. None of them had been away from their families this long. Sure, maybe a few hours when they were over a friend's place, yet this was different. They were in another land, possible another world, which they knew nothing about and none of their parents can come and pick them up and take them home.

What broke this silence was the roaring of several stomach among the group. Jake blushed, for his stomach was one of the loudest, as he fixed his goggles saying,

"No only do we have to find of place to sleep, but also we need food as well. I'm craving a cheeseburger for some reason?"

"Is a cheeseburger good?" Ryulucmon asked looking up at Jake as he lick his lips.

"Only if you have tomatoes, lettuce, and lots of ketchup!" As Jake was laughing at his own comment, and the little dragon was thinking what cheeseburger was, Emily open up her tote bag and looked into it to see what she had picked up from the farmer's market.

"Will," she began rummaging threw her bag, "I did pick up a lot of things from the farmer's market today. But at lot of it has to be cooked, and I don't see an oven anyway."

"Just give me a mug and a microwave and I can cook anything. That's how I make all my meals back home," Iris said waving her hands as she talked.

"Yeah, and a microwave is just going to fall at of nowhere," Nate began rolling his eyes and pull his bag to him. He opened his bag and glace down inside of it to see what he had to eat and share with the others. "I don't have much on food, but I do have a lot of gum. So, if anyone feels sick or something, chew on some mint. It helps ease the stomach, believe me."

"I didn't know that," May said obvious suspired, "Guess you really do learn something new every day." As the children were trying to figure out how feed their stomachs, they Digimon were up to something altogether. Oncillamon began to sniff the air curious, her little noise twitching every so often.

"Do you Digimon smell that?" she said still sniffing the air.

"Smell what? The sweating of the humon?" the seal joked chuckling at his own joke. The jungle cat shook her head before saying,

"Not only that, but something else." Together, all the Digimon began to sniff the air around them, trying to pick up what the jungle cat was smelling.

"It smells like….."

"WATER!" The Digimon all exclaimed together. When the Digimon all shouting water at the same time, the children spun their head over to them.

"Water? Like actually water?" Kenta asked feeling thirsty all of a sudden. They Digimon all nodded before Silk-Wormmon said,

"You can't smell it? Humon are weird."

"Insults aside, where is the water?" Iris asked. All the Digimon began to rush off into one direction, as the children fallow their Digimon close behind.

As the children and their Digimon travel deeper into the forest, they began to notice a few things change around their surroundings. The first thing was it was becoming slightly cooler than before. That was obvious as the sun was setting upon them as they race on deeper into the forest. Another thing that they notice was that there were fewer and fewer television sets hanging off the trees. At first it was not noticeable, for they were used to seeing these television sets for a few hours now, but seeing them gone from the trees branches was a good sign in the children's mind. Finally, there was a sound of crashing water coming from the direction they children were heading towards. The sound of water filled the children was excitement, for water means their might be food, as well as a chance that there would be a clue to find The Listener.

With one final push, the Digimon and the children emerged out of the Static Forest and onto the shore of a lake.

"And I thought that forest was strange," Iris said as they all observed the scene that was in front of them. What they all saw looked normal enough, for it was a beautiful lake with the water so clear that the children could see the fishes swimming near the shore. The red skylight mixed with the dark green leaves of the trees gave off a beautiful scene for the children. The only thing that was strange to see were the several washer and dryers that was scattered all over the shore of the lake. These washer and dryers were set up almost like boulders all over the grounds. Some of them look almost brand new, while others look rusty and were about to fall apart at the slightest touch. A wooden sign was stuck into the ground with the name of this lake in faded black letters reading "Wish-Wash Lake".

"This absolutely make no sense whatsoever!" May exclaimed as she took a few feet up onto the lake shore. "I mean why are these washer and dryers here in the first place? What purpose do they have being here? Who put them here?"


"No, no. That alien theory will never hold up for too long. Only some who says Prodigious would think that is a good idea."

"Will enough with all this useless talk," Jake began as he stepped forward pass May and turn around to the other as he flashed his famous grin at all of them. "We found a place we can spend the night that has water near it, so as leader of this group and the one with the most camping experience I say was rest her for the night."

