Hey everyone! So I watched Infinity Wars and I'm just going to pretend that it never happened! This story takes place after Civil War, but before Homecoming. It's about my OC (Gabrielle) who's Peter's best and oldest friend. I have a vague idea of where this is going so hopefully the updates will be quicker than they are in my other stories! Please read and review!




"I'm not playing Battleship with you," Peter huffs at Gabby, "I always lose."

"It's not my fault you suck at Battleship!" Gabby responds,"Aren't you supposed to be the smart one. Especially considering you're a superhero?"

"That has nothing to do with it," Peter replies trying to suppress a smile while he bickers with his oldest friend.

"Okay then. We don't have to play as long as you admit that I'm the superior battleship player for eternity!" Gabby smirks as he flounders not wanting to admit his eternal defeat.

"Fine, although I am physically better than you and I'm a legit superhero, you are eternally the superior battleship player. Satisfied?"

"Never," Gabby replies with a smug grin, "But I suppose that'll do for now."

They sit in comfortable silence on Peter's couch. Gabby slowly closes her eyes while Peter texts Tony Stark on his phone.

"Who you texting?" Gabby asks.

"Mr. Stark."

"Oh, you going on a top secret mission like Germany?"

"Um you aren't supposed to know about that Gabs," Peter says slightly confused.

"Yeah, but you were so excited and since I was the only who knew about your furry persona at the time you literally ranted to me for about 3 hours straight."

"But I never said where I was," Peter defended himself.

"There's this thing called the news," Gabby replies sarcastically, "You should read it sometimes."

Peter merely throws a pillow at her. For a second she looks shocked, but A mischievous smile breaks out on her face. She quickly retaliates and throws the same pillow back at his face. Soon they were in a full out pillow war, until they both heard May come in the front door. The froze looking at the slight mess they made in the middle of their impromptu pillow fight and quickly dashed to hide some of the mess so it wouldn't look too terrible to Aunt May.

"I'm home," May calls out looking at the two teens suspiciously smiling like angels, "Hello you two, nice to see you Gabby. You both didn't make too much of a mess while I was gone did you?"

"Oh no. Absolutely not, Aunt May you know me. I wouldn't never make a mess of your living room. I always make sure to clean up and-"

"No Mrs. Parker," Gabby interrupts Peter's rambling.

"Oh please Gabby, how many times do I have to ask you to call me May," She asks with a slight tint of exasperation in her voice, but mostly poking fun at the teen.

"Apparently one more time Mrs. Parker," Gabby grinned.

Peter smiles at their interaction and checks his phone, "Sorry ladies, but I've got to meet Mr. Stark for my internship. We have a few new ideas to discuss."

"Peter," May says, "You promised we could have dinner together tonight. We haven't in a while because of your nightly activities."

"But Aunt May," Peter whines.

"No buts. I specifically took off work so we could have dinner together and Gabby is here. I'm sure she would love to have a nice dinner with you here," Aunt May smiles slyly knowing Peter's huge crush on her that he's had for a few years now.

"It's okay Peter," Gabby chimes in, "If you don't want to stay you don't have to for me. I don't want to burden you guys in any way. You've done so much to help me."

"Peter," Aunt May says warningly with a strict tone in her voice.

"Let me call Mr. Stark," Peter says in defeat, but then adds on in a more chipper voice, "I'm sure whatever this is it can totally wait!"

Peter leaves the room to call Tony and tell him that he can't come over today because he's having a family dinner.

"Thank you Mrs. May," Gabby says quietly.

"Oh no problem dear," May responds sweetly, "How are things at home?"

"Um," she pauses looking down and May looks at her concerned, "Same as always I guess. It's not any worse so I'm not complaining, but it's not any better either."

"Has your dad," May trails off not knowing how to finish her question.

"He's," Gabby takes in a shaky breath, "he's still drinking if that's your question, but he's paying less attention to me so that's good."

"Just remember you just have to say the word and I'll take him to court. You know I have no problem fighting this bastard," May says with conviction.
"I can't," she responds, "I really want to, but I just can't risk him getting off. It's a slippery slope, but at least I have you and Peter. I truly don't know what I'd do without you," she finishes with a single tear dripping down her cheek.

Aunt May notices this, rushes over to wipe her tear away, gives her a small hug, and a kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm going to use the bathroom real quick," with that Gabby rushes out of the room to the bathroom. Peter comes in with a furrowed brow as Gabby runs out.

"Is she okay?" he asks concern lacing his words.

"It's her dad," they both sigh wishing they could make things better for her, "She said he's still drinking, but isn't paying much attention to her. I swear to god I'm going to kill that man if he ever dares lay a hand on her. This damn emotional abuse and neglect is so unfair to her. She's just so sweet," Aunt May trails off a few tears dripping down her face.

"I know May I know," Peter replies hugging her, "We're doing all we can. She won't let us take this to the police and we both know there isn't enough evidence. Not yet anyway," Peter trails off looking extremely distraught. There sit in silence thoughts racing about Gabby's situation and any possible way they could help, but without her willing to go to the police out of fear there's nothing they can do.

