I know many of you don't alwaysread author's notes, but you'll want to read this one!

As much as the perfectionist in my can't stand to leave a story unfinished, I've simply lost my enthusiasm for writing Twilight fanfic. I'm so deeply sorry to anyone I've disappointed. As a peace offering, here is the scene where Renesmee finds out about the imprint. I've had it written for some time now. A few weeks after they met, Jacob took her to a tribe bonfire to hear Billy tell the legends about imprinting. Hope you like it.

Renesmee's POV

I glanced around the campfire at the beautiful couples, snuggled up side by side, all glowing with the blissful light of fated love. Sam and Emily. Jared and Kim. Quil and Claire.

The scientist in me liked rules, laws, things that could be explained logically. There was just no logical or scientific explanation for the folklore I'd just heard, yet the living proof sat before me, curled up in blissfully fated couples in the glow of the fire.

Suddenly, the knowledge that, one day, Jacob would form half of one of those couples hit me like a wrecking ball to the chest, knocking the breath out of me. I'd known him for such a short time, but I could no longer escape the fact that I was hopelessly and irrevocably in love with him. I hated that it took learning that our relationship had been marked "temporary" from the start to make me see it.

The flickering light of the fire blurred before my eyes as the hot tears welled up. I felt humiliated as well as completely exposed. The raw emotion coursing through me must surely be written all over my face. All of Jacob's friends, his father, and Jacob himself would soon be privy to my most private thoughts and feelings, and it was more than I could take.

"Ness?" he whispered, concern coloring his tone as his arm tightened around me, pulling me closer.

The warmth of his embrace was the straw that finally broke me. The threatening tears spilled over, and I jumped up, breaking his hold. My heart ached as I realized that would have to be the last time I felt the comforting warmth of his touch. I couldn't let him touch me again after this. If I did, I would only be hurt more when the inevitable goodbye came. Better to rip my own heart out now.

"Excuse me," I gasped in what I hoped was an apologetic tone, feeling bad that I was running out on people who had so kindly welcomed me into their close-knit circle but unable to contain my emotions any longer. I had to get away, from Jacob, from my own irrational feelings. From everything.

I dashed into the comforting darkness of the forest, running until I was certain I was out of earshot. Able to contain the building sobs no longer, I doubled over, wrapping my arms around my middle to keep myself from falling apart.


"Fuck," I murmured under my breath as his voice reached my ears. I thought about running away, but he was already too close, my vision too obscured by tears, to make retreat a viable option. And, if I was being honest, I didn't really want to run from Jacob. His presence was comforting, like a missing part of myself had returned, and I was whole again.

"Ness, what's wrong?"

Jacob reached out to me, and I held up a hand to stop him. I may not be able to run away, but I certainly couldn't let him touch me again if I was going to come out of this with any semblance of of the person I was before I met him.

"Don't," I whispered, closing my eyes against the aching beauty of his mostly-bare skin in the glow of the moonlight. "I just…I can't do this, Jacob."

I heard the breath whoosh out of him like he'd been physically struck. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw him stagger back a step, his expression pained. I suddenly found it impossible draw in a breath, my chest was so tight.

"Renesmee, please," he gasped out, his usually strong, confident voice a strangled whisper.

I could only shake my head in response, completely unable to speak around the lump in my throat. Conflicting desires fought a bloody war inside me, tearing my insides to shreds. On the one hand, I wanted desperately to close the distance between us, to throw my arms around him and beg him to be mine for as long as he could be. But self-preservation told me to run, to put as much distance between myself and the inexplicable pull I felt towards this man as possible. I found that running was impossible, though. My feet were rooted where I stood, refusing my commands.

"I'm sorry that this was too much for you," he continued, his voice regaining some of its strength, though there was a quiver of desperation behind it that threatened to destroy my resolve. "We can take a step back, take things slower. We'll do whatever you need to, just please…please, don't leave me."

"That won't help," I squeaked out, shaking my head dejectedly. Taking things slower wouldn't stop the inevitable from happening. I would only be left more devastated when it did.