"None of us agreed that you would be our leader," Kenta said sternly as he glare at Jake, "And what make you say that you have the most experience camping anyway, huh?" Before Jake could give a respond back, Nate interrupted by saying,

"Who care who has the most experience in camping. Either way we have a place that's near water and we can all rest. I say we break down into groups; one goes to the lake to see if they can't catch any fish, another go by the edge of the forest to look for fruits or veggies, and the last group gather wood and start a fire."

"I was just about to say that myself!" Jake exclaimed pointing a thumb to his chest. The rest of the children glance at each other, all wanting to make a comment about Jake. However, their stomach overruled their thought and they all agree to Nate's plan.

May and Iris were down near the edge of the lake with their Digimon close by. Iris and Oncillamon were near the water's edge, looking down at the clear water and seeing all the fish swimming clearly. Iris lifted her head up and turn to May and asked,

"Yo! You even go fishing before?"

"Only on the computer, and I still find that kind of boring," May responded back looking closely at the dryer that was right near them. "Any idea why these are here? I know I keep asking that, but I can't help it."

"Haven't a clue Computer girl," Iris said as she cross her arms and watch the jungle cat take a stands in the water with her claws out and staring at a certain fish. With a flash, Oncillamon slash at the water right at the fish, only to miss her mark and splash water right in Iris face. Oncillamon sigh loudly before saying,

"This is a catastrophe! How am I going to catch anything like this?"

"Gee, I don't know," Iris said wiping off some of the water on her face. As this was going on, May was taping on the dryer, which made a hollow mental sound, and began to bite the lower corner of her lip.

"Aren't you curious why we're here in the first place? I mean, why us of all people?" Iris shrugged her shoulder as she walk up next to May before saying,

"Sometimes it's fate, May right?"

"Yeah, Iris correct."

"Yeah. Fate is hard to understand, and you can't ask questions about fate."

"But I want to know why so badly!" Iris laugh lightly as she softly punch May in the arm.

"Who knows, the answer will come to you. Just like a test you forget to study for and the answer just came to you."

"You have a point," May began as she place her fingers around the door of the dryer and began to pull it open, "But I just can't help but…..WOOW!"

"Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea!" Iris exclaimed as the door of the dry open and water and a huge pile of fish dumped out in front of them. Both girls back away, so that their shoes would not become wet, as the fish flop all over the place trying to breath. May pointed both her hands down at the pile of fish and yelled,

"How can this even happen!?"

"Who cares, we have fish now!" Iris exclaimed with a grin on her face. Just then Jake came running up to them, a grin on his face, and he halted in front of them and gave them a thumb up before saying,

"Great job guys! I'll take it from here!" Before either one of the girls could protest, Jake grab two of the fish, who were still flopping around, by the scaly tails. Just as soon as he did so, fish went crazy and began to thrash around, and because it was so slippery and it a panic, it jump out of Jake's hands, slap him on the face, and fell down with its flopping friends. Jake rub his cheek, an embarrassed look appearing on his face, as both the girls tried to hide their laugher.

"Thanks for the help," May began, her laugher dying a bit, "But I think we got it from here. Silk-Wormmon, can you give us a hand?"

"I don't have any hands, but I can help this way," the caterpillar said with a smile on its face. She turn her head over to the pile of fish and began to shoot silk out of its mouth and began to wrap the pile of fish in a web of silk. When the net was finished, both girls grab one end of the net and began to pull, while their Digimon push on the other end. Jake stood there, watching the girls and their Digimon push the pile of fish to the camp they had made. He rub his nose a bit, hoping to remove the embarrassment that hit him not too long ago, and said,

"G….Great job. I'll go see if the other need any help."

As the two girls and their Digimon were making their way back to the campsite, Emily and Nate and their Digimon were busy foraging for food in the nearby woods. Since neither one of the human knew much of what grew around here, whatever they found they would present to the Digimon and they would say if it was good to eat or not.

"Canarymon, is this good to eat? It looks like an apple, but um….purple."

"I don't that's good. I heard from a Digimon, from another Digimon who ate something like that, and he got a bad rash."

"Oh! Then that's a no then. Thanks!"

"Alright you comical seal you. Is this… banana good to eat?"

"Sure! I always wanted to know what it felt to be blind after eating one of those." Nate groaned loudly as he toss the pink banana into the reject pile. The children began to search again, both working in silence since neither one of them knew each other that well. After a moment, Emily broke the silence by saying,

"So I guess this is the first time camping for most of us."

