Authors Note: So I don't own Ben 10, but everyone knows I'd gladly fight you for the right to own it.
Now I got a PM the other day and this guy asked me.
"When are you going to start adding new girls to this harem?"
My answer was simple I told him. "I don't know I'm thinking of adding the powerpuff girls in as teenagers."
So basically this is me asking who you guys think I should bring into the fold, I mean seriously I have 40 free rooms on Ben's ship. Oh and there is a surprise in this one, I hope you all enjoy it.

Witnessing from above Gwen and the others could hear what was going on clear as day.
"What was that, that Ben just did Red?" Hope asked thinking that Gwen would know.
"I don't know, he never told me or Kevin about this 10,000 mode, what about you Kai?" Gwen asked completely confused.
"Ben never told me about this thing, what about you Rook?" Kai asked hoping he knew.
"No he never told me about it, but if I had to guess I'd say that its some sort of fusion mode that creates hybrids of his aliens allowing him to use two powers at once." Rook answers the best he could.
"Because of the new Ben 10,000 you and Ben met, right?" Gwen asked.
Rook responds with. "That is correct Gwendolyn."
"Look it doesn't matter if we know or not, what does matter is that Mors knows what Ben is planning, we need to help him." Kevin notes wanting to jump into the fight.
"Look you're not the only one who wants to help him, but Ben said to stay put so we're staying put until he says otherwise okay." Gwen snapped.

"See I told you not to underestimate Ben, he always comes back with a bang." Verdona says to Belial.

"But Mors almost looks as though he's enjoying himself... face it Verdona no one beats our master, but even I must admit I'm not impressed with Ben, you'd think with the way Mors was talking about him, he'd be on Mors's level." Belial noted with a bored look on his face.

"Ben always holds back when he fights, he's never gone all out in a fight before, but something tells me that THAT just changed, Ben is a lot like his grandma, so I'm not too worried about him winning. Just watch or you'll miss it." Verdona replies with confidence.

"So Diamondhead huh, fine we'll play your way." Mors states as a 6 foot sword comes out of his right fist, where his knuckles are supposed to be.

At the sight of this Ben realizes that Mors is wearing some sort of exo suit and begins to smile.

Belial, Gwen and the others are just as confused as Mors is, they didn't know why Ben was smiling.

"Haha I told you Ben was going to win." Verdona chuckled as Ben stood up waiting for Mors to react.

"You are about to be conquered and turned into my slave forever, and you smile... TELL ME WHY?" Mors demands angrily.

"No reason, I just figured out how to beat you is all." Ben states ever so calmly.

"Oh really how is that, please enlighten all of us here as to how you'll beat me!" Mors says trying to regain his composer.

"I'm going to tear your exo suit into two pieces." Ben says still smiling.

"So you figured out that I'm wearing a suit, that doesn't help you any, my suit is indestructible none of your aliens can destroy it." Mors states.

"You said that "no one alien" can defeat you... Well you're half right, the aliens I normally use can't beat you, well all except for one but that's not the point, the point is there is an alien I don't use too often that can beat you, and that one alien is Lodestar." Ben explains.

Before Mors can even react to the info laid down on the table, Ben stretched out both of his arms with his hands pointed at Mors. Sonic wave frequencies shot out of Ben's hands and hit Mors, Ben than raised his arms a little bit and Mors was than lifted off of the ground by two and a half-ish feet, than Ben moved his left arm all the way over to the left, and his right arm all the way over to the right, tearing Mors's suit into two pieces and than sends them flying. Ben than says "Diamondhead." than looks over at Mors. -It seems like this 10,000 mode is some sort of ultimate human form of sorts.-

Mors is now human size about 5'8, and he's wearing a jet black full-body cloth suit. -Like the suits that those people wear in those Scooby Doo movies so they don't appear on screen as they themselves control Scooby.-

"A suit inside of a suit, how incredibly adorable of you "God Of Death"." Ben says as he starts walking over to Mors.

Ben decides to tear off Mors's mask revealing Carl Tennyson. "Hello son." Carl says to Ben as he stands up.

"You look gre- " before Carl could finish his sentence Ben turned his fist into a crystal ball-Using Diamondhead's powers.- about the size of a cannon ball, and hit Carl in the chest sending him flying to the middle of the coliseum.

"Tell me why you're doing all of this now, while you still got a tongue to speak with." Ben says in a cold tone and with dead lifeless expression on his face.

"Hey Red who's that guy and why is Ben acting so scary?" Hope asks in a worrying tone.

"Yeah I would like to know this as well." Rook notes.