The moonlight glistened off of the unshed tears in his dark eyes, and I had to wrap my arms even tighter around myself as his pain rolled off of him like crushing waves, smashing into me.

"I should have told you sooner, before things got physical between us. I'm so sorry I didn't, Ness." His voice was firmer now, pleading. "I probably should have told you as soon as we met in the woods. I just…wanted you to have a chance to get to know me for me. It was probably selfish, but I wanted to give you time to develop genuine feelings for me before I told you. I thought…I mean, I hoped you might be getting there."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He wanted to get me hooked on him before lowering the boom?

Pain transformed into anger as I snapped out of my trance. Lunging towards him, I planted my hands firmly against his chest and shoved with all my strength. His back collided with a tree behind him, and he looked up at me, wide-eyed and stunned.

"You absolute ass-hole!" I yelled, watching with satisfaction as several large limbs came crashing to the ground from the force of the blow. "You wanted to, what? Make me fall in love with you so I would agree to keep your bed warm until your fated soulmate comes along? I guess I'm starting to understand why my father doesn't seem to like you."

Jacob's face fell as I spat out that last part about my father. That had obviously been a low blow, but I was done playing nice if that was truly how he felt.

Turning my back on him, I felt the tears well up again as I prepared myself to run, struggling against the pull that tried to root me to the spot.

Shockingly, I heard a deep chuckle behind me, and a burning hand wrapped around my forearm. I tried to pull away, to shrug out of his hold, but Jacob only pulled me closer, turning me to face him.

"Ness, honey, you've got it all wrong."

"Oh, yeah?" I struggled, but his hands were like two iron bands around my arms. "It sounded pretty clear to me."

"Let me get this straight," he continued, still chuckling infuriatingly. "You're upset because you think I pursued you even though I know I'll eventually imprint and have to leave you. Is that right?"

"Isn't that reason enough?" I spat, mentally swearing to all that is holy that if he chuckled one more time, I was going to knee him in the groin.

"It would be, if it were true."

I stopped struggling temporarily and finally raised my eyes to his, arching one brow in a look that challenged him to explain.

To my surprise, his amused expression softened into one of pure, heartbreaking tenderness. His grip on my arms loosened, and he gently rubbed the bruised skin with the pads of his thumbs.

"Ness, I wanted to bring you here tonight so the pack and my dad could help me explain what happened when I first saw you in the woods that day."

My heart stopped, then starting racing wildly. Could he really mean…?

"And I wanted to introduce you to everyone, officially, as my imprint."

Relief and the most blissful, perfect joy washed over me as soon as the words left his mouth, and a fresh round of tears started to fall. The gaping hole that had opened up inside me slammed shut, now filled with a wholeness I had never dared to imagine. I unwrapped my arms from around my middle and reached for him, resting my forehead against his firm chest as I breathed a shuddering sigh of relief.

He held me for a moment, rubbing my back gently as he patiently waited for the first waves of emotion to pass. Slowly, I felt his hands move up my back and around my shoulders, up the sides of my neck, finally, coming to rest on either side of my face. He tilted my head until our eyes met. His were burning with an intensity of feeling that mirrored my own.

"Renesmee Cullen, I am yours for eternity — or however long you want me to be."

"I'll always want you, Jacob. Forever."

"'I love you' doesn't begin to adequately cover all that I feel for you, but I do, with every fiber of my being. I think — no, I know I would, even if it weren't for the imprint."

"I love you, Jacob," I sobbed out, the words flowing from my mouth as effortlessly as breathing. "So, so much."

I reached up to cup his beloved face in my hands, rubbing my thumbs against the faint shadow on his jaw.

The scientist in me like rules and laws, things that could be logically explained, studied, and proven. There was no logical explanation for the way I felt for this man. It overwhelmed all reason and defied everything I thought I knew about life

The kiss we shared then was all-consuming, every taste and caress a promise of eternity.

That's all I've got, folks! Thank you so much for all the love and support!