"Weather we want to or not," Nate responded back a bit coldly. Emily stopped her searching and look at Nate with a worried look on her face and said,

"I take it, you don't like nature that much."

"No!" Nate said quickly, "I don't mind nature at all, cause I do like walking in the park. When I'm feeling it." He glace down for a moment at the last part, but quickly look up to stare back at Emily and continue to say, "None of us were prepared for this! There's a lot of 'what if' that could happen. And it can really get to you if you can't answer them."

"That's true," Emily said nodding her head. She look back at May and Iris who were almost at the site now with the big haul and smile to herself a bit. "I bet my brother Grayson is worried sick about me. Brothers do that form times, like this one time a few summers ago we were catching fire flies and I wasn't about to catch any. I was scared that I was going to crush them in my hands, it's silly now but yeah. Then Grayson came over and headed me a big jar of fire flies. We sat down on the grass and watch as I let the fire flies go, look up at our one personal stars near our faces. That was good time." There was a way off smile on Emily face as she thought about her brother. She quickly wiped a tear that was forming in her eye and hoped that Nate did not see. Nate tried to ignore the tear drop that was in Emily's eye by looking away and putting his hands behind his back.

"Well you're lucky you have a good older brother," he said changing the subject a bit, "My brother is a bit of an idiot. Dragging me along his so-called adventures, getting both of us in trouble. Wouldn't surprise me if he's back home and did not know I was back home with him."

"Well, I guess every siblings are different," Emily said with a smile. Nate did not say anything but return her smile with his.

"Aw sweet! A banana!" Jake said picking up the pink banana form the reject pile. Jake was peeling the banana when Emily and Nate both shouted at the same time,


"Huh?" Before Jake could take one bite, Nate slapped the banana out of his hands. Jake gave him a dirty look while Emily explained,

"If you'll eat that you'll go blind!"

"Yeah! But why did you knock it out of my hands like that?"

"You were going to eat a banana that was going to make you go blind!" Nate shouted is face turning a bit red with angry. As Nate was painting, Jake help up his hands and began to back away saying,

"Fine, fine! I'll leave you two to do whatever." With that he left the two alone, Nate taking in deep breaths while Emily patting him on the shoulder to help claim him.

Kenta and Houndmon were busy carry several broken branches that they found on the ground near by to start a camp fire. Kenta had a large pile of branches in his hands as he looked down at Houndmon and said,

"Thanks for the help and all, but do you really have to carry one of those stick in your mouth?" Houndmon, who was walking on two legs and was carry a pile of branches in his arms, also had a big stick in his mouth. He was drooling a bit and his tail was wagging like crazy as he chewed on the stick a bit. The wolf nodded his head, not knowing why he wanted the stick in the first place, but he just had to have it in his mouth. Kenta grinned as he shook his head as he glace back at Houndmon. They were about to reach the spot where they had gather more branches to start a fire, when Kenta notice Jake with the little dragon right to him chipping at two rocks near the pile of branches. Kenta sigh loudly as he quicken his pace, with Houndmon by his side, and said,

"What the heck or are you doing?"

"I'm…starting….a….fire! What does it look…like I'm doing?!" Jake said in-between chips of the rock. Kenta toss the branches he was carrying to the side and marching over to Jake saying,

"Doesn't look like you are doing anything, other than making noise."

"I've seen this before…..on cartoons…..but I'm sure I'm doing this right." Jake kept on chipping at the two rock, hoping that a spark would come and start a fire. Yet all he was doing was annoying Kenta was the sound of his chipping. Finally, Kenta sigh loudly and push Jake to the side saying,

"Move over! I'll do it!" Jake shoot Kenta a dirty look as he pushed him to the side as Kenta grab a flat piece of woods, a stick, and a dry leaf. He placed the dry leaf on the flat piece of wood and using the stick in the palms of his hands, began to spin it quickly on the leaf. After a while, smoke began to form on the dry leaf and he blow on the smoke to keep it going. Soon a little flame began to appear the flat piece of wood and as soon as that happen, he place the little flame into the pile a branches. At first nothing happen, but after a moment or so, the sound of crackling could be hears, the smell of smoke soon rose in the air.

Ryulucmon's eyes widen as he notice the fire that was slowly burning.