"He's Carl... Tennyson, Ben told me about him once, but he didn't say much about him, but I still can't figure out why Ben is acting like that." Kai answers still a bit confused.

"He's Ben's father..." Gwen answers.

"WHAT!" The three shout in shock.

"Ben gave me the whole story on this topic, believe me both me & Gwen want nothing more than to go down there and bash Carl's face in. But this is something Ben needs to do on his own, THAT I understand more than anybody." Kevin states in an angry tone.

"Do you remember the day you ruined my life son?" Carl asks.-Oh no I think there may be a flashback coming along.-

Bellwood international airport 1 year ago Friday 9:50 AM

Grandpa Max is waiting at the airport to pick up Gwen so her, Ben, and himself could go on a three day trip to New York which was only four hours away by car or in our case by RV.

Max was so excited he could barely contain himself, as this would be the first time he's seen his niece in four years.

"Now don't you think standing around for longer than five minutes is bad for your health old man?" A familiar voice says sarcastically.

Max turned around to find his son Frank and his daughter-in law Natalie.

"Who are you calling old? Frankie its good to see you, and Natalie you're looking younger and younger every time I see you." Max says giving both of them a great big hug.

"Its good to see you too Dad, where's Ben." Frank asks.

"Oh he has a soccer game right now so its just me picking Gwen up, than I thought me and Gwen could surprise him at his game." Max answers.

"GRANDPA." a surprisingly familiar voice shouts in a joyful tone.

Max turns again this time to see a girl with long straight red hair, green eyes, a white long sleeve button up shirt with a blue sweater over the shirt, a black skirt with black stockings underneath, and black leather Japanese schoolgirl shoes, running over and hugging him tightly.

"GWEN. Wow look how much you've grown up, and look how beautiful you are, you must have boys purposing to you everyday." Max says returning Gwen's hug.

"Yeah that's not happening. EVER." Frank declares.

"Speaking of boys, wheres Ben?" Gwen asks while looking around for him.

"Sorry kiddo he's winning another soccer game." Max answers

"Ben plays sports?" Gwen asks ready to break out laughing.

"Yeah he's pretty good at it too, he's also bean training his brain for the past four years as well." Max answers.

"Really that's cool we should have loads of stuff to talk about after we catch up, like P VS. MP. Oh Mom, Dad I was gonna go with grandpa to pick up Ben than head out for our trip, is that okay?" Gwen asks ready and eager to see her boyfriend.-Because they've bean dating since they were 11.-

"Of course sweetie, have fun. Oh and don't forget to say hi to your Aunt and Uncle before you leave." Natalie tells Gwen as they leave to their car.

Grandpa Max & Gwen got into the Rustbucket-Max's RV- and began heading to Ben's house.

"Gwen I think Uncle Carl has bean beating on Ben." Max says in a serious tone.

"WHAT?" Gwen shouts.

"I've seen Ben without his shirt on, he has welts bruises, even cuts all over his torso and back, he also has all sorts of bruises and other marks on his face. I've confronted Ben about this myself several times, but he keeps saying he gets them from soccer practice. I've seen Ben play there's noway he got them from soccer." Max explains.

"So you want me to try and get him to tell us what's bean happening?" Gwen asks.

"Yes, I think he'll open up to you." Max answers.

Bellwood high soccer field Friday 10:30 AM

The score is 40 home, 39 away 1:00 minute remaining

In the middle of the field, J.T. has the ball and is running towards Ben who's playing goalie, he's about 15ft away from Ben when two of Ben's defenders go to steal the ball, but J.T. passes the ball to Cash who than runs through, dodging the rest of the defending line and stops 5ft from Ben.

"You're going down this time Tennyson." Cash shouts to Ben before kicking the ball.

"Yeah sure, just hurry up would'ya I'd like to end this game now." Ben says eager to see Gwen who should be here in Bellwood by now.

"What did you say." Cash say in anger.

Furious with rage Cash kicks the ball as hard as he could, the ball went to the top right side of the net, Ben jumps to the right and catches the ball with ease, just as soon as Ben caught the ball the timer hit 0, ensuring the teams victory in witch Ben did not stay to celebrate.

Ben grabbed his bike and rode straight home, so he could get a quick shower in before seeing Gwen, to his surprise he saw the Rustbucket parked at the curb just in front of his house.

Ben dropped his bike in the front yard than ran inside to see if Gwen's flight was delayed or something, when he got inside he was immediately tackled by dropping him to the floor with Gwen on top of him.

"Well look who got all handsome on me, and you're built like a ton of bricks, damn that hurt I think you need to kiss my shoulder, it has a booboo." Gwen says teasing Ben thinking she knows full well that he can't because his parents are around.

