He stared at the blue USB drive sitting on his desk. How could such a little thing have so much of an effect on him? It had been there for weeks now. Tony hadn't even moved it a single inch since…Since his confrontation with Aunt May.

After escaping from Titan, he wanted nothing more than to retreat to his room, and drink his problems away until he became nothing but a skeleton. Before he could even grab a beer from the fridge, Pepper stopped him. She firmly told him that a certain someone deserved to know about Peter's death. He told her she could do it. However, she struck a nerve in him when she told him he was the one who had to do it. Not her. Not Happy. Him. He reluctantly agreed, but managed to negotiate with her. He would wait until tomorrow so he could at least attempt to get some rest. Key word: attempt. He tried all right, but no luck. How could he when Peter was all he saw and heard? His brain played on repeat his final words. His frantic pleas that he didn't want to leave. His last two words were the worst of all as his Peter lay on the soil of the godforsaken planet of Titan. "I'm sorry." As if it was his fault that Thanos had won. It had never been his fault. No, Tony was to blame. He had failed to protect the world. Most of all, he had failed to protect one of the last people left that he cared about.


He knocked on the apartment door, remembering the first time he had step foot in the building. He had come to recruit the fifteen-year-old YouTube star. For a fight that wasn't his to begin with. He never expected he would get this close with Peter. Life really is unexpected.


His thoughts were interrupted by the door slowly opening, revealing Aunt May. She looked disheveled, as if she hadn't slept in days. Bags were present under her eyes, and it looked like she didn't even bother brushing her hair. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Mr. Stark."

He gestured into the apartment and cleared his throat. "Can I come in?" She nodded, and he walked in, hearing the door close behind him.

She cut right to the chase. "Where's Peter? I've called twenty-seven police stations and they…." She trailed off, noticing the look on his face.

He looked into her worried brown eyes, and tried to ready himself. For the worst two words he has ever had to say in his entire life. "He's dead." It grew quiet. She walked up to him, and slapped him hard across the face.

Tears filled her eyes. "I knew he shouldn't have started hanging around with you." He could feel a bruise forming on his face. She started sobbing, and she sat down on the couch.

He followed. He put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, May. He was a good kid."

"He was better than good." He nodded in agreement. He let her sob for a few minutes. "When his parents died, I signed those papers promising to protect him and love him. I failed."

He shook his head. "If anything, it's my fault May."

She sighed. "You know, he looked up to you. Even before he met you." He raised an eyebrow at this reveal. She sniffled and looked at the TV in the living room. "When he was little, he would watch Iron Man on the TV screen. He wanted to be just like you."

Peter's words from about two years ago rang in his head. "I just wanted to be like you."

She continued. "I may not have always approved of him being with you, but I didn't want to stop it. You were helping him find happiness. For that, I will always be grateful." She sighed again. "I don't particularly want to know, but how did he die?" He figured she would ask that.

"He disintegrated into dust."

Her mouth fell open. "I've seen that on the streets and on the news...how is it even possible?"

He shook his head. "It would take me hours to explain. Let's just say, it's a very powerful being's fault." She seemed satisfied by his answer.

She stood up, and exited the room. When she came back, she placed something in his hand. He looked down at it, and saw it was a blue USB drive. "Watch the video on it. Peter's wishes."

He stuffed it in his pocket. In his other pocket, he pulled out a credit card and held it out to her. "I know this won't bring him back, but take it. Use it for his funeral. There might be extra, but use that too. This is the least I could do."

She gave him a slight smile. She hugged him, taking him aback. "Thank you."

He nodded, and was about to leave when he remembered something. "Get some rest." He then exited the apartment with tears in his eyes and a USB drive in his pocket.


He wanted nothing more than to burn it and never see it again. But he couldn't deny Peter's wishes. The kid meant too much to him. He plugged it into his computer, and scrolled through the files. He had many pictures. He saw pictures of the LEGO Death Star Ned had gotten for his birthday. The kid had been rambling on about it until he had made him shut up about it. He found a video labeled "Germany with Mr. Stark" He had remembered that video, and smiled to himself. He continued to scroll through until he found a video labeled "Dear Mr. Stark" Assuming that was the one, he clicked on it.

Yes, I know that was a cliffhanger. This story will be two chapters so if you're interested, click on follow. I came up with this idea today, and just had to post this. Hope you've enjoyed! The next chapter will be up tomorrow!