"Wow! Kentamon!" the little dragon said, awestruck. "That's amazing! How did you do such a thing without shooting fire out your mouth."

"My Gramps showed a me a thing or two while I was living with him," he began looking away, "Said it was good skills to have, but I think he just wanted to share his so called wisdom or something."

"What's a Gramps?" Houndmon said between chews of his stick. Jake, who was pouting and looking away at the fire, said in a low tone,

"I had it under control."

"Sure you did."

The crackling of the flames and smoke rising off from the pile of the branches fill the dark sky above. The children and their Digimon had survived their first day here in this strange world and were now cooking the fish and veggies on the open fire. All the food was skewered by sharp branches and some seasonings were place on them from what Emily had in her bag. Some of the children never had fish before, and the thought of eating it for the first time made they regret in their minds. Yet like all children who never tried anything new, their stomach betrayed them and soon the children were all enjoying their seasoned fish and veggies. The Digimon, who were not picky eaters, were chowing down on all they could eat (bones and all).

For a while, none of the children spoke to each other, for they were all either too busy with the food in front of them or blowing on the food to cool it down. Either way, the longer they stayed silent, the quickly the night was upon them. Soon stars began to appear in the night clear night sky, and this was a sight that none of the children every notice before in the city.

"Woo!" Nate said after a moment as he glace up to the sky and notice all the stars for the first time, "Look at all those stars! Never seen so many before!" All the children looked up and their eyes widen as only children do when they see such a sight for the first time. It was a sight to behold, even in a place like this.

"I don't recognized any of the constellations here," May observed as she place down her fish bones to the side.

"Are you saying we're on the other side of the world? So much for passports, huh," Iris joked as she poked the fire. Emily stared at the stars for a moment, then back at the flames in the fire before saying,

"Do you think they're looking for us now? I mean it's been a few hours now, and it's way pass dinner at my place."

"Yeah," Jake began pulling his knees up to his chest, "I think my mom would KILL me if I return back after dinner time."

"Oh God!" Nate said as he buried his face in his hands and sounded distressed. Emily, who was close to him, patted him on the shoulder and said,

"It's all going to be okay, we'll find The Listener and he will help us."

"It's not that," Nate said pulling his face away for him hands, "It's just I don't take a good picture, and I know for a fact that the worst picture I've even took is going to be on the evening news and everyone is going to laugh!" There was some muffled laugher within the children, while the Digimon look confused at what was going on. Kenta pointed a stick at Nate, who looked a bit hurt, before saying,

"I think you're going to be fine. I doubt anyone would care what your picture look like, only where you might be. And that's here." Nate brighten up a little bit as he heard this and silence over took them once more. No one spoke for the longest time, all of them just sat there, strangers not only to this land but to each other as well. How much are they willing to open up with one another, and will they every return home? These questions and more were on the mind of the children, and the Digimon could sense something was up. Jake looked at each one of the children quickly before clapping his hand, shooting his famous grin and saying,

"Hey! Hey! Don't look so down everyone! We'll get threw this, as leader of this group I'll get us all back home! Remember; Have no fear Jake is….."

"Menengo!" Kenta shouted which interrupted Jake speech. Everyone looked at Kenta with eyes wide open at the Japanese he just spoke. Feeling his face blush, Kenta glare at Jake said in English,

"Will you stop it with all this leader crap already! You've been going on and on about how great you're as a leader, but really you're just being pushy and selfish this whole time! And I think we can all agree on that."

"No I'm not! Right everyone?" The rest of the children soon became suddenly interested in their Digimon, who were looking at both boys with confused and worried looks on their faces.

"He…has a point," Nate said weakly as he scratched behind Sealmon's ear. "You've been a bit selfish. I mean look at what happen when I knock that banana out of your hands." Jake face turn a bit red with angry as he clenched both his fist in his hands. He was babbling something, but his angry was making him difficult to understand.

"Face it, Jake. You're are just too…."

"I'M GOING FOR A WIZ!" Jake shouted as he stood straight up knocking his half-finished fish into the fire. Everyone watches with disappointment as Jake march out of the circle of light and into the darkness of the woods. The only sound that could be heard was the swaying of the trees in the wind as the children looked at their half-eaten food with disappointment in their faces. I was not that any of them were being mean children, no child is truly ever mean to begin with. Rather it was Jake's personality that was a challenge for all the children to learn to live with. After a moment of self-reflecting, Ryulucmon stood up sudden, his tail sway a bit as he stood up and said quickly,

"I've got to go take a wiz with Jake as. Don't know what it is, but I have to wiz with Jake, bye!" And with that, Ryulucmon dash off at full speed trying to catch up with Jake.