Ben sits up and kisses her right shoulder softly, than he gives Gwen a long and passionate kiss on the lips.

After a couple of seconds Gwen breaks the kiss and says "What do you think you're doing Ben we can't do this stuff in around your parents."

"Haha they already know, thanks to Jack." Ben chuckles as he and Gwen get up.

"What, and they're just okay with us being together?" Gwen asks curiously.

"Well my Mom is." Ben answers.

"And what about your Dad?" Gwen asked worried that grandpa Max was right.

Ben's response was simple "I don't care what he thinks."

Gwen felt compelled to ask "Has Carl bean abusing you?"

"Not this crap again, look tell Grandpa that my answer was and will always be the same answer. now I'm gonna take a shower, just forget about this nonsense. Okay?" Ben snaps.

While Ben was in the shower, Gwen grabbed Grandpa Max and waited in Ben's room for him, after finishing his shower Ben wraps a towel around his waist, upon entering his room he found both Gwen & Grandpa Max waiting for him, Ben leaves the door open and sits down on his bed and says "Okay lets hear it!"

Sandra is standing outside of Ben's room ease dropping on what she was hoping was gonna be plans for their trip.

"Ben if you don't tell us the truth, I'm breaking up with you and you'll never see me again." Gwen declares.

"Has Carl bean abusing you?" Grandpa Max asks.

"... Yes okay, ever since he found out about Gwen and I he's been constantly beating on me with a variety of blunt and pointy objects. Happy now?" Ben snaps.

"This has bean going on for four years now, why didn't you tell anyone like Grandpa Max or your Mom?" Gwen asks.

"Listen my Mom wouldn't believe me and I know you would Grandpa Max, now the day Carl lays his hands on my Mom I'll put an end to this, until than no ones doing anything got it." Ben explains than goes back to the bathroom to get dressed.

After hearing all the things that have bean happening right under her nose for four long years, Sandra goes into the living room and told Carl "You've bean beating on my son for years, its time you get the hell out of this house and both mine and Ben's lives."

"... ..." Carl ignored Sandra.

"NOW" Sandra shouts.

Grandpa Max, Ben, and Gwen heard Sandra shout and ran downstairs to check it out with Ben leading.

Just as Ben got off the last step and was at the entrance of the living room Sandra was sent flying into him, causing Ben to lose his balance and they both fell to the floor, Carl had punched her in the face.

"I'm sorry Ben, I over heard your intervention and tried to make him leave, I'm so sorry I had no idea that this was happening to you." Sandra says to Ben crying.

Ben tells Sandra "Its okay Mom, you have nothing to apologize for."

Than Ben stands up and turns to face Carl "This is all yo- ugh" Ben tackles Carl to the ground and started bashing his face in, after about 40 or so punches Ben dragged Carl to the door, than threw him outside and closed the door.

Anodyne Present Day 3:45 PM

"That's why I have spent the last two years becoming a God, I have conquered four universes, and have enlisted every criminal, guard, and soldier in those universes into my army, and I have conquered the four Ben Tennyson's as well. And you'll make number five son, its just a matter of time." Carl says as he tosses a flash bang bomb in the air blinding everyone for two minutes.

By the time everyone's sight came back Carl and his army were gone including the dead ones, Ben ran over to Jack to wake him up and see if he was okay, Verdona and Belial fly over to Ben, and Gwen lowers her platform down to the ground, than Gwen and everyone else ran over to Ben.

"Mhmm What happened, wheres Mors?" Jack asks completely lost to the situation.

"Well it turns out Mors is actually Carl, my father and he just now vanished." Ben explains as he helps Jack up to his feet.

"That was some mighty fine fighting Ben. I never properly introduced myself, I'm Belial, one of Mors's Generals."

"And why are you still here?" Ben asked.

"I'm on your side kid, and if you don't mind my saying, I think we're gonna need more teammates." Belial notes.

Ben walks to the middle of the coliseum and says "Raven." -From Teen Titans.- than Ben opens up three black portals.

On Ben's right a friend steps out of the portal, it was Rex -From Generator Rex.- on Ben's left a wild card steps out of the portal, it was Jen 10 -from RWBYHunterTom's fic 'Jen 10'- and in the middle portal a familiar figure steps out and says "You just couldn't stay away from me huh?" It was Helen Parr -From The Incredibles.-

To Be Continued!

Authors Note: Oh yeah chapter 6 is out and it looks like Ben just made 4-possibly 5 new additions to his team, turns out Mors is Ben's father- And I didn't realize until just now how much of a Star Wars vibe you get from that hmm, anyways don't forget to review and let me know if you think I should be adding anyone specific that you really like.