Real Secret

Saw this DuckTales comic which is Issue 7 and one of the comics in the issue I read is called, "The Stone of Truth". Maybe I can imagine adding a thing or 2 or even more on the second part. Hehehehe...

Yeah, the comics belong to the creators. Done.

Chapter 1: Dewey's Confession

"I keep a Quacky Patch Doll under my bed!" Webby confessed.

The giant, spirit snake then spoke. "You...are...






"Not guilty."

"Quacky Patch Doll? Really?" Dewey was stunned by what he just heard when suddenly, "YOU! THE BLUE ONE!"

Dewey panicked as the snake approached him. "Do you have a secret to confess?"

"Uh...I..." Dewey was scared for a moment.

"You have 5 seconds! 5 measly seconds or else, I will consume you!" The snake warned him. "1!"





Dewey looked left and right and at Webby. Well, there's no escape for him to make his confession.






Well, the snake lost patience and opened it's mouth revealing spirit fangs when Dewey finally did it.


"WHAT!?" Webby was greatly stunned at she just heard.

But for the snake, it closed it's mouth and, "You...are...




"Not guilty."

Dewey felt relived but Webby was like, so confused at what Dewey confessed. "He likes a girl? Who?" She thought as the snake went after the "risk assessor".

Time skip...

After the incident which includes Webby breaking the arm of the "risk assessor", (Because the last part of the comic shows him with a cast on his left arm. Only one duckling can do that. And it's frickin badass!) The adults came home and let's just say Louie lied about what happened

"You said that the beagle boys entered my house and tried to do some pillaging?!" Scrooge asked the kids.

"Uh...yeah. And we clashed and made the mess." Louie replied with some more lying.

Scrooge and Launchpad find it unbelievable but they just let it go and Scrooge even ordered the kids to fix the mess.

After that...

Huey decided to go swimming as he wore his red swim trunks, removed his shirt and cap, placed his JWG guidebook aside and plunged into the pool.

Dewey made plans to practice and hone his skills in swordsmanship at the garden alone and in private. Right now, he's swinging about.

Louie just went back to the TV room for more show times and brought a large bowl of popcorn and 6 cans of Pep!

And finally, Webby is watching Dewey and in deep thought. "He likes a girl. Sound interesting and mysterious. But...




"Who? If only I knew..."

Then, an idea struck her. "If I can find a source in which secrets are kept, then maybe I'll find out the girl Dewey likes!"

Brilliant idea as Webby cheered and jumped for joy. "And tonight, the real secret will be revealed before me!"

And will Webby find out and dig deeper inside the real secret? Let's find out in Chapter 2!