Not too far from where the children and their Digimon were camping, there was an open field with several boulders laying around in the area. With the light of the half moon and the stars above, each of the boulders had a gray color to them, with moss growing right on top. All was peaceful as an owl fluttered over to one of the boulders and perched on top. At first, nothing happened, only the sound of the owl on top of the boulder calling into the night. Then suddenly the boulder began to shake and the owl began to fly away as the boulder began to uncurl and stood on two stubby legs.

The creature had a crescent shape to it and would be a lot taller if it was not hunched forward. Standing on its two stubby legs, the creature looked to be a few feet taller than any of the other boulders that were in the area. It yawned loudly showing off its flat teeth as the smell of dirt escape its mouth. As it was yawning, the creature began to scratch itself with its stubby arms and chucks of rock roll down off it and onto the ground. There were two black lines, possible eyes of the creature, the stare off into the distance with a dull look to them. Scratching its chest once more, the creature began to waddle over to one of the other boulders nearby.

Every time the rock creature took a step, the ground beneath it shook. It was almost to one of the boulders when it suddenly stopped in its tracks and glace up the night sky. There was a serious look on its face, though it was hard to say what this rock creature was thinking a times, as it stared into the sky. The moon and stars look bright and beautiful in the sky, except for the black disk that was floating down toward the rock creature. The black dish seemed to cover up any light the stars or moon were showing as it descended towards the rock creature. The rock creature titled its whole body to the side, leaving its serious look to the side and replacing it was a curious one.

Soon the disk began to pick up speed and before the rock creature could know it, the Black Spot slapped on its face and attach itself. An electrical pain shot from the Black Spot and all threw the rock creature's body. It moaned in pain and began to stumble around crashing into the other boulders beside it. Chucks of rock when flying and rolling down on the ground and the rock creature struggle to try and pull the Black Spot off it. Suddenly, a voice began to echo inside the rock creature's head. The voice spoke with an icy but intelligent tone saying,

"Please. Keep struggling. It only helps me collect more data on this project of mine." Pebble like tears began to flow down the rock creature's eyes and it toppled to the ground as the pain became unbearable. For a moment, nothing happened and all was silent. Then the rock creature began to pick itself backup, rocking a bit when it was back on it stubble feet. The Black Spot had cover the rock creatures eyes, trying the black lines into white lines. There was something off about they way these eyes looked, for they looked to be evil that was surfacing within the rock creature. The voice rang again in the rock creature's ear, sounding please with himself.

"Good, good. Experiment Number 006. You're the first Digimon to actually survived being control by my Black Spot. The others, will, did not last this long." The voice chuckle at what happen to his other experiments, and in turn the rock creature began to chuckle as well. "Thought I don't have visual, yet, this is the right step to get me back into The Master's favor. Now listen up." The rock creature began to straighten up, or at least try to, as it listen to the voice. "I want to test the limit of my Black Spot, though this is a good start. I want to see you go and battle the first Digimon you see. And when you are in battel, make sure you kill them. Understood?"

The rock creature began to roar into the night sky and bang it chest, dropping more chucks of stone to the ground.

"I'll take that as a yes , now go!" With that command, the rock creature rolled up into a ball and began to spin faster and faster. It took off from the field that it once called home and began to roll its way straight to where the children and their Digimon were camping.

"Stupid Kenta! Stupid place! Stupid device! Stupid Kenta!" Jake mumbled as he kicked a nearby tree. It would have been pitch black, if it was not for the television sets that hung on the branches of the trees turning on suddenly and giving off a faint glow of static that light up the forest just enough. Jake was taking his angry out on a tree, where the television sets swung gently every time he kicked the tree. He was biting his lip so hard that he thought it might bleed soon and tears were streaming down his eyes. After one particular kick, that hurt his foot slightly, he stopped and place both hands on the tree and began to paint as the tears fell from his face and down to the ground. "I want to go home," he said with a sniffle.