"Anyway, Mr. Stark was wondering if he could come over?" Peter states as a question, "He says he hasn't seen you in a while and could do for a home cooked meal."

"You know our door is always open to the man who keeps you safe," May says happily as Gabby re enters the room with red rimmed eyes.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"Mr. Stark is coming over for dinner. Of course only if that's okay with you?" Peter says.

"Um," Gabby trails off looking a bit unsure, "I suppose."

"You sure about that Gabs?" Peter asks half joking.

"Yeah," she laughs softly, "I just haven't met many new people since my dad pulled me out of school."

"Oh," Peter says and they all sit there in silence no one knowing what to say. After about a minute of silence May says, "I'm going to check on something." She leaves the room and the two teens are left alone.

"So," Peter trails off.

"So," Gabby repeats.

"So?" Peter asks.

"So." She answers.

"What are we doing?" Peter asks as Gabby as they both start laughing.

"I don't know. You started it!" With that Peter laughs even harder.

"Hey do you remember when you said you found an old keyboard in some boxes that you think belonged to your Uncle?" Gabby asks.

"Yeah," Peter responds vaguely remembering said keyboard, "I'm pretty sure it's still lying around somewhere. Why? You gonna start playing piano?"

"Well, I found a bait shop by my house that said they'll pay me cash if I work for them as long as I don't tell anyone, because of labor laws obviously since I'm still only 15. I really want to start taking piano lessons and I figured I'd need something to practice on since my dad destroyed my mom's piano."

"Sure! I'll pull it out for you after dinner. I think May knows some notes and stuff that she could probably teach you."

"Really?" Gabby asks with her eyes shining, "That'd be great! I've been meaning to-"

She was cut off by a knock at the door. They both sat there looking at the other expantantly silently daring the other to answer the door.

"Fine," Gabby finally says, "I'm the guest, but I'll answer your door for you."

"It's the price of my friendship," Peter calls out to her as she goes to answer the door.

"Whatever bug-boy," Gabby laughs at his flabbergasted response as he quickly corrects her quipe at his superhero name. She swings open the door the door to reveal Tony Stark dressed in a nice suit complete with sunglasses.

"You're not Peter," he states.

"What an astute observation Mr. Stark. I guess there's a reason you became millionaire," Gabby says with no hesitation.

"Billionaire. I'm a billionaire," Tony replies, "It seems you know my name, but I don't know yours. Would you care to enlighten me?"

"Gabrielle Beckette, 15 and Peter's best friend since forever. Would you like to introduce yourself to me, or should I just look at a tabloid filled with lies about you?"

"So your not Peter's girlfriend or anything?"

"If I was a boy would you ask a similar question?" Gabby snaps back, but with little spite, "Please don't assume that straight is the default orientation Mr. Stark."

"I like you," Tony responds appreciating the bluntness of this girl, "And to introduce myself I'm Tony Stark. Coolest superhero, mentor, billionaire, playboy, scientist around."

"Nice to officially meet you. Now would you like to actually come in for dinner?"

"Yes," Tony responds with a smirk on his face and follows the spunky teen to the dinner table where Peter's already sitting down.

"Hi Mr. Stark!" Peter says excitedly, "I'm so glad you could come. So what was it exactly we needed to talk about? Can I experiment in your lab to find a better formula for my web shooters? Is it-"

"Kid!" Tony says looking concerned at the blonde female sitting at the table smiling at Peter's antics.

"What?" Peter says confused. He looks at Tony and then Gabby before finally realizing the problem, "Oh, it's okay Mr. Stark she was the first person who ever knew."

"Yeah," Gabby chimes in, "I know all about Peter's furry persona. I wouldn't have pegged him as a spider type, but-"

"Anyway," Peter cuts her off, "She's helped patch me up more times than I can remember and she helped me develop the formula for my web shooters. She's incredibly intelligent. Like really, really smart."

Gabby blushes slightly at the compliment, "I'm not that smart. I haven't had a science class in forever."

"Why does your school not teach science?" Stark asks appalled at the lack of discipline in the education system.

"Oh it's not like that. I'm not in school," Gabby says looking down as her hands.

Tony furrows his brows and his lips turn into a slight frown, "Aren't you too young to drop out?" he asks. She didn't strike him of the type to dropout and he doubts Peter would hang out with a slacker. He actually takes Peter's judgement of character to heart because when he says someone is really smart, they tend to be incredibly intelligent.

"My dad said it's a waste of money and time in addition to some other stuff. So he pulled me out and told me to get a job so I wouldn't waste my life, with you know, actually learning something that could help me get out of that shit hole house," Gabby's breath picks up a bit and Peter puts his hand on her shoulder while she tries to control her breathing and anger, "Sorry." Gabby says after calming down.

"No need to apologize Gabs," Peter reassures her.

"How would you like to be apart of the Stark internship?"