AN: HI EVERYONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you are well. IT's been a while since an update. I just want to say I am beyond excited for this next installment. I love, love, love all my reviews! So keep them going. I always love feedback. Negative feedback doesn't always feel great but, it's a process of being writer and it helps me out in the long run of course. Without further delay, I hope you enjoy this story!

"I love you Serenity. You should know that by now." Darien looked deeply into her eyes.

Her heart hammered in her chest. Of course, she knew she had always known. He was the only thing holding her together in this moment of time.

"No matter how far away I might seem, remember I'm always close to you and I will always be in your heart."

The first day after the meeting with the resistance council was a blur. Nothing felt real. She was introduced to so many people. All with smiles, tears of joy, and they welcomed her home. A home she did not recall and she felt so, so empty. That is when the memories came back… or dreams she supposed since Darien was a man who never existed. He always held her in her dreams. Gave her promises of him saving her from this chaotic life had no recollection of. Sometimes she missed her life with Diamond. At least she had a purpose, a place she fit into, and now she had nothing. She was empty. Everyone looked at her as a savior… when in reality she was a nobody. She was alone. The days were gray and dull. She withered with every breath she took. Closing her eyes, she gazed at nothing in particular. She wished she remembered something… anything. Maybe it would help her from being so useless.

A set of gray eyes had been watching her. Took in her frail form and his heart ached more than anything. This was his entire fault.

"I hope you are quite satisfied." A voice he recognized immediately spat.

He sighed. "I'm not. However, we can't have her changing the plans. Not when were so close to Diamond… We have her. Now we just need Diana and Luna back."

"She barely eats. Barely sleeps. Why? Because you have told, her, her soulmate is not existent when we both know that is a grand lie. Perhaps, if she remembered her past and us it would not be so terrible. You have no faith in our Princess. She is supposed to lead our people. How do you know she would not handle Darien being gone with grace? You think her an emotional naive child. However, Darien was the only thing she was holding onto… and this Endymion character. Now she has no one. Are you proud of yourself General? You are a disgrace to the Lunar Kingdom. Queen Serenity would be ashamed to know you have broken her daughter's spirit."

"Are you quite done Mina? I am well aware of the pain I am causing her but it is a casualty of war. I WILL HAVE MY FAMILY BACK."

"A casualty of war indeed! Urggg, I cannot be in your presence. In addition, I am quite finished now. Before I depart, you smell like rubbish go bathe and stink up another room! I will be with Serenity!" Mina stomped off to Serenity's chambers.

'I love you Serenity.' Darien's voice rang through her ears.

She felt the tears come again.

"Serenity." She heard a voice chime. She didn't even have the strength to turn around.

"Love, I know you are heartbroken but I can't stand to see you sit here and wither away." It was Mina. She had come to know the blonde beauty over the past few days. She was very bubbly and she had a feeling her and Mina use to be extremely close.

"How about we go grab some hot chocolate and talk?" Serenity furrowed her brow at this.

"Hot chocolate? What is hot chocolate?"

"What?! HOT CHOCOLATE! But it's your favorite! I mean err… never mind. Well then, get out of bed silly you must have it! Trust me when I say you will love it!" Mina grabbed Serenity before she had time to respond.

Twisting and turning down the hallway the came to the kitchen. Lita, Serenity gathered she used to be close to, was in there.

"Mina! Why are you dashing in here like a mad man? Poor Serenity, you are dragging her like a rag doll." She scolded gently.

"We don't have time for this Lita! Serenity and I need hot chocolates now!"

Lita laughed. "Somethings never change."

A few moments later Lita came back baring hot chocolates. Serenity smelled the delicious drink. Gently blowing it to cool it off, she took a swig of the sweet brown liquid.

She beamed. Her beautiful face coming to life for the first time in so long. Mina felt her heart burst at seeing her princess underneath her hollow shell.

"This is quite wonderful! Can I have another?" The two girls laugh and Lita went off to make her another.

"Thank you, Mina. I needed this."

"Of course, that is what friends are for."

"Mina… I gather we use to be close."

Mina chewed on the side of her lip. The action not surprising Serenity, almost as if she expected this. A trait she knew Mina had. Could she be remembering?

"We were very close Serenity. I would tell you more but I think it is best you regain your memories on your own."

Serenity nodded silently. "Do you think I will ever remember?"

"OF course. Until you do, I will be here with you every step of the way." She smiled gently.

"Thank you."

"Serenity… can I ask you a question? You do not have to answer if you do not wish to do so."

Serenity nodded.

"Who is Endymion? We are not finding anyone by such a name Diamond had working for him. Perhaps if you could tell me all you remember it would help us in locating him."

"He was arrogant, yet charming in a way I suppose. He was Diamonds most promising recruit. Diamond only left me with Sapphire before so I knew he had to trust Endymion completely to leave me with him. Endymion seemed torn. We formed a bond. He was searching for the Resistance and seem to not believe in what the New Moon Order stood for. However, it could have just been a way to trick me. Perhaps I was fool… it was just he looked just like…" She trailed off and shook her head.

"Looked just like who Serenity?" Mina pressed

"I mean it's not possible… you said I was just dreaming… He looked just like the Darien from my dreams I told you about just with blonde hair."

Mina's whole body froze. She had to remain calm in front of Serenity.

"Here you go Sere! One hot chocolate coming right up." Serenity smiled at Lita.

"Lita do you mind keeping Serenity company a bit? I just remembered I needed to speak with Artemis about something. I shall return briefly." She smiled slightly.