"So does that mean you're done kicking that tree, Jakemon?" Ryulucmon asked which startled Jake so much that he jump a few inches in the air. Jake turn to see the little dragon walking up to him, his goofy smile seem brighter than any of the screens in Static Forest. Upon seeing his Digimon, Jake quickly rub his eyes dry and lead his back against the tree before saying,

"What are you doing here?"

"I've come to wiz with you….I have no idea what that mean though," Ryulucmon admitted. Jake could not help but laugh at the comment the little dragon had made. He let himself slide down the tree before he sat down on the ground near the roots of the tree. Ryulucmon walked over to Jake, made sure his tail was not in the way, and sat down next to him.

"You want to talk?"

"No!" There was a long pause where the two of them just listen to the sound of the night time creatures and the rustling of the leaves on the trees.

"….Yeah….." The little dragon looked up at Jake as he began to explain what was going on with him. "I thought that being the leader here would be just like when I was the team captain of my soccer team. They all listen to my plans, and we worked together and I cheer them on when we won a game, or stand by them when we lost. It was great, but everyone here is so different from what my team was like, that it's…'s…..


"Yeah! And….a bit scary too."


"I always thought I was a natural leader, that everyone and anyone would fallow me. But hearing everyone point out my flaws, which no one has ever done before, makes me feel like my time as team captain was not….real….you know?" Ryulucmon looked up into Jake's eyes and blinked a few times.

"I don't know what most of what you said means, most the part about the soccer," the little dragon began, "But I know you're a great leader!"

"You just meet me today."

"And you always take charge of things! Sure some of the things you take care of are kind of stupid."


"But at least you're willing to help and when they see that you can do that, then they will know you're the leader they need. Take a look a me; Digimon say I bring good luck to them. They say it does, I don't know how it happens, but good luck happens when I'm around. Don't expect to be a leader right away, it will come when the time is right. But always be true to yourself too. What do you always say? Have no fear, Jakemon is here! Or something like that." Jake stared at the glowing television screens as Ryulucmon was giving his little speech. Some of his speech Jake did not understand, after all he was just a child, but he understood enough. None of the other children expect him to be a leader, only he believed that. If he wanted to be the leader of these children and return everyone home, he had to prove to them that he can fill those shoes.

Jake turn to Ryulucmon and was about to thank him for his little speech, when both of them heard a crush nearby. The crush was so loud that it rocked the glowing television sets violently.

"What the heck was that!?" the little dragon asked jerking his head in all direction. Jake glace down at Ryulucmon, then to the direction of the camp and said, his voice in a bit of panic,

"That sounded like it came form the camp! Let's go!" With that Jake and Ryulucmon charged back at full speed back to where the other children and their Digimon were located.

"Oh Frogs up Creek Keeper! What is that thing!?" Iris shouted as the rock creature appeared before them. The rock creature had both its arms and legs out and was flexing them slowly. Behind the rock creature was a path of destruction of fallen trees and rocks that were crumpled into dust. When the rock creature appeared, all the children and their Digimon jump to their feet.

"Is that a living rock monster!?" yelled Nate his knees shaking a bit. "I thought they all appear in Japan!"

"Watch it!" Kenta snapped back.

"Don't' worry about it everyone," Sealmon began wave his paw at them, "Bouldermon is a gentle Digimon. Unless you're rock candy, you'll be fine."

"Bouldermon?" May asked as she pulled out her device and scan the new Digimon:

Name: Bouldermon

Type: Rock

Level: Champion

Special Attacks: Rollin' Rock, Gravel Toss.

Info: Bouldermon live on top or around mountains. It spends it day rolling around its home and eating rock candy. It he starts rolling, everything in his path gets destroyed.

"Wait! You guys can go to another level?"

"Yeah. All Digimon can go to higher levels, it's called Dig-volving. Didn't you know?"


"Humons are weird." Before anyone could say another world, Bouldermon roar at them all, splatting dirt that was coming at of its mouth all over the place.

'Rollin' Rock!' Bouldermon curl itself into a ball and began to charge right at the children and their Digimon. They all screamed as the rock creature come crushing towards them as they all jumped out of the way. Bouldermon kept on rolling around, destroying all the washers and dries that were around Wish Wash Lake, sending the pieces flying threw the air.

"I thought you said Bouldermon was a gentle Digimon," Emily called out as she hide behind one of the washers.

"He should be Emilymon, but something the matter with him!" Canarymon answered as she perched on the washer next to Emily.


"Irismon! Get out of the way before you get flatten!"


"Kentamon over here! He's a lot faster than he looks!"

"Kentamon? I never heard of such Digimon. Odd. Very odd indeed." As Bouldermon was causing destruction, Jake and Ryulucmon emerged out of the forest and into the chaos. Jake watch in horror as the other children and their Digimon were running away form Bouldermon, who was destroying everything in its path.

"What in the world is going on here!?" Jake asked turning to the little dragon.

"I don't know!" Ryulucom answered sounded confused as well, "This doesn't make any sense at all!" As this was going on, the voice that was control the rock creature gave a new order.

"Bouldermon, stop." With that command, Bouldermon stopped his rolling and stood there in his normal from, staring blankly at forest. The children and their Digimon all peeked out of their hiding places to see why Bouldermon had stopped all of a sudden. "I have a new order for you. Capture those Digimon, Irismon or Kentamon or whatever and bring them to me. I want to examine them personally."

Slowly, Bouldermon stomped around making the ground shake until his whole body was face at Kenta direction. A look a panic appeared on Kenta's face as Bouldermon began to waddle over to him. Kenta's mind was telling his legs to make a run for it, but his legs were not responding. Ryulucmon turn to face Jake and tell him what to do, but Jake was no long next to him. Houndmon jump in front of Kenta and once again began to bark loudly at the rock creature, trying to scare him off somehow. With one swoop of its hand, Bouldermon knock the wolf with the back of its stony hand and right into a washer. Houndmon fell to the ground, whimpering a bit. Kenta was breathing deeply and his eyes felt like they were going to pop out of his head as the stony hand reach out to grab him. His head kept on telling him to run, but fear had taken over him just would not move. Bouldermon was about to wrap his fingers around Kenta, when he felt something knock him to the side. For a spilt second, Kenta glance over to see Jake had leaped in the air and knocked him to the side and Bouldermon wrapped his fingers around Jake instead.

Kenta felt the world spinning as he hit the ground. Dirt enter in his month which he quickly spit out and regain his footing. He stood there on his knees, mouth open, as he saw Bouldermon squeezing the life out of Jake, who did such a brave thing for him. Jake was gasping for air as his face slowly turn blue. He felt his chest crush in to himself and felt a pain he had never felt before. Ryulucmon watch with horror, his jaw dropped and fists clench in his tiny hands. His partner, who he just meet today, was going to die and there was nothing he could do to stop it!

"JAKEMON!" the little dragon called out. Then the device in Jake's pocket began to vibrate, then beep loudly, and finally began to glow a white light that was so bright that Jake had to close his eyes. At the same time, Ryulucmon was glowing too, the same light as the device, and he felt a new found power that he had never felt before in his short life.

"RYULUCMON DIGI-VOLE TO….." the little dragon was becoming bigger and bigger. He was becoming so big that he had to go down on all four. His tail began to growing longer and his neck grew that of a snake as well. Wings began to sprout out of his back and his flat nose became more of a snout. Soon he was a big as a truck, some gold were added to his sliver scales and they glow in the moonlight. Spikes began to appear on the end of his tail, and sharp claw began to form on all his feet and his teeth were becoming bigger as shaper as well. The symbol his chest remained the same, thought it did grow with the rest of him and two golden rings appeared on his front two legs. Soon Ryulucmon look more like a real dragon as puffs of smoke blew out of its nose. "Cuélebremon!"

Jake felt like he was going to pass out at any moment, when something spiky came whooshing pass him and slammed into Bouldermon's hand. Jake gasped as he was free and was falling to the ground. His head still felt a bit fuzzy, but at least he could breath. He was about the hit the ground, when something scaly caught him on its back. Jake felt the alight pain on his lower back as well as scales of some kind.

"What?!" he began looking all over confused. The big dragon, turn is long neck over to Jake and gave him a goofy smile and said in a deep voice,

"Jakemon! You're okay! I'm glad!"

"Ryulucmon?" The big dragon shook his head in disagreement and said,

"No, I'm Cuélebremon now!" Jake's eyes with excitement as he pulled out his device to scan Cuelebremon:

Name: Cuélebremon

Type: Dragon

Level: Champion

Special Attacks: Burning Flame, Dragon Force

Info: Cuélebremon is known as the great fighting dragon. He fights to the bitter end to protect his friends. He is a skill flyer and a great air fighter.