Mina scurried toward the control room. How could she have been so stupid? Darien was under their noses the whole time. Serenity had even mentioned their resemblance before.

"Raye, Artemis, and Amy I need to speak with you immediately. I think I have made a break through." They all glanced her sharply.

"I have found Darien. Well I am quite sure anyways." She stated slowly.

"What how?" Artemis asked.

"Well, I believe Diamond has captured him. Serenity mentioned to me about this Endymion character looking just like Darien. The only difference is hair is blonde. I think Diamond has erased his memory and is using him against us."

"It would make sense. We have not been able to locate him since his last mission. It is not like him to go rogue… We have considered him being dead, injured, or occupied finding Sere… but this could be a very great possibility. He has been under our noses all this time." Amy stated.

"This sounds a bit farfetched." Artemis stated slowly.

"I don't believe so. Sapphire had the ability to erase Serenity's memory he is more than capable of this." Raye added.

Artemis paused and thought about this. They were right.

"I have also took into consideration that we have disregarded Serenity's dreams too quickly. We are lying to her about Darien but this is very possible that these dreams are memories. IF we can get her to tell us, what she dreamed about it is very possible we can locate where Diamond is hiding."

"I will notify Trista of this information. We will gather tonight and talk to Serenity. IF all this is true, Darien is in danger and Serenity is even more at risk than we can imagine. They will use him to get her back. Although her memory is gone her heart is still conflicted they will use him against us and we must be ready."

Mina and the others nodded.

"You know Serenity, Darien is quite handsome." Lita teased.

"You are absurd." Serenity shot back.

"It is true Sere. I think he likes you. I see the way he is always looking at you." Mina added.

"I wish he would look at me like that. He's so hot!"

"Raye!" Amy giggled.

"What it is true?" Raye added.

"Darien is an arrogant jerk who takes his job to seriously. It would never happen. He is too far up my father's ass to notice me."

"Serenity… you shouldn't say something like that. Endymion is the best at what he does. That does not make him a kiss up. " Amy chided.

"What it's true? I am done talking about Jerk Face. Besides… I am getting hungry. Who wants chocolate pudding?"

"Serenity!" They all giggled.

Serenity sighed. Her reality and dreams had become so intertwined lately she never could figure out what was real and what was not.

"Serenity, Artemis, the others, and I would like to speak to you." Mina broke her from her trance.

"Ok. Lead the way."

When they arrived, she noticed it was only a few people this time and not the whole council. She glanced at each of their faces. They seemed anxious.

"Have a seat Serenity. It is good to see you again." The one named Trista spoke.

"It is good to see you as well. Mina said you wanted to speak with me."

"We want you to tell us more about your dreams." Trista stated.

Serenity furrowed her brow. "Whatever for? We have concluded that they were just meaningless. I am obviously mixing things from my past in my dreams. They shouldn't mean anything right?"

"That's not necessarily true. Some of them could just be dreams. Other could be glimpse of what happened before you lost your memories." Amy stated.

"I guess that could be a possibility."

"Ok… you don't have to tell us everything at once. Anything will help. Start with what you are comfortable with." Raye said gently.

Serenity gave her a grateful smile. "I remember I was captured by NEM agents. I woke up in a horrible cell. In a work camp? All Lunarians were being held there. There were children crying out to me to save them. It was cold, overwhelming, and it smelt of death. The children were so frail. They were dying. That is where I met Sapphire. He told me he was not going to kill me that was not the plan. I was the key to everything."

"Do you remember anything after that?"

"Not really."

"What about before?" Artemis asked.

"Yes…" Serenity felt tears come to her eyes. Diana… how could she possibly tell them of poor small Diana? Diana with her beautiful eyes and spirit. How she died in her arms. It felt so real. Serenity felt her heart break all over again from the poor small child. She choked on a sob.

"She… she. I couldn't save her." She choked out.

"Who Serenity? Who couldn't you save?" Mina asked gently. She hated seeing her Princess look so broken. She rubbed her back gently.

"Diana…" She choked.

Artemis stood. "What? What about Diana, Serenity? What happened to Diana?" He shouted.

"Artemis calm down." Trista reasoned.

"NO! I need to know! Did you see Diana Serenity? Is she sick? Is she hurt?" He was frantic.

Serenity shook her head regrettably. "She's dead…."

Artemis howled in agony. "NO! IT CAN'T BE! NOT MY BABY!"

"I am SO SORRY ARTEMIS. We took care of her. She got so sick. I tried everything to save her!" Serenity cried.

Artemis went ghostly pale. His tears dripping down his face. "I need to be alone."

Mina felt tears in her eyes. She watched Artemis walk away. Chills rain down her spine as she heard Serenity's quiet sobbing. Diana… She knew this was killing her princess. Did this mean Luna was gone too? Artemis' drive had all been for them and Serenity. All the lies… Mina turned around to look at Rei. They both had the same look in their eyes. What had they done?

Serenity found herself alone in her room. She had cried herself out of tears. The look upon Artemis' face broke her heart all over again. It would haunt her the rest of her life. However long that would be. These days she didn't know. She heard a noise startling her out of her trance. She whipped her head around her silver locks flowing around her.

"Whose there?" She demanded to the shadows. She was hearing things…

She waited a few moments before sighing. She needed sleep this day had been draining. Tomorrow she needed to speak to Artemis when things were not so raw… She had to help put his mind at ease. Who was to even say these dreams were real. She could not even tell you who she was now a day.

She was startled when she felt two strong arms wrap around her. Before she could yell for help, a hand came over her mouth.

"Don't scream." She heard his deep voice rumble. She KNEW that voice.