"Wow! Ryulucmon Digi-vole to his Champion form!" Silk-Wormmon said in awe. May look at the caterpillar with a raised eyebrow and asked,

"How do you know you can Digi-vole?"

"We just do."

Bouldermon shook his hand from where Cuelebremon had hit him and glare at big dragon. Bouldermon roar as he curled up into a ball and charged at Cuelebremon at full speed. The big dragon hissed at the rolling boulder and stood on its hind legs and catch the ball with its front. Cuelebremon began to claw at the rock creature sending chucks of its body all over the place.

'Gravel Toss!" Bouldermon uncurled itself and began to shoot several rocks from its chest and right at Cuelebremon. The big dragon was able to move its head to dodge a few, but one of the rocks hit him squarely on the head. A bit dazed by the attack, Cuelebremon released Bouldermon from his grip. As Bouldermon was making its escape, the big dragon shook its head trying to obtain its senses once more.

"You okay, Cuelebremon?"

"I'm fine, just a bit dazed," answer the dragon, "But I can't take another hit like that." Jake glace over at Bouldermon, who was gearing up for another attack, then back at Cuelebremon's wings. He pointed at his partner's wings and said with his famous grin,

"Take to the sky! See you if can't grab him, then attack him in the sky!"

"Ha! I always wanted to fly!" Cuelebremon spread is wings out, causing all the leaves to rustle and the children to almost lose their balance. He flapped a few times and soon he was off the ground and few feet and was soaring right at Bouldermon.

Bouldermon was about to roll up and attack again, when it felt claw digging into its back. It looked down and saw it was a few feet off the ground and was not flying up into the air. Cuelebremon was flapping his wings hard to reach the sky with its added weight it was carrying. Bouldermon began to thrash around trying to break free, but the big dragon's claws were in too deep. Higher and higher they went, pass the tree tops and soon Jake could see both Static Forest and Wish Wash Lake, both seem so small. He turn to his partner, who had a determined look on his face, and the both of them nodded in agreement. With all its strength, Cuelebremon toss Bouldermon up higher that they were.

"Dragon Force!" Cuelebroemon body began to glow an orangish red color as it open its mouth and lunch a beam of energy, that look like a snapping dragon right at Bouldermon. The rock creature looked straight at the beam of energy hit him straight in the face. There was a loud boom sound the shook the sky as well as a could a dust all around Bouldermon. A faint ripping sound could be heard as well, and the Black Spot ripped off of Bouldermon's face and broke down into dust. None of the children saw the Black Spot being destroyed, only that Bouldermon was flying far, far away form them.

Jake cheered as loudly as he could as Cuelebroemon began to descend back down to the ground. The cool and rushing air filled Jake with excitement and he took a better look at the scene in front of him. He could see the forest and the lake nearby, but he could also see mountain range circle all over them, and he realized he was in a valley of some kind.

Everyone came running up towards Cuelebroemon as he landed near the lake. As soon as he did, the big dragon began to glow then shrink back down to his smaller size. Jake, who jump off a Cuelebroemon's back when he stared to glow, stood there and watch as Ryulucmon returned. Jake scratch his head and said to his partner,

"You can't stay in that form? Why?"

"Food!" the little dragon growled as he grab his stomach. Jake laugh as he rub the top of his partner head. Soon everyone was around Jake and Ryulucmon, the other Digimon congratulating and the children looking at Jake in a new way.

"Look," Jake began holding up his hands, "I know I can be a, hard to be around, and I'm sorry. But that's just who I am. I'm going to do stupid things, but I do them because I want all of us to get home together. I don't want to say I'm the leader right off the bat, but I'll try to earn that title someday. That cool with you guys." For a moment no one said anything. Then Nate pointed at Jake saying,

"That was really dangerous of you!" Jake looked down at his feet, a bit ashamed at his action. Kenta was looking away, feeling a bit embarrassed for another reason he would not say. Emily walk up to Jake and said with a cute smile,

"But that was always very brave of you." With that she kiss him on the cheek, making Jake face turn pink. All the children laugh as Jake pulled down his goggle over his eyes to protect him from embarrassment.

"Is that one of the humon attacks?"

"Maybe? But I think only the female can used that attack."